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Chapter 519 The four-character curse - Yan God save me! A small record of high-intelligence carbon-b

As a dominant player, Wu Yat-sen has a clear and clear positioning for himself.

Among the same level, he is absolutely no match for any life form, and can only bully and bully life forms below the eleventh level.

Who made him rely on the "Law of Appetite" for his promotion to Dominator in the first place?

The function of this law is to make people have an appetite or suffer from anorexia, but it cannot be converted into much actual combat power.

But Wu Yat-sen has no regrets.

Over the years, the bones of those who were once his enemies have been corroded by the power of time, but he still exists.

As a collector of spiritual wisdom and a custodian of high-intelligence carbon-based civilization, Wu Yixian is very satisfied with the status quo.

Do what you do, love what you do!

With low combat power, He does not plan to invite battles and plunder the laws everywhere. Instead, he joins a group of rulers and embarks on another route - collecting the essence of spiritual wisdom and sublimating the core laws!

"In order to allow these indigenous people to have high-quality souls, but not to allow them to break through the boundary barriers, find me, and threaten me, we must control the balance and scale of friendship." - The first rule of the civilized breeder.


To achieve this, it is not necessary to let all the indigenous geniuses in the civilization die.

Wu Yixian always has various ways to prevent geniuses from doing research.

For example, the most recent one, psychic civilization.

First is language.

Countless years ago, humans in this plane united and wanted to build a ladder leading to the "way to heaven", and named it the "Ladder to Heaven."

In order to stop the ladder plan of carbon-based monkeys like psychic civilization, Wu Yixian made humans speak different languages ​​so that humans cannot communicate with each other.

As a result, the Grand Avenue Ladder Plan failed, and human beings have since dispersed into white, yellow, black, and red skins, divided according to race and ethnicity.

However, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

Wu Yat-sen also encountered a lot of troubles.

Psychic civilization has outstanding people, and there are always "unparalleled geniuses" level figures emerging.

First, the crazy immortal Li Yan was born.

When this man is mentioned by future generations, he will always say the coffin-living sentence - "If the sky did not give birth to Li Yan, then eternity would be like a long night!"

This officer entered school at the age of six, skipped grades one after another, graduated from Dongpengxian Academy at the age of twelve, and got an offer from a company under Ma Yinglong, the most powerful ninth-level immortal saint of his generation!

Become famous at a young age, have a mountain of wealth, and have whatever you want!

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would already be satisfied.

It's a pity that Li Yan found it extremely boring.

After only working for two years, he jumped out and opened his own laboratory to pursue a solo career.

It didn’t take long before it attracted numerous venture capital investments and achieved remarkable results.

Li Yan, who is extremely talented, has successfully reconstructed the basic physical theory of psychic civilization with the support of countless capital bosses.

A "Chong, Ling, Shi" directly laid the foundation for a new era of new spiritual science!

Wu Yixian really didn't have any good solutions for a monster like Li Yan.

Wu Yat-sen, who prided himself on being a civilized man, felt that he was a dominator after all, and it was a bit too much to go out and kill the indigenous geniuses himself.

So Wu Yixian started his own operation.

Arrange some beauties for Li Yan to kill his fighting spirit!


The fairies, saints, witches, and beauties of that era all wanted to marry Li Yan.

You know, those beauties are the ones who bring disaster to the country and the people.

But Li Yan is not surprised.

"The monster who killed my essence and blood! Go away! Don't touch me!"

This officer simply declared himself an ascetic.

What to do?

Give him power?

Li Yan really cared about power.

He had long disliked his contemporaries Shi Chongjin, Zhang Po Di, Lin Qingxuan and the like, but before, he had never had the chance to deal with these little geniuses who always caused trouble for him.

Under Wu Yixian's arrangement, Li Yan quickly served as the director of eax (Lingshi Energy Storage and Circulation Bureau).

According to the original power, this was basically lower than one person and higher than tens of billions of people.

This immediately diluted Li Yan's interest in psychic technology, and the development of the era immediately came to a standstill.

However, Li Yan has not been idle in his position as director.

He worked diligently throughout his life and died on the throne of power at the age of nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Wu Yixian successfully stopped Li Yan's pursuit of truth.

Later, Wu Yixian gained wisdom after learning from the mistakes, and began to take precautions, actively guide public opinion, and distort people's thinking.

The supremacy theory of spiritual science!

People's fanatical worship of psychic technology makes them believe that all things that psychic technology cannot temporarily explain are all superstitious thoughts! They do not exist!

If it exists, it must be an unnatural phenomenon caused by man-made fraud. Anyone who discovers those things is guilty of academic fraud and everyone will shout!

This public opinion lasted for two hundred years!

Because of this, psychic civilization has stagnated for two centuries!

Wu Yixian made a lot of money from this.

Watching the population of psychic civilization explode, the number has doubled from around 10 billion.

The harvested essence of spiritual wisdom made him gain weight from his empty bag.

When I occasionally communicate with others across dimensions, my voice becomes louder and my waist becomes much straighter.


Talented people have emerged from generation to generation. Li Yan has just been dormant for two hundred years, and An Yang, the true immortal grandson of Southern Witch, has appeared again!

This person is modest and prudent, respects his teachers, and is simply a gentle, refined and true gentleman.

Sun Anyang, who has explosive personality and charisma, took only ten years to easily reverse the ideological and public opinion of "carrying the banner of Lingke and oppose Lingke", allowing the spiritual science and technology civilization to further develop.

How is this okay?

Wu Yixian has never been good at fighting. It is difficult to deal with tenth-level divine beings. He can only say that he is undefeated, but cannot say that he will win. If he continues to let this civilization develop, what is the point?!

Do you want this civilized pasture anymore?

It seems like dealing with Li Yan is not possible...

Wu Yixian had no choice but to shamelessly send Sun Anyang to reincarnation.

As a result, Sun Anyang died "due to illness" two years after writing "Tonglun on Spiritual Energy Formation", at the age of only forty-three.

What a pity!

The average lifespan of a psychic civilization is two hundred and twenty-five years old!

Ng Yat-sen is Ng Yat-sen, he has a very flexible mind!

The theory of supremacy of psychic technology cannot be used, so we will change the soup without changing the medicine, and another wave of ideological distortions will occur!

Only talent theory!

"Only the geniuses with the best intelligence are qualified to engage in psychic research! Ordinary humans with low intelligence are not worthy of engaging in psychic research! That is a stain on the sacred!"

Geniuses with extremely high intelligence were put on the altar and fell down because of it.

IQ-only theory has a legacy of three thousand years!!

The social development of psychic civilization has encountered various problems, but with the help of Wu Yixian, it has been successfully overcome, and the population has expanded to 53 billion!

Although the proportion of Gao Linghui's population that meets the requirements is not high, only about five million people, Wu Yixian has been satisfied. After three thousand years, he has obtained another Linghui Essence!

After maintaining it for thirty centuries, the "IQ theory" was finally cracked by Beiyue Sword God and Immortal King Zheng Chongxiao with the help of outsiders.

Legend has it that Zheng Chongxiao is the spokesperson of the evil outside the world and the reincarnation of the evil outside the world!

This person seems to be the same as Ma Yinglong, the Bole of Mad Immortal Li Yan. They both come from a demonic realm called "Earth". He has magical special abilities and a four-word curse.

At every critical moment, Zheng Chongxiao only needs to shout "Yan Shen save me" to receive the blessing of mysterious power, turn danger into disaster, and turn danger into good fortune.

In the social rumors of psychic civilization, Zheng Chongxiao, an extraterrestrial evil spirit, came specifically to make life difficult for Tiandao (Ng Yat-sen).

There was really nothing Wu Yixian could do against him.

This guy is growing up extremely fast, his strength is ridiculously tyrannical, and his bottom line is so low that he is even a victim of persecutory delusion!

Zheng Chongxiao buried Lingzi nuclear bombs all over the world, and put on password locks on time every day to delay the explosion time...

As long as he dies unexpectedly, the entire psychic civilization of mankind will have to be buried with him!

Unless Wu Yat-sen is willing to bear the pain and abandon this breeding farm, it will be really difficult to kill him.

However, Zheng Chongxiao, a problem child, always produces endless research results.

After proposing the "Theory of Five Elements in the Narrow sense", he also continued to publish the "Theory of the Five Elements in the broad sense".

This is not enough, Zheng Chongxiao also wants to unify the "Spiritual Root Field and Soul Superstring Resonance Theory".

Wu Yixian was extremely angry.

If Zheng Chongxiao, a carbon-based monkey, continues to study like this, Wu Yixian will also be pulled down from the altar.

Directly quarrel?

I can't fight you to death!

It’s only a short period of more than 900 years!

Zheng Chongxiao has already stepped into level 11 with half a foot!

A steady 10th level peak, the protagonist’s halo is so bright that it blinded Wu Yixian’s eyes!

When faced with a tough confrontation, Wu Yixian even doubted whether he might be the qualifications for this guy to ascend to the rank of [Dominator].

What to do???

Give it to the beauty!

Zheng Chongxiao's staff is extremely energetic. He hits sugar-coated bullets, eats the sugar-coated shells, and throws the shells back. He accepts all the beauties according to the order. The golden gun cannot be knocked down, he has three thousand maidens, and his enthusiasm for research remains undiminished.

"Play with me!"

After using the foul language, Wu Yixian decided to change his mind.

Give power!

Let Zheng Chongxiao be the President of the Eastern Federation!

But unlike Li Yan, he doesn't care about power at all.

Wu Yixian suddenly fell into deep thought and began to think carefully, establishing and analyzing the psychological model of this person's behavior.


Found the shortcoming!

Zheng Chongxiao is naturally confident and arrogant, with a lot of vanity. He especially likes to quarrel with others, and especially enjoys the process of pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger and being slapped in the face!

Come on then!

Satisfy the spiritual needs of this pretender!

Under Wu Yixian's conspiracy and guidance, Zheng Chongxiao did nothing for the rest of his life. He was only responsible for quarreling with the [Purple Light Sect].

Zheng Chongxiao even earned the reputation of "covering the sky with one hand, suppressing all enemies, and ruling the Middle Ages arbitrarily".

It sounds very cool, cool and impressive, but Zheng Chongxiao's research work was also delayed because of it.

He keeps repeating the cycle of showing off and getting slapped in the face, and never gets tired of it.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Wu Yixian not only made Zheng Chongxiao decadent in an endless cycle of pretending to be slapped in the face, but also successfully attacked the talented Ziguang sect.

It is precisely because of this that most descendants commented that if Zheng Chongxiao had become a librarian in the second half of his life and had not wasted his precious two thousand years on fighting, I am afraid that the development of the "Psychic Superstring" theory would have been faster.

a lot of.

The last time Wu Yixian took action was against the Immortal Lord Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan, founder of "The Paradox of Time and Energy".

The so-called "Time Energy Paradox" is the universal language of psionics.

Whether it's human mating and courting, or driving a shuttle to explore resource planets, whether it's street brawls or gangsters killing people, it can be used.

The key is that Jiang Fan put forward a theory of this level when he was studying in a junior college...

If he is allowed to develop, Wu Yat-sen should run away.

(Happy National Day! Presenting 3kplus chapter!!)

lamp pen

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