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Chapter 3 Scale Scraping of Fish! Shocking!

The monk's face was full of evil spirits, his right palm was still bleeding, and his left hand was tightly clasping Xue Yuran's neck.

He looked up at the mouth of the well and said angrily: "Pull me up! Don't play tricks, or I will strangle her to death immediately!"

Luo Fan stood at the mouth of the well with his arms folded, his expression indifferent.

He said disdainfully: "The laws of the Tiandu Dynasty clearly stipulate that if more than six people are killed, it is a major case. Only those who solve major cases can be promoted. I just counted them in the well. You just killed five people, and you have to kill one more."

This is a serious case. If you don't kill her, my efforts tonight will be in vain! Monk, do it quickly."

His voice was joking and indifferent, like the autumn wind. He was like a passer-by, but also like an emotionless devil.

Luofan's answer chilled both of their hearts!

The night sky was full of rain and mist, and the coldness penetrated her skin. Xue Yuran couldn't help but shiver! But Luofan's words made her feel even more chilled.

A moment of shock, more confusion!

What does it mean to kill one more person to be considered a big case?! Even if he is such a bastard, he can still say it!

She didn't care about morality at all and only had interests in her eyes! What a despicable person! A hateful villain! Anger stuck in her throat, making her extremely tempted to abandon her gentle virtues and curse Luofan!

The monk was also stunned for a moment, and he slowly and calmly said contemptuously: "Stop acting with me! If you really don't care, how can you take the risk of going down the well to save her! I'll cut off one of her arms first, and see if you still dare to be arrogant!"

Confidently standing on the advantage of sin, sinners do not worry that hypocritical people will not give in. How can such a move to coerce others with morality fail? After the monk finished speaking, he made an aquiline with his iron hand and grabbed Xue Yuran's weak right hand.


Xue Yuran was so frightened that her face wrinkled up, her eyes were closed, and her lips and teeth were cold. It was as if she had anticipated the pain of torn muscles and broken bones!

There was a "stab" and blood splashed!

The screams immediately cut through the night!


The scream! The heart-rending scream! It resounded throughout the countryside and spread throughout the barren mountains!

It was like the howling of ghosts, or the execution ground of hell. It lasted endlessly and echoed in the dark night! All the dreamers in the village three miles away were awakened.

However, it was not Xue Yuran who screamed, but the evil monk who was committing rampant murder!

Warm liquid spread all over his face, and the fishy smell hit him. Xue Yuran opened his eyes in horror, only to see something strange!

But I saw that the evil monk was suspended out of thin air, like an animal hanging high to be slaughtered.

Although the sky was dark, Xue Yuran's eyes were clear and he could see that the monk's left arm was entangled with extremely fine silk threads, and the flesh and blood of the arm had been torn into dozens of sections, like fresh fish, cut open piece by piece.

Roll over!

Blood rained down, and miserable weeping became a tense atmosphere!

The monk's face was twisted in pain, and he howled loudly, while using his bloody right hand, he kept fiddling with the restraints on his left arm. However, the more he struggled, the deeper the filaments cut into the flesh and blood, and eventually entangled themselves in the bones, becoming tighter and tighter!

It's like being attacked by ten thousand swords. The more you try to escape, the deeper you sink. Howling and roaring hysterically! Howling in pain, you can't shout out your resentment, you can only vent your inability.

The night is hazy and the rain and fog fall quietly.

A well turned into a hell on earth, where the butcher suffered and suffered the pain of being slaughtered!

Xue Yuran had lost her composure and was shivering to the core! Her mind was confused, as if she was in a terrible dream.

He fell to the ground in despair and recited the Heart Sutra: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, practicing deep prajna...".

At this moment, the delicate and picturesque peach blossom white dress on her body has been rendered into an eye-catching black!

After howling for a moment, the monk twitched in pain, his lips trembled, and finally he weakly begged for mercy: "I can't bear it anymore! Please spare me! Please!! Ah! Spare my life! -"

The evil monk, who was as violent as a wolf and as vicious as a snake or a scorpion, could not bear to beg for mercy. However, Luofan looked cold and held the monk tightly with his arms tightly locked on the diamond wire, with no intention of letting go.

How can such a gentle girl's heart see such a scene?

Xue Yuran bit her lips tightly and said angrily: "That's enough! Get him up quickly! Everyone is born and raised by their parents, how can you abuse human life like this! You are so cruel and cruel, you are not worthy of being a son of man! Get him up quickly, otherwise if I have my life, I will go home.

I will definitely sue you!"

Luofan was disdainful and pulled the monk out of the well with a strong force. With this force, the steel wire almost cut off two kilograms of the monk's flesh!

The monk came out of the well and lay down with sweat all over his body, his lips turned purple, and he kept whining.

Now one of his palms was pierced, one of his arms was almost severed, and his whole body was twitching. He really looked like he was dying!

Seeing that the monk seemed to be dying, Luofan still showed no mercy, his cold eyes were as sharp as a sword, and ordered: "Why are you pretending to be pitiful! Get up and kill me! Otherwise, I will kill you immediately!"

Facing Luofan's aggressive approach, the dying monk on the mud suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up from the ground! He was so fast that only his shadow could be seen in the night! Regardless of his injuries, he struck Luofan with his iron arms.

A centipede insect, stiff but not dead. As Luofan expected, this monk was not an ordinary person. His begging for mercy and weakness just now were just the instinct of snakes and scorpions to pretend to be dead!

Anyone else would definitely die from the monk's move.

But Luofan understands the ruthlessness of such people. He will never be careless and will not give his opponent a chance to counterattack. He dodges quickly and yanks the diamond wire on his arm. The monk is dragged to the ground by the wire again, which is very dramatic.


Luofan spared no effort and kicked the monk away with his Vajra legs.

The monk kept rolling to avoid it, and unconsciously the diamond wire on his arm had wrapped around his entire body! Seeing that the monk was wrapped, Luofan tightened the wire, and the monk screamed in pain and could no longer move.

With a "bang" kick, the monk was kicked hard. He hit the granite well wall, and his ribs were broken into countless pieces! Immediately, he vomited blood, and he really couldn't get up this time.

Luofan walked over and kicked the monk mercilessly!

One kick! Two kicks! Three kicks!...

The monk was kicked so hard that his scalp was broken, his sternum was broken, his flesh and blood became a mess, and blood spurted out from the corners of his mouth!

Luofan kicked the monk mercilessly, as if he wanted to kick the monk to death. The monk was also a ruthless character. He was so seriously injured that he only held his arms to protect his life gate, gnashing his teeth and suffering to death!

Down the well, Xue Yuran heard the sound of the monk being beaten again and shouted: "Luofan! Stop! If you kill him! I will sue you for torturing the prisoner! Stop beating him. Stop! Stop! I beg you not to beat him."

!!Luofan, I beg you. Don’t hit Luofan!..."

When Luofan stopped, the monk's flesh and blood were already mutilated, and he could no longer look like a human being.

He said coldly with disdain: "You have deep inner strength, but now you are just a sick tiger with broken teeth and a lame leg. If you try to play tricks on me again, I will chop you into pieces and feed you to pigs!"

The monk lay down by the well, his body covered in blood and his mind was confused from the pain.

His red eyes were still staring at Luofan, trying to remember him firmly. With his mouth full of blood, he gnashed his teeth and said, "You! You are so vicious! Luofan! I will remember you!"

Luofan: "You're lucky! If this girl hadn't been here, I would have chopped you alive!"

Luofan tied up the monk again and then pulled Xue Yuran out of the well.

At this moment, Xue Yuran's face was as white as paper, and she had lost her previous indifference. She hugged her knees and squatted by the well, shivering. The white dress was originally thin, but it was stained with blood and water, making it extremely cold and clammy.

His watery eyes were full of resentment and he asked: "You know he pretended to be unconscious. Why are you still leaving me down the well?"

Luofan: "You want to keep it yourself."

Xue Yuran: "I thought he was unconscious and that's why I said this. You know that he and I are in danger underground, but you still do this? You treat human life like child's play, what qualifications do you have to be a police officer?"

Luofan: "If you are really dead, I can make a great contribution. The net profit will not be lost, so why not do it."

Luofan's cold words and cruel behavior made Xue Yuran's eyes glow with anger and his face was ferocious!

Xue Yuran: "Vicious and cruel, cold-blooded and selfish, a scum of a beast! You are more disgusting to me than a murderer! I would rather die in a well than be rescued by you!"

Luo Fan: "I understand. Let's go back to the city."

Xue Yuran was stunned and couldn't even get a response to the insult. What a sad person this is!

After leaving the deserted temple, he took out the horses hidden in the forest.

The night was just right, the rain and fog had just stopped.

Luo Fan dragged the monk, led the horse and took the two women back to Flag City.

This chapter has been completed!
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