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Chapter 488 Yan Anqing's death, human extinction

Reality is not a comic book or a movie, and Yan Anqing does not know the magic bullet.

Even if at this moment, people all over the world are united, putting all their hopes on Yan Anqing, and sincerely wishing him to defeat the powerful enemy, it is impossible for his strength to increase at all.

In the Demonic Plane, the limit of life level is the ninth level peak. This will not change because of belief.

Get rid of this guy...

Too strong, too strong!

Terribly strong!

He is completely different from any extraordinary person Yan Anqing has come into contact with so far.

The gap between Yan Anqing and Him...

Just like ordinary people and extraordinary people!

It was obvious that the opponent was suppressed by the laws of the Demonic Plane and had no strength at all. His life intensity was not higher than that of Yan Anqing, but the combat power he could exert was far beyond what Yan Anqing could match.

The other party is an existence that controls the true meaning of plane laws. Ordinary extraordinary lives are like ants in front of him, insignificant and worthless.

"This is the real ruler..."

Yan Anqing's whole body was filled with pale flames, and severe pain hit his heart, but he stared at Mian, as if he wanted to keep the other person's figure in his heart forever.

White flames swept across his body, and in an instant, only half of Yan Anqing's body was left.

Under the cover of the flames, Yan Anqing let out a low sigh.

Just in the blink of an eye, he had already used more than seventy plans to try to deal with this creature.


Has no effect.

Even the golden finger and picture-changing program that allowed Yan Anqing to reach this day cannot be effective.


Yan Anqing had no way to preserve the image of the other party.

In this way, the image modification program will naturally lose its effectiveness.

In the pale flames, Yan Anqing's body gradually turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace.


Min shook his head and indifferently drove the pale flames to sweep across the world: "Swallowing the essence of this planet, my Ember Law will go one step further..."

Without fierce battles and duels, every counterattack by Yan Anqing would turn into nothing if it fell on Min, becoming his material and being absorbed by him.

The death of Yan Anqing means that there is no longer any life form on earth that can compete with Ming.

Twenty-one minutes.

In less than half an hour, the entire Earth was completely evaporated and annihilated from the solar system.

For people on Earth, this is a long and desperate twenty-one minutes.

No matter it is a ferocious roar, a painful wail, or a low-pitched plea, it has no meaning to Min.

According to the law of obsolete embers, if you want to improve, you have to continuously burn down one civilization after another and absorb the essence of the society of highly intelligent life forms.

He does not need to rule over mankind.

What He brought was only killing, death and destruction.

The morals and laws of the earth have no meaning to Min.

He comes, He kills, He burns it all, and out of the ashes He takes what He wants.


In less than half an hour, humans on earth...



Min was suspended in outer space, with a look of confusion on his face.

After the destruction of around eight billion extraordinary civilizations, the benefits gained were not as great as imagined.

"The Miracle Plane, two highly spiritual and intelligent civilizations."

"Since the secret is not on the earth, it is on the glorious planet."

Min slowly closed her eyes, her figure flashed, and descended on the Glory Battle Stars, and started killing again.

Blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, green water.

There is also a gentle breeze blowing the setting sun.

The scenery is pleasant.

However, Yan Anqing felt that there was a flame called hostility burning in his heart.

Standing under a giant tree that resembled a baobab tree, he pressed one hand on the tree and covered his face with the other, his eyes a little gloomy.

Because of the [Immortal Soul], after his body was erased, he did not die completely. Instead, he seized the opportunity and randomly teleported to this low-demon plane, pretending to be dead and getting through, and deceived himself.

"There's not enough time at all."

"I'm too weak."

Yan Anqing sighed.

Ming spent twenty-one minutes burning the earth bit by bit and killing human beings. He spent twenty-one minutes rescuing the people on earth who had suffered unreasonable disasters from Ming's hands.

Destruction is always easier than creation.

Yan Anqing tried his best, but he could barely resurrect more than 5 billion people.

This is his current limit.

In this process, Yan Anqing also borrowed programming methods to use the golden finger of changing pictures, and at the same time transformed himself into a ninth-order peak who focused on spiritual power, improving the efficiency of resurrection and teleportation to the extreme.

So many predictions of "the wolf is coming" finally came true today.

In today's battle, 2.98523 million people on earth died.

Yan Anqing will always remember this number.

He didn't want to have that feeling of powerlessness again.

"I still know too little about the realm of rulers, too little."

Yan Anqing couldn't help but sigh.

Min, the former ruler of the Ember Legion, is said to be a low-level ruler of the eleventh level, but his overwhelming power makes people feel despair.

Yan Anqing didn't know whether it was because the intelligence was wrong at the beginning, or whether Min had been hiding his clumsiness. Even the officials of the Ember Legion did not understand his true strength.

"I used to be too greedy."

"At that time, I always wanted to open up a path that everyone could follow, and ignored some fatal issues."

Yan Anqing began to reflect on his previous choices.

Create your own power system, start from scratch, and walk one extraordinary path after another, so that the extraordinary people on the earth, no matter which plane they go to, can always maintain their best condition and become the wonders in the world of heaven and omen.

But now, Yan Anqing had an epiphany.

It doesn't matter whether it's a black cat or a white cat. If it can catch mice, it's a good cat.

Use the fastest speed to reach the highest level.

This is the truth!

"Ninth level fantasy, tenth level divine life, eleventh level ruler..."

Level 10, not difficult.

When Yan Anqing comes to any plane, as long as he finds a tenth-level being, he can analyze everything about the other person in an instant, and elevate himself to the same level as the other person, or even stronger than the other person, reaching the peak of the tenth level.

Although such a tenth level is not universal, and if you change to another plane, you will have to go down again, but that is nothing.

Now, he just wants to collect achievements quickly, complete the seventh link of the main mission, and get the "Dominator Promotion Certificate" as a mission reward.

What does it take to go from level 10 to level 11?

This is a mystery.

Many true rulers are still in the dark after crossing this threshold, and they are also confused about the rules of domination they control.

Completing the seventh ring mission is a clear path.

It's not just the people on Earth who are suffering.

When a sudden crisis strikes, the glorious civilization will end up even more miserable than the earth.

This chapter has been completed!
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