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Chapter 544 [Justice in self-defense], with pictures! Spy cartoonist!

Being stared at by Yan Anqing, Black and White Dumpling seemed a little embarrassed. He groped behind his back for a while with his two little fat paws. He found out a small dried fish from somewhere and handed it over.

This thing is what it keeps in its mouth and chews as a snack.

Looking at the increasingly rounded red panda, Yan Anqing couldn't help but the corners of his eyes twitching slightly: "Pandas are not cats. By the way, you should eat bamboo, right?"

The black and white dumpling groaned, puffed his mouth, and blew out a series of word bubbles.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Justice Self-Defense War]!"

"The current main task completion progress is: 177/200!"

Seeing this achievement appear, Yan Anqing's eyes lit up.

Much stronger than expected.

In the original calculation, even if the planet named "Great Wasteland" was unified under our feet, we might not be able to reap an achievement.

But the people of Dongluo Yingzhou actually invaded Zhongxian Shenzhou before the other dynasties launched an attack.

As a result, the officials and generals under Yan Anqing led their troops to fight back, but it was judged to be a just war of self-defense.

"There is a way to heaven, but if you don't, there is no way to hell to break in."

Yan Anqing shook his head.

He has read all the information sent by Luohe Commander Liao Dongyi.

Originally, when dealing with the four continents of the Southeast, Southeast, and Northwest, he wanted to conquer them peacefully, and tried his best to use faith and humanity to invade and reduce the casualties of innocent people.

But now, the group of people in Dongluo Yingzhou took the initiative to die, and everything has changed.

"Blood debts can only be repaid with blood. People on the borders of the great dynasties cannot die in vain."

Yan Anqing thought for a moment and released a new mission on the merit exchange platform.

In the more than half a year since he took charge of the dynasty, Yan Anqing has been following a moderate line. Even so, the originally turbulent situation has been calmed down, and the rebellion in the world has become a plague and is nothing to worry about.

Nowadays, the social productivity of all dynasties has been unprecedentedly developed, and the problem of land annexation has been temporarily solved.

If the people can have enough food and clothing, who would be willing to rebel against those ambitious people?

Coupled with the Yan Anqing Group's unremitting propaganda campaign, the whole world now knows that the young emperor is the orthodox one. If one person rebels, the whole family will die miserably.

not to mention……

It is confirmed that there are rewards for reporting careerists. Officials of the new dynasty will ensure that the rewards are implemented, and no snoops will dare to stretch their claws!

After all, all the disobedient people in the wealthy family have died, and the rest are Yan Anqing's obedient dogs.

Under such high-pressure rule, careerists were either dormant or sent to the vegetable market to be beheaded in public.

There are not many problems internally, and the target of attack naturally turns to external enemies.

This foreign enemy is naturally Dongluo Yingzhou!

"Ahead is Luohe County."

Qi Jingming narrowed his eyes slightly, looked ahead, and said.

His good friend Chang Chun, whose face was flushed with excitement at this moment, seemed to be boiling with passion: "Military merit can only be obtained on horseback! This is the front line of the war! It is also the source of military merit! I am Chang Chun's wife.

Yinzi, it all depends on it!”

Hearing this, Qi Jingming curled his lips.

Unlike martial arts lunatics like Chang Chun and Bian Yaoying, he is not good at martial arts nor does he like it.

Compared with those, he is better at reciting poetry and painting.

However, times have changed.

He must change himself in order not to be abandoned by His Majesty the Emperor and try to keep up with him!

Even so, Qi Jingming is very clear about his own advantages.


When he was young, he learned from famous masters and was proficient in various painting techniques.

Today, using the merit redemption platform, Qi Jingming has redeemed many unheard of painting techniques.

Such as oil paintings, sketches, comics, etc.

Qi Jingming's favorite thing is comics.

Of course, as the direct young master of the Qi family, it is impossible for him to waste his hard-earned merit just for a hobby!

Just like Liao Dongyi.

Use merit to earn more!

As soon as he thought about it, a string of fluorescent words appeared in front of Qi Jingming's eyes.

【Mission: Use paintings to convey the message!】

[Brief description of content: Boost the morale of our army and undermine the enemy’s will to fight.]

[Detailed description:... (a thousand words omitted)]

[Rewards are settled and distributed based on social influence.]

After confirming the mission again, the fluorescent text slowly dissipated and turned into light blue particles.

The seal that originally represented the status of an official is now condensed into the shape of a tattoo in Qi Jingming's palm.

Such a function itself is not in the redemption list, but Qi Jingming applied independently later and redeemed it using a great skill.

This is also one of the preparations for war.

Chang Chun, who was next to him, suddenly said: "That guy Liao Dongyi has made a lot of money this time. I don't think he can redeem it for a life span of five hundred years, and he will live forever..."

"Don't underestimate our enemies."

Qi Jingming's eyes sharpened and he said in a serious tone: "According to the information shared by Liao Dongyi, the enemy's weapons are very advanced. They have a wider range and more lethality than our crossbows! Over at Tianji Mansion, they are working overtime.

Research and rush to work and try to crack it."

"My battlefield is not here."

"You...be careful! Remember!"

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Liao Dongyi provided first-hand frontline intelligence to his colleagues and was also rewarded with meritorious service.

"I know, I know!"

Chang Chun waved his hand and asked impatiently: "What about you? How are you preparing for your mission?"

Hearing this, Qi Jingming just smiled mysteriously.

The next moment, his figure changed, his eyes became smaller, the bridge of his nose became more collapsed, and his skin became darker.

Although he still had black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin, Chang Chun always felt that this guy no longer looked like a Chinese from China.

"Disguise skills, plus mastery of the language of Canghaidao area in Yingzhou, Dongluo."

Qi Jingming smiled and said in a language that Chang Chun did not understand: "Wealth can be found in danger!"

Many people are doing the task of conveying the truth through paintings, but they are all within the great dynasties.

The mission content is: "Inspire the morale of our army and disintegrate the enemy's will to fight."

Many people are just doing the first half and adding icing on the cake.

What Qi Jingming had to do was to go deep behind enemy lines.

It is very difficult and extremely risky. Once discovered, you may die on the spot.


If you want to achieve great things in life, how can you not take some risks?

There are still many difficulties waiting for Qi Jingming.

Imitate customs and habits, forge identities, promote reputations, open up situations, and perform tasks...

He has to overcome these links one by one.

After the two of them handed over to Liao Dongyi, Chang Chun stayed at the border, while Qi Jingming, alone and lightly dressed, entered Shushan and left towards Dongluo Yingzhou.

The journey is difficult and dangerous, and no one knows how Qi Jingming will end up.

lamp pen

This chapter has been completed!
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