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Chapter 441 Correcting thoughts! Zen and persuasion!

Chapter 441 of the text volume of Demon Reform World: Correction of thoughts! Zen position and persuasion to advance! The charter and program of the Savior Xuan Army are very simple and rough, but also quite clear. There is no trace of return or ambiguity. Kill the white ghosts and defend this land.

, overthrow the decadent Xuan Dynasty and restore the glory of the Xuan people!

Very simple charter and program.

However, this is easier said than done.

Any of these cannot be recognized by others just by saying it with words or saying it beautifully enough.

Practical action is needed!

Originally, when Yan Anqing first joined the Xuanjiu Army, he was looked down upon by many people because he looked like a nobleman. They mocked him as a "young master" and "a relative of the emperor."

But later, in just one month, Yan Anqing killed nearly a hundred "white ghost" soldiers in front of many comrades of the Xuan Rescue Army, and immediately gained everyone's recognition.

Origin is nothing. People cannot decide their origin, but they can choose their own position and class. Yan Anqing has proved his reliability with his actual actions.

So now, as soon as Yan Anqing opened his mouth, everyone immediately shut their mouths and listened quietly.

This means having prestige.

No matter where you are, capable people should be respected.

In the current Xuan Rescue Army, if you want to prove whether a person is capable, it depends on how many "white ghosts" he can kill and how many corrupt officials of the Daxuan Dynasty he can kill.

Originally, there was no distinction between these two things in the Xuanjiu Army.

But after Yan Anqing joined, he just said a few words, and everyone suddenly realized that killing corrupt officials was not a big deal.

Very simple logic.

"More than one hundred and thirty years ago, there was a Black Lotus sect, which was somewhat similar to our Savior Xuan Army."

"It's just that their program is relatively backward. They just 'anti-Xuan and restore Luo' and want to restore the rule of the Luo Dynasty."

"The result is that a small group of people still stand on top of the people and dominate. The people cannot be the masters of the country, so they are not enthusiastic about participating."

"The Black Lotus Sect is also assassinating corrupt officials everywhere, but what is the final result?"

"The people are still suffering, but the rule of the Daxuan Dynasty has become stronger because of their appearance."

"Why is this happening? There are two reasons for this."

"If the Daxuan Dynasty is a patient, then assassinating corrupt officials is equivalent to removing the lesions and treating it."

"And the Daxuan Dynasty is the enemy. Treating the enemy is equivalent to supporting the enemy."

"On the other hand, it consumes people's passion for resistance and allows people with lofty ideals to die in vain. Those who survive are all submissive people."

"Thousands of years ago, there once was a saint. When controlling floods, he paid attention to dredging. The principle is that it is better to dredge than to block!"

"In my opinion, if the Black Lotus Sect is not a conspiracy led by the senior officials of the Daxuan Dynasty, then there is something wrong with the thinking of the senior figures!"

Yan Anqing said this at the time: "Corrupt officials must be punished, but we must wait until we have control of the overall situation, then take them out, push them to the execution ground one by one, clearly punish them, and let the people judge them. This is the grand and majestic king."


"As for the act of assassinating corrupt officials...with all due respect, it is extremely stupid. Not only can it not be regarded as meritorious service, but it is actually an act of capitalizing on the enemy. It is an ideological problem and must be severely criticized!"

Failure to punish corrupt officials makes people feel uncomfortable.

What's the best way?

Yan Anqing also gave out regulations to plunder their wealth, and divided them into different levels according to the degree of crime. They could either give them a beating, a small punishment or a big warning, or cut off their noses and ears to make them faceless.

The comrades who rescued Xuanjun also felt that this was a very angry act, even more so than killing those corrupt officials with one knife.

Moreover, won’t there be public trials in the future?

The blueprint drawn by Yan Anqing made everyone feel that the future is full of hope.

"Comrade Yan, you read a lot and are quite smart. I feel that every time you don't speak, it's fine. When you speak, you are like a beacon in the dark night, immediately lighting up the road ahead."

Hua Kaige looked at Yan Anqing with bright eyes, admiring him very much: "You are our spiritual mentor. To be honest, compared with you, I am just a reckless man. Many times before, if it weren't for your clever calculations, you would have saved Xuan Jun.

Brothers and sisters, at least five hundred of them will die in vain!"

"That's what I think. Now let's transfer power. You will lead the Xuan Army! You will definitely do a better job than me!"

Hua Kaige is a true warrior. He doesn't have any dirty thoughts in his heart. When he said this, there were no five hundred swordsmen and axemen ambushing him. He was not pretending to retreat in order to advance. He was speaking the truth.

He was imitating the ancient sage kings. He felt that his ability was not enough, so he took the initiative to give the Zen position to the sages.

In this small courtyard, there are only thirty-six Xuan Jiu soldiers, but they are all small leaders, with one hundred to three hundred Xuan Jiu comrades under their names.

All the changes started after Yan Anqing joined.

The power of the Xuanjiu Army has more than tripled compared to a month ago!

This is not only the contribution of Yan Anqing, but also the contribution of the second prince Yan Yinlin who lost power and humiliated the country.

If people had not completely despaired of the rulers of the Xuan Dynasty, the current situation would not have happened.

"Comrade Hua, when we save Xuanjun, we must seek truth from facts and don't exaggerate."

Yan Anqing shook his head, without the slightest bit of pride, but said in a calm tone: "To be honest, if it weren't for the many brothers and sisters who work together and I make suggestions alone, no one would listen, and it would be meaningless. We would be able to develop to where we are now.


"I have only joined the Xuan Rescue Army for a month. I have no qualifications and cannot convince the public. Please don't mention this matter again."

As soon as she finished speaking, a female voice as crisp as an oriole suddenly sounded: "Comrade Yan, this is your fault!"

"Your meritorious service is greater than anyone else's. We all see it in our eyes and remember it in our hearts."

"In terms of force, you are not inferior to anyone, and in terms of intelligence, no one can compare with you. In ancient times, you were the most unparalleled top strategist in the country.

"If you have merit, you still have to forcefully refuse. This sets a bad example."

"In the future, if everyone has made meritorious deeds and performed well, it will be the same as those who have performed poorly and have not made meritorious deeds. This will make no one willing to struggle and stand up at critical moments."

The person who spoke was named Yao Yanfu, and she was the number one female leader who saved the Xuan Army.

She looked at Yan Anqing with complicated eyes, trying to hide her admiration, but everyone knew that Yao Yanfu was interested in Yan Anqing.

In terms of force, intelligence, character, appearance, and temperament, Yan Anqing is all extraordinary and far superior to his peers.

Yao Yanfu is also in her youth, and she often works with Yan Anqing. It would be weird not to be tempted.

In fact, not only Yao Yanfu, but also many female comrades in the Xuanjiu Army had some thoughts about Yan Anqing.

Unfortunately, Yan Anqing's thoughts were all focused on overthrowing the Xuan Dynasty, expelling the white invaders, and restoring the glory of the Xuan people. There was no energy at all for the personal love of his children, and not even a word of scandal was spread.

This chapter has been completed!
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