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Chapter 835 Dragon-level Giant

Chapter 836 Dragon-level Giant

None of the people Lin Baici had just met had any interest in talking and just moved forward in silence.

Those who can survive until now by relying on their own strength are all elites with a lot of skills. Therefore, they can realize the horror of this sacred ruins, so the slim hope makes everyone feel depressed.

Wang Qing thought that these three people might take the opportunity to ask some questions, but who knew that all of them were like boring gourds.

They don’t think they are kind enough to share information proactively, do they?

In Wang Qing's opinion, these three people have little chance of surviving to the end. In this way, the psychological pressure of using each other as cannon fodder is immediately relieved a lot.

"He just mentioned the meeting time, which means there are others!"

Melanie murmured in a low voice, wanting Lin Bai to resign and ask about the situation.

They are both from Kyushu, so it should be easier for them to communicate, but Lin Baici didn't mean that at all.

This made Melanie a little dissatisfied.

Lin Baici didn't pay attention to Dayang Ma. Isn't this obvious?

Still need to ask?

The next journey was relatively smooth, and we didn't encounter any monsters. After about twenty minutes of walking, everyone climbed through a spiral stone staircase to the upper floor.

But still couldn't go out.

After walking through another corridor, everyone arrived at a slightly empty place.

It is as big as half a basketball court, and there are some thick iron nails nailed on the wall next to it, with many keys hanging on them.

This should be where the jailer usually stays.

Now, there are more than twenty foreigners here, mostly white, five black, and no Asians.

Wang Qing and his party must have experienced rule pollution together with these people and know each other.

The seven-year-old young man greeted them enthusiastically and wanted to high-five, but no one responded to him.

A cold-eyed one.

"These idiots definitely didn't search around and open the map!"

Zeng Shuang cursed.

There was also a group of Kyushu people and a group of Southeast Asians. Zeng Shuang did not see them, which meant that those people were still continuing to explore.

A group of foreigners were sitting and resting, trying to find a way out of trouble. Now they saw three more people in Wang Qing's team, so they looked at them.


Handsome men and beauties!

Lin Baici and Jin Yingzhen are so handsome that people can ignore their race. Even foreigners who are generally face-blind will think these two guys are very handsome and beautiful when they see them.

What's more, Lin Baici is tall and burly, even if he stands next to these big Europeans, he is not inferior.

"Where is Poseidon?"

Wang Qing respectfully asked a middle-aged man. He smiled and was relatively kind. It is not easy to get into trouble when you talk to such a person.

When Melanie heard the name, her beauty suddenly stood out and she beamed with joy: "You said Poseidon is here too?"


Wang Qing's heart was moved. Could it be that this woman knew her?

The next moment, a smile appeared on Wang Qing's face, and he complimented: "Thanks to the help of God Poseidon, we can survive until now!"

These words were false, and Poseidon would not be of much help, but Wang Qing had to say this.

"Do you know Poseidon?"

The seven-year-old young man inquired.

Poseidon means King of the Sea. His name is Kreize. Because he lived in a coastal city in Western Europe since he was a child, his parents were engaged in offshore fishing. Therefore, after he became a dragon-level powerhouse, he changed his name.


"I have his signature!"

Kreizer belongs to the Celestial Club and belongs to the same organization as Melanie. However, such a giant spends very little time in the club, so Melanie was also lucky, and she met him by chance and got the autograph.


I lost interest at seven minutes.

If this Ocean Horse knew Poseidon, he would regret that he did not contact her in advance and ended up being just a fan, so there is no need to pay attention to her.

"Where is the Poseidon?"

Melanie asked, not about the seven-cent head, but about the white people.

From this small detail, we can see that Melanie is more willing to trust people with the same skin color.

Melanie was pretty, and everyone was from Europe, so several people gave him directions.

"In that room over there!"

"The Poseidon should be sleeping, so don't disturb him!"

"In our last game, we relied entirely on the Poseidon to clear the level at a very small cost!"

These people seized the opportunity and immediately sent a string of rainbow farts.

Melanie walked to the room. Because the door was closed, she couldn't see what was going on inside. She wanted to knock on the door, but she didn't dare.


Soon, within ten minutes, two more teams came back one after another.

The gathering time was set by Poseidon, and those who went out to explore did not dare to exceed the time limit. In other words, if it were not for Poseidon's forced order, they would not even want to leave the big group.

It's definitely safer to stay with Poseidon.

That team of Southeast Asians was led by two Japanese people. They didn't know Lin Baici, and the other Kyushu team actually didn't know Lin Baici either.

"Is my dragon level fake?"

Lin Baici laughed to himself.

He forgot that not to mention ordinary god hunters, even most people in the Kyushu Security Bureau only knew about him from the Origin Forum.

Compared to ordinary people, people from the Security Bureau knew his full name at most, and had seen his appearance through photos privately posted in the group.

The Origin Forum has quite a few rules. It is impossible to prostitute photos of celebrities like Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao for free unless a reward is offered.

Even if you spend Meteor Coins to buy it, there are regulations that the person who bought the photo is not allowed to sell it again, and the reward post will be deleted within 12 hours.

Of course, there are also people who post photos for free for love, but they should be mentally prepared to be permanently banned and banned from registering another Origin Forum account.

Two teams of Kyushu people came together to exchange information.

The leader of the other team was a thirty-seven or eight-year-old man named Wu Hongfu. He asked more questions and looked at Lin Baici: "He looks quite strong. How is his combat ability?"

"have no idea!"

Wang Qing took a puff of cigarette: "But it's quite selfish!"

Wang Qing told Wu Hongfu about Lin Baici's failure to help when they encountered a battle.

"It's really selfish!"

Wu Hongfu chuckled and said so, but he didn't think so in his heart.

We are not relatives, so why do you let others take action?

Are you responsible for being injured or disabled?

Therefore, it is a matter of affection for others to help, and it is a duty not to help.

Of course, if the other party doesn't help, then don't even think about getting help from yourself.

Because of Wang Qing's comments, Wu Hongfu had a few words with Lin Baici, to test his thoughts, and to think about how to get out of this dungeon as soon as possible.

Less than three minutes after Wu Hongfu's team returned, the door to Poseidon's room opened with a creak.


Everyone looked over.

Those who were sitting and leaning against the wall all stood up immediately.

When a fool sees this posture, he will know that the big boss is here.

"Lord Poseidon, I am Melanie Dupont, and I am also from the Celestial Club. My leader is Seldon!"

Melanie introduced herself to the family.


Kreiser had not heard the name Melanie because he was in the club and was in contact with high-level people, but the surname Dupont carries a lot of weight.


"Who are you, Pierre?"

Kreiser scanned these people, and through their clothing and status, he could judge the general process of their exploration.

It seems that everyone is very cautious.

Because there are no reductions in personnel and no new injuries.


Melanie paused deliberately before speaking: "It's my father!"

"Illegitimate daughter?"

Kresser didn't know how many children Dupont had, but if they were biological children, there was no need to hide them.


Melanie nodded.

Based on her birth and lack of favor, she will be able to earn tens of millions of dollars in inheritance from now on.

It sounds like a lot, but for people who are used to a luxurious life, this amount of money is not enough. They can't even afford a private jet. So Melanie's mother asked Pierre for a meteor stone in order to get more inheritance.

, let Melanie absorb it and become a divine hunter.

"Haha, Mr. Pierre is famous for being a model husband!"

Kreizer was surprised that the man who was famous for his love for his wife would actually have an affair.


Melanie smiled awkwardly.

Her father had sternly warned her not to reveal the relationship between the two, but in the ruins of the gods, Melanie had to tell her in order to gain Kreize's protection.

'Just an illegitimate daughter!'

Kreiser didn't take Melanie to heart, he clapped his hands.

As everyone knows, this is what Kreiser is going to announce.

"I've found a way out of this dungeon!"

Kreiser was very satisfied with everyone's respectful attitude.


The whole audience immediately burst into loud cheers.

"As expected of Lord Poseidon!"

"Long live the Poseidon!"

"I can finally leave this hellish place!"

Everyone sincerely admires Kreiser.

Kress smiled and pressed down his left hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "Do you still remember the magic circle you saw before?"

Of course everyone will remember it.

While searching in the dungeon, everyone saw a huge symbol on the floor somewhere, which was made up of some dug out dents.

Kreize said it was a magic circle!

It's just that no one has found a way to activate it.

"That thing is actually not a magic circle, but an altar."

Kreize looked at these people: "I have repaired the altar. Now, as long as I offer a sacrifice, it can be activated!"

"The clue I want to get out of this dungeon is in the altar!"

Everyone fell silent.

Because the word ‘sacrifice’ is too scary.

Regardless of the East or the West, sacrifices mean offerings and sacrifices...

"I tried all kinds of things, including gold and silver, food, meteor stones, and even divine bones, but unfortunately, none of them succeeded, so you can probably guess the remaining options!"

Krezhe Tu said with a dagger: "Yes, it's time to use human life!"

Everyone became even more silent.

The air around them was like a huge boulder, weighing down everyone's breath.

Jin Yingzhen glanced at Lin Baici.

Lin Baici smiled and held her hand.

Seeing this scene, Melanie couldn't help but shake her head, you are a latecomer, you are the most likely to be selected!

"So, is anyone willing to dedicate his life to everyone?"

Kreize smiled and glanced at these people one by one.

Everyone bowed their heads, no one dared to look at him.

Although the white people were silent and looked nervous and worried, they were not.

Poseidon is a white man, how could he leave those Asians alone and use his compatriots instead?

Kreiser received no response, which was not surprising at all.

You only have one life, who is willing to dedicate it to others?

Kreize looked at Wang Qing and Wu Hongfu: "You have an old saying in the East, which is to practice courtesy before fighting!"

"I gave you the gift, but if you don't want it, then you will have to fight!"

"Choose a sacrifice yourselves!"

When the white people saw that Kretzer had chosen those oriental people, they immediately became happy. They were glad that their skin color was the same as Kretzer's.

A group of Kyushu people looked embarrassed.

“That’s not how you use courtesy first and then attack later!”

Zeng Xue muttered.

"What the fuck!"

Qifeng wanted to spit, but thinking that this action might cause Krayze's displeasure and lead to him being singled out as a sacrifice, he quickly swallowed it down his throat.

"Lord Poseidon, why don't you use those people?"

Wu Hongfu raised his chin towards the East Asians.

"What? You have a problem with my decision?"

Krayze's eyes narrowed.

"I don't dare, I just think they are more suitable as sacrifices!"

As soon as Wu Hongfu said these words, those people immediately glared at him.

no way.

If you ask someone to die, you will definitely be torn apart.

Kreize said nothing, waiting for these people to make a fuss.

"Baga, you are more suitable as sacrifices!"

"You dare to question Lord Poseidon's decision? Without Lord Poseidon, you would have died long ago."

"You Kyushu people, don't you have a saying that one person is a dragon, and three people are insects? Since everyone is a dragon, then show your courage!"

The group of people cursed loudly, and the Japanese who led the group also deliberately hinted to Kreize that there were many people in Kyushu, so it was best to kill a few.

In fact, that's what Kreiser thinks.

There are too many people in Kyushu. Once the number of people in Kyushu reaches the same level as those from East Asia, there will be no danger. This is called balance.

As for those white people, even black people, they are his base and will not be consumed casually.

"Lord Poseidon, if this is not the case, we will have a duel with them, and whoever loses will pay the sacrifice?"

Wu Hongfu proposed.


Kreize shook his head.

"If you have feelings and don't want to sacrifice your companions, wouldn't there be two newcomers?"

The Japanese took notice.


Wu Hongfu and his party looked at Lin Baici and Jin Yingzhen.

Wang Qing remained silent. In fact, he had already made this plan.

Ever since Lin Baici didn't take action against the armored monster and didn't win his favor, he didn't care about this man's life or death.

"He is the only one who can win the royal regiment and the martial arts regiment."

The seven-year-old young man watched eagerly and was the first to express his stance.

"Hey, come here and join us!"

The Japanese leader summoned Jin Yingzhen.

Even Jin Yingzhen didn't care about him.

Melanie wanted to intercede for Lin Baici, but looking at Krazer's attitude, she knew she had no face in front of him.

To say so is to humiliate oneself.

"You can't escape even if you run!"

Melanie sighed: "Hey, you shouldn't have come here!"

Lin Baici's fighting ability should not be bad, but no matter how strong he is, can he be better than a dragon?

So the two of them are dead this time.


That Korean girl is pretty, and maybe she has a chance of survival.

But the next second, Melanie discovered a problem.

Why did this man and woman not panic at all even though they were being selected as sacrifices?


This chapter has been completed!
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