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Chapter 566 Mustard Seed Wrist, Sealing Law

This little thing is the incarnation of Roy, the Zerg ruler.

After hearing Yan Anqing's voice, the round seven-star ladybug slowly vibrated its carapace and floated.

Roy's familiar voice came from the body of the seven-star ladybug.

"Three hundred pieces of spiritual wisdom essence, I brought them to you."

After finishing speaking, three hundred shiny little cuties appeared in front of Yan Anqing.

"The work efficiency is really high..."

Yan Anqing counted on his fingers and found that only fifteen or sixteen years had passed since he and Roy concluded the "contract between the defeated and the actor".

Originally, he thought that he would have to wait at least a thousand years before he could receive the other party's compensation and acting remuneration.

After all, this is not the first time that a civilized law war has been launched. Judging from previous experiences, this war has been commonplace for thousands of years.

There was even one time when two stubborn rulers fought for 80,000 years. They both got really angry with each other, and finally the war came to an end.

"You came here specially because you have a new deal? Or is the war tense and you need my help?"

"First of all, let me say that my appearance fee is not cheap."

With a thought in Yan Anqing's mind, a strange wrist wheel that was neither gold nor jade was condensed on his wrist.

With a wave of his hand, three hundred pieces of spiritual wisdom essence were collected by the mustard seed wrist wheel.

This space technology was brought out from the Demonic Plane ZX1220 and is applicable to any area in the Endless Plane.

The essence of spiritual wisdom is a very valuable thing, countless times more stable than gold and silver. Even after hundreds of millions of years, it will still be as valuable as it is now.

To be honest, if Yan Anqing was the "debtor", barring any accident, he would never "pay back the money" as quickly as Roy did.

We are not friends to begin with, so naturally we don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Yan Anqing can see this clearly.

"Space laws?"

The seven-star ladybug trembled slightly in the air and almost fell to the ground.

After a moment, he suddenly came back to his senses: "No, this is a creation of technology... I still underestimate your background too much."

Yan Anqing pressed his left elbow on the dragon chair, supported the side of his face with his fist, and said in a leisurely tone: "Don't talk about those things that are available or not."


"This time, is there anything else you can do to blackmail me... Oh, I'm sorry, is there anything else you can offer to trade with me?"

After hearing this, the seven-star ladybug suddenly expanded and transformed into the human form of Roy, the ruler of the Zerg.

His face looked a little gloomy.

If not out of necessity, who would be willing to take the initiative to let this treacherous man come to his door for extortion?

Some of these three hundred pieces of spiritual wisdom essence were brought from his hometown by his friends in the [All Heavens] organization, and the other part were obtained through loans from the organization.

Although Roy was extremely unhappy, he still forced a smile and said, "I want to buy your resurrection technology."

Yan Anqing kept his face straight and said nonsense without changing his expression: "That's not resurrection, it's just cloning."

As soon as he said this, the scorpion tail behind Roy swayed in the air a few times impatiently, and said displeasedly: "You and I have fought before, don't use this excuse to deceive me!"

"I can see that it is a perfect resurrection. The soul, memory, personality, and traits are all well preserved. It is definitely not a cloning technology!"

"There are tens of thousands of methods involved in soul manipulation in the heavens, but they cannot be used in this plane."

Having said this, Roy felt a little depressed.

The rules vary greatly between different planes.

The reincarnation technique of the Xianxia plane is not applicable in the magical plane. If the soul leaves the body randomly, the soul may be shattered by the power of the law.

Soul magic and curses from the magic plane, if placed in the super-martial plane, may be like farting. They can only make audible noises, but are of no use at all.

That's why he felt that Yan Anqing was really lucky to have mastered a soul technology that could be used in this world.

"I was recognized..."

Yan Anqing did not feel embarrassed at all when he lied and was exposed in person, and his tone remained calm: "But I still don't plan to sell it."

Roy seemed to have expected his reaction. He just walked slowly to the window and looked out the window.

The international conference center spans schools, factories, government buildings, capital hospitals, large shopping malls, cinemas, stadiums, hotels, parks, squares, bridges...

All civilized buildings are shrouded in warm orange light.

Roy's voice was very confident: "I can pay a complete law as the price!"


Yan Anqing suddenly became interested.

He slowly sat up straight: "Are you willing?"

Roy also turned around, closed his hands, and slowly opened them.

A law that looks like a six-pointed star rises and falls in His palm.

"The Law of Sealing."

Roy's tone was faint, as if there was some unexplainable meaning hidden in it: "Although it may not be as good as the top law derived from the civilized law war, it is still a complete law after all! The potential for promotion alone is at least thirteen.

After integrating with your teleportation law, you can even have the development potential of the fourteenth or even fifteenth level!"

Yan Anqing curled his lips and dismissed it.

"If it's really that good, would you be willing to trade it with me?"

If this sealing law is exactly the same as Roy's description, if it is placed in Yan Anqing's hands, even if it is two thousand pieces of spiritual wisdom essence, he will definitely not sell it!

Roy, the Zerg ruler, is not a philanthropist, but an executioner who has destroyed countless civilizations!

Roy's expression changed slightly, as if he wanted to explain, but Yan Anqing raised his hand to stop him from speaking.

After a while, Yan Anqing took out a miniature golden lotus from nowhere and said softly: "Brother Wu Yixian, are you there? I want to consult you about something."

After three breaths, the voice of the shepherd organization veteran Wu Yixian rang out from the lotus: "Here! If you have anything, just ask! I know everything I can tell you!"

For Yan Anqing, Wu Yixian is grateful.

After all, they helped me earn a few pieces of Spiritual Wisdom Essence, saving me thousands of years of hard work, and gave me the foundation to be promoted to the twelfth level mid-level ruler in advance.

He was very willing to help Yan Anqing with some small favors.

Compared with Yan Anqing, Wu Yixian felt that his only advantage was that he lived longer and was more knowledgeable.

"Have you heard of the law of sealing? It looks a bit like a six-pointed star. It may be the law of the birth of a certain magical plane."

Yan Anqing didn't waste any time and asked questions directly.

His Law of Wrath itself was hazy and shapeless. After being promoted to the Law of Wrath, it had a vague outline of a flame pattern.

The clearer the shape, the more complex the rules, the higher the growth potential. This is common sense that many rulers know.

From this perspective, the sealing law is indeed a law with great potential, and its value should be much higher than the soul technology controlled by Yan Anqing.

lamp pen

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