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Chapter 876 Madam’s end, staff reduction again!

The monster housekeeping team is being shut down one by one.

Wu Hongfu and Wang Qing, who are half-step dragons, are not bad at fighting ability. Fighting BOSS may not be interesting, but taking care of some elite monsters is not a problem.

For them, in a rules contamination, they are more worried about not being able to find the key clues.

That situation of having nowhere to start is really torturous.

Now that Lin Baici has found a way to subdue these monster housekeepers, Wu Hongfu and Wang Qing don't need to use their brains. They can just be thugs and don't take it too easy.


Wu Hongfu punched open the back of a maid's head, causing blue electric sparks to flash.

“This feeling of not having to think is so refreshing!”

Wu Hongfu lamented that he suddenly had the urge to hang out with Lin Baici.

When you are a leader, you have too many things to consider, so it is better to be a thug and be more comfortable.

At that time, Wu Hongfu just wanted to eat more and occupy more, so he formed a group of god hunters. However, in the past few years, the profits have not been high.

Because the gods with high pollution intensity are afraid to enter, they can only deal with some pollution outside the gods, resell some taboo items, and do some dirty work to make a living.

The fact that Wu Hongfu has been stuck at the half-step dragon level for so many years is also related to his experiences over the years.

No chance for growth.

Along the way, watching Lin Baici's killing spree, Wu Hongfu was envious and had the idea of ​​​​working for him.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Baici is a very generous person.

If you follow him, not only will you not suffer a loss, but you may earn more than leading a group yourself, and he is the youngest Long Yi in Kyushu, and this title is also domineering.

You can go to forums by yourself, go to bars and brag, and you will feel confident.

Let’s look at Lin Baici’s companions, Xia Hongmian’s biological sister, Dayao’s Princess Xueji, and Gu Qingqiu, who doesn’t know the depth but is very smart...

The future of this team is limitless!

Wu Hongfu suddenly understood why Yudan Lao, as one of the three dragons in the Kowloon Hall, obeyed Lin Bai's words like a double-flowered red stick.

If I had this opportunity, I would do my best to build a good relationship.

"Damn, I suddenly realized that my half-step dragon level is not qualified for Lin Baici, right?"

The more Wu Hongfu analyzed, the less confident he became.

Wang Qing didn't think so much. He only had one idea, that is, to get out alive, never do this business again, just be a rich man and enjoy life.

Anyway, I already have wealth and freedom.

If you don't become a god hunter, your only regret is that you can no longer get meteor stones to strengthen your body and delay aging.

Needless to say, Yudan Guy, he will do whatever Lin Bai asks him to do. Kreize is at the dragon level after all and disdains cheating and cheating. With Xia Hong Yao, he can directly crush these monster housekeepers.

It stands to reason that Lin Baici can press a few buttons faster than Kreiser and the others, but in fact, these guys can break the back of the monster's housekeeper's head faster than him.

When they finished, Lin Baici was still pressing the remote control.

"Save some energy to fight the final BOSS!"

Lin Baici was speechless. This is not a racing competition?

Why hit him so hard?

"I've already seen that lady unhappy, and I can't wait to beat her up."

Yudan Man gritted his teeth.

Zhong Shuman died. Although he didn't look very sad on his face, he was full of depression and anger inside and wanted to take revenge and vent.

Five minutes later, Lin Baici finally turned off the last maid.

At this time, all the monster housekeepers in the luxurious living room were standing with their hands down and their heads bowed, like zombies.

When people are in it, they can't help but feel a sense of horror.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Cheers came.

Second floor, observation deck.

Mrs. Oliver put down her goblet and raised her hands to applaud.


The lady's gaze passed over these people: "I haven't seen such a wonderful performance for a long time!"

In the past, those people who had reached the level of monster housekeeping were rounded up and killed.

Even the man named He Qian from before consumed a lot of divine power at this level and was in a very embarrassing situation, and was finally easily controlled by himself.

"Is there anything else you can do next? Just bring it up!"

Yudan Guy put the sea pole on his shoulder and laughed proudly: "I'll give you, Brother Yu, a good time!"

In the past, Yudan Lao would have never dared to say this, but today, Lin Baici's performance was so amazing, and teammates like Xia Hongyao and Sannomiya Airi...

I just want to ask how you can lose this game?

"By the way, no matter what loot is dropped, I don't want it!"

Yudanguo quit early.

This is respect for Lin Baici.

Airi Sannomiya glanced at Kreize.

"I don't want it either!"

Kreiser followed closely.

"you sure?"

Sakura Girl sarcastically said: "This lady is a big BOSS at first glance, and the sacred objects she dropped are absolutely top-notch!"

"I...Kreize is not joking!"

Kreiser's tone was serious.

His idea was that if he could kill Lin Baici in the end, everyone would get the same spoils, and by doing so, he could lower their vigilance and improve his personal image.

"Tsk tsk!"

Yudan Guy was speechless. Did you see that in front of Lin Baici, Kreize didn't even dare to mention the title of Poseidon?

This was obviously due to Lin Baici's lack of confidence.

"Lord Poseidon is grand."

Sannomiya Airi complimented her, but actually she didn't agree with it.

This white man must have some bad intentions!

Because based on his previous performance, he is not such a noble person.

Looks like I need to be on guard!


Is it possible that I guessed wrong and misunderstood him?

It’s just a misunderstanding!

For Airi Sannomiya, killing someone accidentally would not cause any psychological burden at all.

Sakura Girl looked at Gu Qingqiu and found that she was looking at her.

The two of them didn't speak, they just communicated with their eyes, and they knew that the other person was thinking the same thing as them.

In fact, the two of them even planned to kill Krayzer.

Because our own side has too great an advantage, and killing a Dragon level will bring huge benefits.

"Madam, when will you end?"

Kreize had a serious look on his face, stood tall and straight, and put on a pose that resembled that of the strongest!

But he didn't know that in the eyes of Airi Sannomiya and Gu Qingqiu, two girls with less moral sense, he had turned into a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered for gold coins.

"I don't want to stain my nails!"

Mrs. Oliver raised her hand and looked at her delicate nails: "But, there are some small wild dogs in the castle, which can be used for hunting and stretching their muscles."

Just as the word 'bone' was spoken, Mrs. Oliver disappeared from the observation deck.

"Watch out, it's coming!"

Xia Hongyao warned, and at the same time retreated to Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen, trying to be in a position where he could rescue them at any time.

"Fuck, this monster can teleport!"

Wu Hongfu's scalp felt numb.

As expected of BOSS,


Teleporting divine favor is always the most difficult to guard against.

Wang Qing said nothing, turned around and ran towards Lin Baici.

Lin Baici activated the recital and the taste, trying to capture Mrs. Oliver's location through sounds and smells.

Kreize was on guard, while Yudanguo held the sea rod and flicked his wrist to throw out the fishhook.


The fishing line rubs against the air, making a harsh sound.

"Don't panic, watch me catch it!"

Yudan Lao's sea pole is a top-notch sacred object. It can catch the prey he is targeting just like fishing. Even if the prey disappears, the fishhook can still track it.

Fish hooks fly in the air to search for enemies.

Just when Yudanguo was about to mention something, the lady was probably on the west side, and she had already appeared.

Her huge figure in pajamas appeared behind Wu Hongfu without warning, without a trace of wind or making a sound!

Ghostly like a female ghost.

When everyone saw the madam appearing, except for Xia Hongyao, an honest child, no one else rashly attacked her.

Because they want to see the BOSS's attack mode first!

If you let people like Wu Hongfu and Wang Qing be cannon fodder, they will definitely be in trouble, but now that the BOSS is looking for them, they can't help it.

Wu Hongfu had good fighting instincts. He didn't see the BOSS, but when he saw these people moving away from him immediately and staring at them on guard, he guessed that the BOSS was behind him.

Gotta run right away!

Wu Hongfu didn't think about fighting, he just used his feet and rushed forward.

Mrs. Oliver did not attack. She looked at Wu Hongfu's back indifferently and opened her mouth to shout!


Just like a soprano singing on stage, her voice range is terrifyingly high.

In an instant, everyone felt dizzy, their eardrums stung, and they felt a severe vomiting sensation.

"Go to hell!"

Xia Hongyao arrives, and the black-edged dagger kills him quickly!

Black helium flash!


A black electric arc appeared on the blade.

Mrs. Oliver, who was about to teleport away, was hit by these arcs of electricity, and her body immediately became temporarily stiff.


Xia Hongyao's short knife struck Mrs. Oliver's neck.

As soon as the cut was as deep as a thumb, Mrs. Oliver raised her hand and flicked the knife.


Xia Hongyao's short knife was ejected.


Blood spurts out like a fountain in a garden.

Xiahongyao attacks again.

Mrs. Oliver teleported away and returned to the observation deck the next second.

It touched its neck and glanced down at the nightgown stained with blood. Its originally calm expression turned ferocious.

"Damn it, it was almost!"

Wu Hongfu patted his chest: "Fortunately, I can run fast!"

Wu Hongfu was very depressed. He was the first to be targeted by the BOSS. Wasn't he too unlucky?

In fact, among these people, he and Wang Qing were very powerful and were the most suitable to scare the monkeys. Since Wang Qing chose to run to Lin Baici, Mrs. Oliver had no choice but to choose him.

As for people like Hua Yueyu and others, Mrs. Oliver didn't like them, and Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao were there before, which was a kind of guarantee, so that Mrs. Oliver didn't want to face them directly at the beginning of the fight.


It’s also about technology!

You can gradually disintegrate the enemy's will to resist through sequence.

"Have you seen the pattern of its teleportation?"

With so many great gods around, Wang Qing is too lazy to use his brain, and he may not be able to do it.

"It's just like this, who can tell?"

Yudan Guy rolled his eyes.

"You can only rely on personal reactions to dodge!"

Kreize was able to cope with this kind of divine favor, so he didn't panic at all.

Wu Hongfu looked at Lin Baici.

He felt that Lin Baici was the most worried about BOSS's divine favor now, because if his lovers were targeted by BOSS, there was a high probability that they would not be able to escape.

Just when Wu Hongfu was recalling the scene when he was dodging the monster and wanted to see if he could find some details, he saw other people looking at him solemnly.

Wu Hongfu's heart skipped a beat and he wanted to ask what was wrong, but he couldn't make any sound, as if his vocal cords were broken.

He lowered his head and saw that his arms, legs and body were rapidly expanding, like an inflated doll.

The swelling and pain started coming!

Wu Hongfu looked at Lin Baici and wanted to ask for help, but not only could he not make a sound, his body also quickly turned into a ball, and then bang...

Wu Hongfu exploded.

The minced internal organs and meat were scattered everywhere, half of the head fell at the feet of Hua Yueyu, and the little fishman ran back in fright.

"Is this caused by the BOSS's cry?"

Wang Qing's soul was trembling, and he had goosebumps all over his body.

How the hell are you hiding?

He looked at the others, and was surprised to find that there was no nervous look on these people's faces...

"No, aren't you afraid?"

Wang Qing has some doubts about life.

"Bah, are you afraid that the egg will be useless?"

Yudanguo spat.

Kreiser was too lazy to answer such boring questions.

Of course, these people are all dragon-level, and Wang Qing is not asking them, but people like Gu Qingqiu and Hua Yueyu.

"Are you really not afraid?"

"Why be afraid?"

Jin Yingzhen pursed her lips and held a double-barreled shotgun, looking for an opportunity to blast the boss's head to pieces.

Now all she can think about is performing well and impressing Oppa.

Otherwise, after this time, Oppa will definitely not take him with him when he enters the Shenxu.

"Xiaobai is here, don't be afraid!"

Hua Yueyu flattened his mouth: "I guarantee you will win!"

It’s just that I’m too good at being a member of the atmosphere team.

"Almost, if only that knife could cut off its vocal cords!"

Xia Hongyao regrets.

Wang Qing looked at Suzuka Tetsuo. Fortunately, he was a coward. The pants on his thighs were so wet that he was scared to death.

Depend on!

If it weren't for Suzuka Tetsuo, Wang Qing would have started to doubt life in this team.

"Here it comes again!"

Xia Hongyao shouted.

Wang Qing's muscles tensed up instantly, he was on full alert and hurriedly hid next to Hua Yueyu.

He learned well.

Lin Baici moved so fast that he couldn't keep up, but he would definitely protect these girls, so he could benefit from running next to Hua Yueyu and the others.


Fishball Guy looked at the direction in which the fishhook was flying, and immediately swung the sea rod to speed up the fishhook.

Bang! Bang!

Jin Yingzhen pulled the trigger, fired two shots, and then quickly reloaded the bullets.

The Korean girl missed, but when Mrs. Oliver appeared behind Sannomiya Airi, the fishhook of the fisherman was hung on its nightgown.

"What the heck!"

The fisherman was so happy that he immediately turned the reel quickly and started to take in the line.

Sakura Girl didn't hide, but turned around, swung her legs, and swept towards the BOSS's head.

The offensive was quite fierce.


Just as Mrs. Oliver was about to scream, she used Ghost Opera to attack, and a golden dart cut through the air and shot into its mouth.


The needle of the dart emerged from the back of the lady's neck, blocking the sound.

"Well done!"

Yudanguo praised it.

This dart belongs to Lin Baici. It shoots so accurately that it is definitely a taboo object.

This chapter has been completed!
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