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Chapter 686 Damn it, there is something dirty here!

The claws were gone, but everyone still did not dare to be careless. A few smart people ran away directly, but more people looked at Lin Baici, waiting to join them.

Judging from their performance just now, these people should be experts in dealing with this type of problem.

"Brother Lin, please run away quickly?"

Wang Shou urged.

"I remember this is the way out!"

The female secretary has a very good memory and quickly reminded me.

After a while, the dark fog changed from thick to thin. Now the visibility is about twenty meters. It is easier to find the way out than before.

Walker set up an awning with his hands and looked around.

"Lin Shen, what do you think?"

Airi Sannomiya humbly asks for advice.

Lin Baici slowly turned around and felt carefully. When he faced one direction, his hunger increased and he began to salivate, as if there was a delicious meal there.


"Go this way!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he walked forward.

"Follow up! Keep up!"

Xia Hongyao greets.

"Mr. Lin, the gate of the villa is over there."

The female secretary was anxious. She wanted to say you made the wrong move, but she didn't dare to accuse. She could only look at Lu Changming and wait for him to come forward.

"Brother Lin!"

Lu Changming walked a few steps quickly and caught up with Lin Baici: "Give me a reason?"

Taozi grabbed Wang Shou's sleeve and wanted to talk.

Wang Shou immediately put his fingers in front of his mouth, making a silent gesture, and then patted her hand to express comfort.

"The divine skeleton is here, contain it before you can get out!"

Lin Baici explained: "We are the god hunters of the Haijing Security Bureau. If you don't trust us, you can act according to your own ideas!"

"Security Service?"

"God Hunter?"

"Sounds so mysterious!"

Everyone was whispering.

Cinderella approached Hua Yueyu and said, "Sister Yu, are you actually a divine hunter too?"

"Are you the official spokesperson of this security bureau?"

Han Meimei suddenly realized that no wonder Hua Yueyu was so popular and sat at the seafood counter. It turned out that there was the power of official capital behind it.

"I'm just a small person in the bureau!"

Hua Yueyu advised: "If you want to survive, it's best to listen to Lin Shen's words!"

"Forest God?"

Han Meimei looked at Lin Baici's back: "You mean that handsome guy?"

"He seems to be very famous?"

Classmate Zhou interrupted.

"Yes, he is a Kyushu Longyi!"

Gu Qingqiu smiled: "In the entire Jiuzhou, there are no more than a hundred people with this title!"

These are all cannon fodder and cannot be let go easily.

Gu Qingqiu glanced at Walker. She knew that she didn't need to be careful, because this guy would definitely not let these cannon fodder leave.

Of course, the kimono girl over there is also a hard-hearted woman.

Airi Sannomiya was in the middle of the queue, and the wooden clogs on her feet made a clicking sound on the floor.

She looked calm, still looking left and right, admiring the scenery of Wolong Villa.

Walker and Khorkina were communicating with their heads down.

"Brother Lin, why are you so powerful?"

Wang Shou complimented.

Gu Qingqiu spoke at a normal volume, so Wang Shou also heard it.

Although I don’t know what Jiuzhou Longyi does, I just heard the name and it sounds very impressive.

"I am blind!"

Wang Shou laughed at himself.

"No wonder when I first met you, I always thought you were very confident, but you didn't have the aura of a successful businessman or a wealthy second generation!"

Lu Changming suddenly realized it, and then worried again: "How long will it take for us to go out?"

"have no idea!"

Lin Baici told the truth.

"How long does it usually take you to contain the remains of gods?"

Lu Changming changed his questioning method.

“It depends on the intensity of the pollution!”

Lin Baicixin said that he didn't know whether it would last long this time, but it would definitely be difficult because the pollution was directly caused by the gods.

"Brother Lin, wait a minute, there's something wrong with the terrain and the layout of the houses!"

Wang Shou spoke.

"What's wrong?"

The female secretary is nervous.

"I have visited more than a dozen of these farmhouses and I know the general layout. But now, we have to walk along a straight corridor for seven or eight minutes. This is a bit of a waste of area. The resort will not be built like this."

Wang Shou frowned.

"In the sacred ruins, the geography, landforms, and even the environment will change!"

Xia Hongyao Popular Science: "Even if it snows now, it is normal!"

Everyone was suddenly stunned. After walking for a few minutes, a wave of black mist suddenly surged up. When they passed, an arch suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

There is a plaque on the door with three red seal characters "Loquat Garden" written on it.

"I feel like it's very dangerous here, let's not go in!"

The female secretary is scared.


Wang Shou also wanted to persuade Lin Bai to resign, but Walker came over and kicked him in the lower back.


Wang Shou staggered, rushed forward several steps, and threw himself into the door.

"what are you doing?"

Wang Shou was startled and quickly got up and ran out.

"Do you think you can not go in if you don't want to?"

Walker sneered: "The Divine Ruins are ten thousand times more terrifying than you expected!"

Wang Shou ran out and did not dare to talk back to Walker.

"Sister Yu, please advise Lin Shen, let's leave quickly!"

Cinderella tugged on Hua Yueyu's sleeve, trying to convince her to persuade Lin Baici.

Han Meimei also wanted to persuade her, but dozens of twisted tree roots with moist soil suddenly shot out from the arch like sharp arrows.


Everyone was startled, turned around and ran away.

Those roots suddenly spread out and wrapped around these people.


Jun Yi shouted, but the next second, his right foot was pulled hard, making him unsteady and fell to the ground.


Brother Dayi screamed, lowered his head, and saw that at some point, a tree root grew out of the soil and wrapped around his ankle.

It’s over!

This scene made him feel like he was dying, and his whole body was instantly drenched in cold sweat.

Bang bang bang!

Many people were attacked by tree roots and dragged down.


"Damn, there's something dirty here!"

"Nima, why are you okay?"

Not everyone was sneak-attacked by tree roots, except Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu.

Before everyone could stop screaming and cursing, the tree roots wrapped around their ankles began to drag them into the arch.

"Brother Lin, help!"

Wang Shou cried and reached out to grab the floor, trying to stabilize his body.

It's a pity that it's useless, the dragging force of the tree roots is very strong.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Everyone can be seen being dragged into this loquat garden.

Walker looked at how many people had suddenly disappeared around him, and curled his lips: "FUCK, what a waste."

"Sir Lin, do you plan to go in?"

Khorkina asked.

"Do you think you can not go in?"

Sannomiya Airi smiled and looked into the arch.

Now the few people left who were not attacked by tree roots have one thing in common, that is, they did not escape.

"With Walker and I's strength, we can avoid this rule pollution without any problem!"

Hall Fund sneered.

"Then please help yourself!"

Airi Sannomiya made a gesture of invitation.

Khorkina didn't leave, waiting for Lin Bai to quit these people.

Wang Shou and his party were dragged into the loquat garden and found that it was a garden with a small area.

The fog here is not thick and you can see fifty meters away.

In the entire loquat garden, apart from the green grass on the ground, there is only a loquat tree in the middle that has been growing for who knows how many decades, with some loquat fruits on it.

"Brother Lin, please save us!"

Wang Shou shouted.

After everyone was dragged to the loquat tree, the roots tangled around their feet were untied.

Several people got up and started running.

"Don't run! Don't run!"

Lu Changming urged, he had already discovered that if he had not run away like Lin Baici and the others just now, the roots of the tree would not have entangled him.

Oh shit!

Next time, whatever Lin Baici does, I will do.

No one listened to Lu Changming, especially the military coat, who still asked everyone to run together.

"Run quickly, wait to die!"

Brother Dayi is very clever. He knows that the danger of escaping is very high, so he wants to encourage more people to run away to distract the monster.

But as soon as these people ran more than ten meters away, tree roots sprouted from the ground, like poisonous snakes, wrapping around their feet, and then dragged them to the loquat tree and beat them at the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of whips was harsh, and they screamed as their military coats were whipped.

"Stop fighting, I won't run away!"

Han Meimei protected her head.

"Brother Lin, don't leave us!"

Wang Shou shouted.

"Stop shouting, no fool will come in!"

The female secretary touched her knees and looked depressed. What should I do now?

When she was dragged along just now, her black stockings were torn, leaving many scratches on her legs.

It hurts.

"Now we must work together to survive!"

After Lu Changming finished speaking, he heard Cinderella yelling excitedly.

"Sister Lin Shenyu and the others are coming in!"

Everyone immediately turned their heads.

Sure enough, Lin Baici and his party walked in.

"I thought of an ancient Chinese saying from Kyushu!"

Airi Sannomiya looked at the loquat tree.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant and the fruits are abundant.

"I also thought of something!"

Hua Yueyu pursed her lips and smiled

"There is a loquat tree in the garden. I planted it when my wife died. Now it is as tall as a canopy!"

Sannomiya Airi looked at Hua Yueyu: "Is this the sentence?"

"Have you read "Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi"?"

Hua Yueyu was surprised that Airi Sannomiya was from Japan.

"My Lady Xue Ji is well-read and knowledgeable!"

Qiu Wasabi and Yourong Yan's tone was full of superiority.

"Brother Lin!"

Wang Shou immediately ran to Lin Baici's side.

Swish, swish, swish!

The fruits on the loquat tree suddenly began to tremble.

Everyone's nerves were a little tense.

After the shaking lasted for more than ten seconds, the fruits all cracked open, like a big mouth.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry!"

These fruits made a shrill cry, like a baby that had been hungry for many days.


Walker touched his chin: "Beauty, there must be food in that bag of yours, right? Feed them some!"

Needless to say, Walker said that Airi Sannomiya was also prepared to do the same.

When exploring the ruins of the gods, there is an established rule, that is, whoever purifies the rules of contamination and contains the sacred objects takes them!

If everyone has contributed, they will be divided according to their contribution.

Airi Sannomiya is also full of confidence as the Yukihime of Daiyo Sankyoji Temple.

She opened the towel bag, took out some glutinous rice dumplings, tore open the packaging and threw them under the tree.

The roots of some loquat trees came out of the ground and were densely packed, like wriggling jellyfish tentacles. They grabbed the dumplings and brought them to the mouth of the loquat fruit.

The big mouth of the loquat fruit eats the dumpling, chews it for a while, and then spits it out.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry!"

The shouting started again, it was obvious that the glutinous rice dumplings were not to the taste.

Airi Sannomiya took out some frozen salmon and threw it under the tree.

Many roots stretched out and broke the salmon into pieces. Then each root was dipped in some fish meat and put into Loquat Guo's mouth.

This time, these fruit monsters chewed for a little longer, and just when everyone thought they were satisfied, the fruit spit out the fish meat.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry!"

The fruit monsters started crying again.

"Dry food is not enough, and meat is not enough. Do we need to eat fruit?"

Analysis by Lu Changming.

"Beauty, do you have any fruit? Feed it to them quickly!"

Han Meimei urged.

Sannomiya Airi took out some more fruits and threw them under the tree.

The roots snatched them, rolled them up, and brought them to the fruit's mouth.

"Fruit, eat fruit. It should be okay this time, right?"

Classmate Zhou’s reasoning.

"Haha, maybe you can eat people!"

Walker crossed his arms and waited for the results.

His words scared everyone. As everyone waited anxiously, more than ten seconds passed, and the fruit monster spat out the fruit in his mouth.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry!"

They started shouting again, which made everyone's expressions change.

"You don't really want to feed a living person, do you?"

Han Meimei was very panicked and wanted to squeeze closer to Lin Baici.

"It's a plant, so it should be fed with chemical fertilizers, right?"

The female secretary had an idea.

"Where do you get fertilizer in this damn place?"

Brother Dayi was speechless and looked at Airi Sannomiya. Even if this kimono girl was mentally ill, she wouldn't be carrying fertilizer with her, right?

"Stupid, in addition to chemical fertilizers, there is also manure!"

The female secretary urged: "Go over and pee quickly!"

“This idea works!”

Wang Shou was overjoyed, but just as he was about to go over, he stopped again.

Damn it!

Will you die in the past?

"You came up with the idea, you go ahead!"

Brother Dayi won't go there.

"I've thought of a way and I've done my best. It shouldn't be my turn!"

Female secretary argued.

"You are men, can't you be braver?"

Han Meimei began to squeeze Brother Dayi and classmate Zhou, saying that she did not dare to talk to Lin Baici and Walker.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry!"

"I want to eat people!"

The fruit monsters cried, trembled, and made harsh sounds.

A few roots suddenly shot out from the ground.


For safety reasons, Lin Baici did not attack these roots, but dragged Hua Yueyu and Gu Qingqiu to dodge.


Everyone was running away in a hurry.

At this moment, it all depends on personal luck.

Han Meimei and a middle-aged man were relatively unlucky. Their ankles were entangled by roots and they were immediately dragged towards the loquat tree.

In the process, more roots pierced through.


As Han Meimei screamed, the tree roots that were entangled with her exerted force, causing a "five-horse dismemberment".


Han Meimei was like a tattered rag doll, torn to pieces, blood gushed out, and her internal organs were scattered on the floor.

Her screams stopped abruptly.

The boss met the same fate.


The female secretary, Cinderella and other girls were so frightened that they peed, their legs went weak, and they collapsed on the grass.

This chapter has been completed!
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