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Chapter 757 Welcome to Crow Ridge!

At dawn, the sky was already dark, and the forest was filled with thick fog. The centuries-old trees blocked the sky and had lush branches and leaves, making it impossible for sunlight to penetrate.

As a result, the overall environment seemed extremely dark.

Wu Shitong's remaining bodyguard was sitting on the ground gasping for air. Hearing Old Man Luo's words, he went numb.

"Are you still looking for a way?"

The bodyguard looked unhappy: "Can't you survive if you escape from that cornfield?"

"Who told you that you could survive if you escaped?

Old Man Luo asked back.


The bodyguard was speechless.

He recalled it, and it seemed that no one had really said that.

"How much more pollution is there behind?"

Ma Xiaoyun's voice trembled.

"You have to ask the initiator of the pollution caused by these rules!"

Old Man Luo shrugged his shoulders.

"What if I can't find it?"

Ma Xiaoyun asked.

"The result that we can't find is that we are all dead, so you don't have to worry about this problem by then!"

Li Yintong chuckled: "But with Brother Lin here, this situation will never happen!"

Ma Xiaoyun looked irritated and wanted to scold her. After suffering so much, she finally came out of the cornfield. She thought she could survive, but she didn't expect to continue playing this ghost game!

Lin Baici is very strong and may be able to kill that bastard behind the scenes, but the problem is that he will be in trouble if he doesn't hold on until then!

Ma Xiaoyun regrets it so much now. What if he hadn't sneaked into that bar for the live broadcast effect?


Traffic kills people!

"Have you rested enough?"

Lin Baici looked around, but unfortunately the fog was too thick and the visibility was about thirty meters, so he couldn't see anything at all: "That's enough, let's set off!"

"Let's go quickly!"

Zhong Shuman crossed his arms and touched his arms: "This place is so ghostly, it makes me very uncomfortable!"

The temporary team is on the road again.

The terrain here seems to be a hillside with a relatively gentle slope, with gravel, weeds, and large trees with straight trunks scattered sparsely, like soldiers who are about to get old.

"I have a flashlight here, which one of you wants it?"

Lin Baici took out two flashlights. Because the lumen was very high, the light they emitted was very bright and had good penetration.

"I want!"

Ma Xiaoyun feels that holding this thing will make her feel safe.

There is only one bodyguard left and the bodyguard is leaving.

Lin Baici was carrying a ghost oil lamp.

After walking for half an hour, there were a lot fewer big trees, and the branches and leaves above our heads were no longer so dense, but the light was still very dark because of the thick fog.

"Brother Lin, you are carrying this thing like a ghost, haunting a place like this, it's really scary!"

When Li Yintong and Lin Baici were together, they didn't feel afraid at all, and they were still joking.

"I think of the beginning of Liao Zhai, where there is a man walking in the cemetery at night with a lantern!"

The woman in leather pants interjected.

"Damn it, you still dare to watch Liao Zhai?"

I was shocked in Qifen, I didn't expect my girlfriend to have such a side.

"Life is stressful, watch this to relieve stress!"

Leather pants woman explains.

"I said, can you please leave the cemetery alone? Are you talking nonsense?"

Old Man Luo cursed: "Everyone has his crow's mouth!"


The woman in leather pants was stunned and looked forward, dumbfounded.

As Ma Xiaoyun and the bodyguards shined their flashlights back and forth, everyone saw a few tombstones appearing in front of them.

These tombstones have been weathered and broken by wind and rain, and they look like they are hundreds of years old.

Under each tombstone is a raised grave mound.

Coupled with this environment, it is very strange.

"Brother Lin, look at these graves piled together, do they look like pimples on your face?"

Li Yintong was laughing and joking.

"Holy crap, if you say that, how can I look directly at pimples on other people's faces in the future?"

Old Man Luo was speechless.

"Lin...Lin Shen, let's change the road?"

Ma Xiaoyun was panicked.

"Lin Shen, would you like another one?"

The waitress pleaded, she was afraid of ghosts.

[It’s too late, this is a maze. Once you enter, you can only get out if you find the person who holds the sacred object!]

The Nagami review didn't tell you how to find someone.

Lin Baici turned around, picked up the oil lamp, and shined into the distance.


Qifen screamed and stepped back suddenly, almost peeing in fear.

I don't know when, tombstones and grave heads appeared on the slope behind me.

"What's going on? It wasn't there when I came here just now?"

The waitress was so scared that her legs were trembling.

There are no ghosts in reality, but in rule pollution, anything can happen, so it is entirely possible to encounter evil ghosts.

The female cleaning woman clasped her hands together and asked Guanyin Bodhisattva for blessing.

"Keep going!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he walked forward.

People like Taimei, Zhong Shuman, Luo Laohan, and Huang Cheng knew that it was useless to be afraid. They could only use soldiers to block the water and cover up the soil. The others could not do it and were trembling all the time.

There's nothing I can do, I'm so scared that I can't control myself at all.

Although everyone avoided those graves, sometimes they were too dense and had to be passed by.

"You said this

Huang Cheng ponders.

"Wouldn't you know if you dig it out and take a look?"

Zhong Shuman was joking, but after saying this, she saw Huang Cheng stop and seemed to be carefully selecting the grave.

About ten seconds later, the young man lifted up the lapel of his Real Madrid jersey, wiped his face, and walked over.

"Hey, what are you doing? You don't really want to dig a grave, do you?"

The girl in leather pants is going crazy: "Don't alarm the monster!"

Her only thought now was to get out of this ghost place quickly.

"Maybe there are clues to get out buried in this tomb!"

After Huang Cheng finished speaking, he squatted beside a grave and started digging with a machete.

After digging a few times, he felt it was inconvenient: "Lin Shen, do you have a shovel?"


Lin Baici summoned the reindeer sleigh.

"Lin Shen, are you going crazy like him?"

The woman in leather pants persuaded: "Let's not move anything and just leave quietly, okay?"

"What if I can't get out?"

Huang Cheng asked back.

"Then we have to walk through it first!"

The girl in leather pants doesn't agree to take risks anyway.

Huang Cheng was very stubborn. He was very satisfied when he saw that Lin Baici did not refuse.

As expected of the Forest God, he was as bold as himself.

Lin Baici picked up a shovel and threw it to Huang Cheng: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Since this Real Madrid young man wants to dig a grave, let him dig it. Anyway, if there is pollution, he is confident that he can handle it.


Huang Cheng took the shovel and shoveled it towards the grave.

It seemed like there had been light rain last night, or it might have been dew. Anyway, the soil was very moist and soft, and the shovel could be inserted more than half of it in one go.

Huang Cheng stepped down on the shovel with his left foot, then lifted it up, then used both hands to throw the shovel aside.

Swish! Swish!

Huang Cheng has obviously done farm work, and his posture is very correct.

On the fifth shovel, Huang Cheng suddenly stopped because an arm suddenly stretched out from the soil.

This should be a man's arm. The flesh on it is rotten, and the white maggots crawling on it are fluttering down like soybeans.

"There's a monster!"

Huangcheng reminder.


When the girl in leather pants saw it, she gasped: "I told you not to dig, but you insist on digging. Now... ah!"

Halfway through the words of the woman in leather pants, she suddenly turned into a scream because she felt something grabbing her ankle.

When I looked down, I saw a big rotten hand.

The stench is astounding.

"Goddess Lin, help me!"

The woman in leather pants yelled and shook her feet hard, trying to get free.

Huang Cheng took a shovel and chopped at the hand in front of him.

No one could care to look at the situation on his side, because arms sprouted out of the ground like mushrooms after rain, grabbing the nearest ankle.

None of them, including Lin Baici, were spared, and they were all attacked.


Ma Xiaoyun screamed in fright, and the hairs all over her body stood on end. She pulled out her leg hard, but she couldn't pull it out.

The arm pulled hard.


Ma Xiaoyun was dragged, and with the sound of splashing earth,

A head breaks out of the ground.

It was a rotten head, with maggots crawling in the eye sockets and ears.

"Is this a zombie?"

As Li Yintong spoke, he waved the butterfly knife and cut off the arm.

Lin Baici lowered his head and looked at the zombie hand grabbing his ankle. He didn't rush to attack. Instead, he slashed with his sword when the head was exposed.


The bronze sword split the zombie's head in two.

Some green paste flowed out from the cut head.

The girl with cropped hair and leather pants was breathing heavily, but she was okay and had no worries about protecting herself.

"Nephew Lin, help me!"

Wu Shitong fell to the ground and kicked the zombie holding him in the head.

There was a swishing sound all around. It was the sound of the soil on the grave being pushed away by big rotten hands, and the zombies crawling out.

Lin Baici started chopping off those arms like he was cutting down trees.

"Lin Shen, I was bitten, oooooooo!"

Ma Xiaoyun cried: "Will I be infected?"

"Shut up, have you watched too many movies?"

Old Man Luo thought this woman was noisy: "These are not zombies!"

"Speaking of which, Brother Lin and I actually saw zombies during our trip to Busan, the kind from ancient times."

Li Yintong shows off.

Zhong Shuman glanced at Taimei. She and Li Yintong had taken in sacred objects before. Taimei was very cautious, but this time, why was she so careless?

Just because you follow Lin Baici?

Zhong Shuman could not have imagined how strong Lin Bai was in his speech, which made Li Yintong not worried at all.

Ma Xiaoyun was right. If you are bitten by a zombie, you may not be infected into a zombie!

"What should we do now?"

Qifeng asked urgently.

"Kill out!"

Lin Baici's answer was calm and composed: "Brother Luo, Huang Cheng, you take the lead!"


Old Man Luo cursed and said he didn't want to do it, but he didn't dare to disobey Lin Baici's order, so he could only bite the bullet and go ahead.

This trouble was caused by Huang Cheng, so he should be the one to clear the way.

"Which way to go?"

Huang Cheng wielded the shovel and beat the zombies in front of him.

Everyone has an idea, but everyone knows that what they say is useless and they have to listen to Lin Baici.

"Keep moving forward!"

Lin Baici gave the order.

Old Man Luo and Huang Cheng rushed out like two generals.

They also knew that the longer they stayed in this area, the greater the danger, so they used all their firepower to get out first.

The zombies standing in front of them were knocked over and their heads were missing.

Zhong Shuman and Li Yintong, one on the left and one on the right, were accompanied by the cleaning lady and the waitress respectively. A little later came Lin Baici, and even further behind were Wu Shitong and Ma Xiaoyun.

"Sister Gui, hold the oil lamp for me!"

Arranged by Lin Baici.

Waitress Sun Guifen came over immediately.

There was a trace of happiness on her face. Being able to hold a lantern for Lin Shen showed that he took care of her, and her chances of survival would increase.

"Brother Lin, I can also hold the lantern!"

Li Yintong pouted.

"You have great fighting ability. It would be a waste to come here and hold a lantern!"

While Lin Baici was speaking, he also held up his double-barreled shotgun, listened to the sound to identify its location, half-turned back, and fired at a zombie that rushed within ten meters.


The bullet exploded in its head.


On the right side, there is a zombie that bursts out of the ground and pounces on Ma Xiaoyun.

Lin Baici took aim and fired.


The zombie was shot in the chest, and his whole body was knocked out.

Lin Bai resigned and broke off the barrel of the gun.


The magazine was exposed, and two smoking bullet casings were ejected.

After Lin Baici finished loading the gun, he flicked his right wrist and returned the barrel to its original position.

Bang bang!

Lin Baici fired two more shots, killing two approaching zombies.

"Lin Shen, your shotgun is too cool, isn't it?"

Old man Luo was envious: "Can I borrow it for fun?"

Firearms cannot be used in rule pollution, so everyone either uses divine grace, or uses cold weapons or sacred objects to chop them down one after another. Now that he suddenly saw Lin Baici playing with a gun, it was quite powerful, and Old Man Luo was immediately envious and jealous.

I just hate that my strength is low.

Otherwise, grab it and have fun.

After everyone ran for more than ten minutes, no graves could be seen around them, but zombies still emerged from the morning fog around them from time to time.

Just like the ghost probe on the road, it was quite scary, but the frequent gunshots from Lin Baici's place gave people a great sense of security.

As long as the gun is fired, a zombie will be destroyed.

"Lin... Nephew Lin, run... I can't run anymore!"

Wu Shitong was already at the end, his legs felt like they were filled with lead, and every breath he took felt like a blade was pulling at his throat.

"You will die if you can't run!"

The woman in leather pants cursed, she didn't want Lin Baici to stop and save the old man.

The top priority is to seize the time and leave this hellish place.

Swish! Swish!

Two blasts of wind sounded.

It was two black shadows that jumped down from the branches very quickly.

"Watch your head!"

Lin Baici shouted a warning, raised his head, raised his gun, and fired!


A winged monster was killed.


The second shot was out of bullets and empty.

Although Lin Baici reloaded the bullet very quickly, he still couldn't catch up.

The monster jumped down, grabbed the bodyguard's shoulders with its big claws, threw him to the ground, and then gnawed on his head.


The monster cracked the bodyguard's head in one bite like a walnut.

The bodyguard died suddenly.

"What the hell is this?"

The girl in leather pants screams.

This monster is about half a meter tall and has a lean body, like a starved child. It is gray and has no fur, so it looks particularly ugly, like a reborn rat.

This thing has bat-like wings, a triangular face, and big protruding eyes. When it stares at people, its vertical pupils shine with the bloodthirsty light of an ape.


As soon as the monster screamed out, it was drowned out by gunfire.


Lin Baici fired, and the monster was beaten and rolled away.

This chapter has been completed!
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