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Chapter 16 The Will of the Earth, Gaia and Emperor Wa

Yan Anqing doesn't care what outsiders think.

After publishing a paper on Fuxi cells, his title was upgraded to a level 6 researcher, and the related benefits were better than many level 5 researchers.

The latest experimental equipment, the assistant with the most solid basic knowledge will be chosen first, and there will even be priority for the "Golden Eyed Person's Experimental Materials".

However, because of Ma Ran's initiative and sacrifice, the priority that made countless colleagues jealous was no longer a priority for Yan Anqing.

In the secret base, Yan Anqing doesn't have many worries about becoming famous.

Although no matter where he goes, there will be people looking at him with blazing eyes, but there are very few people who come to bother him.

Everyone is very conscious.

On this day, Yan Anqing, with the cooperation of Ma Ran, had just made a temporary cell smear and was about to take photos for magic modification, when his field of vision suddenly changed.

The long-silent red panda slowly squeezed out from the edge of the field of vision, blowing out a series of text bubbles at a leisurely pace.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the new achievement [Blessing of Luck]."

"The positive luck of billions of people is continuous. If it is placed in the Shinto plane, you can completely ignite the divine fire, build a godhead, and successfully become a god."

"Current completion progress of main task 2: 6/10."

Seeing this prompt, a look of astonishment appeared on Yan Anqing's face.

There are various signs that the senior management attaches great importance to him recently, and they even use official power to promote it, but he never expected that he could achieve success in this way!


This word made Yan Anqing thoughtful.

Some people are born lucky, and if they just buy a lottery ticket, they can win five million, and all their wishes will come true, and everything goes as they wish; some people are so unlucky that they can choke to death even if they drink water.

With the current development of science and technology, it is difficult to explain something like "luck" that cannot be directly observed.

According to his understanding, the so-called "luck" may be the collective consciousness integration phenomenon of all species on the earth.

Western scholars call it "Gaia consciousness."

Oriental scholars call it "the will of Emperor Wa".

However, this is just a guess, only spread word of mouth by civil scientists from various countries, and no experiments can prove this.

The emergence of this achievement probably means...

Will your "luck" become stronger?

Shaking his head, Yan Anqing collected his thoughts and suppressed the chaotic thoughts.

"What's wrong?"

Ma Ran looked at Yan Anqing's expression changes and body movements, and his heart skipped a beat.

The scarlet moon, golden pupils, and Fuxi cells are all supernatural phenomena that have never appeared in the history of the earth.

Although he always hypnotizes himself, telling himself that this is the greatest luck and an opportunity to get ahead, he is not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of what may happen...

Is it really a good thing that the golden pupil phenomenon that allows mice to super-evolve occurs in humans?

Will there be some kind of abnormal mutation and become non-human?

In order to possess supernormal strength, Ma Ran could accept side effects such as hair loss and baldness, but he could not accept himself becoming a hideous and ugly monster.

This is a matter of principle!

"don’t worry."

Yan Anqing smiled: "It's just that the experiment has made progress."

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. With the help of Golden Finger, Yan Anqing's research on Fuxi cells was hundreds of times faster than that of other scientists.

Regardless of knowledge reserves or scientific experience, Yan Anqing had more experimental samples in his hands, and the difficulty of deducing the process directly from the results was reduced countless times.

Scholars from Yaoguang Section, Tangting Section and Moju Section, who want to apply for a golden pupil candidate to cooperate with their experiments, have to go through a ten-day and half-month process, and there are countless competitors.

How could it be as convenient as Yan Anqing to magically modify cells and open a backdoor for himself?

From No. 1 to No. 9 Fuxi cells, it has now developed into a complete sequence.

Mouse, rabbit, cat, dog, snake...

There are specialized cells adapted to various animals.

Except for the poor white mice, when conducting experiments on other animals, they did not experience the painful losses during the initial experiments, and most of them succeeded the first time!

After all, Fuxi cells were created based on other animal cells. There are non-human gene segments in the chromosomes, which are not applicable to humans.

He needs to magically modify super energy supply cells suitable for humans!

However, Yan Anqing has not carried out human cell modification because there is no suitable reason.

Ma Ran is the best excuse!


here we go.

Superpower cells suitable for humans are essentially as difficult to modify as those of small animals. They are all about creating a "superpower cavity" structure.

So there is no difficulty at all.

Mitochondria staining, structural modification!

Done in one go!

Yan Anqing expressionlessly saved the photos of the modified cells and immediately transferred them back into Ma Ran's body.

"Dr. Yan...what did you inject me just now?"

Ma Ran touched the pinhole on his wrist and asked cautiously.

"Tracking means."

Looking at him indifferently, Yan Anqing said nonsensically: "There are indeed signs of the birth of super cells in your body. This is now certain."

Upon hearing this, Ma Ran was stunned, and a look of joy and ecstasy immediately appeared on his face.

He stood up suddenly and paced back and forth in the laboratory.

After walking and lying down for seven times, his golden eyes were full of light and his face was rosy: "No wonder! I do feel that I am more energetic than before! Now I feel very comfortable all over my body."

He felt that his limbs and bones were filled with inexhaustible strength.

Yan Anqing did not reply.

This has nothing to do with super cells, it's just Ma Ran's psychological effect.

In medicine, this is called the "placebo effect."

Many times, some patients who seek medical consultation do not actually have any diseases, or they only suffer from minor illnesses that can be cured by the body's immunity.

Doctors often prescribe to such patients what look like pills, but are actually just a mixture of glucose and starch fillers.

After taking the medicine, many people immediately feel that their physical condition has improved and their diseases have been cured.

In fact, even real drugs have a digestion and absorption process. How can it be so fast?

The reason why Ma Ran behaves as he does now is purely based on his trust in Yan Anqing, or in other words, based on his trust in science.

"According to my calculations, there will be no more than five super cells in your body."

Yan Anqing was fiddling with various high-end research equipment. After a while, he poured cold water on the other party: "The division rate of super cells is about one-third that of mice. We have to find out the proliferation of super cells in your body."

The reason for the slowness.”

Ma Ran, who often reads novels online, heard this and immediately thought of many things.

It's possible...

His "qualifications" and "spiritual roots" are even worse than a mouse.

Ma Ran was in a good mood and did not take this matter to heart.

After all, he is still the one with golden eyes!

It's better than nothing.

"Super cells... don't sound very impressive, why not call them Fuxi cells?" Ma Ran couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

Yan Anqing said calmly: "The super-powered cells extracted from mice and other animals are collectively called Fuxi cells and are distinguished by numbers. I have not actually extracted human super-powered cells and do not have the right to name them."

In fact, this is just controlling the progress of the experiment.

Hearing this, Ma Ran looked solemn and said solemnly: "I will try my best to cooperate!"

As time goes by, some network keyboard warriors have begun to look for Yan Anqing’s black spots.

His remarks, which are difficult to live up to despite his reputation, gradually became more and more noisy.

Some people with pinkeye just can't see others getting better.

As a die-hard fan of Yan Anqing, Ma Ran expects more than anyone else that this god can come up with new results as soon as possible and slap those trolls in the face!

It is best to wait until the era of universal cultivation, and only those trolls will remain the same!

Of course, these are just the indignant delusions of Ma Ran as an idiot fan.

Is Yan Anqing such a stingy person? The contract status has been modified! Spread the flowers! Please vote for recommendations! Please collect! Please reward! Wow!

This chapter has been completed!
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