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Chapter Twelve Two Fighting Evil Monks!

The moment of trembling in the heart made the monk frightened!

Just like, good people are afraid of walking into evil. Sometimes, evil people are also afraid of walking into the light.

Monk Wu Ang was unable to subdue his troubled and dusty heart, but this heart was opened by Xue Yuran. He was in a panic and could only use anger to cover up his cowardice and insignificance.

Immediately, he shouted loudly and said: "Don't talk nonsense! What big principles are all nonsense. I only know that if I kill you, I will be happy when I see your parents in pain. Don't talk nonsense anymore, otherwise I will kill you now."


The words had been spoken, and Xue Yuran no longer struggled.

Then he said: "Since you don't want to talk, can we leave here? It's already dawn. Although the mountain col here is remote, there are many people hunting and cutting firewood. You and I may be discovered here."

Wu Ai's eyes were startled. He looked at her and asked, "You just woke up not long ago. How do you know it's daylight? How do you know this is a mountain?"

The same idea as Luofan's previous episode, I thought to myself, could she be able to see it?

Xue Yuran seemed to have been accustomed to others' surprise, and calmly explained: "The time of day is different, and the birdsong in the forest are also different. When the sky is bright, hundreds of birds are in the forest. Now, the birdsong is getting thinner and the humidity is weakening, so it is naturally dawn

Daliang. The terrain here is rugged, the soil is sandy soil, and there are many gravels. It should be Mufu Mountain in the north of the city. "

Wu Ai sneered: "As expected of Xue Yang's daughter, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are extremely smart. Since you know that someone will be passing by, why do you remind me to leave? If you are discovered by someone, wouldn't it be worse to find someone to rescue you?


Xue Yuran sighed: "Oh, you are superb in martial arts and cruel. If you meet an outsider, you will definitely silence them. I don't want others to be killed because of me. Everyone has a wife, children and parents. If they are killed, these families will be like yours

A common tragedy."

After hearing these righteous words, Wu Ai looked highly at Xue Yuran.

He walked over and untied the veil from her face and said, "Okay! So tell me, where should we hide?"

Xue Yuran looked around and said: "I often come here to view the scenery, and I know that there is a hidden mountain wall ahead. There is a spacious shelter under the mountain wall, which is used by hunters to take shelter from the rain. We can hide there for a few days."

Monk Wu'ai then escorted Xue Yuran and walked in the direction she pointed. Not long after walking, he saw a hidden mountain wall.

There is a huge space under the mountain wall, the terrain is open, and it is as big as four or five rooms. There are also some old fire ashes scattered here and there, which should be left by the hunters who burned fires in the past.

There were two old pieces of wood lying across the ground. The two walked over and sat down.

Turning his head, Xue Yuran looked at Wu Ai again, and said with great concern: "You must be hungry, right? You are so seriously injured. If you don't eat something, I'm afraid you will lose your strength. I don't know how long you will have to hide here. How long can you hide here?"

Let's go find some food. If you're worried, you can tie my hands and feet again and blindfold me. You have good ears, so I don't dare to run away."

After suffering this night of torture, Wu Ai was indeed very hungry. After thinking about it, he followed Xue Yuran's method.

Before leaving, he did not forget to threaten: "Don't play tricks. If you dare to run away, I will kill you immediately!"

Luo Fan, who was following in the distance, saw Monk Wu Ai leaving alone, so he immediately flew around and took a detour.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, Xue Yuran sat calmly, as if he had already expected the arrival.

Luofan is also strange, this girl is so calm and inhumane sometimes!

Luofan didn't say anything, and directly cut off the cloth strips tied to Xue Yuran's body with a steel knife.

After untying the veil around his eyes, Xue Yuran saw the person coming, and his eyes were startled by surprise: "Luofan! Why is it you?"

Luo Fan also asked in confusion: "Then who do you think you are? How did you know that I was following you?"

Xue Yuran looked displeased and replied: "It's the time for birds to look for food. The birds flew away from the forest several times. There must be something hidden among them. I guess it may be the third senior brother who came to save me. He is smart and has light skills."

It would be best if it could be hidden from the eyes and ears of Wu Ang."

Luofan smiled slyly upon hearing this: "Thank you for the compliment."

"Who praised you! Humph."

Knowing that he had unintentionally praised a person he disliked, Xue Yuran finally acted like a little girl and said something displeased.

Luofan smiled conceitedly: "Don't praise me, I'm so smart too!"

Monk Wu Ai walked not far away, but there was always an ominous premonition in his heart! He smacked and said: "Something seems to be wrong. I am obviously the one who wants to kill her, how could she care about me so much? She kindly reminded me to come out to look for food! Not good!

be cheated."

The monk hurried back to check. When he returned to the mountain wall, he saw Luo Fan rescuing Xue Yuran.

At that moment, his face turned black with anger, he pointed at Xue Yuran and said angrily: "You lied to me! Damn it!"

Luo Fan held the knife and grunted: "You believe what the woman says! The stupid bald donkey deserves to be unlucky! This time I will chop off your legs, let's see where you run!"

Standing next to Luofan, Xue Yuran was stunned again!

What does "you believe what a woman says!" mean?

This is really an insult to women all over the world! This guy was born with a mouth that cannot speak! Every time he speaks, he always makes himself feel like the world is going crazy! I really have the urge to kick him!

Monk Wu'ai didn't know Xue Yuran's deep-seated contempt for Luofan. He only saw the two people standing together in front of him, just like a couple! For a moment, jealousy broke out and he was extremely angry!

At this moment, Luo Fan and Xue Yuran were really the two people he hated the most in the world!

The monk was so angry that veins popped up on his forehead, and his whole body was shaking. He was as terrifying as a lion about to go berserk. He roared: "You all should die!"

The true energy filled the monk's robes, crushed the rocks on the ground, and rushed towards Luofan in a frenzy!

When he came in front of Luofan, he waved his arms like iron rods, dancing vigorously in the wind, and alternately like rolling wheels, crushing Luofan away!

Luofan knew that although the monk was seriously injured, his skills were far superior to his own. Xue Yuran was holding him back, so he couldn't escape! He could only forcefully meet him, pretending to be an enemy and lure the monk away.

The two chased each other, throwing sand and rocks, and instantly turned up a cloud of smoke and dust.

Xue Yuran saw that Luofan's steps were as fast as lightning, and he was running with wind and thunder. Although he had extraordinary eyesight, he could only barely see his movements clearly.

I couldn't help but be surprised: "What a powerful Wind and Thunder Kick! It's several times stronger than Li Benxin's Wind and Thunder Kick! Luofan is not from the royal family, how can he learn to ride the Wind and Thunder Kick! He really has a secret."

When Luo Fan meets a monk, he can be considered as showing off his unique skills.

While performing the Zhan Wang Qi Jue, he suddenly saw his eyes sparkling like stars. While walking with thunderous legs, he saw his legs fly into shadows. With a strong hand, he wielded a sword with hundreds of blades, and the sharpness like a waterfall of silver light enveloped the monk's head!

Luofan's moves were overbearing and mysterious, and the blade was like a flesh-crushing winch. But instead of hiding, the monk used his seriously injured right arm as a weapon, fighting with the steel blade's edge without any scruples!

Immediately, a crisp sound of "dang-dang" was heard. The steel knife connected with the monk's arm a few times, and there was a sound of gold and iron colliding.

Then there was another crash, and the monk's broken arm smashed the broken knife in Luofan's hand into pieces.

The hand was broken off and the knife was broken again. Luofan missed a move, focused on defense, and stepped back quickly. He thought to himself: "The monk has something tied to his arm! What a thief fox!"

It turned out that after the monk escaped last night, he knew that he might encounter the evil god Luofan again. So he picked up a few iron bars on the road and tied them to his injured arm. Firstly, it could tighten the wound, and secondly, it could also be used as a weapon.

Seeing that Luofan had no sword to use, the monk immediately pursued him fiercely, punched and hammered him away.

The wind and haze billowed out of the fist, and the strong wind also blew the rocks into pieces. Luofan was filled with killing winds on both sides, and every step was dangerous, like a boat capsized in the sea, which could be smashed to pieces by the monk's fierce palm at any time.

The scene was in crisis for a moment, but Luofan's heart was not disturbed. After more than ten years and thousands of fights, such scenes have become normal.

Seeing that he was retreating like a snake, his legs were out of the way, and his body movements were flexible and flexible step by step. No matter how fast the monk chased him, no matter how fierce his fists were, he could not even touch him at all.

Seeing that Luofan's movement was too weird, he retreated too fast. The monk chased for more than ten moves in vain. However, at this moment, the monk suddenly changed from chasing and running to jumping! He took one weird big jump and jumped to Luofan in an instant.

Turn sideways, open your arms, and pounce like a tiger on its prey!

Xue Yuran was so shocked that his eyes exploded! This monk is really ugly in appearance but sensitive in heart!

He was chasing Luofan just now, seemingly falling behind step by step. In fact, he was showing his clumsiness and concealing his intelligence, hiding his killer moves. He had been observing Luofan's escape method and predicting the distance of Luofan's escape. Seizing the opportunity, he used a tiger-leap move.

It cut off Luofan's way of survival!

In an instant, Luofan became the prey of a fierce tiger!

This chapter has been completed!
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