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Chapter 601 Angel in white, fragrant and beautiful

 Chapter 602: Angel in white, fragrant and beautiful

Bang bang bang!

The fire extinguisher hit the fire door and made a loud sound.

Everyone is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but there is nothing they can do.

"Where's Brother Lin? Why didn't you see it?"

Batugel asked urgently towards Sumanni.


After Su Manni finished speaking, she decided not to run away. She felt that the Laughing Buddha was better at judging the situation. If she followed him, she would have a higher chance of survival, but at the critical moment, the greater the chance of being abandoned.

Damn it, how nice would it be if Lin Baici was around?


Batugel was shocked: "How did you die?"

"Die in such a short time?"

A bowl of shrimp gasped.

Laughing Buddha didn't believe it and wanted to ask a question, but a female nurse appeared.

Everyone's nerves became tense instantly.

"Batugel, block it!"

The Laughing Buddha commanded.

"why me?"

Batugel was depressed, but he also knew that he could not hesitate at this time, otherwise there would be more and more nurses and it would be difficult to kill them.

"Are your muscles white?"

The Laughing Buddha looked down upon her, and he was not idle either. He rushed towards the female nurse with the mop pole and stabbed her eye socket with both hands.

Die to me!

The female nurse turned her head to avoid it.

"Prick the chest!"

Battuge cursed, rushed to the female nurse, and punched her twice in a row.

Bang bang!

When fighting a living corpse on the negative floor, Batugel didn't dare to get close because he would turn into a living corpse if bitten, but there was no problem in beating the female nurse.

And it’s pretty cool to beat up a woman!

Batugel jabs continuously.

While the female nurse was dodging, she suddenly swung her leg and swept towards Batu Geer's head.


Batugel raised his hand to block, then grabbed the female nurse's calf, turned her around twice with brute force, then let go and threw her towards the wall.


The female nurse had just hit the wall and before she could slip off, he laughed like a mop pole and stabbed her in the chest.

"Come on!"

The Laughing Buddha urged.

Batugel rushed over and punched the female nurse three times in the eye socket.

Bang bang bang!

"Is it such a waste?"

Sumanni was surprised that Lin Baici could crush the female nurse's head with one punch.

"You want to try?"

Batugel was unhappy: "Do you know how hard the human skull is?"


Sumanni suddenly realized that she might have underestimated Lin Baici's fighting ability. He was not strong, but super strong.



The lock on the protective door was broken open.


Overjoyed with a bowl of shrimp, I stretched out my hand to open the door.

"Let's go!"

The Laughing Buddha pulled out the mop rod, turned around and rushed.


A bowl of shrimp pushed open the protective door, ran a few steps, and suddenly stopped when he reached the stairs.

"What's wrong?"

Ai Chi Sha Cha Jiang just finished asking and froze.

The tall female head nurse, who stretches out her nurse's uniform so tight that she looks like a gorilla, is walking up.

Although you have never fought against the head nurse, looking at her size, she must be several times more powerful than the female nurses.

The head nurse raised her head and glanced at the patients pouring out from the stairs. The corners of her mouth split into a smile.

"After entering my hospital, do you still want to get out alive?"

The dim lighting in the stairway, coupled with the empty echo, made the head nurse's words seem particularly terrifying.

Stop pretending,

You are all going to die!


Classmate Liigou shouted, pulled Su Manni and retreated.

When the two of them moved, everyone was in chaos and immediately started running for their lives.

"Fuck you!"

Laughing Buddha was going to be furious. Although this female head nurse was powerful, she was only one person. As long as someone entangled her, everyone could take the opportunity to escape. But when the licking dog shouted like this, everyone ran back.

How to deal with so many nurses in the inpatient department?

It's definitely dead now.

"Don't run, don't run, rush me!"

The Laughing Buddha shouted, but the momentum had already picked up and he couldn't stop it at all.

"Damn it!"

Laughing Buddha wished he could kill the licking dog and let him charge on his own, but he didn't dare. After all, the first one to go up must be cannon fodder.

However, the Laughing Buddha was still very calm, constantly turning his head, observing, looking for a chance to escape.

The head nurse opened her thick thighs and rushed forward in three strides.

As soon as the bowl of shrimps was turned around, the head nurse stretched out his hand and grabbed his head. Then, like a little chicken, he was easily picked up by the head nurse and swung to the ground.


Click click click!

He vomited blood after a bowl of shrimp, and his whole body was deformed after falling, especially his legs, which landed first and were directly fractured.

The head nurse used a bowl of shrimps as a human mace and smashed it at the nearby Sha Cha Jiangs.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone was blown away,

The head nurse stepped forward, wearing large white sandals, and stepped on Shacha Jiang's head.

Click bang!


The head of the UP owner of Station B was like a tomato that had been stepped on and smashed into a puddle of juice.

The head nurse stepped on the chest of 'Great Joy'.


Overjoyed's sternum was instantly shattered and sunk into his chest. He vomited blood and let out a shrill scream. It looked like he would not survive.

The head nurse threw out a bowl of shrimp.


Knocked over several people.

On both sides of the corridor, some nurses came to kill me.

"It's over!"

"Fight with this head nurse!"

"This is the only way out!"

shouted the Laughing Buddha.

"Batuguer, it's up to you whether he is a real man or not!"

Sumani shouted.

"Mannie, I will definitely protect you!"

Classmate Liigou pulled Sumanni tightly and wanted to leave from the place where there were few nurses in the west. He felt that as long as he escaped this time, he could win Sumanni's heart.

"let me go!"

Sumani growled.

"What's wrong?"

Classmate Liigou was worried: "If you don't leave, you won't have a chance!"


Sumanni saw Batugel being chased by the head nurse and starting to fight. She thought this was an opportunity to sneak into the corridor.

Besides her, the Laughing Buddha also thought so.

So as soon as Batugel faced the head nurse, Laughing Buddha suddenly sprinted with all his strength and rushed towards the fire door.

Seeing this, the head nurse reached out and grabbed it, but she didn't catch it.

"Laughing Buddha!"

Batugel was shocked and angry. He didn't expect this guy to be so shameless.

The Laughing Buddha ran as fast as he could without even looking back.


Batugel's face was livid with anger. He knew that he was dead. If he continued to fight, he would give the Laughing Buddha a chance to escape. But if he didn't fight, he would also die.

"Let's go too!"

Sumanni pulled her classmate Liigou forward. She was very clever and let her classmate Liigou stand between her and the female head nurse.

Sure enough, the female head nurse who missed just now learned her lesson this time. Instead of rushing to catch the licking classmate, she punched Batugel in the head, then grabbed his body, used it as a sandbag, and smashed it to

Classmate Lickdog and Sumanni.

"help me!"

Sumani shouted.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

As soon as Liigou classmate finished speaking, he pushed hard with both hands, intending to block Batugel to the side, but he underestimated the strength of the head nurse.

The body of Batugel that was smashed over was as powerful as a battering ram.


The licking dog classmate was knocked over and fell on the stairs.

Su Manni had been studying dancing for more than ten years. She nimbly ducked and changed directions to avoid the corpse, and then rushed downstairs without looking back.


Liigou's classmate originally wanted to say that it would be nice to sleep together when we are alive and to be together when we die, but he only saw Sumanni's leaving figure.

At this moment, classmate Liigou was stunned, with mixed thoughts. He might wake up, or he might continue to be infatuated, but there was no point. The head nurse chased him down and stepped on his chest.

The snapping sound of broken bones is jarring!


Classmate Lingou screamed, struggled for a few seconds, and died!

As the head nurse started killing, the Laughing Buddha and Sumani escaped, and the people gathered here collapsed like an ant nest washed away by floods.

"Laughing Buddha, damn it!"

"what to do?"

"Stop running around, come here and fight out together!"

Some people cursed angrily, and some tried to regroup, but it was useless. The collapse was already irreversible.

The nurses came running from both sides of the corridor, killing everyone they saw along the way.

The female head nurse stood in the corridor, watching everything calmly.

The nurse wearing garters reported to her, and the head nurse immediately ran towards the dressing room, her target obviously being Lin Baici and the others.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three nurses banged on the door.

"Big cousin!"

Tang Keke burst into tears and held the door tightly, her whole body trembling.

In the corridor, the roars and roars of the people have disappeared and turned into screams one after another, which shows that the riot has been suppressed.

The nurses will come after they kill everyone else.

This time is estimated to be no more than five minutes.


Sister Da Tian scolded: "Don't disturb Brother Lin!"


Lin Baici smashed open another wardrobe, and the smell of perfume wafted out. Inside were all kinds of underwear. Many of the stockings had been used and were not washed. They were thrown underneath, and three pairs of high heels were buried.

"Depend on!"

Lin Baici rummaged around a few times, but couldn't find the forbidden object. He closed the door with force and went to open the next cabinet.

The banging on the door suddenly stopped.

Tang Keke and Sister Datian looked nervous. The next second, they heard the nurses' greetings in unison.

"Head nurse!"

"It's over, is that monster coming?"

Before Tang Keke finished speaking, a strong force came from the door.


Most of the door was broken into pieces, and a foot kicked in. The white sandals she wore were still stained with bright red blood.

The head nurse shook her fist!

Bang! Bang!

Click! Click!

The door is broken.

The head nurse lowered her head and observed the dressing room through the hole.

Tang Keke and the head nurse met their cold eyes, and ran towards Lin Baici in fright: "Big cousin!"


The head nurse broke open the door and walked in, followed by six nurses with murderous intent.

Lin Baici glanced at it and opened another wardrobe.


Lin Baici's stomach growled.


Lin Baici raised his eyebrows.

In the closet in front of him, a pink nurse's skirt was hung on a hanger, with two white garters underneath.

【Pink battle dress!】

【What is an angel in white? 】

【Wear it, and your singing will have the effect of curing diseases and soothing the spirit. 】

[All medicines, when you use them, will double their therapeutic effect and increase their cure rate.]

[As long as the other person is sick, there is a certain chance that he will listen to you. The more serious the illness, the more he will listen to you. 】

[When you infuse, your therapeutic effect is improved, and when you cry, the patient's condition will worsen when he hears your cry.]

Lin Baici listened to Nagami's comments and pulled the nurse's uniform off the hanger.

The effect of this sacred object is very good. It would be a pity if it was destroyed. However, Lin Baici did not have a black coffin, so he could only use this method to purify the sacred object.

But just when Lin Baici was about to tear off the nurse's uniform, the nurses, headed by the head nurse, suddenly stopped.

"it works?"

The sweet sister was very happy.

Tang Keke didn't dare to breathe anymore and huddled behind Lin Baici.

"Are you also willing to be an angel in white?"

the head nurse asked.


Lin Baici probably understood what the head nurse meant and guessed the way to avoid being attacked by them, but...

Would it be too disgusting?

Lin Baici's eyes swept over Sister Da Tian and Tang Keke. To be honest, he didn't trust these two women. He had no choice but to do it himself.


After Lin Bai finished her answer, she put on this fan nurse dress without any urging from the head nurse.

The nurse's skirt is quite small, but has good elasticity, otherwise Lin Baici would be broken.

By the way, you shouldn’t need to wear stockings, right?

Lin Baici liked to see beautiful women wearing stockings, but he couldn't accept it if he was asked to wear them.

"Welcome to join our team!"

The head nurse nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Tang Keke and Sister Datian.

"Big cousin!"

Tang Keke grabbed Lin Baici's arm.

"They are my patients, and I am responsible for taking care of them!"

Lin Baici had a flash of inspiration and found an excuse.


The head nurse agreed and turned to leave.

The other nurses also smiled at Lin Baici, and the one wearing garters also gave Lin Baici a wink.

"Let's go, let's go."

Seeing these demonic nurses leaving, Tang Keke breathed a sigh of relief, her legs could no longer support her, and she collapsed on the ground.

"You actually survived?"

Sister Datian couldn't believe it. She turned around and looked at Lin Baici: "Who are you?"

"God Hunter!"


Tang Keke was surprised: "I have seen a few posts online about sacred objects and ruins, but they were quickly deleted."

"You all belong to the confidential unit, right?"

Tang Keke asked.


Lin Baici nodded.


Tang Keke exclaimed, feeling as if she knew a great secret of the world, and suddenly felt a sense of superiority.

Sister Datian is more pragmatic: "If those monster nurses stop attacking us, can we go out?"

"Probably not!"

Lin Baici reasoned: "I think the key point is for the doctor or the director to get the discharge notice and leave alive!"

[Yes, this is the normal discharge process!]

"Go back to the ward first!"

Lin Bai resigned.

Tang Keke and Sister Da Tian followed and saw the nurses carrying the body and cleaning up the blood left on the floor and walls with mops.

“A bowl of shrimp!”

“Shacha sauce!”

Tang Keke covered her mouth, afraid that she would cry out. She saw all the familiar B-site up owners, now turned into dead bodies, being dragged away by the nurses by their hair.

Da Tianjie also saw several anchors who were once famous, but are now being dragged away like dead dogs.

"Look, it's the licking dog!"

Tang Keke stretched out her hand and pointed.

Lin Baici looked over.

"I didn't see Sumani, nor did I see the Laughing Buddha!"

Sister Datian looked around: "Did they run away?"

The Laughing Buddha is very smart, and maybe he can actually escape successfully.

The Laughing Buddha ran to the first floor in one breath and rushed into the hospital lobby.

On the left is a row of payment windows, and on the right is the glass door. It is wide open at this time, and you can see the sunlight shining on the steps, which is extremely bright.


The Laughing Buddha was very excited and ran faster.

The moment he rushed out of the glass door and was about to run up the steps, a flashlight whirled, flew over with a whir, and hit him on the back of the head.


The Laughing Buddha was dizzy and fell to the ground, blood gushing out and soaking his back.

There were footsteps and a security guard ran over.

As soon as the Laughing Buddha stood up unsteadily, the security guard approached, took out a stun gun, hit it on his waist, and then pressed the switch.


Electricity surged out, and the Laughing Buddha immediately twitched and collapsed to the ground.

Sumanni had already run into the hall. When she saw this, she immediately shrank back and hid at the entrance of the stairs.

"Didn't find me!"

"Didn't find me!"

Sumanni clasped her hands together and kept praying in her heart. Suddenly, she felt her eyes darken. She subconsciously raised her head and saw the security guard standing in front of her expressionlessly, with the flashlight in his hand raised.

Just as Sumanni was about to run away, the flashlight fell down.


Sumani collapsed on the stairs.

The security guard did not stop,

one time,

one time,

With the banging sound, blood splashed in all directions.

The security guard beat Sumani half to death, grabbed her ankles, dragged her to a rest chair in the hospital lobby, and placed her on it.

The Laughing Buddha received the same treatment.

Then, the security guard squatted on the ground, lifted Sumani's leg, held a flashlight, and hit her knee.



Sumanni's knee was shattered, but she had already passed out. After being beaten like this, she only trembled reflexively.

So many people died, and the hospital became completely quiet.

Tang Keke and Sister Datian stayed in the ward, helpless.

Lin Baici took off her nurse's skirt and stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Should you take the initiative to find the dean? Or wait for him to come on his own?

He heard at the nurse station before that the director would come to check the ward in the afternoon!

"Brother Lin!"

Sister Datian came over and hugged Lin Baici from behind.

"Call me Bai Ci?"

Lin Baici is seven years younger than Song Tian.

"Bai Ci, thank you!"

Song Tian pressed her cheek against Lin Baici's back, stroking his abdominal muscles with both hands: "Are you tired? If not, can I help you relax?"

Tang Keke was stunned. The 'relaxation' Sister Datian said was definitely not serious, but what time has it been? You still care about this?

However, Tang Keke was not a fool, and he understood Sister Da Tian’s thoughts in an instant.

So many people died just now, and they were all acquaintances. Who would not be afraid?

If he hadn't followed Lin Baici, he and Song Tian would also have died.

So in order to let this thigh protect yourself, you must do your best to make him happy.

Of course there is one more thing, life is short, you should enjoy yourself in time!

People are going to die, why can’t they enjoy themselves?

"The hospital gown is boring, how about I put on that pink nurse dress?"

The sweet sister suggested.


Tang Keke felt that Song Tian was really good at it, and of course she didn't rule it out. Song Tian thought that nurse skirt was a good thing and wanted to wear it openly.

After Song Tian finished speaking, before Lin Baici agreed, she walked to the bedside to get the nurse's skirt: "The bathroom is too small. There are only three of us in this ward now. Bai Ci, you can do whatever you want!"

"You'd better take the time to rest!"

Lin Baici refused: "You don't think physical fitness is not needed to escape, right?"

"Wow, oh, eldest cousin, you are so good to us!"

Tang Keke was so moved that when she went out, she must practice yoga to increase her body flexibility and let her cousin experience all the postures.

Song Tian realized Lin Baici's concern, laughed, and made insinuations: "Am I qualified to be your girlfriend?"


Lin Baici remained silent.

When Song Tian saw Lin Baici's attitude, she was disappointed: "You have a girlfriend?"


"So you have a girl you like?"

Tang Keke interrupted.


Lin Baici did not deny it. Gu Qingxiang's figure appeared in his mind.

【That's not love, you're just lusting after her body.】

【After all, who doesn’t like a delicious meal?】

Nagami review.

Lin Baici's feelings for Gu Qingxiang were all based on 'appetite', but Lin Baici didn't know that.

"It can't be Sister Yu, right?"

Song Tian chuckled: "I don't believe you are her eldest cousin anyway, do you know why?"


Tang Keke was curious.

"The way Hua Yueyu looks at Bai Ci is wrong. It's definitely the look in his eyes that he likes someone to the core!"

Sister Da Tian joked: "I don't watch so many sweet Korean dramas for nothing!"

"But I understand Hua Yueyu, Bai Ci, you are a divine hunter, you should be very rich, right?"


Lin Baici nodded: "If you need money, I can give it to you!"

"Who do you think I am?"

Song Tian was unhappy.

"Is there a lot of money?"

Tang Keke was curious.

"Do you want direct wealth freedom?"

Lin Baici looked at Song Tian. He was embarrassed to say something, but actually he didn't want the other party to get entangled with her.

Sister Da Tian is good in all aspects, but the two of them have no feelings.

He was afraid that if this matter was leaked, Hua Yueyu would be unhappy.

As for Kim Young Jin?

The Korean girl is a chaebol, what have you not seen before? She has been baptized long ago.


Tang Keke exclaimed, she wanted to say, you can actually give me money, I won't refuse, and it doesn't need to be too much.

"You have a share too!"

Lin Baici added to Tang Keke.

"I understand what you mean!"

Sister Datian flipped her hair: "I won't let anyone know about our relationship, and we can continue to be secret lovers."

"Don't worry, I don't feel wronged."

"You are so handsome and so rich, I won't lose anything!"

In fact, Sister Datian is now very happy that she was proactive enough just now, otherwise she would never let Lin Baici help her so carefully.

"Okay, don't think so much, maybe we will die soon, let's enjoy ourselves in time!"

Sister Datian gave Tang Keke a look, why are you so stunned?

Take action!

"Hehe, cousin, will you just accept it?"

Tang Keke pretended to be a bully: "Here, it's useless even if you scream!"

As soon as Tang Keke finished speaking, the ward door was pushed open with a bang, startling her.

A nurse stood at the door.

"Bed 5, bed 6, go to the doctor!"

The nurse didn't call Lin Baici because he was a colleague.

Sister Datian and Tang Keke immediately became nervous and looked at Lin Baici.

"I'll go with you!"


This chapter has been completed!
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