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Chapter 329 [The creator of the tyrant], portable mecha

The moment she saw the other person, Cai Yayi's aura changed instantly.

Facing this Galaxy Admiral who didn't know which timeline he came from, he had absolutely no confidence at all.

In a practical sense, the other person is his adventure and his golden finger.

The strength that Cai Yayi possesses now and all the wonderful experiences that ordinary people cannot experience are all given by the other party.

"Hello...Hello, Mr. Yan Anqing."

He hesitated for a while, then said hello honestly.

Yan Anqing looked at Cai Yayi for a while with a half-smile but not a smile.

"You are very good. With your own will, you have crushed the seeds of darkness in your subconscious."

"No...can't call it crushing, just suppressing."

"Among the more than 400 people who have been classmates with Lu Jiaxu, only you and one other person are interesting."

Lu Jiaxu, that pure evil person.

The classmates who were tricked by him have now become extreme and violent people.

When Yan Anqing worked on the big event of "Vishnu's arrival, annihilation and transformation", he originally wanted Lu Jiaxu to appear in Cai Yayi's current position, and even arranged a plot line specifically for him.

It is a pity that Lu Jiaxu did not choose to betray the earth at that time.

His reason is...

The Annihilation Warrior laughed, it was so ugly.

The screenwriter Yan Da said it was okay.

If the plan cannot keep up with changes, just adjust it from time to time and make new plans.

Now that the money has arrived, Lu Jiaxu is having a great time on the Guangyao Civilization side, and on the Moon side, Cai Yayi is also doing very well.

Although she was once a salty fish, now Cai Yayi has developed some acumen and insight.

Listening to Yan Anqing's words, his pupils shrank slightly and the hair on his body suddenly stood up, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.


The truth is revealed!

He said how he had no feeling at all about killing, and even vaguely enjoyed it and enjoyed it a bit.

I see!

That guy Lu Jiaxu attacked him when he was in middle school!

Subconscious induction, hypnosis...

"Don't think too much."

Yan Anqing chuckled: "Before the first scarlet moon, the earth was not extraordinary, and the power of hypnosis and mental induction was very limited."

"Lu Jiaxu is a genius. This is undeniable. However, even the top mental hypnosis master on earth cannot forcibly change a person's will."

"He is just good at observing, finding, and amplifying the dark side deep in your hearts."

"The jealous are even more jealous, the violent are even more violent, the bloodthirsty are even more bloodthirsty..."

He looked at Cai Yayi with burning eyes: "Actually, you now are the real you."

"Lu Jiaxu is just a promoter."

"He is not a god, not an immortal, and certainly not a ruler. He does not have the ability to distort thinking."

Hearing this, Cai Yayi fell silent.

After a moment, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he chewed them up and swallowed them.

Cai Yayi breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "The things you arranged for me to do must have some deep meaning, but I won't ask."

"In the movies I watched, some of the white-glove men who did the dirty work were killed because they knew too much."


"When you issue a task, I will try my best to do the best I can at this stage! And I hope that I can get your reward for this."

"I won't ask anything else."

Hearing this, Yan Anqing glanced at him appreciatively, and the figure of the red panda customer service suddenly appeared at the edge of his field of vision.

The round black and white dumpling was wearing a golden dragon robe, with a crown of nine gods on his head, and his little face was full of fake anger.

It raised the jade seal in its hand and threw it to the ground.


The jade seal shattered and turned into clouds of smoke.

These smoke clouds gradually formed a series of text bubbles.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Creator of Tyrants]."

"From a young boy whose dream was to eat and die, to a tyrant with bloody hands."

"Who is the culprit?"

"The current main task completion progress is: 106/150!"

After the delivery was completed, the fake anger on the Red Panda customer service's face instantly dissipated, and he looked at Yan Anqing with a fawning look.

"The culprit is indeed me."

Yan Anqing chuckled: "Lv Jia Xu or something like that can't be beaten with eight sticks."

"I induced Cai Yayi like this just to build momentum for Lu Jiaxu and give the latter a little more mysterious aura."

After saying this, Yan Anqing applauded solemnly: "This acting is very good! Great progress! Please keep up the good work!"

Two red discs appeared on the little round face of the red panda customer service.

It covered its face and ran away quickly.

There was a flash of light and shadow.

Cai Yayi looked at the reappearance of Galaxy Admiral Yan Anqing's projection, and wanted to ask the other party if the signal for cross-time and space dialogue was not good, but she did not dare to ask.

Yan Anqing snapped his fingers.


An all-metal creature that looked like a Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle appeared in front of Cai Yayi.

"You have performed well during this period, so this is an extra reward for you."

This thing that looks like a motorcycle is one of the means of transportation for Guangyao people. It can be used for conscious navigation and can be transformed into a combat form.

It uses some anti-gravity and magnetic levitation technologies, is about the same weight as the Tiger main battle tank, and has a similar size in combat form.

It can be called a portable mecha.

This thing and colonial clothing have their own merits.

The breeding equipment developed by Yan Anqing is essentially biotechnology, mainly super companion strains. However, the difference between the breeding equipment technology and the Annihilation Warrior is that the former is human-oriented, while the latter is mainly based on extraordinary strains.

He made a gesture of snapping his fingers, and the relevant knowledge and information were transmitted to Cai Yayi's mind.

Cai Yayi quickly digested this information, and a look of excitement and ecstasy appeared on his face.

With the blessing of this equipment, he can completely crush and kill the Annihilation Warriors in the entire base by one person.

It can be done, but it's not necessary.

Cai Yayi felt that if the Galaxy Admiral Yan Anqing in front of him was willing, all the Annihilation warriors in the entire base would die with just one thought.

So what the other party wants is definitely not to kill all the Annihilation warriors, but something else...

Value process and fun?

Probably not.

Cai Yayi shook her head and stopped thinking about that problem.

He lay down in front of the portable mecha, stroking its dark, bat-colored metal coating, his eyes filled with joy.

While on Earth, Cai Yayi had heard that many companies in Japan and the United States were researching self-driving vehicles. They could directly use brainwave analysis instruments to interpret signals from the driver's brain.

The technological content of the portable mecha in front of him was obviously a step further!

"So far, your performance is pretty good."

"If you choose to return now, I will directly destroy the body you are using now, and at the same time..."

"I will raise your body on earth to the level of a second-order transcendent."

"You can choose between force, water, fire, thunder, earth, and even space abilities."

Cai Yayi's hard work and struggle provided Yan Anqing with the two achievements of "Savior of Evil" and "Creator of Tyrant".

Therefore, the reward Yan Anqing promised him was the second level of transcendence.

An achievement, a rank.

Clearly marked price.

Fair and just, no bullying!

Looking at Cai Yayi who was hesitating, Yan Anqing spread his hands and said calmly: "Then..."

"[Continue the adventure], or [End the game]."

"Make your choice."

This chapter has been completed!
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