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Chapter 473 Soybean harvest, silkworm chrysalis full

Some people are restless by nature, and after being rescued, they start to cause trouble within a few days of settling down.

Speeches such as "The base's top management, represented by Yan Anqing, eat canned food themselves and let ordinary survivors serve as guinea pigs" and "I would rather die than eat a bite of genetically modified food" are making noise in the dust.

Regarding the people who made these remarks, Zhu Jiazhi was really speechless.

He couldn't understand the brain circuits of those guys at all.

Leaving aside whether genetically modified foods are actually harmful to health, when is now?

The end of the world!

It would be nice to have a bite to eat, but I’m still picking and choosing here...

The intelligence of some people is really hard to describe.

"I know that you are working hard to protect human civilization and save its survival."


"No matter what happens, I will stand by you."

Zhu Jiazhi looked at Yan Anqing and said in a solemn tone: "Don't care about those rumors, and don't be affected by those conspiracy theorists and careerists."

He cherished the opportunity to talk to Yan Anqing.

He knew very well that in the real world, there was no possibility of him coming into contact with Yan Anqing.

The conversation between myself and Yan Anqing is likely to be cut out, paired with BGM, and used as a key "suggested viewing plot" to be pushed to most people who wear subconscious helmets and enter the movie world.

He thought carefully about every word he said.

However, the comments made by the audience members floating around made Zhu Jiazhi almost lose his appearance.

"Honestly, was Brother Rangfu taken away from you? Why do you feel that your temper suddenly changed?"

"Yeah...it's obvious that he was never so licky when he was treating Shetal before..."

"Don't talk nonsense. This is a super big movie with a science fiction doomsday theme. It's not a fantasy fairy tale. Where does it come from?"

"This is the true sense of being a master! Brother Mangfu knows very well that in the relationship between the sexes, licking the dog will lead to a happy death, so when facing Shetal, he always talks less, does more, and uses practical methods.

Take action to prove your feelings.”

"How do you explain the conversation between him and Yan Shen?"

"Is it a special setting in the background story? Maybe the character played by Yan Shen a few years ago did something that left a deep impression on him. Isn't it usually done in movies and animations like this?"

"How can it be so complicated! Zhu Jiazhi, also known as Brother Mangfu, didn't he just say that? He is very good at reading people. A person's appearance can be disguised, but his heart cannot be concealed!"

"????What kind of super power is this? Script blessing? Or a general ability? It's so OP! I strongly recommend weakening this person!"

"Weaken your sister! We in China have so many competitors, why should we weaken her!"

"My subconscious is strong, I am so willful, and I am not afraid of anyone's suppression! I am a reckless man in society, and I don't talk much!"

"When he stood in front of Yan Shen, he obviously talked a lot."

"Brother Reckless, you are really handsome when you act like a licking dog! Please continue to promote it! Personally, I feel that this conversation between you and Yan Shen has at least helped you last n seconds and can live a few more scenes.


"He can't hear what you are saying. What are you doing here? It's so annoying!"

"If you find it annoying, you can block other people from speaking! Meow is so retarded!"

"You're finished. You dare to insult me! It's such a shame and a huge insult. We are irreconcilable! No one can save you from poverty to death! Sinai!"


Zhu Jiazhi watched as one small white ball collided with another small white ball and passed through instantly.

Nothing happened.

"These funny guys..."

Zhu Jiazhi's facial muscles twitched slightly and he resisted the urge to laugh out loud. He silently made up his mind that after the filming of this movie is completed and he returns to the real world, he must train his related resistance and improve his laughter.

Otherwise, I don’t know if I will be killed by this group of funny viewers one day.

Suddenly, Yan Anqing's voice sounded in his ears.

"I remember your promise."

Zhu Jiazhi raised his head, but only saw Yan Anqing's leaving figure.

In the blink of an eye, it was four months later.

For Zhu Jiazhi, during these more than 120 days, he just ate and drank, trained various scout skills, and exercised. The days passed in a flash.

Through the dialogue with the audience who transformed into a little white ball, he also learned about many "plots" that happened in the base and in other countries.

The international situation, personal conspiracy, the beast tide is coming...

Zhu Jiazhi knew all this information under the crazy real-time spoilers of the audience.

So in the past four months, he has also made insinuations and repeatedly demonstrated his overall view and keen insight. His reputation as a hero has gradually become more solid, and his voice in the base has become higher and higher.

In four months, all the canned food, instant noodles and other food stored during peacetime have been used up.

Today's survivors have become accustomed to the genetically modified foods developed by Yan Anqing's team.

There are two flagship products. The first one is developed based on soybeans and has a black-purple color. It is non-toxic, high in protein, high in starch, and has a strong feeling of satiety.

The second type is developed based on silkworm chrysalis. It is grown in a sterile culture room. Each one is about half the size of an adult's hand. It is a high-quality protein supplement. As a substitute for meat, eggs and milk, it is rich in nutrients and very effective.

Nourish the body.

When these genetically modified foods were first introduced, many survivors frantically resisted them, and various conspiracy theories emerged one after another.

Yan Anqing's response was no response.

He completely ignored this group of misdeed survivors who picked up the bowl to eat and dropped the bowl to scold their mother. He seemed to just respond passively and let time convince them.

In the base, apart from Yan Anqing himself, only Zhu Jiazhi among the actors knew that the names of these survivors of misdeeds had been written down in a small notebook by Yan Anqing.

To be honest, such a vengeful look was beyond Zhu Jiazhi's expectations. It felt completely different from the impression the other party gave him in previous contacts.


For some reason, Zhu Jiazhi always feels that such a look, although not perfect, is more down-to-earth.

Back to business!

As time passed, the food of all personnel in the base was replaced by genetically modified soybeans and silkworm pupae.

The behavior of some new survivors who had been wandering outside for two or three months before finding a base, and wolfing down the food in their stomachs, was even more convincing, convincing those survivors who had once claimed that they would rather starve to death than eat genetically modified food.

The readers immediately realized the preciousness of food.

Only those who are afraid of hunger know the value of highly nutritious food.

Nowadays, survivors no longer say nonsense like "hello" or "the weather is nice" after meeting each other.

They like to start the conversation with "I wish you a good harvest of soybeans and a warehouse full of silkworm chrysalises."

Cruel and cold data is more contagious than words.

According to the information feedback from the Nanke Research Base's external exploration and expansion in the past four months, everyone has discovered twenty-three camps that were completely destroyed due to famine.

This chapter has been completed!
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