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Chapter 572 The golden master comes, cruel warmth

Zhang Zian has already figured it out.

If you don't subscribe to this unlimited resurrection package and others do, as the intensity of the war increases, you will inevitably be eclipsed or even eliminated early.

When the gods and demons organize rewards based on merit in the future, I may not be able to get a share of the benefits.

Sensing Zhang Zian's wavering, Yingxun immediately struck a chord while the iron was hot: "How can there be immortality in a war? Especially for high-level extraordinary beings, you can't just raise them and let them marry and have children in a safe place without letting them

Go to the battlefield, right? After all, you are a contestant who has high hopes from the [Gods and Demons] organization..."

Hearing this, Zhang Zian's face felt slightly hot.

Although he didn't think so, the two generals under his command had indeed been married and had children for many years. If the war was not serious, he would really not be willing to send these two extraordinary people who had developed feelings to go to the battlefield.


There is no way.

There are no eggs left after the nest is overturned. If he does not take the initiative and participate in the strategy, his right to speak in this war of civilized laws will become smaller and smaller. In the end, he will even be marginalized by the organization. When the civilization is destroyed, everything will stop.


Yingxun looked into Zhang Zian's eyes and said in a sincere tone: "The teleportation ruler said that you are his friend and enjoy a 30% discount on the unlimited resurrection package."

"In other words, only seventy pieces of spiritual wisdom essence are enough."

"I have never seen anyone enjoy this kind of preferential treatment in the past two years."

As he spoke, Yingxun couldn't help but smacked his lips.

This treatment is indeed exaggerated. Yan Anqing threw away the thirty pieces of spiritual wisdom essence as soon as he said it.

He had contacted some rulers in the Great Desolate Star before and made several resurrection business transactions, but he had never seen anyone who could enjoy a discount from Yan Anqing.

When Zhang Zian, the ruler of Qiyao, heard this, he no longer hesitated.

Originally, if he wanted to resurrect two generals, he would have to spend 20 essences of spiritual wisdom.

Spending seventy yuan now is equivalent to buying insurance.

After all, the war has just begun. Who knows how many hardships, hardships and cruel killings we will experience in the future?

After decisively paying the bill and signing the contract from the transaction controller, Zhang Zian suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He glanced in the direction of the palace and said in a faint tone: "Brother Yan Anqing is really at a loss in this transaction."

Even though Zhang Zian is a thirteenth-level high-ranking ruler, thirty pieces of spiritual wisdom essence are still a big expense for a ruler like him who is not good at managing money.

He wanted to express his gratitude to Yan Anqing immediately, but the war was tight and all the good things in his hands were exhausted, so he could only write down this favor and leave it to repay later.

In the palace.

After Zhang Zian left with the two resurrected generals, Yan Anqing happened to refine a piece of spiritual wisdom essence at hand.

"This rate of making money...is really not that slow."

Yan Anqing, who controlled the core technology, invited the transaction rulers of gods and demons and the rulers of the heavens to work for him. He didn't even need to do the work that really required energy, as long as a few thousand were enough.

When he was on Earth, Yan Anqing saw two sentences in a book.

"If a person always wants to make all the money, his path will only become narrower and narrower."

"If we all make money together, we can make the cake bigger and earn more."

Facts have proven that the principles in these two sentences are applicable even in interactions with dominants.

After all, a ruler like Zhang Zian who attaches great importance to love and justice is rare.

Most rulers put profit first.

Even though Yingxun once hated him so much, now as soon as he smells the smell of profit, he immediately comes to work for him as a wage earner. He is even very proactive and attracts customers everywhere.

However, thinking of the words of Qiyao Ruler Zhang Zian before leaving, Yan Anqing looked slightly complicated, with a sense of indebtedness for deceiving an honest person.

In this transaction, I...

Is it really a loss?

It's obviously a business without capital.

Yan Anqing felt a little guilty about earning money from an honest man like Zhang Zian.

Fortunately, there are very few rulers like Zhang Zian who participate in the war of civilized laws.

The wisdom of most of the participants was exquisite, and Yan Anqing gained peace of mind.

"If this civilized law war lasts for more than two hundred years, almost, I will be able to complete my savings and try to hit the thirteenth level."

Yan Anqing has the confidence to complete the accumulation from the twelfth level to the thirteenth level in only two hundred years of effort.

The ability to attract money from the resurrection business is evident.

Great Desolate Star.

It is mid-July in the 50th year of the Yanhuang calendar.

The summer is scorching hot, and there is an anxious smell in the air.

Yan Anqing held a milk cone in her hand and was enjoying it leisurely.

A subtle law field was brewing around him.

A pitch-black wormhole slowly formed around Yan Anqing.

"Roy? Who's the other one?"

Yan Anqing slowly enjoyed the coldness of the cone and waited peacefully.

Not long after, the Zerg ruler Roy and a thin and cold man appeared in front of him at the same time.

"Let me introduce, this is the demon-suppressing ruler of [Wanjie]. Situ Ying." Roy said immediately.

The stern man has blood-red hair and silver eyes. When his gaze is swept, he will immediately feel like he has fallen into an ice cave.

"I heard that His Majesty Yan An Qingmian has great methods and means in cultivating extraordinary beings. I have a gracious request here."

Situ Ying was very resolute and did not say a single polite word. She came straight to the business: "I hope you can train my son to become a powerful extraordinary person."

He speaks coldly and harshly, and is not good at speaking. He is obviously the opposite extreme from Yingxun.

Hearing this, Yan Anqing glanced at Roy next to him.

It is estimated that Roy was beaten by more than two dozen tenth-level extraordinary beings before, which left him with a psychological shadow. After signing a contract with himself as a loser and an actor, Roy once boasted about his ability to develop.

That's why Situ Ying found this place.

Situ Ying was not good at words, and it took her a long time to explain her concerns about her unlucky son.

In fact, in Yan Anqing's view, this is quite simple.

Situ Ying was an infatuated man. His wife died, leaving only a son, so he transferred his feelings for his wife to his son.

His son was an upright and kind-hearted man, and he didn't have any bad habits of being a second-generation strongman. In fact, it was impossible. Before his wife died, Situ Ying used "exercise" as an excuse to find her son randomly in order to live in a world of two.

I threw it into a different plane and didn't even bother with it.

These qualities are not bad at all.

It's a pity that Situ Ying's son is obsessed with writing and can't help himself. He is always kind to others and has no mentality of becoming a strong man.

Situ Ying is not good at cultivating extraordinary people.

Yan Anqing, who has the ability of resurrection + development, became the target of his entrustment.

One thing for nothing, Situ Ying is willing to pay Yan Anqing 300 pieces of spiritual wisdom essence as a reward for the task.

This is a lot of money.

Even now Yan Anqing is shocked by Situ Ying's extravagance.

"Father's love is like a mountain..."

Yan Anqing bit into pieces the cone in his hand and ate it. There was no expression on his face, but there was some emotion in his heart.

"As long as I can ensure his survival and education process, I will not interfere."

Situ Ying was as stiff and cold as a knife: "Even if you die and are resurrected thousands of times in the middle, it doesn't matter."

This cruel tenderness is astonishing.

He also seemed to know that Yan An Qingri might reject his proposal if he entered the gold medal, so he added: "In addition..."

"If you are willing to accept this task, I will do my best to help you protect the Great Wilderness Star Civilization."

This chapter has been completed!
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