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Chapter 85 [Royal sky], role assessment

Finally, the young men and women decided to do the next best thing, extract the blood with a syringe and inject it into the wine glass.

Let the ancestors be inseparable from the taste of their blood first!

The young woman suddenly said: "Drinking our blood is better than harming other animals, right?"

This was said very thoughtfully, cleverly avoiding the crux of the issue of drinking blood and not drinking blood, and shifted the topic to "Which creature's blood is more acceptable to drink?"

The young man was in a daze, wondering why she would mention this.

After hearing this, Mads Coulson bit his flaming blood-red lips, and a flash of thinking flashed across his dark vertical pupils.

As an animal protectionist, he has been a vegetarian since he was sixteen years old, and he once vowed never to harm those cute little animals in any form.

Meat, eggs, and even dairy products are strictly prohibited. To supplement the body's daily protein needs, rely entirely on legumes, such as soybeans and chickpeas.

He also doesn't buy or use leather products.

Unlike other small animals in the circle, Mads only does it himself and never imposes this set of standards on others or requires others to achieve this level.

After a while, Mads took the wine glass from the young woman's hand.

Because the blood of two donors with different blood types was mixed, the red liquid in the cup has now begun to undergo agglutination reaction, gathering into dark red lumps.

The smell of blood made him want to vomit.


Mads hesitated for a while, but still forced himself to drink all the contents of the goblet in one gulp.

This kind of thing can be postponed or postponed, but it cannot be avoided.

As the ancestor of the Vampire Clan recognized by the Vampire Society, it is impossible for him to avoid drinking blood.

It's a bit disgusting, but I can hold it in with willpower.

When the blood enters the mouth, the first feeling is salty!

It's like light salt water after soaking iron for a long time.

The rust-like taste wreaks havoc on the taste buds.

Savor it carefully, but you can still taste the slightest hint of sweetness.

Mads put down the goblet and felt nothing except that there was something extra in his stomach.

There is nothing like "addiction", "satisfaction", "spiritual sublimation" and "radiance" described in some literary works of art.

However, a mutation occurred!

The crow's feet at the corners of the eyes began to fade, the skin became smooth and elastic, and the figure became taller and straighter.

Mads's appearance changed from about forty years old to that of someone in his early twenties at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All the twilight energy on his body dissipated, and his dark vertical pupils gradually turned into dark golden snake pupils.

The accumulation of time and youthful appearance have given Mads a different kind of charm.


Two young men and women crawled on the ground and tried to kiss the uppers of Mads's shoes, but failed.

An impulse spread deep inside Mads's heart.

The urge to run and jump is like a wild horse that is uncontrollable...

Mads Coulson opened the door.

Seeing him with blood stains on the corner of his mouth, his appearance also became younger. The members of the Blood Society outside looked excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, but they barely suppressed the joy and impulse in their hearts and knelt on the ground.

He bent his legs slightly and stepped hard on the threshold!


The whole person seemed like an arrow from the string, shooting towards the distance!

As if his innate instinct made him assume a slightly strange posture in the air.

The front of the body is straight, the back is slightly rickety, and the hands are close to the side. The muscles on the forearms suddenly swell, but the shape becomes flat, and the cuffs are broken, like a pair of small hang gliders that are not very conspicuous.

How does the plane fly?

When the airflow passes by, different pressures are generated on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. The pressure on the lower surface is greater and the pressure on the upper surface is less. The pressure difference generates an upward lifting force, causing the aircraft to move upward.

Because there is no way to maintain enough lift, Mads cannot really fly.

He just glided more than five hundred meters in the air, crossed various waterways, and landed in front of a hut.

But this scene was seen and remembered by vampire culture enthusiasts as a miracle of physical flight.

Black corset windbreaker, golden vertical pupils, bloody lips and fangs, stretching across the sky...

The image is too strong.

I'm afraid this scene will be difficult for them to forget for the rest of their lives.

Huaguo, Zhaofujing, deep in the secret base.

"Pope Phoenix, scapegoat Choi Sang-hwan, Brahmin Disius Pandit..."

"The humanoid scabbard wears Zhan Yue, the forbearing and ruthless Tokugawa Ishimasa, the mercenary king Ying Kai..."

"Modern Xi Shi Shi Yi Guang, electric guinea pig Ying Tuan, vampire Madas..."

One by one, names flashed in Yan Anqing's mind.

Each life form that has been transformed by magic will bloom with their own brilliance.

Now, most of these experimental subjects have fallen into one incident after another due to their sudden changes.

Take Mads, the "ancestor of the blood race" as an example.

This person is like a god who cannot give positive feedback to his followers and yet lives in the world.

Although he has demonstrated his power, this unhealthy relationship is destined not to last long.

The members of the Blood Society who call themselves Blood Servants are not without desires and desires.

They want to gain Medes' "first embrace" and become a vampire.

Even a primary school student who has been paying attention to the development of the situation can see this.

The problem is...

Mads Coulson does not have the ability to have a first love.

This is the most fatal contradiction.

Yan Anqing did not intend to help the other party fill this loophole soon. Instead, he wanted to use this problem to test the personal ability and potential of the experimental subject.

Difficulties and dangers can temper people the most.

Another customer service panda squeezed out of the edge of his field of vision.

After being forced to temper his patience for a while, Yan Anqing focused his attention on those text bubbles.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Royal Sky]."

"The humanoid life form transformed by you has shattered the shackles of inherent ideas, cut through the sky, and soared into the sky without the help of external objects."

"You have fulfilled mankind's eternal dream."

"The current main task completion progress is: 27/30."

Yan Anqing slightly clasped his fingers together, forming a pyramid shape, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Exceeded expectations.”

He called up the picture archive file of the consciousness database and changed the "Hao" after Mads Coulson's name to "Xiao".

Yan Anqing will make a basic judgment on each demon-modified life form based on its overall quality, and generally classify it into six grades from high to low: saint, owl, heroic, heroic, mediocre, and inferior.

There are currently no experimental subjects rated as "holy".

Even Experimental Subjects A, B, Ma Ran and Yu Hongyi, who had high hopes, were only rated as "Xiao" level.

It must be admitted that Mads Kosen, who is far away in Denmark, contributed two achievements in a row and left a good impression on Yan Anqing.

After glancing at the clock on the wall, Yan Anqing stood up, tidied up a little, and quickly left the laboratory.

The appointed time has arrived.

Now, go see Zhou Yun.

If this person is malleable enough, he may be able to bear high hopes and receive a "holy" level rating.

If everything goes well, Zhou Yun should be able to help herself obtain three to ten achievements in the near future...

This chapter has been completed!
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