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Chapter 533 dishes are the original sin

There may be many elites, talents, and gentlemen among the aristocratic families, but this class itself is inherently greedy.

As long as Yan Anqing continues to release sweet erbium, he can quickly divide the resistance forces of these wealthy families and turn them into obedient dogs.

People with unlimited supplies can do everything in the simple mode.

But before that, Yan Anqing needs to promote a group of capable and ideal new-era officials.

Because Yan Anqing has almost wiped out those people who were just trying to be a fool.

Above the entire court, the heads of murdered people were rolling and blood was flowing like rivers.

The reason why the government was not paralyzed was simply because Emperor Yan Anqing himself, who was comparable to a supercomputer, multitasked and assumed most of the bureaucratic functions.

His behavior has never been done by any ruler in the history of this planet. It can be said that he completely destroyed the sanctity of the official class, and thus offended the literati class who control the literary channels.

On this day, Yan Anqing dressed like an ordinary rich man and left the palace accompanied by the old eunuch Lin Jin and the new king Li Xing.

The candied haws are delicious and the scenery is good, but the streets and alleys are full of people who are angrily complaining about Yan Anqing.

"The era we live in now is probably the darkest era in history..."

"There is an unruly and foolish king above who corrupts the imperial court, and there are hawks and dogs in the court who roam freely, causing cholera in the world. There is no way to survive this day!"

"The ignorant king? He is obviously a tyrant! He is a murderous maniac! I heard that this morning, he ordered the execution of the nine tribes of Mr. Guo! Mr. Guo is a standard benevolent gentleman and a moral model! I heard that a few years ago, because of

My six-year-old granddaughter ate a piece of snack given by the male servant and did not behave properly, so Mr. Guo locked her up and starved her to death! She is a truly upright and selfless person!"

"Damn it, I don't know what that Li Xing was thinking. He was only one step away from knocking the Dog Emperor off the throne, but he gave up at the last moment!"

"Hush! Silence!"

Among those who criticized Yan Anqing, there were students, workers, farmers, and young children.

"Your Majesty, the whole world is scolding you now..."

Li Xing, who was elected as the "King of Public Opinion" because she abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, said with a chuckle.

Li Xing himself was criticized a few times, but he didn't take it to heart at all. He is a broad-minded and open-minded man.

Originally, he took refuge in Yan Anqing because the situation was compelling and he had no choice but to do so. However, as time went by and after witnessing Yan Anqing's methods, Li Xing became more and more convinced of Yan Anqing.

Although from the current situation, it seems that the emperors are relying on the invincible force of the world to make enemies of people all over the world. They are reviled by everyone and look like unjust and ignorant kings...

However, for some reason, Li Xing always felt that Yan Anqing had a solution - even though the books Li Xing had read told him that emperors who encountered such a situation would eventually lose their country and dynasty, he was more willing to believe in himself

The sixth sense.

"These damn troublemakers! Your majesty's kindness and kindness are regarded as weakness by them."

On the contrary, the old eunuch Lin Jin looked indignant, his face turned red with anger, and he wished that all those who had insulted Yan Anqing would have their homes confiscated and their families exterminated, and they would be liquidated one by one: "They have no idea that Your Majesty, you are protecting their interests.

With a little instigation by those wealthy tycoons, they will immediately target you, the person who is really good to them."

"Stupid! So stupid!"

The wrinkles on Lin Jin's angry face became more obvious, and his whole face looked like a blooming chrysanthemum. It seemed that he had a thousand words to say, but in order to avoid suspicion, he endured it.

Yan Anqing didn't have much idea about this matter. After all, when the people scolded the Dog Emperor, the name they brought along was "Zhu Xiaomeng", not Yan Anqing, which reduced a lot of actual feelings.

If you want to find a metaphor to accurately describe how Yan Anqing feels now...

Probably when I first played "Ice Steam Age", as a governor, he led a group of unscrupulous people and struggled to survive in the apocalypse. But in the end, he was expelled and exiled by those ignorant NPCs, which made him look like

It was Yan Anqing's corruption that made it impossible for them to survive.

Yan Anqing didn't know how other players responded. In short, he played many more games and killed the unruly people dozens of times before he was able to relieve the hatred in his heart.

The real world is not a computer game. It is made by ordinary people, and it is not as excessive as the group of mentally retarded NPCs in "The Age of Ice and Steam". There is still room for redemption.

There are people who are criticizing him, but naturally there are also those who support him from the bottom of their hearts.

One thing that must be mentioned is that reality and games also have similarities.

for example……

Food is the biggest original sin!

Masters, no matter what situation they face, have many solutions.

Just like now.

"If you don't occupy the position of public opinion, the enemy will occupy it."

Yan Anqing acted very indifferently, "The literati who are resisting me now are not all bad people. They are just like rabbits and foxes who are saddened by their own kind and want to work hard to maintain their own class privileges."

"However, when it comes to the war of public opinion...with all due respect, they are all younger brothers."

Lin Jin and Li Xing looked confused when they heard this.

They have become accustomed to His Majesty's daily nonsense.

In a social system like this feudal dynasty, why are literati noble?

Because they control the pen, they also control the right to speak.

They will beautify themselves into saints with flawless morals and vilify their enemies into worthless traitors.

But in Yan Anqing's opinion, their efficiency is too poor.

How many people can understand it simply by relying on a few rhetorical articles?

Comics, novels, games, want to know?

AG is the most terrifying public opinion guidance weapon in the world!

At present, the social productivity of most dynasties is not developed enough. Yan Anqing only needs to arrange for people to faithfully restore the "wonderful deeds" of those corrupt officials into drama scripts, and then create a board game similar to "Catch the Traitor".


Compared with these, oral communication methods such as nursery rhymes are too inefficient.

And Yan Anqing has already arranged for someone to do this.

Within half a month, you will see results.

By that time, the remaining literati who are proud of their status but have done nothing wrong should come over and surrender honestly.

The most indispensable thing in the world is people who want to be officials.

"Huh? I still have some personal matters to deal with, so you can go back first!"

As Yan Anqing spoke, his figure flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Li Xing, the king of public opinion, and Lin Jin, the old eunuch, looked at each other with a look of helplessness in each other's eyes.

After the battle that destroyed the country, His Majesty the Emperor came back to life after his death, and his temperament became much more free-spirited. It seemed that no matter how big the issue was, he did not take it to heart. He acted as he pleased, and was so free and happy that he was not like an emperor.

Yan Anqing has five continents at his feet, and the cold and boundless space around him.

The three rulers, Jin Chu, Hongji, Diana and Yongshu, are in the void, looking like they have been waiting for a long time.

The expressions of the three of them were all slightly gloomy and unhappy, as if they had received some bad news.

Seeing Yan Anqing, Jin Chu Hongji immediately rushed over.

"This time... those guys used off-board moves."

A large amount of information appeared in Yan Anqing's mind instantly.

He understood immediately.

The rulers who were originally said to arrive in this plane after a hundred years, somehow managed to arrive earlier than everyone else on their side.

Starting from the same starting line, the three teammates didn't think they could compete with the dominant players in other organizations.

This chapter has been completed!
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