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Chapter 36 Ghost City! Assassination!

Dugu Ling mentioned marriage as soon as she opened her mouth. Xue Yang understood that she was afraid that she would regret it. Although Ji Changkong was not an ideal husband, since the engagement was made back then, she could not refuse.

He could only pretend to be happy and replied with a smile: "What Xianmei said is exactly what I want. According to ancient rituals, a woman will get married at the age of sixteen. Yuran is now twenty-three and can't delay it any longer. However, Yuran has two

She was tied up and suffered some minor injuries to her legs and feet. She fell into the water and caught cold, so she was weak and couldn't get out of bed. I think we'll wait two more days until she recovers from her injuries. How about we set a wedding date?"

Seeing Xue Yang agreeing, Dugu Ling and Ji Cheng were delighted. Although they knew their son was ugly, as parents, who didn't want their children to have a good marriage.

Dugu Ling smiled broadly and said: "That's very good. We have prepared three matchmakers and six hires in advance to ensure that the wedding will be a lively event and let everyone in the world know about this happy event."

Xue Yang joked: "Your family is from a wealthy family in Jianguan, so it's probably difficult to liven up the family."

Several people laughed.

Although Yue E laughed along with her, her face couldn't hide the embarrassment. When she saw Ji Changkong, she had plans to break off the engagement. But seeing Xue Yang agreeing, she couldn't say anything else.

In the boudoir, Xue Yuran was sitting on the bed, still studying information about the monk Wu Ai. The monk ran away, and he didn't know if he would still harm others. He couldn't catch him, and he always felt uneasy.

Dugu Ling was eager to see her future daughter-in-law. After drinking half the tea, she asked Yue E to take her to see Xue Yuran.

Xue Yuran heard the footsteps of people coming from a distance and knew that Dugu Ling was coming. He put aside the materials on enlightenment and picked up a book of poems and poems.

Dugu Ling walked into the room, but her eyes lit up when she saw the beautiful woman on the bed.

Although Xue Yuran only wore a plain dress with no decoration, she still looked radiant and beautiful.

Dugu Ling's eyes lit up. She thought to herself, Qicheng is the most beautiful, and it deserves its reputation. This is really the most suitable candidate for her daughter-in-law. At that moment, her face blossomed with joy, and her eyebrows were filled with smiles! What a new mother-in-law, she was so happy to see a good daughter-in-law.


Yue E chuckled: "Yu Ran, Aunt Dugu is here to see you."

Xue Yuran bowed slightly and saluted slowly: "Auntie, I'm worried about you. Yuran has difficulty moving and can't get out of bed to see the ceremony. Please don't blame me!"

Dugu Ling was so happy that she forgot about everything. She only looked at the appearance of her future daughter-in-law and almost didn't hear what Xue Yuran said!

I kept praising in my heart, she is indeed the daughter trained by Xue Yang, she is really good-looking and a first-class talent! Even the wealthy family of Jianguan, no one can raise such a good person. The more I look at it, the more I like it, and I suddenly became interested.

, took off the silver steel bracelet that was passed down from his family and put it into Xue Yuran's hand.

Xue Yuran was also shocked. Why did Dugu Ling directly give him such a big gift? This bracelet is a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the Dugu family. Looking back at the complicated expression on her mother's face, she understood. It seemed that Ji Cheng's family was here to propose marriage.

This is treating herself as her daughter-in-law.

Dugu Ling said happily: "Yu Ran, I'm relieved to see that you are getting better. This is my family's most treasured silver steel bracelet! Wearing it can not only avoid all kinds of poisons, but also turn evil into good. Now I will pass it on to you.

You have to wear it and don’t lose it.”

Xue Yuran hurriedly declined and said: "Since it is my aunt's personal treasure, Yuran will never dare to accept it."

Dugu Ling couldn't refuse and put the bracelet on Xue Yuran's hand and said with a smile: "We will be a family soon. This bracelet was originally passed on to my daughter-in-law. If you don't want to wear it, who will wear it?"

Xue Yuran smiled bitterly, thinking that Dugu Ling was going to tie herself up with a bracelet.

Just like Xue Yang, Xue Yuran was a little unhappy in his heart, but he could still smile and said: "Thank you, aunt. Then Yuran will accept it."

Seeing that Xue Yuran was not only beautiful, but also knew how to be polite. Duguling stood up and said with a smile: "Okay! Okay! Then you can rest! I won't disturb you anymore."

Yue E sent Dugu Ling away and sat back down by Xue Yuran's bed with a sad look on her face.

Xue Yuran was quite discerning, and carefully looked at the silver steel bracelet on his hand, and said with a smile: "This bracelet is really a treasure. Legend has it that this bracelet was made by the ancestor of the Wuliang Sect in the south thousands of years ago. It can pray for blessings and eliminate disasters. Mother, what do you think of this bracelet?

Can it really ward off evil spirits?"

Yue'e's heart was full of worries and she was not in the mood to look at the bracelet.

He said earnestly: "Xiaoyu! You haven't seen that Ji Changkong is completely different from when he was a child. Not only is his face ugly, but he also has a dull personality and cold and eccentric personality. When he met your father and me, he didn't say a word. If you marry him,

, I’m afraid that I will have to sit in a cold room for the rest of my life and not get any kindness from my husband and wife! Why don’t I make the decision for you and refuse this matter, so as not to wrong myself."

Xue Yuran smiled and said: "A person's appearance is nothing more than skin! How can a woman marry her husband based on his appearance? His personality quirks cannot mean that he has a bad heart. How can he break his promise when he is already engaged? Furthermore, how can he be truly heartless?

As long as he is treated well, he is truly cold-blooded and can always cultivate feelings."

Yue E sighed: "Hey! Having said that, I'm afraid I will suffer a lot of grievances. It's your fault that your father made a mistake when he was drunk and agreed to this marriage. It's also your fault that God doesn't open his eyes. How did the boy from the Ji family grow up like this?

It looks like that.”

Hearing her mother's resentment, Xue Yuran comforted her and said: "Mother, all human beings are created equal, and it is not righteous to dislike other people's appearance. Comparing one's feelings with others, if I was born ugly and the Ji family wanted to break off the engagement, what would we think? Mother, please relax."

The Ji family is a wealthy family, and Uncle Ji is a kind and righteous man. His daughter will not be wronged when she marries him."

"Mom is not as good as you, you are really the best daughter in the world!"

Holding her daughter in her arms, Yue E felt even sadder and couldn't help but shed tears.

At night, the autumn wind is cold and the grass and trees are rustling. It is the time for every household to fall asleep with warmth in their arms.

In the southern mountain pass of Qicheng City, there are numerous human figures and dappled lights, like hundreds of ghosts walking at night.

Luo Fan, covered in black clothes, stood on a high place and observed for a long time. After becoming familiar with the terrain and seeing the people coming and going in the mountain valley, he lightly stepped on the treetops, as if a leaf was floating away.

When they reached the footpath of the mountain col, Luo Fan, like other masked people, began to look around for something.

Fire pots and torches were scattered throughout the col. By the light of the fire, many people were standing under the trees, sitting on the ground, or hiding in the shadows. In front of them were signs with black paper and gold letters.

There are some unusual code words written on it, waiting for guests to come!

This is the largest ghost market in Qicheng! There are two kinds of strange markets: ghost market and dark market.

Dark markets are generally concentrated in the underworld's sphere of influence and are maintained by nearby underworld gangs. They are mainly places where criminals and villains trade.

There you can trade human lives, conspire to rob, sell stolen goods, and other crimes. Because the dark market belongs to the underworld, the officials of the Bai Dao and Tiandu dynasties dare not approach it, so the location of the dark market is fixed and it is very easy to

Searching is also extremely dangerous.

The functions of the ghost market and the dark market are equivalent, but they are more low-key and secretive. Its location is not fixed, and the time is not fixed! All ghost markets are operated by Baidao Feihun Villa. If Jianghu people want to know the location of the ghost market, they must

Go to nearby Yizhuang to find the guardian of Feihun Villa, tell your name in the Black and White Road, and pay a certain fee to get it.

Luofan left Shuidang Lake in the afternoon and went to Yizhuang to find the ghost watcher to get the location of the ghost market. Generally, the location of the ghost market would not be informed to the Tiandu Dynasty agents. Moreover, according to the Yuanmeng agreement, the Tiandu Dynasty

No one could interfere with the ghost market. Luofan reported the gangster name "Big Thief King Kong Monkey" that he had prepared in Jianghu before and learned the location of the ghost market.

The rules of the ghost market are different from those of the dark market. No one is allowed to show up here and no one is allowed to make loud noises. Once there is a conflict, it will be closed immediately and everyone will leave.

Luofan took a few steps in the ghost market and saw a bald young man wearing a golden Buddha mask, purple robe and carrying a bookcase standing under a prominent banyan tree in front of him. This person was the source of the Black Blood Tower.

——Star Buddha.

Luofan walked over, changed his voice, and asked in a rough voice: "Are there any blood lists and black lists about Qicheng?"

Star Buddha also concealed his voice, like an old man with a hoarse voice, and replied: "Yes! There is only one person on the black list of Banner City. The Chief Catcher of Banner City catches Luo Tianyao, and the reward is 20,000 taels. As for the blood list, the highest

The person is Yan Feiyang, the son of Yan Qingfeng from the Qingfeng Escort Bureau, who is rewarded with a reward of 10,000 taels. The evil arrester Luofan from Long County is 2,000 taels. There are also several disciples from the Huangyi Sect, who are rewarded with a reward of 300 taels."

This chapter has been completed!
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