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Chapter 455 [The Disaster Obliterator], [Taishan Fengchan] - Four Achievements!

In front of Yellowstone volcano.

The man-made god Pangu is tall and towers into the clouds. Smoke surrounds him, making it difficult to see his facial expression. Only the ax raised high can be vaguely seen.

Charge up and chop!

It's so simple and crude, without any bells and whistles.

"It's over! He didn't follow our previous plan!"

"This is equivalent to detonating the Yellowstone volcano in advance!"

"I never thought that one day I would become a sinner on earth..."

Scientific researchers from various countries stared wide-eyed, broke out in cold sweats, and looked different. They were either grief-stricken or numb, and they could no longer express their inner emotions correctly.

Yan Anqing acted very calmly.

The birth of the artificial god Pangu was due to the collective will of humans on earth. However, after his birth, he also used his authority to add many abilities to Pangu and adjust certain character "settings".

No matter when He was first born, because of the chaotic and complicated thoughts of the observers, whether he had any special complicated thoughts, now, there is no more. The artificial god Pangu is a taciturn guardian of the earth's civilization.

He acted this way because He could do it.


The giant ax fell from the sky and clicked on the Yellowstone volcano.

Originally, due to the loose geographical structure, the underground of this part of the area contained a large amount of flammable substances that could explode at a moment's notice. Everyone thought that if the man-made god Pangu struck with his axe, the end of the world would be declared, and human civilization would also come to an end.


But the reality is very different from imagination.

Pangu's ax fell on the ground, and countless dark red hot magma flowed along the ax blade like a living flame dragon, and then was absorbed and disappeared without a trace.

The number of flame dragons is increasing.

One, two, three!

Ten, one hundred, one thousand!

They no longer disappear into the ax blade, but instead take on the form of a true dragon, with scales splayed out, claws restrained, and eyes filled with blazing brilliance.

The man-made god Pangu was surrounded by countless fire dragons. The blazing temperature turned the surrounding area into wasteland, and his body was filled with the smell of sulfuric smoke.

"This is...space ability?!"

"I can't understand! In short, the energy accumulated by the Yellowstone volcano is rapidly decreasing."

"At this rate...in about five minutes, the entire Yellowstone Volcano will completely turn into an extinct volcano...No, it will be a volcanic ruin, not even an extinct volcano!"

In the conference hall, everyone opened their eyes, and smiles representing hope gradually appeared on their faces.

Although the process was different from the plan, the result was good, and that was enough!

Five minutes, fleeting!

The Yellowstone volcano that was about to explode was completely killed. From now on, there is no possibility of another eruption for hundreds of millions of years.

It is no longer a threat to human civilization.

Many scientific researchers exclaimed with joy.

Yan Anqing didn't pay attention to the compliments and words of praise. His eyes focused on the customer service member Little Bear Meow who suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

The black and white dumpling happily approached Yan Anqing and blew out a series of text bubbles: "Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Disaster Obliterator]!"

"Originally, the super eruption of the Yellowstone volcano may lead to the destruction of earth civilization and the extinction of mankind. Because of the artificial god Pangu you created, this disaster was completely wiped out before it could erupt!"

"The current main task completion progress is: 145/150!"

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the homogeneous continuous achievements [Intermediate Savior] and [Advanced Savior]!"

"You are the savior of mankind. You have saved buildings from falling several times, allowing human civilization to be preserved and have the possibility of continued development!"

"The current main task completion progress is: 147/150!"

Get three consecutive achievements!

A happy smile finally appeared on Yan Anqing's face.

It is a pity that the consistent and consistent achievements of the Savior series may never be achieved again.

He suddenly noticed...

After the message was completed, the customer service staff of Little Bear Meow did not leave immediately. Instead, he turned his back to himself and seemed to be watching the follow-up actions of the artificial god Pangu on the screen. A plump short tail was swaying towards him.

On the screen, the huge ax of the artificial god Pangu was winding with countless dark red lines, which was full of power and domineering.

After destroying the Yellowstone volcano, he sat down on the ground, his face neither sad nor happy, his expression dull, as if he didn't have many emotions similar to human beings.

Buzz buzz...

Some American negotiators took helicopters and rushed to the scene as soon as possible and began to communicate with the artificial god Pangu.

"Dear gods, Your Majesty Pangu, the country you are in is called the United States of America. On behalf of all the American people, we thank you for your great achievements in saving the world, and we are also willing to represent all mankind to meet all your needs."

The words of the American negotiator made the faces of other high-level officials in the online conference room darken.

In the face of disaster, human beings can work together to create glory and overcome difficulties.

But just a few minutes after the disaster passed? The United States began to make its own wishful thinking!

Moreover, judging from the appearance of these negotiators, it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

This is by no means a last-minute idea!

This was premeditated!

The United States wants to keep the artificial god Pangu in their country and become their secret weapon!

On the earth where Jue Ke Wutong is a master, Pangu is an absolutely intimidating existence, a self-propelled wooden bow, and the kind that can regenerate itself!

With His help, let alone eight years of the Red Moon Calendar, even if it continues for eighty years, the United States will be the absolute overlord of the earth!

"Sukabule! Despicable Americans!"

"Baga! What did the group of red deer in the General Staff Department eat to grow up? Why didn't you expect this move?"

"Axi...why didn't America's father inform us?"

There was chaos in the online conference room.

However, the man-made god Pangu did not care about these negotiators at all.

Until the negotiators switched to Mandarin: "You are the guardian of all mankind. With your contribution and honor, you can fully enjoy the worship of all mankind."

"What do you need?"

"Food, beauty, or something else?"

"We cannot express our opinions on behalf of other countries. At least the United States will meet your needs unconditionally!"

After hearing these words, the artificial god Pangu had a somewhat expression on his face.


That look was simply the standard portrayal of "indifference".

"I, go back."

After saying these three words angrily, the artificial god Pangu stepped forward.

The next second, he crossed the shackles of space and geographical distance and appeared in the territory of China, south of Mount Tai.

The man-made god Pangu sat still on the spot, his eyes closed tightly, and his breath was leisurely, as if he had fallen into a long sleep.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Taishan Fengchan]!"

"From now on, Mount Tai is the Promised Land of Pangu."

"The current main task completion progress is: 148/150!"

Get √ for four achievements!

(What a coincidence! The last book happened to be completed at chapter 455, and this book has officially surpassed the previous one in terms of length! Wow, oh, I hope that after finishing this book, my writing skills and knowledge reserves will also be improved.

!Keep up the good work!)

This chapter has been completed!
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