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Chapter 750 Encountered attrition!

In the cornfield, everyone stopped and listened.

"There seems to be a sound!"

The blonde took the initiative to talk to him, but he actually didn't hear anything. What he said was just to cater to Lin Baici and want to have a good relationship with him.

"I didn't hear it!"

Huang Cheng grabbed the hem of his jersey and wiped the sweat from his face.

This action exposed his belly.

Lin Baici glanced at it. For a god hunter, this Real Madrid fan's figure was a bit undisciplined.

"What's your level? Do you dare to compete with God Lin in hearing?"

Old Man Luo sneered, and then smiled at Lin Baici.

It's a pity that Lin Baici didn't even glance at him.

"My dear nephew, what should I do?"

Wu Shitong didn't hear any strange sounds, they were all the rustling of the wind blowing through the farmland and the shaking of corn, but he believed in Lin Baici's judgment.

Ma Xiaoyun was very nervous and hid in the crowd, especially wanting to get close to Lin Baici.

Lin Baici activated the ear-sounding recitation, and his listening ability went to a new level.

"It sounds like a bird flying!"

Lin Baici looked up, but the corn grew too tall, blocking his view.

"Chop down the nearby corn!"

Lin Baici gave instructions and immediately took action.

The bronze sword was very sharp. Lin Baici slashed through the corn stalks horizontally. They all fell to the ground like soldiers being lined up to be shot.

"Move! Move!"

Old Man Luo urged.

Everyone hurry up and get busy.

A small clearing was soon cut out.

"Look over there!"

The waitress screamed, pointing her right hand towards the west.

Everyone looked up.

I saw a large flock of birds flying over to the west under the clear blue sky. Because there were so many of them, they were so dark that they looked like a curtain.

"It's a crow!"

Zhong Shuman saw it clearly: "And it's so big!"

The crows flew very quickly.

"Look for a place to hide quickly?"

The girl with the lip ring was a little scared.

"That's easy to say. Where can we hide in this deserted village?"

When I came here in Qifen, I saw no buildings except for cornfields.

"Lin Shen, these crows shouldn't be coming for us, right?"

The waitress also had some small expectations.

"Stop looking, run quickly and get into the cornfield."

Lin Baici gave instructions while turning around and rushing into the cornfield: "Try not to make any noise and keep your body as low as possible."

Everyone followed immediately.

However, there is one thing to say. It is a bit scary to have so many crows flying over at once, but it is not scary. After all, in everyone's mind, what lethality can some birds have?

If this were a group of hungry wolf-maned dogs, there didn't need to be many, just a dozen or so, and everyone would have panicked and started running away.

[The straw crows are here, you can’t run away, as long as you are discovered by them, they will not leave until they have eaten your flesh and blood!]

Nagami review.

Lin Baici's face darkened slightly and he immediately stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Zhong Shuman saw that something was wrong with Lin Baici's expression.

"Quick, chop some corn and pile it into a pile, get in and hide, quick, quick, quick!"

Lin Baici urged, already bending down to start working: "Yintong, pile these up!"

"It's just some crows. Are you so nervous?"

Huang Cheng felt that Lin Baici was making too much of a fuss.

"There's so much nonsense, let's do whatever God Lin tells us to do!"

Old Man Luo also felt that Lin Baici was too cautious and was just torturing people, but he was Jiuzhou Longyi and he had the final say.

Everyone immediately started chopping corn.

Although the tool is not easy to use, the strength of the divine hunter is strong enough and the endurance is good enough to keep swinging the machete.

"Lin Shen, please rest for a while, I'll do it!"

Zhong Shuman took a few steps forward. After passing Lin Baici, she took a deep breath and exhaled.

Divine grace is activated, and the wind and flowers are dancing!


The air flow exhaled by Zhong Shuman became larger and thicker visibly to the naked eye, cutting forward like a wind blade.

Swish, swish, swish!

The corn was cut off, leaving an open space the size of a basketball court.

"Quick, pile up the corn stalks!"

Lin Baici saw that the straw crow was almost flying over.

He quickly built a corn stack and got into it.

"Brother Lin, can I come with you?"

Li Yintong looked at Lin Baici eagerly.


Lin Baici refused.

The cleaner and waitress knew Lin Baici's reputation and knew that the landlady valued him, so they did whatever he told them to do.

Just as Lin Baici got into the corn stack, the two of them also made a small pile and got into it.

Wu Shitong and the two bodyguards were not slow in their movements, and then the three of them hid together.

In this situation where they could not protect themselves, the two bodyguards were still taking care of Wu Shitong. It was obviously the richest man in Haijing who paid a huge price.

"Is this okay?"

Ma Xiaoyun looked at the small pile of corn stalks in front of him and really didn't want to deal with it anymore.

The weather was hot and stuffy, and after running so far in the cornfield, Ma Xiaoyun was already exhausted. He wanted to turn on the air conditioner and eat ice cream.


Why did I encounter such bad luck?

I really shouldn't have entered that bar at that time!

"Hide quickly!"

Lin Baici saw the straw crow coming: "Don't make any noise before they leave, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

When everyone heard Lin Baici's threat, their hearts trembled, and they hurriedly got into the corn stack.

Wow! Wow!

Densely packed crows flew across the sky. Because there were so many of them, they covered the sky and the sun, and looked like a black ocean tide.

Lin Baici and the others had cut down a lot of corn. Looking from a high altitude, this bare area looked like a scar, which was somewhat conspicuous.

Some straw crows landed, with their black eyes open, looking around.

Everyone slowed down their breathing.

The woman with the lip ring wore less clothes and was sweating all over. She was already uncomfortable. Now she was lying in the corn stalks and was even more uncomfortable. Some places started to itch.

The girl with the lip ring reached out to grab it.

In her heart, she still felt that they were just crows. What danger could there be?

You won’t eat people, right?

So I didn't take it seriously.

She didn't notice that there were two crows next to her. When she scratched her back, the corn stalks covering her body naturally swayed a little.

Two straw crows noticed this situation, came over, and stretched out their beaks to catch corn.

"Depend on!"

The lip-ringed girl cursed in a low voice and stopped moving, but the straw crows did not leave, and because of the pecking of these two, crows from other places began to gather here one after another.

Wow! Wow!

The crows flapped their wings and flew to the girl with the lip ring.

At this time, the lip ring girl was a little panicked.

No matter what it is, once the quantity increases, it will look a little overwhelming.

"Go! Go! Go!"

The lip-ringed girl stretched out her hand to drive away the first two crows. She felt that without crows around her, new ones would not be attracted.

But her action was like poking a hornet's nest.

The two driven crows were not scared away. Instead, they found the lip-ringed woman with her hand.


The two crows flapped their wings and flew away from the corn stack, followed by a sharp and sharp cry.

Quack! Quack!

The straw crows who heard this cry all flew over in a swarm.

The first two were like aerial bombs, crashing into the corn pile where the girl with the lip ring was hiding.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

In the blink of an eye, crows were everywhere near the corn stacks. They used their beaks and claws to scratch at the corn stacks, trying to get out the 'food' hidden inside.

The girl with the lip ring panicked and regretted her behavior just now to drive away the two crows.

She didn't dare to move now, and huddled up into a ball, but it was no use, the straw crow had already discovered her.


It was all piercing screams.


The girl with the lip ring shook her leg suddenly and cried out in pain.

A crow pecked her calf.

It hurts!

The girl with the lip ring wanted to endure it, but she couldn't help it. The place where she was pecked hurt like hell, and there seemed to be liquid flowing out.

It can't be blood, right?

The girl with the lip ring wanted to touch it and have a look, but she was worried about disturbing the crows. In the midst of the dilemma, the straw crow that had pecked the meat began to dig into the corn pile, trying to eat the meat of the girl with the lip ring.

How much space can there be under a corn stack?

Moreover, the girl with the lip ring was too lazy just now and the corn pile was not big enough.

Soon, the crow saw her curled up right foot, and then pecked it again.


The girl with the lip ring was so painful that she shivered.

As this crow discovered her and ate the meat, more and more crows gathered here and started pecking.

Their frantic rush for food was like a group of piranhas that saw someone fall into the water.

【The food is here, let’s start eating!】

Now the girl with the lip ring couldn't hide it anymore, she jumped up in pain, held her head in her hands, and ran towards her boyfriend's blond hair.


The girl with the lip ring called for help. She actually wanted to run to Lin Baici, but she estimated that there was a high probability that they would not save her!

"do not come!"

The blond shouted.

These crows are so scary.

Not only are they big, their beaks are extremely sharp, and every time they peck, they can tear off a piece of flesh from the lip-ringed girl.

"Fuck, so cruel!"

Old Man Luo, who was hiding in the corn stack, didn't know whether he was saying that the crow was too cruel or that the blond hair was too ruthless.

The girl with the lip ring didn't listen, ran to the corn stack where the blond hair was hiding, and started to lift the corn stalks to the side.

In just a moment, the girl with the lip ring had been pecked until her skin was torn open and blood was flowing out, like a bloody person.

"Are you fucking sick?"

The blond hair was also discovered by Crow, and he stood up angrily and complained to the girl with the lip ring.

"help me!"

The girl with the lip ring burst into tears.

"How can I help?"

The blond hair was so angry that he vomited blood. While waving the machete, he asked Lin Baici for help: "Lin Shen, please help me?"

There were too many crows, and the blond could still hit one or two if he chopped them randomly.

Immediately after they died, crows gathered and ate their corpses.

Because of the fight, crow feathers flew everywhere, and the internal organs of the corpse were torn out and scattered everywhere.

The scene is very scary.

Ma Xiaoyun was feeling uncomfortable and wanted to scratch her itch, but the terrifying scene in front of her made her afraid to move. She wanted to get under the ground and hide.

She began to regret not stacking the corn stack thicker.

【There is no hope, just wait to die!】

Nagami review.

"Run back!"

Lin Baici knew that if he shouted, he might be discovered by crows, but out of humanitarianism, he shouted loudly, and then he continued to think about the possible changes that might occur next.

"Lin Shen, save us!"

The girl with the lip ring cried and wanted to find Lin Baici, but she didn't dare, so she could only run away.

The golden haired man also had the same mentality, but he felt that if he went to Lin Baici, Lin Baici would definitely kill him in order not to be exposed, so he chose Ma Xiaoyun and the photographer.

It would be nice to have two more cannon fodders to share the firepower!

And they are still ordinary people. If they can't afford to offend themselves, they will die if they die.

When Ma Xiaoyun saw the blond man running towards him, he screamed in fright: "Don't come over here!"

"Run back to the manor!"

Lin Baici shouted again.

"what about you?"

The girl with the lip ring didn't want to go alone, because if she was alone, she felt that she would definitely not be able to get out of this rule pollution and would die, which made her very scared.

"Listen to him and go back to the manor!"

Huang Cheng also shouted.

"I'm sorry!"

Old Man Luo and Zhong Shuman were speechless. Lin Baici took the risk of being exposed and would like to remind you that he has done his utmost to be benevolent and righteous, otherwise what would happen?

And let him go out and fight those crows for 300 rounds?


Just two strangers.

But what's even more troublesome is the blond guy. This guy was discovered himself and he doesn't want to make things easier for others.

In order to protect themselves, Old Man Luo and Zhong Shuman were about to activate Divine Grace and kill this guy when they heard a gunshot.


A cloud of gunpowder smoke rose from the corn stack.

It was the photographer hiding below who fired.

The lead bullet hit the blond's lower abdomen. The severe pain caused him to stumble and fall to the ground.


The blond screamed.

The straw crows swarmed in and filled him up in the blink of an eye, completely engulfing him.

"Get away!"

The blonde struggled, crawled, and waved away: "Get away!"

But to no avail!

The straw crows are like eating a buffet, fighting for each other with crazy energy, just like the black guys who are shopping for zero yuan.

The girl with the lip ring cried in fright. After listening to Lin Baici's words, she turned around and ran back staggeringly towards the manor she came from.

Don’t worry about whether you will die if you are alone, let’s survive first!

Old Man Luo and Zhong Shuman, who were about to kill her, stopped.

"Go and eat them, there are people there too!"

"Brother Su, help me!"

"I don't want to die!"

The blond shouted, but his voice became weaker and weaker.

The girl with cropped hair and leather pants didn't move.

The worst thing for the blond was that the crows would not cause fatal injuries when they pecked him, so he couldn't die for a while, but he couldn't run away either. He could only watch these crows surrounding him.

In the cornfield, the screams of the blond hair gradually faded away, except for the sound of crows flapping their wings and making noisy noises.

People like Zhong Shuman didn't dare to breathe, watching the blond's belly being pecked open and his internal organs being eaten.

Several crows pecked the blond's intestines with their beaks and pulled him out of his belly.

"Damn it, you even have to turn your intestines?"

Wu Shi and the two bodyguards made their scalp numb at this scene.

Ma Xiaoyun held his head, huddled up, and prayed to Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, that he would never be discovered by those terrible crows.

She didn't know how long it took before she heard Lin Baici and the others talking.

Ma Xiaoyun immediately pulled out the corn stack and took a cautious look.

Lin Bai resigned and they went out,

Those man-eating crows are gone!

This chapter has been completed!
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