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Chapter 889 Death Magic

Everyone looked at Wang Qing's corpse with only bones left, and had the urge to curse. When the human-headed god asked him, he could survive as long as he persisted.

"It means that Lin Shen's answer is correct. This unlucky guy has been tricked by the gods?"

The wedding ring girl took it in herself and shook her head. If it were her, she would be finished.

"Haha, if it's an Indian, it won't happen!"

Huang Cheng chuckled.

In India, shaking your head means yes and nodding your head means no.

"FUCK, only one died, and he is still an insignificant bastard."

Emery stared at Lin Baici and warned everyone: "Be careful with this guy."

In fact, the best result is to kill or injure a dragon-level woman, or Lin Baici's woman, so that he will fight with that god.

In this way, they can pick up the missing items.

The human-headed god looked at Lin Baici and the others, then turned and walked towards Rafios.

As a god, you should uphold the principle of fairness.

This group of people admired their little magic, and then it was the turn of another one.


The wedding ring girl and her group breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

It's not that they are timid, even a dragon-level powerhouse like Yudan Lao needs to take a breather. No one can stand the constant pollution of the rules.

Rafios and the others began to curse, but they had no choice but to escape.

The human-headed god took out a deck of playing cards from his pocket. While shuffling the cards, he looked at Kreize.

Because he wanted to remain neutral, Kreize didn't stand in the crowd when he got off the car, so he was alone now.

Being stared at by the human-headed god made Kraze's scalp numb.

Fortunately, he was also very smart, so he walked quickly to Rafios' side.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to Lin Baici, but he's worried that if this happens, the human-headed god will be the first to find him.

Sure enough, after Kreizer entered the crowd, the human-headed god was satisfied: "The magic I am going to perform next is called guessing cards!"

"You can randomly pick a card from the whole deck, remember the suit and number, and then insert the card back. No matter how you shuffle the cards, I can find it!"

After introducing the rules, the human-headed god smiled: "So, who will be my assistant?"

No one answered.

"It's very simple, don't be afraid!"

The human-headed god comforted him, and then picked Emery: "It's you!"

Emery came out and glanced at Rafios covertly. After receiving a affirmative look, he took a deep breath and then said: "I have seen this kind of magic many times, and it's nothing new anymore!"


The human-headed god paused while shuffling the cards: "Do you want me to change to a different kind of magic?"

"I mean, why don't you shuffle the cards and I guess?"

Emery suggested.

The human-headed god was surprised: "You know how to do this magic?"

"Please advise!"

Emery hopes the human-headed god agrees.

"All right!"

The human-headed god also wanted to see other people's magic: "But let's agree first, if the performance fails, you will commit suicide to the audience to apologize!"

Emery raised his eyebrows, suppressed his fear, smiled and nodded: "No problem, but can I use my own playing cards?"


The human-headed god urged: "Please start!"

Seeing Emery take a deck of playing cards from Rafios, Li Yintong was unhappy: "This is definitely a taboo thing!"

With this thing in place, these Europeans will definitely get through this pollution smoothly, and then it will be their turn to suffer.

Now both sides are eager for the other to fight with this god first.

Emery shuffled the cards, then with a snap, unfolded them into a fan shape.

"Please take one!"

The human-headed god randomly selected a card, and after remembering the suit and number, he inserted the card back.

"Do you want to wash it?"

Emery asked with a smile.


The human-headed god took the cards and began to shuffle them.

The old god Emery is here. If he is allowed to shuffle the cards by himself, he won't even need the help of Rafios' Star God's Eye. He can succeed with his tricks. Now...

That’s okay too.

The human-headed god shuffled the cards and handed them to Emery.

Emery took it and started looking for cards.

In fact, he had already heard the answer Rafios told him, but he still pretended and turned over more than twenty cards before finding a 9 of spades.

"This one!"

Emery took out the card, held it between his index and middle fingers, showed it to the head god, then flicked it hard and sent it flying out.

His movements are quite chic and freehand, like a gambling king roaming the Las Vegas casinos.

The human-headed god commented: "We found the right one, but the process was unremarkable and not thrilling enough!"

"How thrilling can a poker magic trick be, not a Saw, waterboarding escape trick that comes with the risk of death?"

Li Yintong muttered, hoping that the human-headed god would give those Europeans some strength.

[If it accepts teachings with an open mind, it can pass smoothly; if it is disdainful, it will be punished!]

Nagami review.

"I will continue to hone my skills!"

Emery was not disdainful, and even spoke modestly, but he did not take the words of the human-headed god to heart. Anyway, he passed the game in this round and just waited to see others struggle.

The man-headed god who plays magic is the best at reading people's hearts, so Emery's expression cannot deceive him at all.

"You have no respect for magic!"

The human-headed god urged: "One more, please shuffle the cards."

The god's tone was very calm, but it made Emery break into a cold sweat.

This clearly means teaching yourself a lesson.

You definitely can't escape by hiding, you can only go up!

Emery starts shuffling the cards!

The sea breeze blows and the palm trees sway

On the beach, Aunt Diao was sunbathing and humming a ditty and was in a good mood.

Because the situation is better than expected.

"These are the strong men of mankind?"

"Is that all?"

Aunt Diao chuckled. Those humans were trapped in the pollution of their own carefully arranged rules and were struggling to survive, just like ants.

But there is a problem. Until now, Xia Hongmian has not appeared.

In a villa not far away, a man in a black suit opened the door and hurried over.

"We found out that it was not Kraize who purified the bankrupt city, but a Kyushu native named Lin Baici."

"He has been a god hunter for less than a year, he is very young!"

"There are so many human beings, it is normal for a few geniuses to emerge!"

Aunt Diao was noncommittal and waved her hand to ask the black suit to step back. Dragon-level giants like Feynman were the targets she should pay attention to.

"One more thing, Oliver is not dead!"

black suit supplement


Aunt Diao was stunned: "If she hadn't died, why was the bankrupt city purified?"

"Because Oliver left with that Lindbergh!"

Black Suit Report.


Aunt Diao was confused. She looked at the black suit and wanted to say, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

A self-aware monster running away with a human?

Do you think this is an elopement in a play?

In the eyes of species like Oliver, no matter how handsome humans are, they are no different than bugs on the roadside.

I've had a headache for a day, and I don't know if it's heat stroke or illness.

It’s very hot every day now, everyone should pay attention to preventing heatstroke!

This chapter has been completed!
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