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Chapter 517 Invincible!

 The clay figures in this dark land are like dumplings in a boiling pot, boiling constantly.

The clay men chased and roared, and their voices gathered together and spread so far that it seemed that even their souls could be shattered.

When the clay figurines in the distance heard these shouts, they also pulled their feet out of the muddy, fertile black soil and began to run towards this side.

"Xie Yangchun, Zhang Hao, hurry up, rush, rush, rush!"

Yuan Jifeng urged.

Without him shouting, Xie Yangchun and Zhang Hao glanced around and knew that they must not slow down, otherwise once they were surrounded by monsters, they would not be able to escape and would end up dying of exhaustion.

Fortunately, these two are considered elites in the Kyushu Security Bureau. They have powerful offensive power and are unstoppable all the way.

The clay figures who rushed in front of them, no matter how big or small, were like a mantis using its arms as a cart, and were smashed to pieces.

After escaping for two kilometers, if you look down from a high altitude, you can see that behind this team, there are densely packed clay figures, like a herd of migrating wild horses.

On the left wing, Xia Hongyao defended very steadily, and no fish slipped through the net. However, on the right wing, Deng Mingyu was obviously lazy and had no subordinates to assist in the defense, so occasionally one or two clay figures would break through the Xijing regiment's front and enter the team.

Although it will not cause casualties, it will inevitably cause panic.

Of course, it is also possible that Deng Mingyu deliberately wanted these people to be frightened by the clay figures at close range, so that they would take the initiative to run for their lives without anyone urging them to run.

Lin Baici's sleigh is still very eye-catching in the middle of the team.


On the ground, like a volcano erupting, a large earth bag quickly rose up, then burst, and a one-foot-tall clay man rose into the sky and sprayed towards the sleigh.


The clay figure yelled and reached out to grab Gu Qingqiu.


Hua Yueyu held the kitchen knife named Bloody Hand and stared at the clay figurine, calculating the distance in his mind and preparing to stab it.

From the small backpack on her back, a doll crawled out, looking around with its head exposed.

Gu Qingqiu drew his sword and slashed at the clay figure.


The clay figure grabbed the blade, like Tarzan. With a sway of his arm and body, he rose into the air and flew towards Gu Qingqiu's cheek.

Gu Qingqiu still didn't panic, he clenched his fist and punched out, but Lin Baici was faster.


A shadow of a bronze sword flashed past, and the clay figure was cut in half vertically from head to toe. Before it hit the ground, Lin Baici struck him down with the blade of his sword.

Bang! Bang!

The clay figure that fell into the black soil squirmed, and each half grew into a complete clay figure. Then it got up and continued to chase.

"Bai Ci, go and clear the way!"

After Yuan Jifeng finished speaking, he felt uneasy. As a half-step dragon, he had a deterrent effect on others, but obviously he had no power against Lin Baici.

Whether people listen to orders or not depends entirely on their mood.

Xie Yangchun and Zhang Hao are not tired, but they cannot continue like this forever. Rotation is the best way to ensure the team's combat effectiveness.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Baici shouted, and the people in front immediately gave way.


Lin Baici shook the reins, the sled accelerated, and rushed out.

The reindeer's big hooves stepped on the ground, splashing mud.

"Lin Shen, you have so many good things!"

Xie Yangchun joked, with a hint of envy in his words.

He has been a hunter of gods much longer than Lin Baici, but his net worth is much poorer than Lin Baici's.

Lin Baici rushed to the front, standing firm on his horse, holding a bronze sword in his left hand and a pipe wrench in his right hand, and then yelled at the clay men who were killing him in front.


The clay men didn't know whether they understood the ridicule or whether the target of the reindeer sled was too big. Anyway, they all rushed over, kicked off their legs, and flew towards Lin Baici.

"You guys squat down!"

After Lin Baici finished shouting, he used his left sword and right pliers and started killing.


The bronze sword cut off half of a clay figurine's head, and then backhand slashed into its left shoulder and out of its ribs. The pipe wrench hit a clay figurine's head hard, smashing it to pieces.


The clay figurine corpses fell to the ground, knocking over many more clay figurines.

People all over the place fell on their backs.

Hua Yueyu squatted down, but Gu Qingqiu did not. She was guarding the left rear with a samurai sword, looking excited.

It's a pity that clay figures can't bleed, otherwise this picture would be so beautiful!

Bang bang bang!

A clay giant more than ten meters tall ran over quickly.

Many people were nervous. They saw the mud giant rushing five meters away from the sleigh and already raising its feet to step on it. However, its supporting legs suddenly broke neatly at the ankle.

The mud giant fell to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was stunned. They couldn't see the invisible Hong Oniwan, and thought it was Lin Baiqi who did it.

Wherever the sleigh passed by, corpses of clay figures were strewn across the field.

Everyone originally thought that those giant clay figures would be a big threat, but who knew that every time they rushed close and launched an attack, their ankles would be cut off, rendering them unable to even pose a threat.

The only trouble is that when he falls in the wrong position, he will hit the sled. However, Lin Baici's strength is too great. If he throws out a pipe wrench, he will be knocked away by the body of the mud giant.

Lin Baici led the charge. Although he controlled the speed, the sleigh was still very fast, which caused the team to become longer. People like Fang Mingyuan gradually fell behind the team.

The end of the team is also the weakest defensive point, because the capable people are all in the front.

"Captain Deng, it's your turn!"

Lin Baici shouted, speed up and drive forward.

Deng Mingyu frowned. If it were another newcomer from the security bureau who ordered him like this, he would have scolded him so much, but Lin Baici...

Forget it, bear with it for a while.

Lin Baici's performance made Deng Mingyu regard him as someone qualified to talk to him, so at this critical moment, he did not want to stalemate the relationship.

What if I have to rely on him?

Lin Baici rushed forward for more than thirty meters, asked the reindeer to turn around, and came back from the left. When he passed by Xia Hongyao, he said hello.

"Red pill!"

The high ponytail and long legs spread out, and in a few large steps he reached the sleigh and jumped on.

Hua Yueyu shrank into a corner, trying to make room for others.

"I'll drive!"

Gu Qingqiu put away the knife and sat in the middle.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao, one on the left and one on the right, were much less stressed and more at ease because they were only responsible for one direction.

The clay figures rushed over and were chopped down before they could jump onto the sled.

Lin Baici originally planned to try Fusheng Yeyu and Wild Buddha blowing the lamp to see if they could cause damage to these clay figures, but now there is no need to do so. Although it is slower to kill monsters, the knife can penetrate flesh and feel very good.

The sled car came to the end of the team and made such a big noise, which naturally attracted the attention of most of the clay figures, and they began to chase the sled car.

"Old Bai!"

Fang Mingyuan was almost scared to tears. Now when he saw the group of clay figures who were chasing behind him being taken away by Lin Baici, he cried with joy.

When I get back to school, I’m going to treat you, and I have to stay drunk until you come back.

"Lin Shen, there is something ahead!"

Xie Yangchun shouted: "What should we do? Do we want to go around?"

Right in front, stands a towering stone statue of a goddess.

This chapter has been completed!
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