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Chapter 813: Zero dollar purchase, further reduction of staff!

Chapter 814: Zero dollar purchase, further reduction of staff!

"I'm going to blow your mind, this Sakura girl is really good at it!"

Li Yintong's teeth were itching with anger, why couldn't he think of this way to coax Brother Lin?

Hua Yueyu curled her lips, feeling that this woman posed a greater threat than Jin Yingzhen, mainly because Sakura Girl's combat effectiveness was too high.

In Shenxu, she can really be Lin Baici's right-hand man, unlike herself, who is 99% a burden.

The second and third floors of the hypermarket have relatively valuable electrical appliances, game consoles, clothing...

After the zero-dollar shopping started, time was not unlimited. The black people not only had to get things before the police arrived, but also had to rob them with other people, so they all ran very fast. But as Airi Sannomiya started to kill people, they

Everyone stopped at the bottom of the escalator, afraid to come up.

Sakura girl walked down, slashing at the same time. When she came down, the black men hurriedly backed away for more than ten meters.

no way,

So scary!

The ground was full of wailing and screaming black people. Except for those who fell to the ground and fainted, most of them survived, so the screams were particularly sad.

With Airi Sannomiya's fighting power, it wouldn't be too easy to kill all these people, but she was very wicked and cut off all of them, leaving only one life.

Among the broken hands on the ground were the black people who were still lying on the escalator. Because the escalator reached the top, they didn't want to get stuck, so they climbed up, or were simply sent out by the escalator, so there were a lot of people here.

Just like the snakehead fish sold in net bags at the fish market on the pier in the morning.

Lin Baici stood at the escalator on the second floor, feeling awkward.

Because after these black people heard what Airi Sannomiya said, they all started to stare at him.


Lin Baici was about to ignore these looks, but the next second, he caught a glimpse of someone in the crowd, taking out a Beretta 92F pistol and pointing it at Airi Sannomiya.

"Airi, be careful!"

Lin Baici shouted a warning.


Gunshots were fired.

A bullet was shot at Airi Sannomiya.

Airi Sannomiya didn't turn her head, she just listened to the voice and identified her position, then drew her sword and chopped lightly.


A flash of silver light flashed, and with a ding sound, a ball of golden sparks exploded.

The bullet was cut open, shot out to other places with two whizzing sounds, jingled, jingled, and fell to the ground.


The black people were so amazed that their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

Katana cuts bullets?

Isn’t this too awesome?

After Airi Sannomiya held a sword in her arms, she did not sheath the sword, but swung the sword towards the black man who was shooting.


The air vibrated, and a half-moon-shaped blade of sword energy, half a meter long, shot through the crowd, struck the black man, and then continued forward.

Sakura girl flicked the handle with her fingers, turned the katana half a circle, and then inserted it into the scabbard.

one word,


As the samurai sword entered the scabbard, it made a clanging sound, and the black man who had been slashed by the sword's energy was broken into two halves.

So this area became completely empty in an instant.

"Jun Lin!"

Airi Sannomiya smiled: "You can go!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

Lin Baici urged, hurry downstairs.

When the black people saw this group of people coming down, they ran away one after another.

Airi Sannomiya followed Lin Baiqi, holding a samurai sword in both hands, holding it horizontally in front of her lower abdomen, her head slightly lowered, taking small steps, looking particularly well-behaved.

Click! Click!

Even the sound of the clogs on Sakura Girl's feet colliding with the floor sounded very docile, making her look like a house cat, making it impossible for anyone to connect with this bloody scene.

Many of these black people who bought for zero dollars carried guns, but after seeing the unlucky guy who attacked her and cut her in half, no one dared to retaliate against them.

Fear, fear, and being unprovoked are their current emotions!

Although there was chaos in the hypermarket, Lin Baici and the others walked extremely smoothly, and no one dared to block the way.

When he arrived at the checkout counter, Lin Baici saw that the tables had been overturned and the cashier had disappeared early. Naturally, no one came to pay.

Lin Baici snapped his fingers.

Signaling everyone to leave.

"You can have sex for free!"

Li Yintong cheered and participated in a zero-yuan purchase...


"Run! Run! I feel a little nervous!"

Xia Hongyao laughed, her childlike innocence still intact.

There were people watching the target, and they were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

If it were in reality, everyone might still worry about it, but this is in the ruins of the gods, who would care?

Black people who were quick to get the goods were already running out of the supermarket.

"Follow them!"

Gu Qingqiu urged.

You might encounter the police if you run around, but following these experienced black men is absolutely safe.

Everyone just ran away.

“Sold less!”

Li Yintong felt uncomfortable.

We all don’t need this little money, all we want is a sense of participation. It’s like going to Xishuangbanna. It wouldn’t be appropriate if we didn’t enjoy the Water Splashing Festival. Also, if we go to the Qiantang River, we must watch the tide...

So when you come to America and participate in a zero-dollar shopping experience, you can experience the local customs and customs.

Everyone ran for five minutes, walked through three streets and alleys, and came to an alley. They felt it should be safe and then stopped.

Jin Yingzhen unpacked the mobile phone: "Get a few phone cards, and after exchanging numbers, everyone can disperse!"

Airi Sannomiya's excellence made the Korean girls actively participate in the show, wanting to show off.

"Do we have to go to the operator?"

Hua Yueyu has never been to this country and doesn’t understand the process!

"You guys find a place to rest, I'll take care of it!"

Jin Yingzhen took the initiative to ask for help.

"I'll accompany you!"

Lin Baici was worried.

"You are our general. You have to recharge your batteries and save the critical moments to go into battle. She and I will go!"

Airi Sannomiya has no airs at all, and she doesn't look like a noble Princess Daiyo Yukihime at all.

"go together!"

Xia Hongyao still wants to act together.

"That's too conspicuous!"

Gu Qingqiu shook his head. At this time, he should keep a low profile.

"Then I'm off!"

Just as Jin Yingzhen took a few steps, Lin Baici turned on the electric light and flint and rushed over.


Lin Baici reached out, grabbed Gao Limei, and pulled her to her side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Seven or eight flower pots fell down and hit the ground.

As if facing a powerful enemy, everyone immediately raised their heads.

It was a scurrying wild cat that jumped onto the balcony of a family on the seventh floor and knocked down the row of flower pots.

"Lin Shen, you react so quickly!"

Pan Junjie complimented, but his heart was filled with fear.

Lin Baici has so many powerful miraculous gifts that it would be a bit silly to want to kill him.

"In this rule pollution, bad luck can come anytime, anywhere. Let's act together!"

Xia Hongyao was worried, she didn't want to lose any of her companions.

Gu Qingqiu didn't insist anymore. If it weren't for Lin Baici's quick eyesight and quick hands, Jin Yingzhen would have been smashed into a vegetative state even if he didn't die.

Everyone left and when they were still a few meters out of the alley, a police car passed by with its siren honking. Then after a few seconds, it backed up again, blocking everyone's way.

Two policemen in dark blue uniforms walked out. They didn't even bother to close the car door. They drew their guns and aimed at Lin Baici and his party.

The fat policeman spat out a lot of English words.

"what did he say?"

Some people's English is poor and I didn't understand.

"He said let's raise our hands, face the wall on the left, and stand in a row!"

Translated by Pan Junjie.

"Why should I punch your lungs out? I haven't broken any laws?"

Li Yintong was unhappy.

The fat policeman looked serious and warned again. His finger was on the trigger, and he was obviously starting to use force, ready to shoot at any time.

Another policeman is holding a walkie-talkie, calling for backup!

These people look out of place in this city, and they probably came here illegally.

"Everyone, just be patient and let them check it out. It's okay to just leave!"

Pan Junjie persuaded everyone. He walked to the wall, stood facing the wall, raised his hands and put them on it: "Otherwise, if we offend them, we will be wanted by the whole city!"

The police in this country are not easy to mess with and will empty their magazines anytime and anywhere.

The fat policeman was very experienced. When he saw these people looking at Lin Baici, he knew that this was the leader, so he pointed his gun at him.

"Hold your head with your hands and lie down!"

the fat policeman shouted.

Another siren sounded quickly from far away to near, it seemed that reinforcements were coming.

"Lin Shen!"

Pan Junjie shouted, with some impatience and resentment in his voice.

Another police car came over and stopped at the entrance of the alley. Two policemen got out, and they were armed with assault rifles.

With more people and heavy firepower from his colleagues, the fat policeman became more confident. He shouted at Lin Baici and even walked over to handcuff him.

But the next second, he stopped because he saw a huge Buddha statue suddenly appeared behind the Kyushu young man.

The face of the Buddha statue is simple, calm and majestic.

In the alley, a drizzle began to fall, falling on the policemen.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

A flame immediately lit up on their heads.

The Buddha statue lowered its head, leaned over and blew.

The night rain is floating, and the wild Buddha blows the lamp!


The moment the flames on their heads went out, they died suddenly, fell to the ground, and fell asleep!

"Lin Shen!"

Pan Junjie complained in his tone, "What's the point of killing this kind of miscellaneous NPC?"

Lin Baici turned around and glanced at Pan Junjie.

Pan Junjie glanced at Lin Baici's expressionless eyes, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to say the last part of the sentence.

Lin Bai stepped over the body and walked out of the alley.

"Zero-dollar shopping just happened nearby, which will definitely attract a lot of police. I suggest taking the subway and moving immediately!"

Airi Sannomiya's advice is always accurate and timely.


Lin Baici thought so too.

"I've seen a subway entrance before!"

Hua Yueyu raised his hand.

Everyone walked back, and after three hundred meters, they saw a subway entrance and entered immediately.

As I walked down the dilapidated escalator, the smell of urine wafted into my nose.

The subway station was very dirty, the lighting was dark, and there were a few homeless people sleeping with newspapers on their pillows.

You definitely don’t need to buy a ticket, so everyone just skips the turnstile, goes in and waits.

Two minutes later, a subway came.

Everyone's goal was to move as quickly as possible, so they went up regardless of where the destination was.

There are not many passengers in the carriage.

Everyone found a seat and sat down.

Soon, the subway started.

Boom boom boom!

Lin Baici's body swayed slightly as the subway moved.

"God Lin, what do you think is the forbidden object that caused this rule pollution?"

Su Bi asked, wanting to get some information.

He has no clue now.

"Even the city has come out. It's so big, it's probably the remains of a god!"

Analysis of Xia Hong Yao.

Everyone was discussing and speculating on every possibility.

On the other side of the rear carriage, a man dressed as a classic circus clown entered the carriage.

He was wearing a colorful plaid suit, loose suspenders underneath, his face was painted white, he had a green wig, and a red nose.

There was a one-meter-long and half-meter-wide billboard hanging on his chest. As he walked, he handed out tickets to people in the carriage.

Just like the people in doll costumes in front of Mixue Bingcheng milk tea shop, in order to attract customers.

Everyone was quite concerned about it at first, but after seeing that he was handing out tickets for a talk show, they stopped paying attention.

The clown man walked up to Jin Yingzhen and said a few words.

Jin Yingzhen waved her hand and refused, very coldly.

The clown man walked up to Li Yintong again.

"The culture is different, I can't understand your talk show!"

Li Yintong shrugged his shoulders.

When the clown man walked up to Gu Qingqiu, she stretched out her hand: "Here are ten tickets, Airi-chan, give me the money!"

Airi Sannomiya rolled her eyes, but still took out a wad of dollars and threw it to the clown man.

The clown man bowed, quickly took out a handful of tickets from his pocket, and handed them over.

"Aren't you afraid that this thing will be contaminated?"

Although Airi Sannomiya said so, she actually planned to get a few tickets to be prepared.

She drew a few cards herself and handed them out to Lin Baici and the others, and threw the rest to Pan Junjie.

Pan Junjie was not in the mood to serve others, so he kept two of them and threw the rest to Su Bi who was sitting next to him.

Sumei took one, and it turned out that it was sticky and had something like nasal mucus.


How disgusting!

Su Bi cursed, threw away the ticket, and threw the rest on the empty seat next to him: "Whoever wants it, come and get it yourself!"

The clown man who was leaving the carriage saw this scene and came back, squatting on the ground to pick up the ticket that Su Bi had thrown away.

"You just gave the guests tickets with snot on their noses?"

Sumei cursed: "If I were your boss, I would definitely fire you!"

The word "fired" irritated the clown man a lot. After hearing it, his hands shook a little, so he took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket, unscrewed the cap, and poured a few pills.

"Damn it, are you still depressed?"

Su Bi was unhappy and wanted to yell and get out of here, but in the end she held back.

In the sacred ruins, you still have to be careful.

After the clown man took the medicine, he handed the ticket that Sue had just thrown away to him again.

"Are you fucking sick?"

Su Bi cursed and really wanted to kill this clown, but she had better endure it: "This one is dirty, give me a new one!"


If I were as strong as Lin Shen, I could kill whoever I wanted. Why should I be so aggrieved?

Having said that, Su Bi is still worried that a rash move will trigger rule pollution.

The Joker put his hand into the right suit pocket. Everyone thought he was taking out a ticket, but the next second...


A gunshot!

There was a bullet hole between Su Bi's eyebrows, and his expression was frozen in that moment of irritability.


Pan Junjie, who was sitting next to him, was shocked. He did not fight back, but quickly moved away from the clown man, avoiding others first.

"If I punch your lungs out, another one will die?"

Li Yintong jumped up and prepared to fight!

The Clown Man took out a revolver with his right hand and aimed it at Jin Yingzhen.

This book, I feel that the flavor I wanted to present has returned a bit, and my creative state continues to recover!

This chapter has been completed!
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