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Chapter 458 [Devil Inspirator], [War Salesman], and the sixth main line completed! Transfer!

Richard did not dare to do anything too extreme to the humans in the wlex82390 plane.

The new skills and knowledge he gained came from Yan Anqing, a human being.

Moreover, he had no idea what level Yan Anqing's strength had reached.

Even after he returned to his hometown, his power was no longer suppressed by the aura of the Demon Realm. As a divine being, he still had a vague feeling that if he went too far, he might be punished by Yan Anqing's thunder.

The feeling that one's life is involuntarily controlled by others would probably not be tolerated by other highly intelligent life forms who have struggled from level 0 to level 10.

But Richard is different. The reason why he has reached his current rank is purely because he inherited the divine bloodline without much personal struggle, and his personality is more similar to that of a scholar.

Otherwise, Richard would not have risked his own life and traveled to the so-called "miracle plane" to seek a glimmer of hope for the race during the most difficult period of the Devil in Purgatory.

Therefore, Richard is very indifferent to his current situation.

After returning to his homeland and discovering that demons and elves had wiped out the demon race in purgatory, he was so emotional that the top one on his hatred list became demons, followed by the elves.

Traitors are always more hateful than enemies!

The emotional devil prince Richard made up his mind at the first moment to completely exterminate the devil!

As for humans…

The former allies of the devil in hell, but later the situation was over, and they were wise enough to protect themselves, so they can't be blamed.

After all, they are not a decisive force. No matter which race they are, they can only be regarded as an addition.

A piece of loose sand can never be said to have much fighting power.

All Richard has done is to lurk in human society, use the power of all human countries to gradually unify them, develop productivity and combat effectiveness, and finally wipe out the elves and demons in a single wave.

There is no beauty in his story.

Roughly, it can be divided into three stages.

In the first stage, he slowly climbed up in human society and finally reached the position of leader of a country. This took Richard a full seventy years.

In the second stage, he focused on farming, developing military force, and unifying the human kingdom. This took him two hundred and twenty-five years!

The third stage is external expansion, starting a war against elves and demons.

It was not until this step that Richard finally launched his revenge prelude.

In the context of the era, even in the high demonic plane, there are too few things that tenth-level divine beings can achieve.

If he wants to take revenge successfully, Richard has only two ways to go.

1. Promote to the eleventh level, become a ruler, and crush with great power. The success rate of this path is less than one in ten thousand, so he is completely ignored.

2 Develop the force of the corps, be upright and crush it!

If you look at these three stages from any of the middle stages, you will feel that this guy is not a devil, but just a person in power who is very good at playing with people's hearts.

Richard has almost perfectly integrated into the role of the leader of the human kingdom.

Play with people's hearts and control desires.

This is the key to Richard being able to reach the commanding heights step by step in the human society of the wlex82390 plane.

Those who are greedy for money give wealth to foreigners (non-human beings). In wars, the victor can plunder everything from the defeated!

Those who crave beauty can satisfy their desire to capture elf slaves. After the legalization, the beauties and handsome men abundant in the elves have become slaves and playthings of powerful families among humans.

Those who seek fame and reputation will be given various honorary medals and certificates in the name of the unified empire of mankind, and immortal monuments will be preserved for future generations to admire.

There is nothing else in his heart except power. According to Richard's code, surrendering to the army is always the best choice and way out. In the memory that Yan Anqing instilled in him, the Qin State's farming and military merit system was slightly modified.

Use directly.

In the unified human empire in the wlex82390 plane, it can be said that the army has its own golden house, and the army has its own beauty.

As long as you are willing to join the army and hunt demons and elves, you can satisfy almost all your desires and needs.

In the 506th year when Richard returned to the wlex82390 plane, he finally got his wish and successfully led mankind to destroy the elves and demon groups.

Conspiracy, conspiracy, loyalty, betrayal, assassination...

Over the past five hundred years, Richard has experienced a lot.

After realizing his wish, he felt extremely spiritually satisfied, making him feel that his soul had been sublimated. The success rate of breakthrough was no longer one in ten thousand, but increased tenfold, reaching one in a thousand!

So, Richard decided to give it a try and try to advance to the rank of Dominator!

He failed and died. His body and soul were all destroyed and no longer existed.

In the vast universe and endless planes, the disappearance of a tenth-level divine life is like a firework blooming in the sky. After a moment of surprise, it cannot leave traces of its life forever.

To be honest, Yan Anqing, who witnessed all this happened, was also a little sad.

After all, for him on Earth, Richard's five hundred years of conquest and struggle were only equivalent to a few hours on Earth.

Yan Anqing witnessed with his own eyes how Richard went from a maverick and upright devil to the top of power step by step, became a master of playing with the soul, and how he died.

This is more real and exciting than watching a movie.

The "protagonist" will die. Without a director to arrange the script, no one knows how things will develop.

"It's over...Richard...except for me, no one in the entire endless plane will remember your name, right?"

Yan Anqing sighed and looked at the red panda customer service figure appearing at the edge of his field of vision, and immediately cheered up.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Devil Inspirer]!"

"You inspired Richard, the devil in hell, and made him a veritable spiritual master."

"The current main task completion progress is: 149/150!"

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [War Vendor]!"

"Richard, the devil prince who started the three major racial wars in the wlex82390 plane, studied under you. You taught him a lot of knowledge and intelligence, and also sold the evil seed called 'war'."

"The current main task completion progress is: 150/150!"

Get double achievements√!

Black and White Tuanzi has been quite reliable recently. Even though Richard is no longer a leader, he still contributed two achievements to Yan Anqing.

"The sixth ring of the main mission is completed!"

"Task rewards are being distributed..."

"Rewards have been distributed!"

"You have successfully transferred to: Space Capturer!"

In an instant, an invisible force poured into Yan Anqing's soul, was digested and absorbed, and condensed into something like a transparent seed. It immediately spread out and disappeared into the dimension that Yan Anqing could reach.

It has entered the true spirit brand!

It is a mysterious existence that only exists in the endless planes of time. Compared with the soul, it is deeper and more advanced. It can truly represent the existence of a highly spiritual and intelligent life form.

From this moment on, the profession called 'Cosmic Captor' was engraved in Yan Anqing's true spirit imprint. Even if the body and soul were destroyed and reorganized, this would not change.

Magic changes the world

Magic changes the world

This chapter has been completed!
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