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Chapter 858 The terrifying horse-headed man!

Gu Qingqiu smelled it vigorously, then shook his head: "I didn't smell it!"

Gu Qingqiu did not have the divine gift to improve her sense of smell. Due to her strengthened body, her nose was more sensitive than ordinary people, but that was all.

What's more, there is still that kind of hot liquid dripping on the body, which is quite distracting.

Gu Qingqiu was almost numb.

It’s completely incomprehensible that some people like alphabet games!

"Follow me!"

Lin Baici took Gu Qingqiu's hand, followed the smell, and searched forward.

Snap! Snap!

Drops of liquid dripped on the body, burning it, and it was like being tortured.

"The liquid seems to be dripping faster?"

Gu Qingqiu immediately noticed this change: "Leave me alone and go purify the pollution!"

Lin Baici took him with him, which would delay things too much.

"what would you do?"

Lin Baici frowned.

If this rule pollution is an escape type, that is, you can survive if you escape, then there is a high probability that Gu Qingqiu, who cannot keep up with him, will be ruined.


Gu Qingqiu urged: "If this continues, both of us will be burned to death!"

"Go quickly!"

Gu Qingqiu was also very proud and did not want to be a burden to Lin Baici: "And isn't the clue on the chessboard a hint? If you find three props, you can kill the BOSS!"

"So this game is most likely about collecting sacred objects. If you get it, I will be fine."

"go quickly!"

Gu Qingqiu gave Lin Baici a push.

"Then be careful!"

Having said this, Lin Baici stopped being pretentious, smelled the smell, and rushed forward faster.

"This kid..."

Gu Qingqiu's heart was filled with emotion.

It was impossible for Lin Baici to miss the meaning of this clue, but he didn't dare to bet, because what if it wasn't...

To put it bluntly, Lin Baici regarded him as a friend, so he wanted to ensure his safety 100%.

Lin Baici ran wildly.

The sweet smell became stronger and stronger, and in the end it even made Lin Baici feel like vomiting, as if perfume had been poured into his nose.

Patta, patta!

The hot liquid poured down like a ladle.

Lin Baici had already activated his body of steel, otherwise he would be burned to death even if he wasn't burned to death.

At this time, the sweet smell is so strong that it can make people faint.

Lin Baici stopped. The scented thing should be nearby, but he couldn't see anything around him.

Lin Baici reached out and touched it a few times, then gave up.

How is this different from finding a needle in a haystack?

Difficult to handle!

Lin Baici took out the magnesium rod again and scratched it with a bronze sword.

Don’t ask for fire, even if there are a few sparks, let yourself see the situation nearby!

But it's a pity that it can't be ignited!

If Lin Baici had not given Jin Yingzhen the double-barreled shotgun, he might have been able to use the muzzle flash after shooting to identify his surroundings. Now he could only think of other ways.

"It seems the only way to risk it is to get a pine torch!"

Lin Baici took out the white antler bone flute from his pocket, played it twice, and then quickly touched it.

Fortunately, the reindeer did not run away. After a few words, Lin Bai touched the bag, then spent more than ten seconds to find the pine torch, and then quickly wiped it on the floor.


The pine torch was lit, and the orange-red light immediately poured out like a tide.

Saw it!

A red candle, about the thickness of a baby's wrist and about three inches long, was suspended in the air. It was extinguished at this time, and translucent white smoke curled up from the wick.

It's like lighting an incense stick, and it emits this sickly sweet smell.

The light of the pine torch was extinguishing rapidly, like a match that was about to burn out.

In this room, when the dream candle goes out and smokes, no light source can light it.

Weaker sacred objects are no exception. Stronger ones, such as pine torches, can be ignited, but will quickly extinguish, returning the environment to darkness.

Lin Baici frowned.

The sacred object has been found, but how to purify it?

You can't just burn it, right?

This thing should be a key tool in dealing with Mrs. Oliver.

Time was running out, and Lin Baici didn't have time to think too much. He took out a bottle of vodka he had gotten in the truck before and smashed it on the ground.


The flames burned and rolled like a boiling sea.

Lin Baici teleported and appeared next to the red candle, grabbed it, and then stretched it towards the flames on the ground.


The candle was lit.


The surroundings suddenly lit up, as if a person came home at night and pressed the light switch in the living room. The light came back, dispelling the darkness and fear.

"I knew you could handle it!"

Gu Qingqiu's praise came from behind.

Lin Baici turned around and saw Gu Qingqiu not far away.

This is a box. As the pollution of the rules is lifted, it returns to its original state.

There were red marks burned with wax on Gu Qingqiu's face and arms. At first glance, they looked like they had been pulled out of a small cupping pot.

"That's it!"

Lin Baici raised the candle in his hand.

[Dream Candle, when extinguished in front of a person, it will deprive the person of his or her light, causing her to fall into panic and darkness in the spiritual world, and she will feel that you are her only support.]

[When you drop wax oil on the other person's body, the other person will change from hating you to loving you. The more you drip it and the harder it is, the more the other person will love you. 】

"so smart?"

Lin Baici was shocked. The effect of this thing is no less than brainwashing, right?

If you are more ruthless, you can create a lot of cannon fodder!

【Love cannot be obtained, love will turn into hatred. 】

[The person you have dripped with wax, even if he loves you to the core and is willing to die for you, will intermittently go crazy and try to kill you, and will never be separated from you.]

Lin Baici had no idea of ​​creating slaves in the first place, and even less so after hearing this comment.

Who can stand a group of 'girlfriends' who want to kill them at any time?

"Alumni, turn around, I'm going to blow out the candles!"

Lin Bai resigned and asked Gu Qingqiu to turn his back on the candle and not look at it.

"You figured out how to use it so quickly?"

Gu Qingqiu obeyed and turned around, becoming even more curious about the big secret Lin Bai was carrying.

Isn't he a god?

Speaking of children born between humans and gods, what do they count?

There should be no species isolation, right?

Gu Qingqiu was thinking wildly.


Lin Baici blew out the drama candle in one breath, and nothing happened, which made him relieved.

The first prop,

Got it!

Lin Baici put away the Xi Meng candle, left the box with Gu Qingqiu, and continued searching.

Open the door, check, next room!

This process is boring and boring.

【Keep going forward.】

【Turn right】

God suddenly spoke.

Lin Baici perked up, "You should have told me earlier!"

“Alumni keep up!”

Lin Baici didn't want to hide it in front of Gu Qingqiu, because it was useless.

Following the god's instructions, Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu ran for five minutes and stood in front of a box.

"You stay!"

Lin Baici persuaded.

"If you keep me as your companion, don't always care about me!"


Gu Qingqiu turned the door handle and pushed in.

She had the determination to sacrifice herself to find a way for Lin Baici at the critical moment.

As the door of the box opened, a dazzling light came out, making everything in front of him go white, as if he had been hit by a flash bomb.

When the white light disappeared, Lin Baici found that he appeared in a room covered with straw.

The room was small, with concrete floors and walls, no lighting, and a thigh-thick wooden fence in front of him, imprisoning him.


There was a smell of animals in this room, just like the smell you get when visiting a zoo.

Lin Baici walked to the fence, pressed his face against it, and tried to look outside.

Before he could see anything, a whip struck hard with the sound of breaking wind.

Lin Baici immediately stepped back.

call out!


The whip struck the fence.

Fortunately, Lin Bai hid quickly, otherwise his appearance would have been revealed.

"Get down, who told you to stand up?"

A burly horse-headed man appeared.

This monster is two meters tall, has bulging muscles, and is dressed like a mountain of meat. It only wears a pair of leather pants. From the neck down, it looks like a macho man, but above the neck, it looks like a brown horse head.

While scolding Lin Baici, it sprayed white air and spit foam from its mouth and nose.

Lin Baici hesitated whether to capture the monster and torture him for information.

Jingle bell! Jingle bell!

In the stable, a deafening bell suddenly rang.

"dinner time!"

"It's open!"

Someone shouted.

The horse-headed man whipped the fence twice with his whip and taught Lin Baici a lesson: "If you recite the horse rules once, if you can't finish it, you will not be given food, and you will be beaten."

"Horse rules?"

Lin Baici looked around and saw that there were no rules or regulations posted on the wall.

Is this a woolen thing on your back?

"Start quickly!"

The horse-headed man urged.

"I am new here!"

Lin Baici forced himself to explain.

There was a sign on the door handle of the fence. The horse-headed man picked it up and took a look.

"Lin Baici, a male horse, has just come of age and has no competition experience."

After reading this, the horse-headed man's attitude became better: "This is the first day you come in. Follow me and read the horse rules out loud!"

"Article 1: You cannot stand up at any time. You must crawl on all fours."


Lin BaiCi doesn't miss him.


The horse-headed man beat the fence and threatened Lin Baici: "Read it!"

The pollution was still unclear, so Lin Baici decided to endure it for a while and read along.

"Article 2, everything I have belongs to my wife."

"Article 3: I will do whatever it takes, even if it burns my life, to make my wife smile!"

The horse-headed man said more than thirty horse rules, and without exception, the main purpose was to dedicate everything to his wife.

"Okay, let's go out to eat!"

The horse-headed man opened the lock: "There will be an inspection tomorrow. If you can't carry it, you will be beaten and starved. If you can't carry it for three consecutive days, you will be sent to the slaughterhouse to be canned!"


The door opened.

As soon as Lin Baici walked to the door, the horse-headed man became angry and brandished his whip at Lin Baici.

"Crawl and walk!"

The horse-headed man roared.


Lin Baici grabbed the whip and pulled it back hard.

Although the horse-headed man was tall and strong, he couldn't help but Lin Baici, who had activated the power of a hundred horses, staggered and was dragged into the stable.

Lin Baici stretched out his hand.


Lin Baici grabbed the horse-headed man's hair, pulled it in completely, turned around, bent over, and threw it over his shoulder.


The horse-headed man was smashed to the ground like a broken sack.

Before it could struggle to get up, Lin Baici knelt on its back, suppressing it. At the same time, he turned the whip twice, wrapped it around its neck, and strangled it hard.



Lin Baici's strength was so great that he broke the horse-headed man's neck bone.

"So unbeatable?"

Lin Baici still wanted to torture for information, but that’s gone now!

He stood up quickly, rushed to the door, and took a look outside.

There are several people I know crawling.

Zeng Shuang, Narita Hyoushi, Melanie...

Lin Baici even saw Gu Qingqiu climb out of a stable.

Of course, normal people might think this was an insult, but Gu Qingqiu didn't. She was a lunatic, but she found it funny.


Anyone who climbs slowly will be whipped by the horse-headed man following behind.

People like Zeng Shuang did not cry because they would be whipped if they cried.

"What should we do now?"

Lin Baici leaned against the fence and thought quickly.

He would definitely not be able to crawl, otherwise with Lin Baici’s proud character, if this became a dark history, he would be uncomfortable for the rest of his life.

Fight out?

There are a lot of horse-headed people outside, and they haven't understood this rule pollution yet. Taking action hastily will only lead to death!

Lin Baici looked at the horse-headed man's corpse. He hesitated for a moment, then took out the butcher's mask and put it on. He walked over, took a dagger, and began to dissect.

After the mask's effect was activated, Lin Baici immediately possessed the slaughtering skills of a chef. In just three minutes, he took off the horse's head and turned it into an empty shell.

After putting it on, the smell of blood hit my nose, and I couldn't see anything.

"If it really doesn't work, I'll just pass it by!"

Lin Baici put on the horse-headed clothes, which were a little loose, and then walked out.

Outside the stable, which occupies the size of a football field, is a pasture. On the right side, there are some long mangers, which have been filled with grain and grass.

Zeng Shuang and the others were lying in front of the manger.

More than twenty horse-headed men were all busy.

One of them, carrying a bucket and a large brush with a long handle, walked up to Narita Hyoushi. After looking at him, he grabbed his clothes and tried to pull them off.

Narita Hyoushi resisted instinctively, and the horse-headed man's whip immediately struck him.

Not only that, there were four or five horse-headed men running over, ready to hold down the disobedient centaur.

When Narita Hyoushi saw this scene, he immediately became honest.

There's nothing I can do about it, it's really painful when a whip with tiny barbs hits you.

After the horse-headed man stripped Narita Hyoushi naked, he poured a bucket of water on him and began to brush his hair with a big brush.

Rub! Rub!

The horse-headed man was very strong, and when he brushed it down, Narita Hyoushi's skin was like a potato that had been scraped with a grater, leaving blood-red traces directly behind.


Narita Hyoushi jumped in pain.

The horse-headed men around him immediately grabbed their whips and whipped them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Beat it to death!

Zeng Shuang and the others looked at each other, exchanging glances, asking if they wanted to resist.

But soon, they gave up the idea.

Narita Hyoushi was still torn between surrender and resistance. Before he could make a decision, a horse trainer's whip came over and wrapped around his neck, and then a burst of electricity surged out.


Narita Hyoushi was directly shocked and collapsed to the ground. He couldn't control his sphincter and stretched all over the floor.

This chapter has been completed!
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