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Chapter 505 Bloody Mill, Orphanage

Seeing Yan Anqing's actions, little Nelson was a little stunned, but the old housekeeper standing next to him reacted quickly.

"Master, go over and say hello to that adult. He doesn't look like a vicious person."

The white-haired old housekeeper whispered in little Nelson's ear.


Little Nelson's voice was trembling, weak and unconfident.

He was born in a country that respected force, but he could not practice cultivation himself. Even if the family around him did not insult or abuse him, he himself understood his situation.

So, he lowered his head and came to Yan Anqing as if sleepwalking: "Hello, sir."

Little Nelson didn't know what Yan Anqing wanted to do with him, or whether it was a blessing or a curse. In short, he was confused and confused.

"You are a very interesting little guy."

Yan Anqing looked at little Nelson with a half-smile, and said in a leisurely tone: "I once had a disciple who, like you, lost his parents because of the war. From the outside, it seemed that he also had fighting spirit that could not be cultivated and could never become a knight.


Having said this, little Nelson's pupils shrank slightly, and his fragile heart began to beat wildly.

Although he is a useless practitioner, he is not stupid.

From Yan Anqing's words, he vaguely felt something.

However, little Nelson did not dare to think deeply. He just listened with concentration.


Yan Anqing continued: "Actually, after a period of training...well, I don't remember the specific time, in short, it was no more than a year."

"He is as old as you, and his current cultivation level has reached the peak of the fifth level, the limit of fighting energy dissipation."

"We are only one step away from the brilliance of Dou Qi."

Yan Anqing was talking about the young man named Tren.

When he first came to the outskirts of the Black Iron City in the Austrian city-state, he used words and chemical drugs to induce the young and old Francis to fight among themselves. Tren, who seemed to be just an ordinary country boy, condensed the seeds of fighting spirit under the agitation of emotions, and awakened the fighting spirit.

Cultivation qualifications.

"I see the same qualities as him in you."

Yan Anqing's gaze fell on little Nelson, as if with magical power, it penetrated his clothes, skin, bones, flesh and blood, and landed on the cells and every gene fragment in his body.

No proof alone!

Yan Anqing once thought that Tren was just a lucky man who had a small adventure.

But now it seems that there are not many people like Tren.

Little Nelson is one of them.


Strong emotional fluctuations can continuously increase the speed of fighting qi cultivation for people like them!


Mind and spirit map onto matter?

Yan Anqing didn't know what the essence was, so he could only slowly look for the commonalities between the two.

It seems now...

There seem to be only two things in common between them -

I am fourteen years old this year and my parents are both dead.

However, the difference between little Nelson and Terron is that although he lost his parents because of the war, the relatives and friends around him did not look down on him or slander him because of this. On the contrary, they were more fond of him because of his parents' sacrifice.

Take care of him and let him stay at home, rarely go out, and be affected by the outside world.

In fact, even though Bloodaxe Giles seemed to have plundered Little Nelson's family mansion, he also secretly compensated him with the same level of compensation. Whenever the red-coated officer mentioned Little Nelson's parents, his face changed.

Everyone had an expression of reverence.

His disdain for little Nelson was a mixture of sadness for his misfortune and anger at him.

Little Nelson…

He was so well protected that he didn't have many opportunities to experience the violent mood swings, and naturally he couldn't activate his own talents and potential.


Little Nelson had a confused expression on his face, as if he had been hit on the head by a cake called happiness.

The kind of super genius who can break through to the realm of Dou Qi and Sanhua in less than a year of practice is actually compared with himself, and he is not used as a counterexample!

Although he doesn't know the specific identity of Yan Anqing, the big shot who can keep Giles the Blood Ax by his side is definitely not an ordinary character!

With such an existence, there is no need to deceive yourself with lies!

"I think you like it, so I'll give you a little boost."

When Yan Anqing said this to little Nelson, he seemed to have thought of something.

He suddenly turned his head and whispered to Giles Bloodaxe standing aside: "I plan to open an orphanage. The age requirement is the same as that of Little Nelson. What about it? Do I need to go through other procedures?"

A joyful expression suddenly appeared on the face of the young officer wearing a blood-red coat. His eyes were full of excitement, but he tried hard to suppress his joy and said firmly: "You don't need to handle it yourself! I will help solve all the problems!"

Once this happened, his mission was equivalent to half completed.

As long as a talent like Yan Anqing is willing to stay in the empire, contribute to the empire, and shine, it will be the same regardless of whether he is in the military or not. There is no need to hold a position in the military.

To the military bosses, this makes no difference.


The Xiri Empire and the Beta Empire had a battle called "Bloody Millstone" more than ten years ago.

A war that consumed countless lives and flesh.

In the Xi Rui Empire, there are the most orphans among military children whose parents have died!

These young people who have inherited the hatred of their country and family, after being trained by Yan Anqing, have improved their abilities, and finally want to pursue a future, or simply avenge their parents, they will come to the military headquarters to report.

In the end, it was the Xiri Empire’s military headquarters that got the advantage!

Bloodaxe Giles thought about all of this very clearly.

"You have lived here for decades, and you are more familiar with every flower, plant, and tree than I am."

Yan Anqing's eyes fell on the old housekeeper: "In this way, you will be responsible for planning and arranging the orphans' residence, daily supplies and expenses."

"As for money issues, you don't need to worry."

To him, money is just a number without any meaning. He can become the top rich man in any world anytime, anywhere.

In Yan Anqing's view, the money spent is meaningful.

His words were very plain, but after hearing this, the old housekeeper nodded subconsciously, without any thought of rejection.

"Can I...really be able to practice? Just like the young genius this adult said?"

Little Nelson looked at Yan Anqing, his heart was beating wildly, and his mouth felt a little dry.

After living as a loser for fourteen years, he has almost resigned himself to his fate.

But now, Yan Anqing told him that he had similarities with a certain fighting spirit genius.

What people fear most is not despair.

But after despair, there is the dawn of hope, and then we fall into the abyss again.

Yan Anqing ignored the anxious little Nelson.

Because of his personal characteristics, his mood fluctuates violently, which is also a good thing for him personally.

Time flies, and it’s ten days later in the blink of an eye.

This chapter has been completed!
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