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Chapter 524 The big one is coming!

 Bang! Bang! Boom!

The rocks that burst out from the depths of the mire like volcanoes would explode from time to time after being scattered everywhere.

The small one is like a fart, splashing a mud flower, while the big one is like a cannonball, and the scary thing is that even a piece the size of a fingernail can explode with huge power.

The people who were looking for rocks in the quagmire had their whole scalps numb, their whole bodies felt cold, and even the timid ones were trembling non-stop.

How is this different from being in a minefield?

Those rocks will explode if not touched.

"Xiao Linzi, are you sure that the way to clear the level is to find gravel and fill in the defects on the stone slab?"

An Yixian didn't want to appear too cowardly, but her voice was trembling and she couldn't control it at all.

If he died directly, that would be fine, but this situation is too torturous.

Everyone looked at Lin Baici, hoping he would give another answer.


Lin Baici took a deep breath and stopped searching rashly.

He is not a lucky man, so if he walks too much, he will be injured.

"Do you think there are any other ways to find rocks?"

Chapter is good to think about.

"There should be, right?"

Xia Hongyao crossed his arms, widened his eyes, and looked around, trying to find clues.

very good,

Now is my chance to show off, the great detective Sherlock Holmes.

Everyone did not move, waiting, but the rocks should be exploded anyway.


Thirty meters away on the right, it was like a broadsword mine exploded. Two men were overturned by the shock wave and fell into the mud with their heads covered in blood.

Everyone was afraid of causing an explosion, so no one went to rescue.

The screams rang out, making the atmosphere even more panicked.

"How about going out first?"

Ai Xuyue muttered softly, waiting to see what Lin Baici would do, but some people had already started to leave.

They planned to wait for others to find the trick before coming down. Even if they didn't, they would let others move around more and cause more rocks to explode. Then they would be much safer when they came down later.

"Lin Shen, let's go up!"

Xie Yangchun also thought of this and immediately called Lin Baici.

Lin Bai resigned and did not move.

While Gu Qingqiu was deep in thought, his eyes fell on the sacrificial clay figurines. They were like goldfish, burrowing back and forth in the mud and having fun.

Can we find some solutions from them?

"Brother Lin!"

Long Miaomiao held her sacrificial clay figurine and walked to Lin Baici. She blinked and looked at him pitifully: "My clay figurine is hungry, can you give it something to eat?"


An Yixian was speechless. I take it this is what you want to eat?

"Miaomiao, don't make trouble!"

Fang Mingyuan quickly advised him that Lin Baici had a good temper, but that was not necessarily the case for other people. The little fat girl's behavior would be annoying.

"But I'm hungry, no, it's my little clay figurine who's hungry!"

Long Miaomiao pouted, feeling aggrieved and even about to shed tears.


The little fat girl's stomach is really growling.

"do not Cry!"

Lin Baici took out a bag of melon seeds, a box of cakes and a bag of potato chips from the black alms bowl, and handed them to Long Miaomiao.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!"

The little fat girl took the snack and bowed quickly.

"Water or drink?"

Lin Baici smiled. Long Miaomiao was chubby and had a round face. She was not beautiful, but very cute.


After the little chubby girl finished speaking, she still couldn't hold it back. She lowered her head and muttered: "I want a drink!"

Lin Bai resignedly handed over a bottle of happy water.

Long Miaomiao smiled happily, couldn't wait to unscrew the lid, took two sips, and then let out a sigh of relief.

So cool!

It would be even better if it was iced!


Long Miaomiao tore open the bag of potato chips, and the smell of barbecue immediately hit her nostrils.


The little chubby girl came to the mouth of the bag and took a deep breath. Her hands and face were stained with mud and dirty, but she didn't care. She picked up a piece and was about to stuff it into her mouth, but when she saw Fang Mingyuan

He was looking at himself with helplessness and sigh.


Long Miaomiao was a little embarrassed. She rolled her eyes and immediately handed the potato chips to the sacrificial clay figurine sitting on her shoulder: "Aren't you hungry? Eat quickly!"

The sacrificial clay figurine looked at the potato chips and cautiously came up to sniff them. It seemed that they tasted good, so he bit on them.


"Damn it, did you really eat it?"

Long Miaomiao is numb, can I just take a bag?

The sacrificial clay figurine opened its small mouth, clicked, clicked, and finished a piece of potato chips. Then it rushed to the bag, obviously it was still unfinished and wanted to eat.

"Don't! Don't!"

Long Miaomiao stopped him, but it was too late. The sacrificial clay figurine had already gotten in and began to gnaw at it.

"It's over. It's all mud. How can I eat it?"

Long Miaomiao wanted to cry. She wanted to grab the bag and throw it to the ground to kill this little monster who was stealing her snacks.

When Gu Qingqiu saw this scene, he had an idea and joked to Long Miaomiao: "Can you ask this little clay figurine to help you find the slate?"


Long Miaomiao was stunned and looked at Gu Qingqiu blankly.

This big sister is so quick in thinking!

Feeling a bit scary!

“You can try it!”

As Gu Qingqiu said this, he called out the clay figurine that was being sacrificed.

"Little Trick or Treat, you ate my potato chips, can you help me find rocks?"

Long Miaomiao showed the stone slab to the sacrificial clay figurine: "It is the stone that can be placed in these grooves!"

The sacrificial clay figurine looked up and continued to get into the bag to eat potato chips.

"Damn, foodie!"

Long Miaomiao wanted to tell Gu Qingqiu that it was useless, but before she could speak, the sacrificial clay figurine jumped out of the bag, fell into the black mud, and then plunged into it and disappeared.

Gu Qingqiu's brows suddenly raised.

There's drama!

Lin Baici also saw it and quickly called back his sacrificial clay figurine.

Long Miaomiao didn't wait long, only three minutes. The fat sacrificial clay figurine that Lin Baici made for the little fat girl suddenly emerged from the mire, holding a stone in both hands and raising it above his head.

Xiao ran and rushed over.

"Is it really okay?"

Hua Yueyu was shocked.


Long Miaomiao was stunned and quickly took the stone from the clay figurine. After feeding it a piece of bread, she searched on the stone slab.

Quickly, he found a suitable position and pressed it with his thumb.


The stone went in and it fit perfectly.

"Brother Lin, look!"

Long Miaomiao was very happy and offered her treasure to Lin Bai.

When people nearby saw this scene, they rushed over.

"There is no perfect path for man!"

Xie Yangchun looked excited. He didn't expect this little chubby girl to be so lucky. She was obviously greedy, but she accidentally found the key to passing the level.

"Lin Shen, can you give me some potato chips?"

Someone immediately began to plead.

"Xiaobai, do you have a lot of potato chips?"

Zhang Hao was worried that Lin Baici didn't have enough reserves.

"Other food should be okay, right?"

The eldest aunt was relieved: "How about we go out and wait?"

Hua Yueyu looked at Long Miaomiao and was very envious. It would be great if she discovered it by herself. This would definitely make Xiaobai look at her highly.

“Come get the chips!”

Lin Baici distributed potato chips to everyone.

Everyone was pushing and shoving.

"Don't worry, I have plenty!"

Lin Baici frowned.

"It's good to have space gods and taboos!"

Zhang is so envious.


Deng Mingyu was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

I had a conflict with Lin Baici just now. If I ask for snacks now, they will definitely not give them to me, but don't...

will die!

Gu Qingqiu was not in a hurry to get the snacks, but looked at the little fat girl with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Little Loach, here you go!"

Xia Hongyao took several snacks and handed them to Gu Qingqiu.


The great detective Xia is not successful at the beginning!

But there was no way, sometimes cases were like this, they were solved by mistake, and even with Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu's IQs, neither Lin Baici nor Gu Qingqiu could figure it out.

Then you are just like them, so you don't have to lose.

The eldest aunt held the potato chips and anxiously fed the sacrificial clay figurine. When she saw it eating, she got excited and said, "Eat it, eat it!"

"Little darling, can you help me find rocks? Just the ones that can be placed on the stone slab?"

"Be good, I found it, I'll give you something delicious!"

The sacrificial clay figurine has eaten potato chips and gone to find stones.

"Mine went too!"

Zhang Hao was very excited and clasped his fists towards Lin Baici.

"Lin Shen!"

Deng Mingyu came over and said with a smile: "You don't remember the faults of villains. Can you give me a few bags of potato chips?"

"I, Deng Mingyu, have remembered this favor!"

Deng Mingyu handed over his hand.

"What if I don't give it?"

Lin Baici laughed.

Deng Mingyu's face froze, but he had to lower his head under the eaves: "Actually, with my strength, I can definitely steal other people's potato chips."

"If I can't survive, I can still cause trouble. You may be fine, but these companions around you..."

Deng Mingyu stopped as soon as he clicked, knowing that Lin Baici understood.

"Are you threatening me?"

Lin Baici narrowed his eyes.

"Deng Mingyu, I didn't expect you to be so shameless!"

Xia Hongyao was furious and rolled up his sleeves, preparing to kill this guy first.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Deng Mingyu was so aggrieved that he wanted to die, but he had no choice but to endure it first.

"go away!"

Lin Baici snorted: "If you want to cause trouble, just come. Do you think I will be afraid?"

Deng Mingyu frowned because he sensed Lin Baici's fighting spirit.

This kid,

He is not someone who can be frightened by harsh words.

"Why don't you eat mine?"

Xie Yangchun saw that no matter how he tried to seduce him, his sacrificial clay figurine had no interest in potato chips.

He was anxious.

Is it possible that I can't use this tactic?

That would be tragic!

Xie Yangchun took a look and saw that his potato chips were different from Zhang Hao's. One had a cucumber flavor and the other had a barbecue flavor.

"Hello Zhang, lend me some of your potato chips!"

Xie Yangchun begged, maybe it tastes wrong!

When Deng Mingyu heard this, he immediately looked over.

Zhang Hao grabbed a handful of potato chips and sent them over.

Xie Yangchun tried his best to feed it, but the sacrificial clay figurine refused to eat, which made his heart feel as cold as a chrysanthemum!


"What's going on? I don't want to eat mine either!"

“Do the potato chips taste wrong?”

"No, I tried!"

"Can I change it to other snacks?"

Some examiners found that their sacrificial clay figures did not eat potato chips, which made them irritable. Especially when they saw other people's clay figures starting to look for stones, they became even more panicked and gathered around Lin Baici.

"Lin Shen, can you give me some other snacks?"

"Can I have some drinks?"

"Please give me a few more and try them all!"

Everyone begged.

Lin Baici took a quick look and found that in his small team, except for Fang Mingyuan, all the sacrificial clay figures had eaten potato chips and went to look for rocks.


Lin Baici was speechless. What kind of luck did his roommate have?

"I didn't eat mine either!"

An Yixian was anxious, she was also unlucky.

"Don't worry!"

After Lin Baici distributed some snacks to everyone, he quickly fed the sacrificial clay figurines with potato chips.

"You must eat it!"

Hua Yueyu clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly.

"should be no problem!"

Gu Qingqiu felt that Lin Baici's luck had always been very good and he would not fall into this kind of thing.

Sure enough, the clay figure ate the potato chips.


The little fishman breathed a sigh of relief.

Deng Mingyu walked away quietly, then suddenly reached out and grabbed a bag of potato chips from an examiner's hand.

The other party just looked over and was punched in the face.


I can't deal with Lin Baici, so I can't deal with you?

The unlucky man dared not say anything in anger, but soon he became happy because Deng Mingyu's clay figurine did not eat potato chips.

"You deserve it, tui!"

The unfortunate guy spat hard.

"Half each!"

Gu Qingqiu roughly counted and found that half of the clay figures did not eat potato chips.

"Lao Bai, I... what should I do?"

Fang Mingyuan was at a loss.

Why is it me?

"Lin Shen, can you think of a way?"

"What other snacks do you have? Bring them out for us to try?"

"Is fruit okay?"

The examiners are all begging.

"You can try your meat!"

Lin Baici suggested.

Gu Qingqiu glanced at Lin Baici, and she actually thought of this.


An Yixian was startled.

"You mean, we cut the meat and feed it to the clay figures?"

Xie Yangchun thought about it and recalled the ferocious appearance of the clay figurine eating a fetus just now. The method Lin Baici mentioned seemed to have a high chance of success.

It’s just that the cutting of the flesh is too harsh!

Is it okay to feed clay figures other people’s meat?

Of course, this kind of topic is too cruel. Xie Yangchun wants to save face and is embarrassed to bring it up.

Others also looked thoughtful.

[Snacks are useless, only the meat on their bodies will arouse the interest of those clay figures. 】

Nagami’s comment: [It’s useless to eat other people’s flesh!]

"Try it yourselves!"

When Lin Baici heard this, he did not warn him, because he knew that someone would definitely experiment. Who would harm themselves unless forced to do so?


The mud pillar volcano is still erupting, bringing out a large amount of rocks, and these rocks explode frequently.

People like Lin Baici wanted to stay in a place with few rocks to avoid being bombed, but the frequency of mud pillar volcano eruptions was increasing, and they would erupt wherever they went.

"How about we go ashore?"

Ai Xuyue suggested that she was a girl and was worried about being blown up and disfigured.

"better not!"

Zhang Hao objected: "Finally found a way, don't fail because of landing!"

At this time, it is definitely best to do as little as possible.

Deng Mingyu was the first to take action, directly relying on powerful force to sneak attack and kill an examiner who was injured by the bomb.

Everyone stared angrily.

"Stop looking, come here and get the meat!"

Deng Mingyu sneered in his heart, Damn it, what qualifications do you have to stand on the moral high ground and accuse me?

It is human nature to have a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist!

Everyone didn't move, not because they didn't want to, but because they were worried about angering Lin Baici and losing his help. However, they soon stopped worrying because Deng Mingyu fed the clay man meat, but the clay man wouldn't eat it.

"Do you really want to cut yourself off?"

Fang Mingyuan took a breath and felt that it would be better to just die if he suffered such a crime.

This chapter has been completed!
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