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Chapter 521 Are you the God of Face?——Information of the Embers Dominator!

To be honest, Wu Yixian, the veteran among the rulers, who is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years, is much more humane than Yan Anqing thought.

He keeps talking about "organizational rewards" and "making a lot of money". He is more like a living person than those ninth- and tenth-level extraordinary beings in many planes.

A bit philistine, but easy to build relationships with.

The two drank wine and ate meat, and soon became familiar with each other.

Yan Anqing also learned from Wu Yixian what kind of organization "Shepherd" is.

It was a small group of rulers. Most of the rulers in the organization were non-combatants. The laws of nature were not suitable for combat. Most of the members regarded themselves as "civilized feeders" and harvested the highly spiritual and intelligent life forms through the shepherd civilization.

The essence of spiritual wisdom.

The so-called essence of spiritual wisdom, which looks like a sky-blue coconut-shaped crystal, can be used to refine the law and sublimate its character.

Yan Anqing vaguely felt that if a ruler wanted to be promoted, there must be more than this route.

However, Wu Yixian had no intention of continuing, and Yan Anqing was sensible and did not ask.

"Brother, I can't guarantee anything else, but at least the food is definitely the best in the endless planes!"

Seeing Yan Anqing eating happily, Wu Yixian was happy.

“Definitely delicious.”

Yan Anqing looked strange and said: "Brother, is the main race of the psychic civilization you raised before good at cooking?"

"That's not true."

Wu Yixian waved his hand and said with joy: "The preparation methods of these delicacies mainly come from a guy named Zheng Chongxiao. When he was just born, I felt that that guy was a time traveler. I never paid attention to him. Later, when he stepped on

Only when I started practicing cultivation did I start to pay attention to it."

"That guy is a little smart and lucky. He knows who he can mess with and who he can't touch."

"The most difficult thing is that he has some life-saving means. Every time I want to arrange something for him, so that this guy loses the ability to continue researching psychic technology."

"In the end, at the critical moment, this guy shouted, 'Shen Yan, save me', and he escaped immediately, turning danger into good fortune."

"Then I tried it several times and the result was the same."

After saying this, Wu Yixian took a sip of wine and looked very satisfied.

Yan Anqing asked in a faint tone: "What happened next? Did you go out and kill him personally?"


Wu Yixian swallowed his saliva and felt a little cold on the back of his neck.

He shook his head and continued: "No, no! Life is the most common thing in the endless plane, but it is also the most precious thing."

"Although people like Zheng Chongxiao are a thorn in the side and may make civilization escape our control, they can also provide the most spiritual wisdom essence. How can we be willing to kill them!"

This is nonsense.

He didn't know how many geniuses he had killed. Wu Yixian didn't deal with Zheng Chongxiao, he just used the rat weapon, fearing that when this guy died suddenly, he would wipe out the entire psychic civilization.

"That kid really likes to be in the limelight, loves false fame, is good at showing off his holiness in front of others, and is obsessed with pretending to be a slap in the face, so..."

"I just designed it a little bit, and he has been doing this for the rest of his life."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yixian rubbed his smooth chin and frowned: "Speaking of which, I didn't understand the meaning of 'Yan Shen save me' until the end."

"After Zheng Chongxiao died, I read some fragmented fragments from his memory, and then I realized that Yan Shen was an unlucky guy who failed to become a ruler."

"That Yan Shen's real name, if I remember correctly, should be..."

"Yan...Yan Anqing?"

Wu Yixian suddenly widened his eyes, looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and retreated more than 300 kilometers in an instant: "Fuck! What a coincidence?!"

Yan Anqing had no intention of chasing him, and just sat there and continued drinking.

"Come here."

"Since you didn't kill Zheng Chongxiao with your own hands, he died of natural causes when his longevity was exhausted, so we have no grudges to speak of."

Time passes in different proportions in different worlds in the Endless Plane. Thousands of years have passed in the Psychic Civilization Plane, but only ten years have passed in the Fighting Knight Plane.

According to Yan Anqing's estimation, Zheng Chongxiao should have died of old age when he first came to the Fighting Knight Plane and became the librarian.

At the end of his life, he got everything he wanted in his life, which can be regarded as a happy ending.

At least it is much stronger than those compatriots on Earth who died at the hands of Ember Ruler Chun.

As he spoke, Yan Anqing waved his hand.

Wu Yixian hesitated for a while, then slowly floated back.

He bit the bullet and asked, "Brother, are you serious?"

Yan Anqing pouted: "I control the law of teleportation. As long as I have relevant memory scenes or coordinates, I can instantly appear anywhere in the endless plane. If I really become hostile to you, where can you run?"

Wu Yixian was surprised and happy when he heard this.

To his surprise, Yan Anqing's ability was exactly as he had guessed.

Fortunately, Yan Anqing has such talent and potential, if he can be recruited into the Shepherd organization...

The benefits he can get are probably more than expected!

"Since you have read Zheng Chongxiao's memory, you should know that he and I are compatriots."

Yan Anqing asked in a serious tone: "Shepherd Organization, does it have any information about Ember Ruler Chun? If so, I choose to join."

Hearing this, Wu Yixian was greatly moved.

He hesitated and said: "I heard that that guy has been at the twelfth level for a long time. It is said that he is not far from the thirteenth level."

"He is a big boss in terms of combat power, but...there is something wrong with his brain."

"If you ask me, if you encounter Him, try to escape as much as possible. If you can't escape, just call him the "Shepherd". Don't use harsh words. Our organization... is a bit of a deterrent, but... it's not too strong."

Wu Yixian, a veteran ruler, can be said to be very real. He said what he said without any ambiguity, and he did not deceive Yan Anqing's thoughts and ideas.

"But, you don't need to worry!"

"That Ember Ruler was causing trouble and provoking enemies everywhere. In the end, he offended a giant. The Ember Legion, which was originally full of life, was completely destroyed."

"If we don't do anything, maybe in a few hundred million years, He will be killed by the boss!"

Yan Anqing shook his head decisively.

What's the difference between that and waiting for the enemy to die of old age?

Wu Yixian was a little anxious: "Brother, I have a fate with you, and I would like to advise you to be honest! We rulers have endless lifespans, and living without fighting against the world is the truth! Don't look at me as I look a bit familiar.

, there may be very few friends that I truly recognize! Don’t argue with each other!"

No friends are real.

For Ng Yat-sen, this is a good thing.

As time goes by, a ruler with many friends will always attend various funerals and often receive bad news.

However, a ruler with many enemies will always receive good news such as "someone whom I disliked has died for various reasons."

lamp pen

This chapter has been completed!
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