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Chapter 10 Plastic Friendship, Son of the Plane

After arguing with Qu Lixu, Yan Anqing enthusiastically hugged his shoulders: "Little Qu... without further ado, let's go and write the application now."

"It just so happens that I don't know much about standard formats either. Can you help me write it later?"

"We are friends. You help me, I help you, and we make progress together, right?"

Qu Li couldn't take a breath and almost suffocated to death.


Friend of Penima!

I don’t have a shameless friend like you!

Academician Zhao Hongyun was still beside him, so Qu Li could only force a smile and try to portray himself as an honest and reliable young man: "Don't worry when I do things."

Looking at the interaction between the two, Zhao Hongyun was relieved, as if he was reminded of his own scene back then, and sighed faintly: "Young people's friendship comes so quickly... You guys talk slowly, I am an old man, just

No more interfering."

As he spoke, he shook his head and left.

"I also have other things to deal with, goodbye."

Yan Anqing pushed Qu Li away, changed his face in a second, and said with a sense of distance: "Don't forget to write the application, I'm waiting to use the laboratory."

After speaking, he took Jiang Xinyue and left.

This attitude of turning his back on others and preparing to demolish the bridge before crossing the river made Qu Li's smile gradually freeze on his face.

"What the hell..."

Qu Li took a deep breath and used all his willpower to chew up the curse words and swallow them into his stomach.


Pay attention to the image!

I almost lost my mind because of this bastard.

In the lounge.

Yan Anqing looked at Jiang Xinyue and said seriously: "I owe you once."

If it weren't for the help of this elementary school girl, he would most likely miss this opportunity.

According to my original plan, it might take some time to get an exclusive laboratory.

So he will remember Jiang Xinyue's favor.

"That's too polite!"

Jiang Xinyue stared at Yan Anqing with burning eyes: "Speaking of which, senior, are you applying for an exclusive laboratory because you have a new project?"


Yan Anqing didn't mean to hide anything, and said calmly: "After the blood moon, it is not only humans who become golden-eyed ones. By chance, I discovered a mutated white mouse."

Hidden in the plain words are opportunities that drive countless scientists crazy.

Jiang Xinyue was stunned for a while, looked at him thoughtfully, and said with a playful smile: "Thank you, senior, for your trust!"

Yan Anqing shook his head, knowing exactly what the other person was talking about.

The academic world has always recognized achievements and not people.

For the sake of an experiment or a paper, I don’t know how many teachers and students turned against each other, and friends became enemies of life and death.

The "little secret" Yan Anqing told the other party had nothing to do with trust, it was simply about being confident.

After being bound to the soul of the game that modifies reality, Yan Anqing has countless ways to kill someone without anyone noticing.

Normally, he doesn't like to test human nature.

The conversation with Jiang Xinyue can only be said to have come at the right time.

"I told you that I owe you a favor."

Yan Anqing looked at Jiang Xinyue expressionlessly: "When the results are produced, you will be the second signer of the paper."

Nowadays, most scientific experiments in China are teamwork.

When a result comes out, it is normal to sign four or five names casually, and it is not a problem to even fill the entire paper with your signature.

It represents fame, prestige and ability.

The scientific field does not pay attention to mixed seniority.

If someone cannot produce results, no matter how highly educated he is or how senior he is, his professional title will not be promoted.

There are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

Many scholars who are not good at practical operations and researchers who have no imagination and research spirit gradually begin to pay attention to personal relationships.

When a new project comes out, they will provide the person in charge with a certain level of funding and material assistance in exchange for famous rights.

Even if he is only the fourth author, it is quite an accumulation of achievements.

Jiang Xinyue understood the twists and turns, but she had never been involved in it.

From the looks of it, Yan Anqing was going to use her second authorship to repay her previous help.

She is not a pedantic girl, otherwise she would not have spoken for Yan Anqing just now.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

Jiang Xinyue smiled strangely: "I will help you keep the secret."

"Also, I would like to ask, are we friends now?"

"It's not the plastic friendship you have with Qu Li, it's the relationship you have with that useless genius..."

Yan Anqing smiled and said: "You mean Xie Zhe? Although that guy is naive, timid, has persecution delusions, has a secondary disease, and is neurotic, he also has many advantages, such as..."

The smile gradually became awkward.

"for example……"

He gave up.

I really can't think of any advantages that guy has.

The two stared at each other.

After a long silence, Yan Anqing said quietly: "He once saved my life."

People who think about it generally have simple and ugly meanings.

Jiang Xinyue is not ugly, she can even be said to be quite beautiful. The only problem is that Yan Anqing's standards for choosing friends are a little different from ordinary people.

What's more, after completing the first round of the main mission, in addition to the golden finger soul binding, the new function "section composition" perspective unlocked also had a profound impact on Yan Anqing.

Now every time he sees a good-looking guy, whether male or female, he will subconsciously use the [Sectional Composition] function to observe the inside of the other person's body.

Muscles, bones, nerves, organs, blood vessels, lymphoid tissue.

It is said that you can't just look at the appearance of a person, but Yan Anqing can really see the inner "beauty".

This is definitely not a good habit.

Unfortunately, due to the power of obsessive-compulsive disorder, he gradually developed this unhealthy habit...

After hearing what Yan Anqing said, Jiang Xinyue was stunned for a while.

She took out a pen and note from her pocket, scribbled a few words, tore it off, put it into Yan Anqing's hand, and then jumped away.

Yan Anqing looked at the note in his hand. There was an expression with a tongue sticking out on it and three words written on it.

"A little bit."

Yan Anqing laughed dumbly.

This crazy girl...

Very skinny.

Qu Li believed that doing things for Yan Anqing because of his promise was equivalent to eating a bowl of coriander that had to be eaten into his stomach.

Should you pick out the cilantro one by one and chew it carefully, or swallow it whole?

For people who hate this stuff, it's not a question worth pondering.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

The next day, Yan Anqing obtained access to the exclusive laboratory at Mojuke.

The so-called "golden-eyed guinea pig" did not exist before today.

However, Yan Anqing could easily modify one of them.

It's just a cover.

Its purpose is to bring out the "Fuxi cells" with the "super energy cavity" structure that he had transformed before.

This will be the first shot to announce his presence in the scientific world.

The process of working backward from the results is always the simplest.

Just like mystery novels and werewolf killings, if you know the result in advance, then look for the chain of evidence and reverse the logic, you can only call it physical work, and you don't need to kill too many brain cells.

Do experiments and write papers.

Time is like water, and the sun and moon are like shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

"A summary of experimental reports on non-human golden pupil life forms and Fuxi cells".

After reading this fresh paper, Jiang Xinyue smacked her lips and looked at Yan Anqing like a monster.

"From the nearly 300 billion normal cells in this little white mouse, find out which ones happen to be mutated..."

What kind of persistence is this?

What kind of luck!

Jiang Xinyue felt that Yan Anqing beside her was the son of this era.

What is a son of the plane?

Just like Emperor Liu Xiu of the Guangwu Zhongxing during the Han Dynasty.

Liu Xiu, who had only 10,000 soldiers at that time, faced Wang Mang's 400,000 troops. Their training and morale were far inferior to his opponent's. He was about to be defeated and the dynasty was about to fall.


A meteorite fell from the sky and crashed directly into Wang Mang's military camp.

Let’s look at the records at that time…

"There will be strong thunder and wind, the roof tiles will fly off, the rain will fall like drops, the Chuan River will overflow, tigers and leopards will fight, soldiers will rush to attack, thousands of people will be drowned, and the water will not flow."


Thunder, lightning, storms, and meteorites were all aimed at Wang Mang. Liu Xiu was forced to win this battle that determined the world, which was somewhat like a designated winner.

Liu Xiu, a person who even helps the heavens, is not a son of the plane, so what is he?

When Yan Anqing promised Jiang Xinyue before, she actually didn't take it too seriously.

After all, among the death row prisoners who have committed the most heinous crimes, there are also several golden-eyed experimental subjects who have been deprived of their human rights for life.

It has been a month since the outbreak of "Golden Eye Syndrome", and no country in the world has produced any research results.

Many people even believe that apart from changes in eye color, there is nothing physically different about people with golden eyes, so there is not much research value.

This chapter has been completed!
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