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Chapter 865 Is this an answer that carbon-based organisms can come up with?


Lin Baici looked at Gu Qingqiu, with a dull expression on his angular face.

"Haha, were you scared?"

Gu Qingqiu teased.

Ever since he met Lin Baici, Lin Baici had never shown such an expression even in a desperate situation and facing the gods, but now, he was confused.

Ha ha!

That's right, creatures like women are indeed more difficult to deal with than gods under certain circumstances.

By the way, I have to say that good looks mean that you can do whatever you want. Lin Baici had a dull look on his face. He should have looked stupid and silly, but Gu Qingqiu didn't feel it at all. Instead, he felt that Alumni Lin was kind of "silly and sweet"


"No, this..."

Lin Baici muttered.

"Do you feel that you are not perverted enough and therefore incompatible with this world?"

Gu Qingqiu smiled. Lin Baici’s voice was very small, but she still heard what Lin Baici said, ‘Is this an answer that carbon-based organisms can come up with?

"Isn't it incompatible with you?"

Lin Baici curled his lips: "Don't throw dirty water on the world!"

"Hey, you think the world is clean?"

Gu Qingqiu rolled his eyes: "I have seen and heard more things than many people will see in their lifetime!"

"As for how men and women play, if I just say anything, it will make your jaw drop!"

Gu Qingqiu originally wanted to give Lin Baici some knowledge about science, such as depth bombs, but he held back the words.

never mind!

Don’t pollute Alumni Lin’s worldview.

"Don't stop, keep going!"

Lin Baici wanted to meet him.

"Did you know? Many people have been working hard all their lives for a few taels of silver to support their families. They never have time to stop and take a serious look at the beautiful scenery in this world!"

Gu Qingqiu sighed: "Their spiritual world is very poor, but this is not their fault!"

"The rules of society's operation dictate that they have no spare power to obtain more surplus value!"


Lin Baici felt that this topic was a bit heavy.

"What I mean is that looking at the world based on your twenty years of life experience is like looking at the world through a crack in the door. The gap is wider than the difference between a blind man and an elephant!"

Gu Qingqiu didn't mean to despise Lin Baici. She knew Lin Baici's background. He came from a single-parent family and was admitted to a top university ranked among the top 10 in a first-tier city. This was already very impressive.

Even though Lin Baici has now become a god hunter, has money, and has a high-end circle of friends, this time is still too short, and he cannot complete the improvement of his cognition at all.

Lin Baici was definitely a master in the circle of god hunters, and could even be said to be a top powerhouse, but in the field of life and how he behaved, he was far behind.

Wang Qing looked at the two people chatting in confusion.

Can you have a little respect for rule pollution?

Two people just died in this monitoring room.

Are you really not afraid at all?

"Alumni, come to Hong Kong Island during the summer vacation. I will show you another side of the world."

Gu Qingqiu’s sincere invitation.

"Aren't you meeting your parents?"

Lin Baici made a joke.

"Well, with your ability, appearance, education, and temperament, my parents should be very satisfied."

Gu Qingqiu crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other, pretending to be seriously sizing up Lin Baici and thinking about whether he was a qualified fiancé.

"I have to go home and see my mom."

Lin Baici was silent, maybe he would have to go to the Dragon Palace.

"GOD Lin..."

Melanie was speechless for a while. I'm scared here. How are you guys? We started chatting?

Are you actually discussing your summer vacation schedule?


I am really too confident.

Aren't you afraid that you will die in this sacred ruins?

Of course, Melanie complained about these words in her heart and did not dare to say them out.

Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu looked at the monitor.

"Keep chatting, why don't you stop talking?"

Ah Lian's words were obviously ridiculing and unhappy: "I, an artificial intelligence, can smell the sour smell of love!"

"Why don't you get married right away?"

"What a mess!"

Ah Lick cursed and cursed.

"Do you have this function?"

Gu Qingqiu replied!

"Damn it, why are you stimulating it?"

Wang Qing wants to cry but has no tears. Can you please stop being so reckless?

You are not afraid of death,

We are afraid!


When you encounter a mentally ill person, there is no one like you.

Wang Qing looked at Lin Baici for help and wanted to say something, can you give your girlfriend some advice?

"It's not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

Lin Baici criticized Wang Qing.

When he and Gu Qingqiu said these words, it seemed like they were chatting, but in fact they were testing the artificial intelligence.

The other party will ask three questions.

This is not a college entrance examination with standard answers in the book, so if you want to answer correctly, you must know the person who asked the question as much as possible.

Through Ah Li's reaction to the conversation between Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu, we can also explore some of Ah Li's thinking logic and behavioral habits.

Of course, there are risks in doing this.

"Originally, according to the rules, after three questions are asked, the ones with the lowest scores will be executed in a fancy way, but now I have changed my mind!"

Ah Lian was so stimulated: "I will never allow couples to show off their affection!"

"You two, now, have two choices!"

"One, let's applaud love here, and two, fight to the death until one of us dies. If we can't do that, then you all will die."

When Wang Qing and others heard this, they all looked at Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

First of all, it must be a sense of relief, like a condemned prisoner on the execution ground who suddenly sees that the executioner has fainted, no one announces the execution, and he can live a little longer.

Furthermore, it is just to take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

Everyone originally came to Haijing to travel, enjoy life, and participate in a grand and grand auction to buy, but the result was good, and they fell into the pollution of rules.

It was fucking caused by gods.

Who can stand this?

Everyone was frightened and worked hard to survive until now, but Lin Baici and his companions were doing well and enjoying themselves.

To be honest, people like Wang Qing really wanted to see Lin Baici suffer misfortune.

However, although this thought relieved my anger, I finally thought about it and let it go, because in order to get out of the Shenxu alive, everyone must embrace Lin Baici's thigh.

Once Lin Baici died, everyone became colder even faster.

Before, Lin Baici looked like he was not trying his best. Now that he is being targeted, it is time for him to show off his strength, right?

"Now, the countdown begins!"

"If the task is not completed before the countdown ends, it will be erased!"



"Don't you start at 60?"

Gu Qingqiu looked at Lin Baici and blinked.

"GOD Lin, Qingqiu, are you not in a hurry at all?"

Melanie couldn't figure it out at all.

Even after all this time, the two of them still looked calm. She even felt that this pair of idiots were artificial intelligences without any feelings.

"Alumni, you won't attack me suddenly, will you?"

Gu Qingqiu crossed his arms and turned his body sideways, showing a scared look.

"Stop playing!"

Lin Baici pinched his eyebrows.

"Don't you find this oppressive feeling of approaching death very satisfying?"

Gu Qingqiu smiled.

'This woman is so fucking mentally ill!'

Wang Qing could see that Gu Qingqiu's smile was not pretending to be calm, he was indeed enjoying the pressure.

"I'm not a masochist!"

Lin Baici made a small discovery, but he didn't want to act rashly until he was sure that the rule pollution could be purified.

After all, there may only be one chance.

"Which one are you going to choose?"

Gu Qingqiu was curious.

"Article 2!"

Lin Bai's words were concise and concise.

"You would rather kill me than applaud me for love?"

Gu Qingqiu was shocked.

"you are not the type I like!"

Lin Baici was outspoken.

"Indeed, after being with you for so long, you have almost never peeked at me!"

Gu Qingqiu nodded, agreeing with this statement.

I don’t know how it happened,

Suddenly I felt a little unhappy!

So Gu Qingqiu reached out and lightly punched Lin Baici.

"But in order to survive, I can only choose the first option!"

Gu Qingqiu looked around seriously: "But I don't want others to see me generating electricity, so let's kill these people?"

Gu Qingqiu's words made Wang Qing, Melanie and others break out in a cold sweat, and even instinctively retreated, assuming a defensive posture.

"Lin Shen... Wang, don't be impulsive!"

Wang Qing was very panicked.

If Lin Baici really wants to do this, no one can stop him!

"What are you dawdling about?"

A lick growled.

What he wanted to see was the couple fighting each other, not this flirting.

"You don't think I'm joking, do you?"

Ah Lick roared.

"See clearly, when the time comes, this is what will happen!"

The moment Ah Li finished speaking, a few electric currents suddenly appeared on a Japanese man's body, as if he had accidentally touched a high-voltage wire.

In the blink of an eye, sparks and electric current flashed across the unfortunate guy's body, he trembled violently, and then fell to the ground with a pop.

Judging from the black smoke rising all over his body, it was obvious that he would not survive.

"No, you threatened these two people and directly attacked them. Why would you kill others?"

Wang Qing wanted to ask a question, but he didn't dare because he was worried that if he asked, he would be the next one used as an example.

"Ten seconds countdown!"

Ah Lick is roaring.




Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu still made no move.

"Lin God, Qiu God, you don't really want to wait for death, do you?"

Wang Qing was desperate, his voice was as shrill as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

When the countdown reached three seconds, Gu Qingqiu suddenly held the katana.

Draw your sword and chop!


Lin Baici immediately dodged to the side, obviously prepared.

"Haha, I knew that in the face of death, even gods will reveal their true nature!"

Ah Lick laughed.

This is the right way!


Fight fiercely, cut the opponent into eight pieces, and chop them into pieces.

"GOD Lin..."

Melanie was stunned.

Is this necessary?

If you can live by clapping, why fight?

From Melanie's point of view, Gu Qingqiu's choice was completely unreasonable. If it were her, let alone playing poker with one person in public, she could handle it even if hundreds of people took turns.

Wang Qing was not surprised.

Although the atmosphere in Kyushu is much worse now, there are still some women who value their reputation and chastity more than their lives.

Red Onimaru appeared in samurai armor. His tall and burly body brought a huge sense of oppression to the monitoring room, as well as his overly long katana.


Katana slash.

Lin Baici hid again and bumped into a desk.

"I'll give you another 60 seconds."

"The countdown is over. If there is no winner, you will all die!"

"Of course, the kind A Li decided to give you another way to survive!"

"If someone is willing to 'applaud' with you, then you can all live."

In A Liang's cognitive module, he knew that people in Kyushu valued reputation, and just letting Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu do it in public was to humiliate them, but now, he was playing with it unscrupulously.

Want to live?

If you want to live, do something that will make you sick for the rest of your life!

"GOD Lin, I can do it!"

Melanie immediately expressed her position.


Wang Qing cursed, then looked at Gu Qingqiu, and he also wanted to say "I can do it"!

After all, Gu Qingqiu is really good-looking!


As for her figure, even though she is wearing a dress, she looks pretty good.

If you die like this,

What a pity!


The katana smashed the desk.

Some odds and ends in the drawer fell out.

"Is it true that one of us is going to die?"

Wang Qing pursed his lips and looked solemn. If someone was going to die, he hoped it would be Gu Qingqiu.

"Haha, chop him! Chop him hard!"

"This kind of person, who has never been a licker at first glance, must die."


The dog-head images composed of mosaics on the monitors were laughing arrogantly, but just when they wanted to ridicule them, the monitors chirped and the screen suddenly went black.

In the monitoring room, it became quiet for a moment.

Lin Baici stopped dodging, and the Japanese warrior who was slashing at him with a sword in both hands also stopped his sword and disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

Melanie was confused.

The countdown has also stopped. Could it be that the rule pollution is over?

"What's wrong with the monster? It can't be that there's a power outage, right?"

Wang Qing was suspicious.

Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu stopped fighting, and their indifferent expressions were enough to prove that they had done something to purify this rule pollution.

I just didn't see it myself.

"It's turned off!"

Lin Baici explained.

"How did you turn it off?"

Wang Qing asked, hadn't the Japanese guy tried it just now? As a result, the computer restarted and he died suddenly.

There was no need for Lin Baici to answer. Wang Qing saw that Lin Baici had an extra remote control in his hand.


Gu Qingqiu received the sheath, walked to Lin Baici, and raised his right hand towards him.

"Are you childish?"

Lin Baici knew that Gu Qingqiu wanted to give him a high-five.

"Hurry up!"

Gu Qingqiu urged. Seeing that Lin Baici had no intention of raising his hand, he grabbed his wrist, raised it, and slapped it!


"We have not gone through any rehearsals, but we work together so well. We are the best teammates!"

Gu Qingqiu stared at Lin Baici affectionately. It was really great to meet him!

"You won't fall in love with me, will you?"

Lin Baici chuckled.


Gu Qingqiu rolled his eyes and lightly punched Lin Baici.

Lin Baici handed over the remote control, knowing that Gu Qingqiu would definitely want to take a look at this thing.

"No, what on earth did you do?"

Melanie blinked: "Where did this remote control come from?"

This chapter has been completed!
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