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Chapter 514 Lin Baici, also said you didn’t become Xia Hongmian’s little wolfdog

 Chapter 515 Lin Baici, you still said you didn’t become Xia Hongmian’s little wolfdog?

White steam surged in all directions, causing people like Gu Qingqiu and the eldest aunt to cover their faces in a hurry.

The temperature is a bit hot, but not enough to burn someone.

As the wind blew over the gravel beach, it took away the white steam and turned into a giant Xia Hongyao, appearing in everyone's eyes.

"Damn it, there's a monster!"

"Don't attack, it's like one of our own!"

"what's the situation?"

The examiners who didn't know the reason all shouted, their faces frightened and full of panic.

After Xia Hongyao became a giant, he was more than twelve meters tall. Unlike the giant forest, which has no skin layer, giant Xia has it, and some parts, such as the chest, buttocks, and the spine line on the back...

It is covered with some hard cuticles that look like scales.


Long Miaomiao exclaimed, feeling that Sister Hongyao's appearance is super cool.

Fang Mingyuan's gaze couldn't help but fall on Giant Xia's chest.

so big!

And there is no sagging. This is because the scales are wrapped and set off, so it looks very straight.

The only regret is that there are too many scales and only the upper part can be seen.

Of course, it's useless even if you see it. Xia Hongyao himself is wrapped in the giant's body, and the 'flesh' outside is formed by divine power.

"Xiao Linzi!"

Giant Xia spoke, but what came out was a roar. She lowered her head and bent down, stretched out her long arm, grabbed Lin Baici's upper body, pulled him out of the gravel beach, then swung her arm and threw him fifty meters away.

Left and right, the nearest rock pillar.


Lin Baici flew out like a baseball.


Hua Yueyu exclaimed.

This was the first time Xia Hongyao became a giant. He was completely unfamiliar with his own strength and had never practiced it, so he used a lot of force this time.

Lin Baici was obviously going to fly over the rock pillar.

"Why not teleport?"

Ai Xuyue didn't understand.

"Use it, then what?"

Gu Qingqiu asked back, her body was also sinking, but at the slowest speed, because after everyone started to fall, she never moved, calm as if she was not in danger.

"Of course, throw the rope to save us!"

Xu Wei felt that Lin Baici's response this time was very bad.

"With so many people, how long do you think it will take?"

Gu Qingqiu asked back: "With the speed of our sinking, the most optimistic estimate is that we can only save five or six. Do you think your ranking is ahead of the rest of us?"

Xu Wei's face immediately turned pale.


Xu Wei's mouth was trembling and he was speechless.

He thought that after Lin Baici successfully climbed the rock pillar, he would throw the rope and he would be saved. Now if Gu Qingqiu said it, wouldn't he be dead?

I don’t want it!

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Baici flew above the rock pillar, seven meters higher. At this moment, Lin Baici, who swallowed the giant's finger in the air, turned into a giant.


A large amount of white steam overflowed from Lin Baici's body and spread, and then the giant forest flew out and away from the rock pillar.


Seeing Lin Baici's failure, many examiners felt regretful. Of course, some were deeply shocked by Lin Baici's giant state.

How much does this combat power need to be improved?

Just when Xia Hongyao was annoyed that he had missed, Lin Baici stretched his body in the air, and quickly stretched out his right hand like fishing for the moon from the bottom of the sea.


Lin Baici's five fingers grabbed a stone on the rock pillar, just like those rock climbers. He relied purely on the strength of his fingers to offset the inertia, and his whole body began to fall, like a clock pendulum.

It fell down and hit a rock pillar.


Lin Baici hit the rock pillar, and a large number of stone powder puffs fell down.

"Hong Yao, let's start!"

Gu Qingqiu urged.


Xia Hongyao didn’t understand, what to start?

"Catch people and throw them over!"

Gu Qingqiu shouted.

It will definitely be too late to catch people with a rope, but it will be very fast to throw.

"I see!"

Xia Hongyao suddenly understood and started to take action immediately. She was the first to catch Gu Qingqiu and threw him towards Lin Baici.

This time, she didn't use much force.

Lin Baici held the rock pillar with his left hand, stepped on a stone with his left foot, and his right foot naturally drooped. When he saw Gu Qingqiu flying over, he stretched his arms.


Lin Baici picked up Gu Qingqiu and quickly put her on the rock pillar, waiting for the next person.

Xia Hongyao, who has turned into a giant, is tall and has long arms. He can pick up people around him as soon as he bends down. In addition, with the physique of a divine hunter, even if he falls to the ground, he will not fall to death, so there is no need to be too careful.


Hua Yueyu was thrown over and felt the air coming from his face, just like riding a roller coaster.


Lin Baici caught the little fish man and placed her on the stone.

"This tactic works!"

Xu Wei was excited: "Save me first, I am a candidate, you have the obligation to ensure my personal safety!"

After shouting, he looked at Zhang Hao again: "Won't you also become giants? Throw us away! There is strength in numbers!"

Xia Hongyao ignored Xu Wei. After throwing away Hua Yueyu, he chose Fang Mingyuan, Lin Baici's roommate, who wanted to help, then Ai Xuyue, and then Long Miaomiao.

Ai Xuyue was ranked first because she performed well and was recognized by Xia Hongyao.

"Shut your bitch!"

Zhang Hao scolded.

"What should we do?"

The eldest aunt looked at the people around her.

Compared to others who were shocked by Giant Xia, Zhang Hao and Auntie felt more excited and superior because they could also transform into such a powerful giant.

"Don't change, wait!"

Zhang Hao is very worried. This gravel beach is huge. Even if he successfully climbs the rock pillar, what will he do next?

Let Yuan Jifeng and Deng Mingyu give them away one by one?

Moreover, after turning into a giant, Xia Hongyao was still sinking, and Zhang Hao still had to wait to help her, checking for leaks and filling in the gaps.

Giant Xia's movements were very fast, and although her brain was weak, her motor nerves were extremely strong. She got the hang of it after just three throws, and then she was able to accurately throw people to Lin Baici.

When the examiners saw this scene, they all struggled to come over and take a ride.


Lin Baici caught Zhang Hao and placed it on a rock pillar.

"Give way!"

Zhang Hao descended rapidly to reach the bottom of the rock pillar.

"It's my turn! It's my turn!"

Xu Wei shouted, almost crying.

Giant Xia grabbed Xu Wei and threw herself at Lin Baici. Then she turned around and wanted to help others, but at this time, both of her legs had sunk into the gravel beach and could not be pulled out.

"Help me!"

Xu Wei shouted.


Lin Baici caught Xu Wei and placed it on the rock pillar, then released the giant state. He quickly took out a rope from the black alms bowl, tied a box of instant noodles to one end, and threw it towards the giant Xia.

"Catch it with red pill."

Lin Baici shouted.

Teleportation consumes divine power, so of course you should save it if you can.


The box fell to the ground and slowly sank into the gravel beach.

Giant Xia picked it up and then released the giant state.


As the white steam sprayed out, Xia Hongyao's cry came out: "I'm fine!"

Lin Baici immediately used force to drag Xia Hongyao over.

"Lin Shen, help us!"

"Captain Deng, Commander Yuan, please think of a way!"

"Stop moving, the more you move, the faster you will sink!"

Everyone was chirping. As the body sank deeper and deeper, and saw that there were only a few minutes left to live, everyone became anxious, especially when they saw Lin Baici and his party successfully climbed the rock pillar and were temporarily out of danger. They all envied him.

, and regretted it endlessly.

If I had known earlier, I should have gone with Lin Shen!

Commander Yuan and Commander Deng are too selfish.

Lin Baici looked around, trying to find the taboo object that caused this rule pollution.

"Xiao Bai, my raft didn't sink!"

Below, Zhang Hao's shout came.

Lin Baici lowered his head and saw Zhang Hao standing at the bottom of the rock pillar, releasing an orange river raft that could seat four people.

"Can I paddle?"

Xu Wei's eyes lit up.

"It should work!"

Zhang Hao jumped on the raft and tried sliding with the paddle.

No sinking.

"It seems that all water vehicles can be used here!"

Long Miaomiao spat out the melon seed rinds in her mouth and turned to look at Lin Baici: "Brother Lin, you should have a life preserver, right?"

Lin Baici took out a box from the black alms bowl, opened it, and took out a pendant.

The pendant is a sun boat model made of gold, the kind often seen in ancient Egyptian murals, and is as big as a silver dollar.

"Xu Wei, inject divine power into this pendant!"

Lin Baici urged.

"My magical power is definitely not enough, and it will delay your important events!"

Xu Wei took half a step back, not wanting to do it.

Putting aside the side effects of injecting divine power, in this dangerous situation, without divine power, divine grace cannot be released.

When Lin Baici saw Xu Wei dodge, his face darkened, and he stretched out his big hand, grabbed his hair, and pulled him over.

"hurry up!"

If this kid doesn't do it, Lin Baici will throw him into the gravel beach.

Xu Wei noticed Lin Baici's anger and did not dare to talk nonsense. He held the pendant and injected his divine power into it.

When Xu Weijue was about to be squeezed dry, a golden ball of light flew out of the pendant, skyrocketing crazily, and when it landed, it formed a sun ship.

Although it is not very big, it is no problem to accommodate a hundred or so people.

"There's a boat!"

The examiners were excited.

"Brother Lin, you have so many good things!"

Long Miaomiao put the melon seeds into her pocket: "What do you need me to do?"


Lin Baici jumped on the deck. Long Miaomiao was too fat and came up to occupy the space.

Without Lin Baici's instructions, the eldest aunt and Xia Hongyao had already jumped up, waiting for instructions.


Zhang Hao raised his head and looked at Nile No. 3, which was covered with gold foil and painted with gorgeous murals, and then turned to look at his inflatable raft.

Damn it!

Are you really new?

Is your net worth too rich?

Lin Shen!

And you said you didn’t become Xia Hongmian’s little wolfdog? I wouldn’t believe it even to death!


Deng Mingyu said nothing. He squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Baici. He didn't know what he was thinking.

After Xia Hongyao refused his rescue, he rescued two acquaintances and hid on the nearest rock pillar.

Now, Lin Baici once again opened his eyes.

Without Lin Baici rowing the boat himself, Nile No. 3 drove towards the examiners on its own.

Xia Hongyao and the eldest aunt tied one end of the rope Lin Baici took out to the railing and threw the other end towards the people below.

Yuan Jifeng quickly circled around and found nothing unusual. He ran back in a hurry, intending to save people first.

Xia Hongyao must not kill you!

As for the others, they could save a few dozen, but Yuan Jifeng soon saw the sun boat.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

The big dragonfly grabbed Yuan Jifeng and flew over. When he saw the three people on the deck thanking Lin Baici with tears of gratitude, he knew that this was Lin Baici's thing.

My dear,

Does he even have such a vehicle?

Isn't this too arrogant?

"Captain Yuan, save people quickly!"

Summer red medicine urges.

Yuan Jifeng's response was also good. He first picked out those that were far away from the ship and were about to sink.

Everyone got on the boat and immediately helped. As the number of people increased, the rescue efficiency also improved rapidly.

Soon, the deck was filled with people, crowded.

In the end, except for the three unlucky ones, all the others were rescued.

"Lin Shen, your boat looks very old. It carries so many people, won't it sink?"

Deng Mingyu was worried.

Lin Baici said nothing and looked up at the dome.

It's a pity that this is deep in the cave. If it were outside, he wouldn't worry.

Because as long as the sun shines on the deck, no matter how strong the river tide is, the ship will never capsize and sink.

Being ignored by Lin Baici made Deng Mingyu a little embarrassed and a little annoyed.

Liu Langqing, who had a brief chat with Zhang Hao, walked up to Lin Baici and asked in a low voice: "I want to buy one of those giant fingers!"

In fact, this kind of topic should be discussed in private, but now there are dangers everywhere, and Liu Langqing can't wait any longer. One more sacred object that can turn him into a giant, and his life will be more protected.

When Deng Mingyu heard this, his eyes lit up and he looked at Lin Baici with burning eyes: "Lin Shen, I also want to buy one. You decide the price. I guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

Yuan Jifeng kept his identity to himself and was too embarrassed to speak.

"Sorry, not selling!"

Lin Baici refused.

"It's just a waste of resources for you to keep it. Why don't you sell it to us? If we all work together, we can contain the divine skeleton as soon as possible!"

Deng Mingyu persuaded.

Lin Baici waved his hand and walked towards the bow of the ship.


Deng Mingyu spat. Ever since he became a half-step dragon, he had not been treated so slowly for a long, long time.

Everyone goes forward in a solar boat, which saves effort and is safe.

"Do you think Xie Yangchun drowned?"

Xia Hongyao looked around. That kid was one step ahead. He didn't know if he could escape.

"Don't come here, it's dangerous here!"

There was a shout, but it was blown away by the wind in an instant.

"It's Xie Yangchun!"

Zhang Hao's expression perked up.

Three minutes later, everyone saw Xie Yangchun. He was sitting on the top of a rock pillar, shouting every ten seconds.

When he saw the solar boat, he was dumbfounded.

"Lin Shen, I'm convinced!"

Xie Yangchun handed over.

The solar boat drove for more than 20 minutes and finally docked.

A group of people disembarked from the boat.

The ground was black soil with a slightly muddy feel, like the kind that had just drizzled.

Everyone moved on.

After walking for about half an hour, clay figures began to appear in front of them. The big ones were tens of meters high, and the small ones were more than ten centimeters high. They looked like a chess set standing on Qipan Mountain.

These clay figurines have lifelike faces, emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, and the carvings are so lifelike.

"Would you like to stop for a moment?"

Xie Yangchun suggested that there was something wrong with this place.


This chapter has been completed!
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