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Chapter 642 ZAKEN

The civilized law war game is not over yet. The great beings from the ruler organizations such as [Heavens], [Endless], [All Realms], [Gods and Demons], [Heavenly Court], [Blood Prison], [Shepherd], etc. are still...

A game is going on.

In this process, Yan Anqing relied on the "resurrection business" to make a lot of money. He also gained the friendship of many rulers and expanded his network a lot.

He now knows that no Dominator organization will welcome a guy like Ember Dominator who pursues the route of killing, conquering and plundering.

[Blood Prison] The history of hunting and killing has lasted for tens of millions of years.

It's just that this guy is as slippery as a loach, very vigilant, and rarely reveals the coordinates of his own plane.

Most of the time, He only bullies new Dominators and beings below the Dominator. After all these years, He is still alive and kicking.

After getting rid of a certain [Blood Prison] member, Yan Anqing got a vague piece of information about the general location of Ember Ruler Chuan.

In the past two months, he was not only refining the Law of Time, but also constantly reducing the scope and locking the position of Minus.


With the breakthrough in rank, Yan Anqing's detective work has finally entered its final stage!

The plane he named "Digital Doomsday"!

"Although I can use the power of laws and golden fingers to directly crush this plane, the lives of those innocent people are by no means worthless in my eyes."

Yan Anqing said to himself silently: "If we do that, what's the difference between me and Min?"

He is a bit neurotic and not a kind person in the popular sense. Most of the time he is ruthless, but he is by no means an anti-social and anti-human being.

Yan Anqing didn't even bother to do this kind of thing, massacring innocent people just to force them out.

In the endless plane, many things are never an either-or option.

When encountering difficulties, those who slap their foreheads and say, "There is no other way but this" are the ones who don't want to think.

Now, Yan Anqing has compiled an almost impeccable "Ember Strategy" in his hands.

"It's just that...the Law of Time and the Law of Sealing Flames seem to be incompatible with each other and cannot be perfectly integrated into one. After fusion, they are in a state of distinction. They can only mobilize the power of the laws to supplement each other..."

Yan Anqing frowned slightly.

He asked Yue Ze, Situ Ying, Zhang Zian, Wu Yixian, Roy, Yuan Lian and other Dominators about this issue, but the final results they obtained were similar. No Dominator had ever encountered this situation.

However, no matter what, the fourteenth level is the fourteenth level, and the authority and ability of the level cannot be faked.

"Digital Doomsday" plane.

Survivor Camp No. 365.

One after another figures suddenly appeared in the dilapidated camp, but the passers-by turned a blind eye and completely ignored this strange phenomenon, as if they had long been accustomed to it.

Gongsun Ming looked at the classmates, tutors, and professors on the left and right. He looked around for a while, narrowed his eyes slightly, and focused on his body.

The data panel expands instantly.

"Background introduction: A few years ago, an electromagnetic sound wave storm swept across the world. Five billion people died and human civilization was almost destroyed. The survivors gained strange new abilities and digitized their bodies! A digital world was constructed.

.Behind the new world, a huge conspiracy is emerging..."

"Main Mission: Reach the top in Digital Direct!"

"Task reward: High probability of leaving the Qingyan center milestone/directly withdrawing the reward on Apokolips to advance to the tenth level."

"Mission penalty: None."

"Side mission: Please explore freely."

"Remarks: In the digital world, one death is nothing, but the complete loss of all data means the true end of life."

"Attachment: [A brief world view and common sense of the digital doomsday plane]."

Seeing this, Gongsun Ming couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"After the evolution of Qingyan Academy, it feels a bit like the description of the main god and the reincarnation space in Li Zhuozhao's "Sword Head Game"..."

"It's just that our 'main god' is Principal Yan Anqing, who is more humane."

Gongsun Ming shook his head, collected his thoughts, and began to accept the attached information while analyzing some things revealed in the background story.

Electromagnetic waves and sound wave storms caused human civilization to almost end?

This is something Gongsun Ming can understand.

The sound frequencies that the human ear can capture are from 20hz to 20,000hz. Sound waves with frequencies less than 20 Hz are called infrasound waves. Those with frequencies higher than 20,000hz are called ultrasonic waves.

Because the oscillation frequency of infrasound waves is similar to some of human brain waves, it can easily cause resonance and can directly penetrate the hard skull and directly stimulate the fragile human brain.

When the oscillation frequency of high-intensity infrasound waves is equivalent to the oscillation rhythm of the internal organs of the human body, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and other organs will resonate strongly. In an instant, various organs fail and blood vessels rupture.

In this environment, people with mild symptoms will feel fear, fear, madness, restlessness, and uneasiness.

Severe symptoms may even cause sudden fainting, complete loss of self-control, and...


"Infrasound waves, electromagnetic waves..."

Gongsun Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on the apricot-yellow machine thirty meters away to the left, which was full of science fiction colors.

That thing looks a bit like a public phone booth.

As mentioned in the attached information, its name is "zaken", and it is a login machine used by survivors after their bodies have undergone certain changes to enter the digital world.

Gongsun Ming noticed that many classmates, tutors, and professors had completely digitized their bodies through zaken and disappeared without a trace!

"Digital world? This is why our group's time travel is ignored by the indigenous people..."

"They mistakenly thought we were 'logging out' normally!"

While thinking about it, Gongsun Ming suddenly felt his stomach and intestines moving and making a gurgling sound.


The fluorescent screen appeared in front of my eyes again.

"Side mission triggered!"

"Task content: looking for food."

"Completion reward: Copy and paste the food you received to ten times the original amount."

"Mission penalty: None!"

Gongsun Ming nodded, feeling that this so-called side mission was very to his liking.

Before the end of Apokolips, when he was playing games, he preferred to take on food-related tasks and hated errand tasks the most.

After asking around, Gongsun Ming finally found out how to obtain food.

"When you log in to Zaken, it's much easier to get food in the digital world than outside. It's the same whether you eat it directly in the digital world or after logging out."

Hearing this, the corners of Gongsun Ming's mouth twitched slightly: "Why does it feel like seeing a large-scale online game?"

"No matter what! Fill your stomach first, and then find a way to improve your strength!"

"Climb to the top! Everyone has this main mission, but only one person can complete it!"

The rewards from the main mission have already made Gongsun Ming extremely greedy.

He approached Zaken, which looked like a phone booth, and popped out his left hand.


In an instant, Gongsun Ming felt that he turned into a ray of light and got into the zaken...

This chapter has been completed!
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