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Chapter 1020 - A large wave of enemies appears

McNee's words caused a lot of questions to pop up in Chen Fei's mind. There seemed to be a lot of information behind them.

The "Wall of Sighs" operation troops accidentally came to the planet Antalu, but did not encounter a "Sachari". The only neighbor nearby was McNee. This sentence may be true.

The "Sagali" clan actually lost their ancestral land. Did they lose their roots outside? McNee, who transformed into a "seed nest", is the planet, and perhaps also the master of this star system.

No wonder the other party would say "Seed Nest" is "Seed Nest", and "Sagali" is "Sagali". The two sides even divided the star system clearly.

"Even if it interferes with the rules of the space system, it can't prevent the 'Sachari' family from reaching the Antalu planet through normal space navigation, right?"

Chen Fei expressed his biggest worry.

As long as he is patient enough and carries enough resources, the biological space carrier he has encountered can take a long time to cross the void and reach this star system from other galaxies.

The interference with the space system rules deliberately maintained by McNee can only prevent the instantaneous arrival method of space teleportation, but it cannot prevent the simplest space flight.

Once the biological space carrier of "Sachari" arrives on the planet Antalu, not to mention the fleet, one ship alone is enough to make the immobile McNi doomed.

A direct strike from outside the atmosphere is not much worse than a dimensionality reduction strike.

McNee said leisurely: "They are almost here!"

Although he was about to die, the voice echoing in the underground world did not sound anxious at all.

"Hey, what a coincidence!"

Good guy, really a good guy, Chen Fei sneered.

The new plan has finally been revealed. He is indeed a big shot, and our chess pieces can only obey him.

As soon as the "Wall of Sighs" operation troops arrived, the "Sagali" space force arrived at the back.

The latter set off early, and maybe the sailing time was older than everyone in the "Wall of Sighs" operation team, so it wasn't a trap, it was just a chance to catch up.

What else could Chen Fei do?

I blame myself for my bad luck!

Chen Fei couldn't beat the "Lord of the Sky", and the "Lord of the Sky" couldn't let him beat him in vain, so he couldn't beat the old one, and couldn't beat the young one?

Damn it, the biological son of the "Lord of the Sky" really deserves to be beaten in vain!

"You have to help me, otherwise you can't return to Blue Star!"

McNee was not polite at all, and he could pick up the wool at will, but he had to help whether he wanted to or not.

An existence on the same level as the "Lord of the Sky", his main focus is a domineering attitude that cannot be explained.

He really has no way to undo the interference with the rules of space, otherwise in the next second, the "Zacari" army will arrive instantly, and no one will be able to escape.

Although McNee, who has transformed into a "seed nest", is doomed, can the nearly 20,000 people in the "Wall of Sighs" operation force escape in a short time?

That's impossible!

The "Lord of the Sky" spent a huge price to teleport nearly 20,000 people along with "Atlan" and the surrounding sea areas.

If the "Sagali" family were willing, Herseman Brown would have no chance to pack them all up and bring them back all by himself, and rely on the special skill "Isolation" to buy time. This is underestimating the parasitic species. Anyone who underestimates his opponent

Behavior will inevitably pay a heavy price.

What's more, no matter whether it is the Firmament Star Civilization or the Blue Star Civilization, the understanding of the "Sagali" family is still not even the tip of the iceberg.

Chen Fei asked tentatively: "Is this one of the previous transaction conditions?"

He couldn't help but become a pawn in the hands of a big shot. He also had a temper. Even if he died, he had to be an understanding person.


McNee admitted it without any secret.

This is all calculated.

Lin Zixian is not only a bait, but also able to fulfill his wishes. He is also Chen Xiaoer's punching bag. He achieves multiple things with one stone and should have no regrets in his life.

The "Lord of the Firmament" even brought his son out for Chen Fei to beat at will, so he could express some resentment. After all, he was a son of the family who had cheated an old friend.

If it were someone else who beat up the Lin family's children, would they still be fine?

That is to say, Chen Xiaoer, a lunatic who has a weak hand, doesn't care.

Lin Zixian finally awakened his superpower, and he got what he wanted, and it was an incredible superpower. Although he was beaten to death, in the eyes of others, this disaster was still a good deal.

I just don’t know what Lin Zixian is thinking (Lin·Daqianzhong·Zixian: Thank you dad, thank Chen Xiaoer, thank McNee, thank you readers... I beg for a reward with tears in my eyes!)

"How much longer?"

After Chen Fei asked this question, he suddenly turned around.

At some point, all those experts stood behind him, their bodies shaky, and their faces under their tactical helmets mostly looked lifeless.

Chen Fei's voice may not travel too far, nor does it need to travel too far.

But McNee's voice can be heard clearly and clearly even ten kilometers away.

So even if you can't hear what Chen Fei is saying, you can still guess 70% to 80% of it, not to mention that McNee is answering most of the questions.

Even if there are no parasitic species on the planet Antalu, the army of parasitic species is still on the way.

"Two months to go!"

McNee counted the days. He originally had nearly four months, but in the first two months, the newly arrived humans were busy building infrastructure in order to settle down, and then the cold winter of Antalu planet came one after another, so it was wasted.

Nearly half the time.

"Is two months enough?"

Chen Fei curled his lips helplessly.

He didn't care about other people's reactions at all.

"Someone told me you can do it!"

McNee had unreasonable confidence in Chen Fei, but this was only their second meeting.

"Can I spank him?"

McNee did not say who that person was, but Chen Fei and the other party knew each other tacitly.


McNee was speechless. As long as you can beat him, it doesn't matter!

In this world where the jungle prevails, one has never relied on reasoning. This is bullying, but no one is upholding justice.

"Can you confirm the enemy's location?"

The artificial satellites currently launched are not capable of detecting the entire star system in a short period of time, because the flight alone takes a long time. According to the second cosmic speed of Blue Star, it will take at least twenty years to fly to reach it.

edge of star system

Chen Fei was helpless. He was a chess piece and he should have the consciousness that he couldn't help himself. At most, he could only take advantage of words and beat his son until he couldn't survive or die, but he couldn't really lie down and be destroyed.

Don't do it.

I've given you my own son to beat up and vent your anger on, what else do you want?

Do you really have to drag out the old one and give him a good beating to be satisfied?

Do the Sri Lankan royal family have no face?

Do all the air knights around the world have no respect for themselves?

Does the uncle Chen Haiqing, who has a fateful relationship with the "Lord of the Sky," be shameless?

McNee thought for a while and said: "We have arrived near the twelfth planet. The number of large individuals is about 439. When passing through the meteorite belt on the periphery of the galaxy, the number decreased by 60. The reason is unknown."

This star system has fourteen planets. There are many small celestial bodies scattered around the galaxy, and even more irregularly shaped meteorites.

The existence of the meteorite belt is equivalent to a dense protective net, protecting the entire star system from being disturbed by various wandering celestial bodies from the universe.

If celestial bodies of all sizes continue to fall, it will be difficult for the surface of planets close to stars to breed life anyway. Maybe some signs of life will be wiped out by the great collision between heaven and earth, and nothing will be left.

It only takes two months for the space fleet of "Sachari" to rush from the twelfth planet to the fourth planet Antalu. This speed is already quite astonishing.

“Let’s prepare according to the deadline of one and a half months!”

Being pushed out of the way, Chen Fei could only take the attack bravely and use his one-man army's combat effectiveness to the fullest.

This time the "wool" seems to have to be gathered, or not, and a big wave must be gathered in order to cope with the coming war.

"If you need anything, feel free to ask me."

The scale of McNee's "Seed Nest" is far smaller than the original, and it has begun to gradually decline very early. The vital biological tissues are constantly eroded by minerals and silicates, turning into fossils bit by bit, completely

There is no way to reverse this process.

Macni, who has survived for at least 100,000 years, accepts this calmly, but does not want this planet to fall into the hands of the greedy "Sachari" again. From the moment he upgraded his former kin, he has already been with

The "Sachali" clan parted ways since then, "Zhongnes" is "Zhongnes", and "Zachali" is "Zachali".

"I need all the geological data on this planet, and preferably on other planets."

To prepare for the upcoming interstellar war, Chen Fei must accumulate all the materials needed for the war, and the more the better.

Once the enemy and we officially fight, the loss and waste of resources will immediately become extremely exaggerated. It is already thankful to God that one out of ten supplies can actually be used in the battle.

"Okay, for all planets."

During a long period of time, McNee was not only stuck on the fourth planet Antaloo, but also conducted detailed investigations on other celestial bodies in this star system.


Chen Fei couldn't help but have a headache. A large number of unfamiliar memories crazily poured into his head, some beyond the limit of endurance, which inevitably caused a severe headache.

Damn it, there is such a saucy operation, directly instilling memories, then it would be a joke for me to study hard for more than ten years.

Even though he had a splitting headache, Chen Xiaoer still had time to think about other things.

The whole headache process lasted for a full minute and then ended abruptly, as if it had never happened before. It was as if the proud mental resistance had never existed at all, and was easily broken through like a piece of writing paper.


Chen Fei couldn't help but ask: "Is it over?"

As soon as he said these words, all the celestial data in the entire star system appeared in his mind, and he knew it like the palm of his hand, as if he had spent a lot of effort to memorize it over and over again.

Including the mineral distribution of Antalu, the fourth planet where he is located, and even all the way to the core of the earth, he can remember everything clearly. This was originally McNi's knowledge, but now he copied it all to Chen Fei.

As expected of a race that specializes in biotechnology and mental power, knowledge transfer is easier than eating and drinking.

"Uh! Wait a minute, can you decipher some knowledge and transmit it to me in the same way?"

Chen Fei immediately discovered the value of this method.


This time it was McNee's turn to wonder what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Fei's gourd.

Chen Fei presented all the courseware for the economics major from the postgraduate entrance examination to the master's and doctoral studies, and the professional knowledge of economics that he cherished.

It is definitely not possible to send the other party directly through electronic data signals. The two parties are not on the same technical route at all, and the methods of transmitting large amounts of information are incompatible. However, they can learn in parallel through multiple visual readers, and photographic memory is a basic operation.

In just ten minutes, McNee absorbed all of Chen Fei's economics expertise, leaving a bunch of useless stuff in his memory bank.

The memory was transmitted again in the same way, and my head hurt slightly. It was really better than ten years of reading.

Learning makes me happy!

Chen Fei exhaled a long breath. This was his obsession. If he could survive this trip and return to Blue Star successfully, he would definitely take the exam.

Everyone on the scene was staggering around. From facing the impending interstellar war, to stumbling down the building, to assisting in memorizing professional knowledge on economics, Chen Xiaoer's tricks were completely incomprehensible. Since there was an opportunity to improvise, he should not supplement the military first.


Next is the magic circle and magic circle information provided by the Slan Dynasty, as well as the electrical and automation technical information provided by Lewis Industrial Company. Previously, it has been managed by the artificial intelligence AI "Adam", but no matter how convenient the AI ​​is, there is no comparison.

The efficiency of searching its own memory is high. The person who knows itself best is not the AI, but still itself.

Chen Fei waited for a full 24 hours before McNee digested these confidential technical information, and then suffered from a headache for almost ten minutes before accepting it all.

Because they are technical data from different civilization systems, Chen Fei is not worried about being used by McNee's "breeding nest" underground world. In fact, because of the different technical routes, there are not many things that can be used, and in terms of efficiency,

Where can it be compared to the modern industrial production system and Chen Fei's own special skills?

During the time he was digesting his memories, Chen Fei released more than 100,000 robots and various construction machinery and dug around the small underground world. A large amount of mineral materials were unearthed, including even the Sky Star.

All are very rare alchemy materials, and the reserves mined for certain species directly exceed the inventory of the Slan royal family.

This chapter has been completed!
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