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Chapter 520 Lin Shen, you are the hope of the whole village!

 Everyone was in shock, Lin Baici's actions frightened everyone.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing?"

Hua Yueyu was so frightened that all the hair on his body stood up, and he reached out to pull him.

"Fuck, don't get up!"

"You're crazy!"

The eldest aunt and Zhang Hao said in unison, and when Lin Baici ran past, they subconsciously reached out to pull him to his knees.

Yuan Jifeng was slapped to death by the goddess's stone statue because he was not respectful enough. What can you do?

Gu Qingqiu did not stop Lin Baici, and immediately looked into the eyes of the goddess's stone statue. The monster did not pay attention to Lin Baici, but looked into the distance, seeming to be remembering the past.

Xie Yangchun was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Baici to work so hard for his friends and be willing to risk his life.

"I come!"

Lin Baici took over from Long Miaomiao and performed cardiac resuscitation on Fang Mingyuan.

The little chubby girl's movements are irregular.

"He shouldn't die, right?"

The little chubby girl knelt beside her and looked at Lin Baici.

Following Brother Lin, I feel so safe!

"What's the origin of that kid? Why did Lin Shen help him so much?"

"Don't you know Lin Shen is a freshman this year? They are roommates!"

"What the hell, freshman? I know Lin Shen is young, but is this young guy going too far?"

The examiners murmured.

No matter what, Lin Baici has greatly improved his favorability this time. From now on, everyone in the Security Bureau will know that he is a loyal person.

At this moment, even Deng Mingyu wanted to make friends with Lin Baici.

Not to mention this time, Lin Baici's move of giving up the taboo object to Gu Qingqiu just now was seen by many people. Who wouldn't want such a companion?

Lin Baici pressed the button for more than two minutes. Fang Mingyuan suddenly coughed violently and woke up from a coma.

Ahem! Ahem!

There was some black mud spurting out of the mouth and nose.

Fang Mingyuan looked uncomfortable, looked around in confusion, and then began to feel lucky.

"I...I'm not dead yet?"

Fang Mingyuan grabbed Lin Baici's hand very hard, as if if he let go, he would be taken away by Black and White Wuchang and sent to the underworld.

"Don't be discouraged, it's still early to die!"

Lin Bai handed Fang Mingyuan a bottle of water, took one himself, drank two gulps, and rinsed his mouth: "Fortunately, I didn't have my first kiss before, otherwise I would have suffered a big loss today. When I go back, you must treat me!"


Although artificial respiration is performed to save people, it would be better if the person being rescued was a girl.

“I’ll definitely invite you to a feast!”

Fang Mingyuan was so moved that he burst into tears: "It's a pity that I am an only child and have no sisters. Otherwise, I will definitely introduce him to you, and you won't have to pay a dime as a bride price!"


Hua Yueyu thinks this guy is seriously ill. Do you know how many women are waiting in line to marry Lin Baici? How dare you ask for a bride price?

If Xiaobai is willing to marry me, I don’t want any gifts, and I can even contribute 20 million. After getting married, I will cover all the laundry, cooking and making money to support the family.

And all the money earned from live streaming every month will be handed over to Xiaobai.

"By the way, I have an aunt who is not married yet. She is a six out of ten for her looks. She is not pretty, but she has a great figure!"

Fang Mingyuan crawled back from the edge of death, his emotions were fluctuating violently, and his words were inevitably incoherent.

"What the hell are you introducing to an unmarried woman?"

Xie Yangchun made a joke: "Can you understand O's wife just by looking at her?"

Except for Zhang Hao who smiled to save face, no one else could laugh at all, because the crisis had not been resolved yet and no one had the time to listen to the joke.

"Attention, it lowers its head!"

Gu Qingqiu suddenly spoke, and everyone's hearts suddenly jumped up again, as if being grasped by a giant's big hand.

"Don't look up at it!"

Xie Yangchun warned in a low voice.

He worried too much, no one dared.

At this time, even if they are destined to be contaminated, everyone wants to stay as far back as possible and let others encounter it first, so that they have the opportunity to observe, sum up experience, and find solutions.

[Let’s go, let’s go, offer your sacrifices quickly, otherwise you will be cursed and turned into a clay figure, staying here forever.]

God urged.


Lin Baici looked around and frowned: "It can't be a human life, right?"

Except for the black mud and clay figurines all over the place, this place is completely barren, and there are no valuable items as sacrifices at all.

"It can't be dug from the ground, right?"

Lin Baici stretched out his hand and dug into the mud. Just now, the black mud surged out. Although it faded away, there was still more than half a foot high on the ground, like a tidal flat after the sea water receded.

"Alumni, that examiner has turned into a clay figure!"

Gu Qingqiu was very courageous. He peeked at the stone statue of the goddess and found that she was staring at a male examiner with short hair.

The examiner lowered his head and did not look at it.

After about a minute, the male examiner's skin turned earthy and his limbs began to stiffen. When he realized something was wrong and wanted to call for help, it was already too late.

His mouth felt like lead, he couldn't open it or make a sound.

Gu Qingqiu's words shocked everyone and they immediately looked over.

"Xiao Zhao?"

Xie Yangchun called people.

Xiao Zhao was kneeling there motionless, his skin visibly losing its luster and turning into mud. Even the wind blew and mud powder fell down.

"What does this stone statue want to do?"

The aunt's scalp is numb.

"It should want a sacrifice!"

Lin Baici explained: "The person targeted by it must immediately offer a sacrifice that satisfies it, otherwise it will turn into a clay figure!"

"What sacrifice?"

An Yixian asked.

Lin Baici spread his hands.

Everyone pondered, following this line of thought, thinking with all their brains.

"Lin Shen, think of a solution quickly?"

An examiner named Zhou Chao, who was in his thirties, shouted at Lin Baici that this time, he was being targeted.

The eyes of the goddess's stone statue are cold and contemptuous, with an aura of a king in which everything except me is an ant.

"Hurry up and find some sacrifices to offer!"

Zhang Hao urged.

"Where are the sacrifices in this place?"

Zhou Chao was sweating profusely, and suddenly he had an idea and raised the long knife in his hand.

"I dedicate it to you!"

After Zhou Chao finished speaking, he kowtowed.

The goddess stone statue was obviously dissatisfied, because Zhou Chao's body began to turn into clay.

He was anxious, but it was no use. In less than a minute, he turned into a clay sculpture, with a lifelike expression of fear and panic on his face.

The stone statue of the goddess turned its head, and the people who glanced at it were almost frightened by it and prayed that it would not look at them.

But there are always unlucky ones.

This time, the goddess statue was looking at Lin Baici.

"Depend on!"

Xia Hongyao cursed and was thinking about what to do, but Hua Yueyu stood up without hesitation, threw herself in front of Lin Baici, and knelt down.

"Goddess above, please accept my worship!"

Hua Yueyu shouted to attract the attention of the stone statue.

"what are you doing?"

Liu Langqing looked confused: "Don't cause trouble, what if I kill Lin Shen?"


The eldest aunt was shocked. This girl clearly wanted to attract the attention of the goddess statue and die for Lin Bai.

Gu Qingqiu didn't expect Hua Yueyu to like Lin Baici so much.

Should I say she is a dog licker, or is she infatuated?

Lin Baici didn't expect Hua Yueyu to make such a move, which made him stunned. After knowing that two people were already dead in front of him, this action of the little fish man would most likely turn her into a clay figure.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Baici stretched out his hand and moved Hua Yueyu to the side.

Although his actions were rough, Lin Baici was still very moved in his heart, and at the same time he was a little confused. What would happen to their relationship if they got out alive this time?

People are willing to die for you.

Lin Baici raised his head and met the gaze of the stone statue of the goddess. Just when he was about to ask, what sacrifice do you want, the monster turned his head.

It stared at a male examiner.

"What the hell?"

Xie Yangchun looked at Lin Baici with shock on his face, confused as to why this monster let him go?

Is it because he is handsome?

"What does this mean?"

Zhang Hao was dumbfounded, and then he tried his best to recall what Lin Baici did after entering this place. Could it be that some of his performances made the goddess's stone statue favor him greatly?


Xia Hongyao breathed a sigh of relief. Let me just say, Xiao Linzi has always had good luck.

Gu Qingqiu did not attribute this to luck. She always felt that Lin Baici had a big secret.


Long Miaomiao was stunned, her mouth grew into an O shape and could fit a large sausage.

Isn’t it, Brother Lin?

Your charm can actually capture even monsters?

Deng Mingyu narrowed his eyes and felt that the key to getting out alive this time was Lin Baici.

"Why are you looking at me?"

The male examiner was about to cry but was extremely angry. Wasn't it Lin Bai's turn to resign?

"Give it a sacrifice quickly!"

Gu Qingqiu urged.


The male examiner really had nothing to give, so he suddenly had an idea and shouted: "I will offer myself as a sacrifice to you!"

Find a way to survive first and then talk about it.

The scene was quiet. Everyone looked at the male examiner and waited for the results.

One second!

Ten seconds!

The stone statue of the goddess still looked at the male examiner, but he was not transformed into clay.

"It seems useful?"

The eldest aunt was happy, but as soon as she finished speaking, a big hand shot down from the sky like a comet falling.

Target male examiner.


Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they hid in a hurry.

The male examiner was desperate and helpless. He rushed towards Deng Mingyu and made a final struggle.

Although Yuan Jifeng, who was also at the Half-Step Dragon level, was slapped to death by this kind of slap, what if Deng Mingyu could resist it?

"Fuck you!"

Deng Mingyu cursed and immediately sped away.

He would not stand up to a powerful and terrifying monster for a colleague.


His big hand swatted, like swatting mosquitoes, and the male examiner was smashed into pieces, not even a big piece of meat was left.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Mud particles splashed like a rainstorm.

"The sacrifice should be a clay figurine!"

Gu Qingqiu thought of the clay figures with various shapes in front of the goddess's stone statue: "Stop kneeling, it's useless, hurry up and squeeze the clay figures!"

【Your little cake is so amazing!】

The god sighed.

[I’m getting more and more reluctant to eat her, so why not train her into a hunting dog? You can play with her in your spare time, and you can also take her hunting, killing two birds with one stone.]

"Quickly squeeze the clay figurine!"

Lin Baici shouted.

Nagami's comment means that Gu Qingqiu's reasoning is correct.

Don't worry about whether it's useful or not, just pinch it and talk about it later.

Lin Baici grabbed a handful of clay, kneaded it into a ball, and then frowned. It took too long to make a clay figure.

And there is another question, what shape should I use?

Is it pinching yourself? Or anything?

"Lin Shen!"

Liu Langqing's voice was trembling as she shouted for help. She was being targeted by the stone statue of the goddess.

"Tell it you will sacrifice a clay figure!"

Lin Baici tried hard to think of a solution: "Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

"By the gods, I will offer a clay figure as a sacrifice!"

Liu Langqing kowtowed, then quickly made the clay figurine.

Three minutes passed and Liu Langqing was not cursed into a clay sculpture, which made everyone feel relieved.

I found the answer, I made a clay figurine as a sacrifice.

Ten minutes passed quietly like a thief.

Liu Langqing's clay figurine hasn't been finished yet, but the stone statue of the goddess is already waiting impatiently.

"Where is your sacrifice?"

When the stone statue spoke, its voice was rough, like a stone touching a grinding wheel, causing pain to one's eardrums.

"Here! Here!"

Liu Langqing presented the clay figurine she made.

To be honest, it's very rough.

The goddess stone statue took one look at it and took a photo with her big hand.

"Are you kidding me?"

Even though it has a stone face, everyone still sees anger from it.


Liu Langqing was beaten to death amid splashing mud, and no bones were left.

"Stop being in a daze and quickly make a clay figurine!"

Xie Yangchun urged.

The goddess stone statue looked around and her eyes fell on Zhang Hao's face.


Zhang Hao did not give up and tried his best to shape the clay figurine. At the same time, he did not forget to ask for help: "Lin Shen, you are the hope of the whole village!"

Lin Baici had already smoothed the black mud on the ground in front of him. He wanted to make a clay figure for himself first. Seeing this, he activated Soul Sketch, used the mud as a drawing board, and sketched out the chapter by three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions.

Good sketch.

Exactly the same.

Then, Lin Baici activated the reversed two-dimensional dimension and lightly tapped the sketch on the ground.


Divine power was injected into the sketch, and as Lin Baici raised his hand, a lifelike clay figurine of Zhang Hao rose from the ground.

More than a foot long, it is lifelike.


Long Miaomiao exclaimed, "Isn't this too similar?"

"Hello Zhang!"

Lin Baici threw the clay figurine over.

Through this divine grace, he can summon the drawn things from the two-dimensional world to the three-dimensional world.


Zhang Hao caught the clay figurine and felt a sense of happiness from hell to heaven in one step. She quickly kowtowed and offered the clay figurine as a sacrifice.

The goddess stone statue nodded, satisfied, and turned to look at the next examiner.


Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief: "God Lin, from today on, you are my god. Whoever dares to disrespect you, I will kill his whole family!"

"Lin Shen, can you help me?"

An examiner asked for help.

"Don't be stunned. Keep making the clay figurine. If it doesn't work anymore, ask Lin Shen for help."

Xie Yangchun scolded.

Such a powerful divine favor must consume a lot of divine power, and Lin Baici may not be able to persist.

Many people have thought of this, so they are envious of people like Fang Mingyuan and Hua Yueyu. They are obviously candidates and losers. They should have died long ago, but they can live happily just because they know Lin Baici.

A rule pollution incident will be easier to deal with if you know the key points.

There are a few people who can make pretty impressive clay figures without Lin Baici's help.

Among them, Long Miaomiao’s is the most beautiful.

"I really like candy people. Not to mention the twelve zodiac signs, I can create a zoo!"

The little fat girl put her hands on her hips and was extremely proud.

This chapter has been completed!
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