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Chapter 1006 - Relics of History

Reconnaissance drones flown from "Atlan" have conducted sonar detection on many caves. However, this detection technology cannot be achieved in one step and is often affected by depth, complex geological structures and sonar power.

Winter on the planet Antaloo comes early, and there is no distinction between the southern and northern hemispheres. Unlike the blue star's equator line, which separates winter and summer, the seasonal changes on the entire planet are completely unified, and the temperature fluctuates greatly, even on the equator line of Antaloo.

Nearby, once winter comes, it is like a freezing hell, which directly limits the ability of drones to move. Dry ice blizzards blow, and no drone or even aircraft can safely take off.

After going about two kilometers deep, the temperature in the cave not only gradually rose to 15 degrees Celsius above zero, but also the proportion of air components gradually changed. The concentration of carbon dioxide became lower and lower, and the concentration of oxygen, which was inversely proportional to it, became lower and lower.

High, until it reaches a level that satisfies human survival, or even slightly higher.

This ebbing and flowing change in gas composition is somewhat related to the glowing moss, fungi, and even tinier algae scattered on the walls of the wet cave. After all, the growth of plants needs to inhale carbon dioxide, then release oxygen, while leaving the carbon behind.

Become part of yourself.

This exchange provides survival resources for animals, so in addition to these lower plants, you can also see many insects active. Some species have also evolved fluorescent organs to assist in hunting and reproduction.

The depths of the cave maze are not completely dark. In addition to the weak light sources coming from animals and plants, there are also some minerals exposed from the cave walls, which emit a bright light with a slight warmth, which seems to be some kind of radioactive isotope light source.

Mineral crystals themselves can also absorb heat energy and convert it into energy for continuous luminescence.

Chen Fei conveniently collected a few pieces as collection samples and threw them into the "Space Brand". The personal security guard Dang Weijun followed suit and swung his long sword with both hands and struck it on the cave wall with a fighting spirit, directly cutting out a big hole.

, picked up another hundred and eighty kilograms, and stopped continuing the mining business.

After passing through a kilometer of low-level plant area, the cave passage suddenly expanded and became open, reaching an underground hall. Luminous mineral crystals were dotted all over the stone walls, and their combined brightness was comparable to that of a blue star in winter.

The morning light at five or six o'clock.

There are not only lower plants that can be seen everywhere, but also dense shrubs and tall trees. Many larger species come in and out. The air is filled with various spores and genetic material, and the proportion of oxygen content has changed.

Higher than the Blue Star average.

This space of nearly one kilometer in circumference is like a zoological and botanical garden that is constantly hybridizing. All kinds of strange creatures can be seen everywhere, even breaking the boundaries between animals and plants. The ground is covered with thick humus. If you peel it off,

You can see countless pieces of debris.

After a simple search, Chen Fei found some artificial traces in the corner of the underground hall.

For example, there are sharp-edged geometric shapes and clearly visible chisels. I don’t know how long ago, intelligent life came here and left some evidence of its past.

Realizing that the status warrior bodyguard wanted to take off his tactical helmet and take a few breaths of fresh air, Chen Fei stopped him in time.

"Don't take off your helmet, old man. The environment here is harmful to the human body."

Don't just be happy for a while, the next second there will be roots, stems and leaves of spore plants emerging from the seven orifices or even under the skin. Even in Blue Star, where humans have thrived for millions of years, there are still many original ecological areas that belong to humans.

In restricted areas, life-threatening dangers are almost everywhere, not to mention the ecological environment of this unknown planet.

The surface of the earth is almost extremely harsh on life. Most of the animals and plants that once flourished have now retreated underground and have re-evolved new forms and habits to adapt to this environment. However, one thing has not changed, and that is the endless greed and thirst for survival resources.


"I'm sorry, I was careless!"

After being stunned for a moment, Dang Weijun finally remembered that this was not Blue Star. A cold sweat broke out from his back. Seemingly inconspicuous habits could sometimes easily kill people.

It is impossible for human beings to integrate into the ecological environment of an unknown planet at once. There is a high probability that they will become food or nutrients here. Only death is the only way to quickly integrate into an unfamiliar environment.

"Be careful! This is not Blue Star!"

After searching around, Chen Fei waved his hand again to signal the team of combat robots to open the way and continue deep into this natural underground cave maze. Every fifty meters, they would carve numerical traces and arrows pointing to the cave entrance on the cave wall.

This primitive method can also be regarded as an insurance measure.

After passing through the first underground hall, there are gradually more artificial traces of intelligent life activities. There are circular pits with unknown purposes, perhaps stone overlooks for placing light sources, ditches for drainage, and then there is a larger hall.

, it is no longer the kind of zoological and botanical garden we saw before, but is crowded with various building complexes, large and small. Some are directly dug out, and some are piled up with stones. The stones used happen to be the ones that were dug out.

There is no waste at all.

Who else is there in the intelligent community on the planet Antalu?

You don't need to guess to know that this is the ancestral land of the ancestors of "Sachari", the real ancestral land. Like other intelligent civilizations, the parasitic species have also experienced the decline of civilization. Just look at the ruins here and you will know.

It is absolutely no different from the prehistoric Stone Age of Blue Star.

Following the traces left by Lin Zixian and Jinni, Chen Fei and others entered a tall stone hall. From the numerous bonfire stands or lampposts made of luminous minerals, it can be seen that this place should be a primitive religious place.


At the beginning of civilization, religion was naturally born out of the need to understand the unknown, and any intelligent race will be no exception.

Judging from the fresh traces that could be identified, Lin Zixian and Ginny were in a bad situation. There were stumbling footprints, scattered viscous liquid, and even some blood drops. Apparently something unexpected happened along the way.

external circumstances.

The underground hall they first passed through was indeed full of dangers. Lin Zixian and Ginny, who seemed to have been summoned or guided by some kind, were inevitably caught in the trap, and their condition was worrying.

Chen Fei did not speed up his pace eagerly. Instead, he was surrounded by the fighting robots and explored leisurely along the way.

Even if you are anxious, it is useless. The unknown situation of the unknown planet, without complete protection and targeted and effective means, there is a high probability that it will not be saved.

In Chen Fei's heart, the two of them were already dead.

In the tall stone hall carved out of the rock wall, some large murals composed of colored minerals and carving traces caught Chen Fei's attention, further confirming the speculation that this place was once a religious place.

Murals can record the history that has happened more intuitively than words. These ancient memories from prehistory are often preserved for tens of thousands of years, or even more than a million years.

Dang Weijun, who was following Chen Fei closely, suddenly pointed to one of the murals and said in a deep voice: "Look, that is the harvest of life. This was also the place where Qin sown his seeds."

Seeds are not the seeds of animals and plants, but the seeds of life. Harvesting and sowing coexist, and angels and demons are one.

Somewhere in the underground world of Cangqiong Star, there is still strong evidence left by the giant "Qin", and there are even remains that are highly suspected of "Qin".

On the murals inside the rock, strange red clouds flying all over the sky pounced on all kinds of strange creatures on the ground, constantly killing them, even capturing them, and flying them into the sky.

The creatures on the ground did not want to be harvested and tried their best to resist. The whole process seemed to last for a long time, until one day, a specially marked individual made an amazing move...

This chapter has been completed!
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