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Chapter 448 The wooden table becomes a roast duck, molecular reorganization!

Coming early is worse than coming by chance.

Jiang Xinyue, who just left the cafeteria, also joined the chat group now.

She is also the first member to read the information sent by Yan Anqing.

"Hiss... the collective will, the amplification device for the aggregation of the spiritual power of all living beings, the artificial god Pangu, the spiritual will distorts the material world... Senior brother, you really dare to think about it!"

Qu Li, Shang Yin and Xie Zhe also complained one after another.

"As for the cutting and distributing of volcanoes, there is no problem. Simple engineering and geology are just...can the so-called man-made god really do this?"

"It sounds fun, but this behavior is very similar to the villain in the movie... When the artificial god Pangu appears, you won't use him to dominate the earth, right?"

"What are you guys thinking? Have you never considered that mental power distorts reality? Is it scientific or unscientific?"

Hearing this, the corners of Yan Anqing's lips slightly raised, and he chuckled: "This is the result of my recent research. If the plan can be successfully realized, the initial level of the artificial god Pangu should be able to reach the eighth level epic level.

The follow-up potential is endless and is only directly proportional to the earth's population and comprehensive spiritual quality."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands: "After we submit the plan later, let's apply for a high-level meeting."

"When the time comes, I will show you again the impact that mental power will have on the real world and matter after it reaches a certain limit."

"Not the kind of metal slime..."

"That thing has the characteristic of receiving brain waves. Although the external performance is very similar, in fact, there is still a big difference."

Qu Li, Shang Yin, Jiang Xinyue and Xie Zhe also expressed no opinions.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that after Yan Anqing became a monk and became a scientific researcher, the research results he produced have never disappointed anyone.

Confidence is accumulated over and over again with victories and successes.

A guy who always fails has no right to ask others to believe in him.

And for a person who has won many battles, many people will be willing to trust him even if he doesn't ask for it.

Yan Anqing's plan, based on Jiang Xinyue's summary, seems like a fantasy. It is so absurd that even an expert would not dare to write it like this.

However, looking at the specific implementation process and details, it makes people feel...

It seems, seems, probably, maybe...

Is it that feasible?

Five young and promising senior sequence scientists from the secret base jointly submitted this document.

During an emergency, you don't have to worry about too many rules and regulations.

Just half an hour after the application report was submitted, a top meeting was held in the Zhaofujing underground secret base.

Liu Shijun, Zhao Hongyun, Li Yanhuang and other veteran academicians gathered together.

Even leaders No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 10 all participated online through the encrypted network in this meeting that may determine the life and death of mankind.

"Comrade Yan Anqing, we have all read your plan."

"In terms of details, many scientific researchers have reviewed them repeatedly, and they are indeed perfect."

"But you have to know that the basis of this report is your latest research results!"

"Spiritual power distorts the real material world...are you sure it's true?"

"Moreover, now, the information is still circulating in a small area. Once it spreads, the world will definitely be in chaos and become a complete mess!"

A group of old people gathered around Yan Anqing, their faces full of solemn expressions, their eyes full of gloom, their tone of voice very low, and there seemed to be a huge weight on their shoulders.

The entire conference hall seemed to be filled with dark clouds, and everyone was worried about the end of the world in two months.


Yan Anqing, who was wearing a white coat, stood up slowly, with a warm tone and a calm demeanor, with an inexplicable sense of confidence: "I believe in my research results, and everyone must believe in me."

"How much suffering has mankind experienced since ancient times, and how many disasters have it endured that could lead to the extinction of civilization? In the end, they have survived until now and into the future!"

"In my opinion, the super eruption of the Yellowstone volcano is far from worthy of a warning of a 'world-ending disaster'."

"We will defeat it, solve it, and in the process, improve ourselves, continue to improve, become stronger, and make human civilization more indestructible!"

Yan Anqing's words were filled with strong determination and self-confidence, and this self-confidence also infected other participants.

If you think about it carefully, Yan Anqing has never disappointed anyone over the years.

He may occasionally say some big words that make people feel like he is bragging.

But as time goes by, facts have proven that the future blueprint outlined by Yan Anqing has become a reality.

He sees too far-reaching, so some of the things he says that he thinks will definitely come true are regarded as big words and empty words.

Everyone is willing to believe in Yan Anqing again.

As long as he can prove that spiritual power can indeed affect the material world.

The previous metal slime was not considered to have its own characteristics, but was more like a mental power detection instrument.

Although sword cultivators such as the Xuanhe Sword Sect from other timelines can fly with swords, that has nothing to do with mental power. It is an advanced use of energy and metal manipulation capabilities, just like an airplane burning fuel to fly in the air.


None of these can explain the impact of spiritual power on matter.

"I know what everyone is worried about."

Yan Anqing smiled: "Time is tight, so I won't show off here."

"I'm not very proficient in the use of spiritual power, so I need a little preparation time."

After finishing speaking, Yan Anqing slowly closed his eyes, seeming to enter a meditative state.

Seven seconds later, he opened his eyes, the divine light in his eyes opened and closed, and an invisible wave hit the table in the conference hall.

Change has happened!

The originally wooden table twisted and deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually shrinking, and then shrinking again...

In the end, it turned into a plate of roast duck full of aroma and bubbling grease!

Next to the roast duck, there is even a small dish of green plum sauce!


Several young attendees couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

"The table turned into a roast duck? This kind of thing simply does not comply with objective laws and is unscientific!"

"It is entirely possible to manipulate microscopic particles and reorganize molecules!"

"Indeed, one of my senior sisters in Jiangsu and Zhejiang has been studying a similar topic recently. Through mechanical molecular reorganization of food, we can make chocolate-flavored apples, banana-flavored peaches, milk-flavored barbecue, and French fries.

Flavored cigarettes…”

"The key is that Dr. Yan didn't use any equipment at all!"

lamp pen

This chapter has been completed!
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