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Chapter 582: Threatening my little forest? Are you worthy?

 Chapter 583: Threatening my little forest? Are you worthy?

"Little loach, go and have a rest!"

Xia Hongyao urged: "You are the main force. I am counting on you to make suggestions when we fight against the Dark Temple. Don't be exhausted!"

"As long as the alumni are here, it makes no difference whether I am with you or not!"

Gu Qingqiu chuckled: "It sounds like you don't want to sleep?"

"not sleepy!"

Xia Hongyao shrugged her shoulders. She was not tired at all.

"Whatever you want!"

Gu Qingqiu used the teleportation stone and went back to the hotel to sleep.

"What are you going to do?"

Xia Hongyao knew that Lin Baici was definitely not tired. This guy's physique was no worse than hers.

"How about taking a look at the scenery?"

Lin Baici thinks this world is quite interesting.

"Then let's enjoy the scenery together!"

Gao Ponytail is ready to go with Lin Baici.

Hua Yueyu originally planned to follow Lin Baici, always adding blood to him and protecting him. Now when he heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Sister Hongyao, take good care of Xiaobai, and I'll go get some sleep too!"

I can't do it without sleeping, I'll be exhausted.

"go Go!"

Xia Hongyao waved her hand: "Peanut butter will go too!"

"Then I'm leaving!"

Peanut butter teleports people.

"Let's go to the gladiatorial arena in Stranglethorn Vale?"

Xia Hongyao suggested.

Lin Baici didn't care, but suddenly he received three private messages in a row.

Tang Keke: Wuwuwu, cousin, I was robbed, and they also took all the equipment and weapons from me. I can't fight monsters at all now.

Tang Keke: Cousin, I am so miserable!

Tang Keke: I beg my cousin to uphold justice.

Lin Daxingren: What's going on?

Tang Keke replied instantly: There were more than 20 players robbing at the intersection of Stranglethorn Valley. It was simply too bad.

"Are you interested in killing a few players?"

Lin Baici has been fighting monsters. Except for killing Cang Tiange once, he has never done a PK before, and his hands are a little itchy.

"must have!"

Xia Hongyao didn't even ask how many people there were.

Quicksand Watch, Troll Camp.

Phoenix in the grass nest squatted behind a big tree and looked at a huge golden treasure box next to a tent in the camp.

There are a lot of monsters, five in total, and they are all level 40 elites.

"It can't be done!"

Phoenix can't defeat these monsters by himself, so the best way is to form a team of two, one person will lure the monsters away, and the other will open the treasure chest.

But the problem is that Phoenix has no known friends, so he teams up with strangers and cannot build trust.

If the person who opened the treasure chest takes the loot for himself, the other person will have no room to explain.

In this game, even if you are in a team, whoever opens the treasure box owns the contents, and there is no need to roll dice to distribute them.

Phoenix stayed on guard for half an hour, and everyone was almost paralyzed.

There were players passing by the sentry from time to time. He was afraid that when those people came over and saw the golden treasure chest, he would not be able to keep it to himself.

Phoenix tried killing monsters once and gave up immediately.

no way

Totally unbeatable!

Just when Phoenix decided to find a stranger to form a team, there was the sound of horse hooves over the sentry post, and two humanoid monsters rode over on gorgeous war horses.

"What the hell, a rare monster?"

Phoenix hid even more secretly, only looking with his eyes exposed.

The two humanoid monsters were wearing red full-body plate armor, and even their heads were wearing medieval knight-style helmets with masks. Outside, they were wearing red and white battle robes with an emblem embroidered in the middle and dotted around them.

Red rose.

They all carry a iris-shaped shield on their backs, and hang a one-handed war hammer on their waist. The handle of the war hammer is carved with complicated patterns.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful!"

Phoenix was amazed and his eyes fell on the female monster.

Is this bear too big?

Especially as the horses gallop, the bear rises and falls like waves, which is a feast for the eyes.

Give the designer a thumbs up!

“I don’t know if killing them will drop their mounts?”

Phoenix's eyes fell on the war horses mounted by two humanoid monsters. Not only were they all red, they were also wearing red harness and heavy armor. There was a cross logo on the white robes they wore.

Phoenix immediately thought of those European Crusader knights who went on the Eastern Crusade in the Middle Ages in film and television works.

Majestic and domineering, extremely gorgeous!

The two knights ran past, their scarlet cloaks flying and grinning behind them.

Phoenix immediately opened the local channel: I found two rare monsters, come to fight me, and apply for a level profession to join the group!

"Group me!"

"Level 41 Mage!"

"How many levels? Where?"

Phoenix immediately received dozens of responses.

Those who ask where they are and do not report their level and occupation will be blocked directly.

While Fenghuang was forming a group, he was staring at the two paladins. He was very nervous now, fearing that they would run away. After all, he had no mounts and could not catch up with them.

But soon, Fenghuang discovered that the two humanoid monsters had stopped beside the sentry camp. After riding in a circle, the man dismounted and charged.

The five elites were alarmed and rushed over one after another, but the man stunned them in place with a shock wave, and then slashed them over with a cleave.

"Fighter? Player?"

Phoenix was shocked, how could this guy dress like a paladin, but use all the skills of a warrior?

Could it be that he is a player?

But soon, Phoenix no longer thought so.

First of all, if you are a player, this equipment is too good, right? And it looks like a complete set at first glance. Furthermore, the warrior used Blade Storm, and his whole figure was like a tornado, killing five elites.

A red dragon cub with small wings, about the same size as a young Erha, appeared nearby, and when he opened his mouth, he breathed out a searing breath.

"I was shocked, I thought it was a player!"

Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief, players would definitely not have such a pet.

The female knight watched for a few seconds, dismounted, and began to add blood to the warrior.

The real Paladin!

Phoenix's heart suddenly jumped, excited and excited.


Phoenix felt that this scene should be some kind of game plot. After the two rare monsters defeated these troll elites, he could open the treasure chest.

"It's great!"

Phoenix hadn't been happy for a few seconds when she realized something was wrong. The female knight stopped adding blood and walked towards the treasure chest.


Is this about opening a treasure chest?

Phoenix was a little dumbfounded. When he saw the golden treasure chest being opened by the big bear female knight, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he jumped out from behind the big tree and rushed towards the female knight.

While running, a fireball was thrown.

That treasure chest belongs to me!

Phoenix couldn't bear to watch the treasure chest he had guarded for more than half an hour being snatched away. Moreover, if he didn't attack, he wouldn't be able to see the level and HP of the two rare monsters, so he took a shot.

But after hitting the target, he was dumbfounded.

'You caused 900 points of damage to the player Detective Xia.'

A battle message popped up.

The issue is,

Why a player?

"Are these two knights players?"

Phoenix looked at these two extremely gorgeous humanoid monsters in knight suits, and then looked at their horses. Phoenix was stunned, and the CPU in his brain was almost fried.


Detective Xia, does this name sound familiar?

Xia Hongyao was attacked by a sneak attack and immediately gave up opening the box. He held a shield in one hand and a one-handed hammer in the other, and rushed towards the mage player.

The first PK made Xia Hongyao very excited, but the operation was still precise.

As soon as he entered the casting range of the Hammer of Punishment, Xia Hongyao released the skill.


A hammer hit Phoenix on the head, causing him to be stunned and unable to move.


Crusader strikes!


Xia Hongyao rushed to Fenghuang, knocking him and circling his back.

‘Player Detective Xia caused 2100 points of damage to you.’

When Phoenix saw this battle message, he almost peed in fear.

The opponent's damage is too high?

You can kill yourself with three swords.

Phoenix panicked. He knew he had to keep a distance from melee PK, and he did so, but it was useless.

The paladin chased closely behind him.

The most terrifying thing is that Phoenix circled around several times and was unable to face her head-on.

Legal professions can only cast spells within a 120-degree range directly in front of them, and range skills are not included in this list.

Ice Nova!


A circular ring of ice exploded from Phoenix's body, freezing the grass on the ground, sprinkling a sheet of frost, and even the summer red medicine was frozen in place.

Being frozen by the ice ring lasts seven seconds.

Just when Fenghuang thought he could escape, Xia Hongyao opened the invincible holy shield, broke through the ice ring, and chased after him again.


Phoenix used a displacement skill to open a distance of 20 meters. He was about to run, but a Storm Hammer and a Punishment Hammer hit him together, knocking him unconscious again.

"No need for help, I can handle it!"

Xia Hongyao wanted to fight in a duel, but as he spoke, he had already rushed in front of Phoenix in the grass nest.


Crusader strikes!

Hammer of Wrath!

Phoenix didn't have time to drink from the big blood bottle and was taken away by a wave.

Phoenix woke up from the graveyard and immediately opened the achievement list.

Sure enough, it’s cleared!


Phoenix shouted angrily, but to no avail.

This blood revenge should probably never be avenged.

Fenghuang looked through the battle records and found that the Storm Hammer was created by Mr. Lin. He was deeply impressed by this ID. The players all called him cousin, and he is now the number one player in this game.

"Fuck, you're dressed like a rare monster. Who knew you were Lin Daxingren?"

Fenghuang was depressed. If he could see Lin Baici's face, he would never do anything like throwing fireballs.

"Phoenix in the grass nest, where are the people? Help me kill rare monsters?"

"I'm level 41, Paladin, all blue."

"If good equipment comes out, show me its attributes and I'll buy it!"

The World Channel is still shouting.

In the team channel, players in the Phoenix Gang group were shocked when they saw his blood volume was emptied and his avatar darkened.

"What happened? Why did you die?"

"Did someone steal the monster?"

"How many people? What occupation? How many levels?"

Seeing the various inquiries from his teammates, Fenghuang had a bitter look on his face and didn't know how to explain it, so he silently nodded and dismissed the team.

In less than a minute, someone started cursing on the World Channel.

"The phoenix in the grass nest has extremely bad character. Don't team up with him!"

"Phoenix, don't you have a mother? As soon as I get on the gryphon, you disband the team and pay for my travel expenses!"

"Silly Phoenix, your mother has no shit, right?"

There are a few players who are very angry and have not joined the group at all, but they still scold him because they feel that this Phoenix killed rare monsters and got good drops, and they are jealous of him.

Fenghuang wanted to explain that the great detective Xia had killed him, but he typed up a long list of words and deleted them.

Lin Daxingren is now the number one person in the server, and many people beg him to help him. If they know that they have a conflict with him, they might come to kill him and give him a warrant.

Just be patient!

It's a pity that I have a golden treasure chest, and I don't know what good things are in it.

There is a purple one-handed hammer in the treasure chest.

When Lin Baici was passing by, the god reminded him that there was a treasure chest in the nearby sentry camp, so he stopped by to cuddle up with the grass and hunt rabbits.

He and Xia Hongyao never expected that there was a player hiding behind a big tree. The opponent came up and fired a fireball towards Gao Ponytail. How could Xia Hongyao tolerate him?

Of course he was hacked to death!

It was an unpleasant experience that would make Phoenix want to turn over the table when he recalled it ten years later. Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao didn't care at all. After picking up the treasure box, they continued on their way.

The place where they met with Tang Keke was at the Yawuling intersection, but they went there and saw no one.

Lin Daxingren: Where are we? Aren’t you already here?

Tang Keke: Yes.

Lin Daxingren: Why didn’t I see anyone?

Tang Keke: Are you here?

Lin Daxingren: Yeah!

Tang Keke:???

Tang Keke squatted in a bush, craned his neck and looked around, but saw nothing but two NPCs with their heads pierced by helmets.


Couldn't one of them be Lin Baici?

But this equipment...

Lin Baici obviously thought of this and raised his visor.

His and Xia Hongyao's equipment were all dropped from the Holy Light Cathedral. From level 40 to level 50, several sets of this set called the Holy Light Crusade were released.

"Big cousin!"

Tang Keke shouted and ran out. When he got there, he couldn't help but admire Lin Baici. His eldest cousin looked so handsome in this outfit.

It makes people unable to close their legs.

"Tell me the situation!"

Lin Baici threw Tang Keke a cloth armor robe.

This girl is now only wearing underwear, and all her equipment has been stripped off.

Fortunately, in this game, underwear cannot be taken off.

Tang Keke looked at the level of the equipment and cried: "You need a minimum level of 40 to wear it, I'm not enough!"

"Then buy it yourself!"

Lin Baici traded ten gold coins to Tang Keke. After she finished telling the general situation of the bandit group, Lin Baici got on his horse and said, "Don't go, be careful not to get killed again. Let's go and take care of it!"

"There are more than twenty of them!"

Tang Keke was worried.

"Haha, the two of us are enough!"

Lin Baici rode his horse and raised his whip.

Tang Keke wanted to chase him, but his legs couldn't catch up with his horse, and he couldn't see the person in an instant.

At the intersection of Thorn Valley, Deng Ziyu yawned out of boredom.

Robbery is quite shameless, but I have to say that it's great to get something for nothing.

The sales director is in his 40s and cannot stand such a high-intensity upgrade. Moreover, he doesn't like it and is not good at playing games.

As the saying goes, money can make all the difference. If you don't want to fight monsters and do tasks, and don't want to be left behind, then you can only spend money to find someone to take you.

Where does the money come from?

Either go around the world to mine and collect herbs, or fight monsters.

The sales director didn't want to do either of these things. After experimenting with robbing others without losing achievement points, he started blocking roads and robbing people at the intersection of Stranglethorn Valley.

"After two or three more votes, we will withdraw and continue somewhere else."

The director looked at a map and thought about the next robbery spot.

"Director, if we do this, will someone come to seek revenge?"

Wang Xiao didn't want to rob, but everyone was a colleague of the same 4S store and had done it. If he didn't do it, he would be left alone.

In this unfamiliar game with no companions,

It will be very miserable.

"Don't worry, if this game dies and all achievement points are cleared, who will help others PK?"

The director was very calm: "Our group of people should be the largest team!"

"This is our advantage, we should use it!"

The director also recruited several outsiders who wanted to get something for nothing to strengthen his momentum.

To be honest, it is quite intimidating for more than 20 players to stop here.

"Director, two men on horseback are coming!"

Deng Ziyu shouted loudly.

"horse riding?"

The director looked up and said: "The equipment is so gorgeous, it must be an NPC, right?"

"Everyone hide and stand still!"

The director is not stupid either. Regardless of whether it is an NPC or a player, with such good equipment, it is better not to provoke him.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao reined in their horses and stopped at the intersection.


Xia Hongyao pointed the war hammer at three o'clock.

"come out!"

Lin Baici scolded.

"It's over, it seems like you're here to seek revenge!"

Wang Xiao is worried.

"Two people, what kind of revenge are they seeking?"

Deng Ziyu pouted: "Can they beat twenty people?"

The director stood up: "Are you players?"

"You robbed my friend of his money!"

Xia Hongyao accuses.

"Oh, this is a misunderstanding!"

The director laughed: "It's just a game. Everyone depends on their abilities. Is there anything wrong with that? If the rules don't allow robbery, then we will definitely be punished, right?"

"Smooth tongue!"

Xia Hongyao despised it.

"How much money we took, we will pay back double!"

The director smiled kindly: "I wonder what you call them?"

"Director, why are you so humble?"

Deng Ziyu came over and said in a dissatisfied tone: "These two people are so well equipped and have mounts, grab them and get fat!"

The director glanced at Deng Ziyu and said to himself, no wonder your performance is so poor. You really have nothing but your figure.

Twenty-something versus two, can you win?

Can win!

But players with this kind of equipment must be experts.

In this game, masters are very valuable, and the director wants to make friends with them to pave the way for the future.

"Aren't you robbing?"

Xia Hongyao was a little confused. She thought that there would be a tense situation and a fight would start after a few words. Who knew that the other party had a good attitude and would pay directly or double the amount.

"Everyone has difficult times."

The director smiled bitterly.

Gao Ponytail turned around and asked Lin Baici: "What should I do?"

"I'm in trouble now too!"

Lin Baici didn't believe the director's lies: "I'll lend you some money to spend!"

"Young man, I've already given you enough face, so don't push yourself too far, okay?"

Blindly giving in will make the other party push forward, so the director also became appropriately tough: "You don't think that two people can defeat more than 20 of us, do you?"


Xia Hongyao smiled, 20 people, the highest level was 42,

Enough for what?

Lin Baici is level 50, she is level 49, and she has top-notch equipment.

"Are you Mr. Lin?"

In the crowd, Wang Xiao suddenly shouted.

Lin Baici had already recognized these people, and several of them were salesmen from the Mercedes-Benz store. They had a small car show at Wanda Mall that day, so it was not surprising that they were involved.

"Mr. Lin?"

The director asked: "Who?"

"Isn't he the client that Sister Ziyu lost and bought a Panamera and a BMW X5?"

The consultant in charge of the anchor did not forget to give Deng Ziyu eye drops at this time.

"Do you know them?"

Lin Baici said nothing, but Xia Hongyao asked him this question, which allowed the director to confirm Lin Baici's identity.

"Mr. Lin, hello, hello, I didn't expect to meet you in a place like this!"

The director came over and wanted to shake hands.

Xia Hongyao raised his one-handed hammer and pointed it at the director, fearing that this guy would suddenly attack.

The director stopped.

The consultant anchor looked at Lin Baici's equipment and complimented with a smile: "Mr. Lin, it seems that your game is making good progress? How many levels is it?"

"How many people did you rob?"

Lin Baici asked.

"Not many, just starting!"

The director changed the subject and tempted Lin Baici: "Mr. Lin, why don't we work together? If we don't make it to 10% of the achievement list, there will be a certain chance of being wiped out!"

"As long as you listen to me, with my management skills, we can form a guild and we will definitely help you climb up the ranking list, surpass that big cousin, and get first place!"

"Look, these are all my people!"

The director asked Lin Baici to look at his team members and show off their strength.

"You don't need to worry, he is already number one on the level list!"

Xia Hongyao didn't like this person, he seemed very hypocritical and cunning.


When Wang Xiao heard this, he exclaimed: "Are you the eldest cousin?"

Others also looked shocked.

Although Lin Baici did not admit it, everyone believed it. Look at their equipment and then their horses.

Oh shit!

Their mounts are all wearing armor, and they are better dressed than me.

Lin Baici ignored the director and asked on the World Channel.

Lin Daxingren: Who has been robbed at the intersection of Stranglethorn Valley? How much gold was lost? Let me know.

My eldest cousin is now a famous person. When he speaks, people immediately respond.

"Cousin, have you gone to seek justice?"

"Next time something like this happens, remember to call me!"

"I was robbed, 32 gold, plus full body equipment!"

In less than a minute, more than a hundred people complained.

The director was extremely embarrassed, but he couldn't ban the channel.

"You have caused harm to many people. In ancient times, you were considered a big thief, right? The kind that the government wanted to send troops to exterminate."

Xia Hongyao calculated and found that these people had stolen a lot of money.

"Mr. Lin, I still say what I said, I play within the rules, is that okay?"

The director didn't think this kind of thing was shameful: "Just use the word justice to deceive children. It's better for us adults to talk about interests!"

"I robbed your friend of his money, and I paid him back double, just as a friend of yours, to give you face, but I hope you don't care about other things!"

The director is not a fool either. After losing his smile for so long, the other party is still so cold, which makes him unhappy: "You don't think that I have more than twenty knives just for fun, do you?"

The director was very cautious. After saying this, he stepped back, but still half a step slower.

Xia Hongyao stepped forward, grabbed the director's collar, and slapped him with a big ear scraper.

"Threatening my little forest?"

"Are you worthy?"


High ponytail, forehand and backhand, snap, snap, snap.

The burning pain and the humiliation of being slapped by a woman made the director furious. He stabbed Xia Hongyao's belly with the dagger and roared.

"Grab his motherfucker."

At this time, the sales director is still using words, the word "rob", which is very inciting.


This chapter has been completed!
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