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Chapter 40 Mahatma, Kira Walmart

"The waste wood that is lucky enough to be in your eyes is no longer a real dead wood. You have the power to turn decay into magic and ignite a miraculous flash in the boring lives of ordinary humans."

"Current completion progress of main task 3: 15/30."

After the black and white dumpling blew the text bubble, he quietly slipped away.

Yan Anqing's eyebrows frowned slightly, then relaxed again.

Once a problem is solved, more than a dozen new projects will pop up.

In the base, colleagues in various departments may have different personalities, but they are all talented people with active thinking and open minds. They will get a lot of inspiration when they go to the cafeteria to eat every day.

The road to demonic reform is long and arduous. Yu Hongyi and Yan Anqing, the strongest natural beings at this stage, are only at the peak of the first level.

After thinking for a while, Yan Anqing found a recent photo of the cannon fodder experimental subject Kira Wal-Mart on the Internet.

After the pupils focused for a while, the recent photo of the other party was saved in the consciousness database.

He closed his eyes and began to study Kira Wal-Mart's physical changes...

Indo, Capital District of Delhi.

It covers an area of ​​approximately 1,490 square kilometers and has a permanent population of 25 million!

On the streets of the largest commercial street in New Delhi, Kira Wal-Mart and a group of younger brothers roamed like crabs.

Behind Kira, thousands of people held flags with words written on them and banners with pictures painted on them to build momentum for him.

"Kira! The only Mahatma of the 21st century!"

"The glory of Kshatriya appears again!"

"No external force can stop the glory and rise of Dayin!"

In addition to similar promotional slogans, there are also some exaggerated cartoons.

One of the most eye-catching ones is the comic version of Kira Wal-Mart punching the Hulk and stepping on Superman Clark Kent, making Spider-Man, Deadpool and Venom tremble in fear, kneeling down in worship and bowing their heads.

The other promotional banners are also similar. Kira's fans have almost all the heroes from the Marvel and DC universes.

Exaggerated, but very attractive, it perfectly captured the excitement of the crowd in Indu.

The size of the parade is getting bigger and bigger. Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like a long dragon.

Finally, Kira Wal-Mart stopped.

He turned around and his voice was like a bell. Even though he didn't use a microphone or loudspeaker, his voice could be heard clearly by most people in the parade.

Many people held up their mobile phones and pointed their cameras at Kira, wanting to see what this guy wanted to express.

"Three days!"

Kira raised three fingers and said with a determined expression: "In three days, I will go to Apollo Pier to give a speech! At the same time, I will also show you the true ability of the Kshatriya essence inheritor!"

There is an attraction at Apollo Pier called the Arch of Indus, which looks similar to the Arc de Triomphe in France.

"I now officially announce that I will immediately participate in the current supreme leader election!"

"If I were to take control of this country, I would spread the glory of this great country to the whole world!"

"Japan, South Korea, Russia, China, England, France, Germany, the United States... these countries can only look up to us!"

"Here, I solemnly promise..."

"Everyone! I mean, everyone who supports me, no one will be left out! I, Kira, will remember everyone's name in my heart, and when I achieve my wish, I will give you rewards that you can't even imagine!"

"After I ascend the throne, I will redefine the concept of 'warrior' and divide the levels according to strength!"

"Wealth! Every Great Yindu warrior who can be ranked can get more wealth than can be spent in three lifetimes!"

"Beauty! Every male Indian citizen, under my rule, can legally marry more than ten beauties!"

"As long as you are capable and strong enough, if you see the woman you like and force her to have sex with her on the street, I will not consider this a wrong behavior according to the law that I have revised!"

Kira is quite good at talking.

He very successfully said a dirty thing in a sanctimonious way without any trace of filthiness.

However, looking at the disgusted looks on the faces of the women in the parade, you can probably tell that Kira's impression in their hearts has plummeted.

However, Kira Wal-Mart doesn't care about these women.

From the very beginning, Kira's audience groups were clearly divided.

Men, men in the prime of life!

In India, women have no rights at all.

In this magical country, when a girl is raped, any reporter who conducts an investigation will receive public feedback, usually expressing understanding for the perpetrator and contempt and disdain for the victim.

It is generally believed that the victim is in that situation because he is wearing scantily clad and too attractive clothing. It is his own fault and no one else to blame.

In such a country with strong male dominance, Kira's words are quite popular.

At this time, at the front of the crowd, a thin, dark-skinned middle-aged man suddenly asked: "Is it okay for both domestic and foreign women?"

"What if other countries ask for our extradition, saying that we raped their citizens and want to use their country's laws to try us? Will you protect us?"

When Kira Wal-Mart heard this, her heart was ecstatic, but her face remained calm.

He said seriously: "Of course! I swear with the dignity and glory of Kshatriya, I will protect any warrior who is willing to follow me!"

Kira believes that she has seen through the future development trajectory of this world.

He knows very well that he can't please everyone, so he simply goes to the extreme to attract only those adult men with sperm in their brains.


These promises he made are so attractive to a fully developed male!

If you want money, give money; if you want women, give women.

Simple and crude.

But it works!

There are very few people who can suppress their basic desires.

Kira didn't bother to think about that kind of people, and even if she encountered one or two, she would try to kill them.

In this poor country, as long as Kira can get half of the people to recognize him, he will have the confidence to use his family's network of connections to seize power bit by bit, and finally rush to the top!

No matter what kind of sensation and public opinion impact Kira's propaganda has caused, time will not stop for this moment.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Kira has become a real public enemy of Indian women, but his naked machismo remarks have also gained him a large number of male fans.

Men like it, women rebuke it.

Kira Wal-Mart, who is very topical, with the support of her family and the praise of the navy, the name of "Mahatma" gradually spread.

On this day, Apollo Pier, in front of Indu Gate.

Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the event, and reporters from all over the world gathered together like sharks smelling blood.

The sound of shutters kept coming and going, and the flash blinded people's eyes.

Kira Wal-Mart stood proudly on the newly built stage.

He crossed his arms across his chest, as if he were the best in the world: "I have said before that I want you to see the true power of the elite Kshatriyas!"

"Now, let's start with something simpler!"

He clapped his hands.

Ten strong men with live ammunition surrounded Kira Wal-Mart, and the black muzzles of the guns blocked all his possible evasion routes...

This chapter has been completed!
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