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Chapter 44 Seven Billion Strongest Man

"Finally! Finally a breakthrough!"

In the test room, Yu Hongyi looked at the data feedback of "Promise Cell Infection Rate 11%" on the display screen, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

After his life level was upgraded again, his height did not change much, but his figure looked much leaner than before, without the exaggerated burly muscles before.

But Yu Hongyi's temperament is more powerful than before.

Ordinary people standing in front of him would feel that he was like a sharp sword, and their skin would feel a tingling sensation, so they would not dare to get too close.

"I'm stupid, I really don't know what to say... But, Brother Yan, if you need any experiments or research, you can call me at any time and I'll be here at your call!"

When he said this, Yu Hongyi was extremely excited and looked at Yan Anqing beside him with burning eyes.

His enchanting golden eyes were full of adoration.

If it weren't for the scientific researcher in front of him who devoted himself to research every day and constantly provided all kinds of support and the most correct guidance to prevent him from going astray, I'm afraid it would have taken at least two years for him to get to where he is today!

Two years...

How many two years are there in life?

Now, the earth in the twenty-first century has just opened the curtain of the extraordinary era.

The new era in which great power belongs to individuals has just begun. One step ahead means taking the lead step by step!

"Congratulations, you successfully entered the second level."

Yan Anqing smiled knowingly and patted Yu Hongyi on the shoulder: "Although we have different judgment standards, the strength system standards set by the United States still coincide with my ideas in the first two levels."

The Indian people now widely accept the recognized four-level system of "Invincible Wal-Mart, upper-level warrior Pudaha, middle-level warrior Loxa, and low-level warrior Chujika" and the American ten-level system of 0%-100%. After careful study

"Introduction to the Endless Plane Power System"

Yan Anqing seems to be talking nonsense.

Even so, he currently has no way to prove that his determination and classification of extraordinary individual power levels is more scientific and reasonable, and it is more convincing to refer to the American 10-level system.

Yan Anqing opened the [Sectional Composition] perspective, looked at Yu Hongyi up and down, and said: "To put it bluntly, you are now the strongest man among the seven billion humans on earth!"

Some people may question whether Yu Hongyi can still be called a pure-blood human after being transformed by him, but at least in Yan Anqing's view, as long as he looks like a human, he is still a human regardless of whether he is human or not!

Those creatures that have "human nature" and the moral values ​​of normal people, but have alien appearances, are not human beings.

Human nature, outlook on life, world view, moral outlook, values, etc., are all things that can be freely verified by the mind. They are not as intuitive as the appearance, and can even be modeled, analyzed and judged using data software.

In the future, if Yan Anqing transforms "dwarfs" who are only ten centimeters tall or "giants" who are tens of meters tall, as long as their body proportions and appearance are "like" humans, in his judgment system, they can be called

As a person!

"Earth...is the strongest?"

After hearing Yan Anqing's words, the excitement on Yu Hongyi's face slowly dissipated and was replaced by doubts.

A few months ago, he was just a good-for-nothing young man with a sense of justice and enough blood to boil a vampire's mouth.

And now, he is actually called the strongest human being on earth...

When other people said this, Yu Hongyi didn't bother to pay attention.

But it was Yan Anqing who said this!

So he believes it!

Everything happened too fast and suddenly, making him feel like he was in a dream.

But Yu Hongyi pinched his arm, and the severe pain made him quickly wake up with a grin on his face.

Everything happening now is true!

The bruise on my arm can prove this.

"Now, follow your usual meditation and meditation training to collect your spirit."

Yan Anqing said calmly: "Good mood swings can induce changes in the hormonal environment in the body and provide a good environment for the proliferation of infinite cells. However, this is not a long-term solution. It is better to try to keep a calm mood."

Yu Hongyi looked solemn and nodded solemnly: "I understand! I will definitely follow your teachings!"

Looking at the other party's reaction, Yan Anqing sighed.

Experimental Subject B's three outlooks, perseverance, and talent are all good, but he is too serious, and when getting along with him, he is not as relaxed and comfortable as he is with Experimental Subject A (Ma Ran).

How could he have the nerve to conduct random magic modification experiments on young people in the future?

But if you think about it carefully, this is also a good thing.

The personality differences between Ma Ran and Yu Hongyi are more helpful for my experiment.

If every experimental subject has the same personality and background, there will be no sense of achievement in transforming them.

"It is well-founded to say that you are the strongest human being on earth today."

Yan Anqing looked at Yu Hongyi with a half-smile: "Among the Twelve Saints of America, the two strongest ones currently are named Christian and Estrang. Especially the former, who was stuck in the first level of perfection almost at the same time as you. bottleneck."

"But now, you take the first step and become the first one to break through!"

"Based on the intelligence information, it will take some time for Christian to catch up with you."

If the United States can send spies to China, so can China.

This is the intelligence contributed by spies who have returned from foreign countries.

All those with golden eyes and those with silver eyes are in Yan Anqing's personal database, so he can confirm that this is the real situation after a little comparison.

The key to entering the second level is exactly what Yan Anqing predicted before.


The overflowing energy of the infinite cells allows human muscles to gradually adapt to evolution.

As time went by, the muscle fiber bundles in Yu Hongyi's body turned into a membranous structure.

After data testing, Yan Anqing found that this membranous muscle structure was not as explosive in terms of explosive power as the spiral carbon fiber nanotube artificial muscles powered by electrodeless cells that Yan Anqing had previously designed for Kira Wal-Mart.

It also couldn't make Yu Hongyi's body resist bullets.

However, it is obviously stronger in terms of durability and resilience.

The main advantage is that it is self-repairing and has the potential to continue evolving.

Because of Yan Anqing's magical transformation, the biological evolution process, which is often calculated in units of hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of years, has been shortened countless times when it is implemented on an individual.

"Is this kind of muscle shape an isolated case or a common phenomenon? When other people enter the second level, will their muscles become this kind of basal membrane structure, or will it be in other shapes?"

Countless conjectures were generated in Yan Anqing's mind.

He can now transform himself into the same level as Yu Hongyi in an instant.

Now, at least one thing can be confirmed.

This is the evolution and transition of the essence of life.

Suddenly, the red panda swayed out of the edge of the field of vision and spat out a string of text bubbles... Why did Yu Hongyi become the strongest man in the current seven billion? Because Kira Wal-Mart played with herself and killed herself... [Funny Life Saving.jpg

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