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Chapter 1022 – Chen Fei’s defensive battle

The three-dimensional holographic stereoscopic projection has been constructed, and the battlefield situation map has been fully expanded, covering the entire star system and the outer meteorite belt.

In any star system with life, as long as it contains life in the same molecular-based form, the environment is often similar.

After all, life has always been fragile, and the environmental requirements for survival are very demanding. Life can't even form even if it's even close to being formed. Moreover, a cosmic ray or a stellar explosion can send away all the life on the entire planet in one wave.

Not even the dregs of RNA are left.

The "Sachari" fleet near the fourth planet Antalu and the twelfth planet in the star system has added high-brightness outlines, which are particularly eye-catching. The deduction route is connected between the two, and a countdown is marked, 58 days and 11 hours.


Chen Fei stayed at McNee's "Seed Nest" for 29 hours, but his time was not in vain. He spent a lot of time "recharging". After all, learning makes people happy.

The only one who is unhappy is McNee. He has a lot of useless knowledge. He is just a "breeding nest"! It's okay to hatch a baby Tyrannosaurus rex, so forget about studying!

Chen Fei's happiness is based on the hard work of "growing a nest".

"My design plan is to use star light sources to build a beam support strike group. The number is about 2,000. They are responsible for consuming the enemy fleet's protective force field and intercepting the sub-body attack group. This is the design plan of the beam cannon. I named it '

Star Cannon'."

Chen Fei asked the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" to project a new combat weapon design derived from the biological space carrier.

Gathering stellar light sources for continuous attacks is not an exclusive technology of the "Sachari" civilization. Whether it is Blue Star's industrial technology or Firmament Star's magical alchemy, the same effect can be easily achieved, and there is no need to develop new ones at all.

The technology can be achieved by simply integrating the existing technology. Although most of the technical difficulties lie in processing, industrial processing and alchemical processing are not a problem at all for Chen Fei's super skills. It is a piece of cake.

mass production can be achieved.

The original form of the "starlight cannon" is a giant cylinder with a total length of one kilometer. When fully unfolded, it looks like a huge umbrella. The "umbrella" with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers backed by a star uses the principle of "light wing" technology to attract and gather energy.

Energy, including star light, converges at the focus in front of the end of the "umbrella handle" and integrates into a high-density energy beam, which is emitted at the speed of light. As long as the star does not extinguish, the energy beam will not disappear.

Range? Unless affected by the gravitational field of celestial bodies above the planetary level, the high-density energy beam is enough to reach the meteorite belt at the edge of the star system.

As soon as the "starlight cannon" cluster is deployed and deployed, the 439 biological space carriers of the "Sachari" civilization will be hit by a large number of high-density energy beams.

Because it first entered the star, the biological space carrier was unable to borrow star light with sufficient energy density, so the "starlight cannon" group almost had all the geographical advantages.

"The second weapon will be deployed near the planet. The design is relatively simple. The key lies in calculation. I call it a 'gravity slingshot'. It is mainly used for medium and short-range interception. The number is about 3,000, with additional rocket propulsion engines.

Turn and calibrate the trajectory midway.”

Chen Fei also marked light spots near each planet in the star system. They did not have any technical content or any special materials. They were completely simple meteorites with a diameter of more than 5 kilometers. They used the planet's gravity to accelerate and intensively projected them towards "Saharan."

Galli" fleet.

The diameter of the meteorite is close to that of the biological space carrier, and its mass is far greater. A purely physical impact is simple and crude, and the "starlight cannon" is equally beneficial and cost-effective. Once it cannot be avoided, the biological space carrier can only resist it.

, enough to make it unable to bear the protective force field while walking around.

If you are unlucky, it is not impossible that you will be smashed to pieces.

Taking the space fleets of the Blue Star and Firmament Star civilizations as examples, no space ship can withstand such a blow.

"The third type is a super-caliber space railgun with a caliber of 10 meters and 40 rounds of ammunition, mainly armor-piercing rounds, shotguns and elemental annihilation rounds. It uses a rotating magazine to supply ammunition. The number is about 4,000, one for every 600

Clusters are distributed in the orbits of the fourth planet, the fifth planet and the sixth planet. The fifth planet is preset as the decisive battle area, leaving 2,400 seats. The ideal number is 12,400 seats. Unfortunately, I am the only one who can mass-produce them.

No more."

Chen Fei's biggest helplessness is that he simply doesn't have enough time. Even a simple copy operation thousands of times is quite tiring, not to mention that actual evolution requires more time. If he can be given more than a year to prepare, it will be enough to teach this person.

The fleet never came back.

The massive material reserves that were "stamped by space" made up for the biggest shortcoming, allowing the metal supernatural skills to completely take over the advantage of explosive troops. The "Sachari" army lacked the support of the "seed nest" and did not occupy the world.

Lack of geographical advantage and lack of peace and harmony, it was only a matter of time before they were defeated in a war of attrition.

If Xiaojiu and its flock of Pure Light Birds can also be present, the certainty of annihilating the enemy is almost 100%.

"The fourth type, the light stealth assault ship, is specifically responsible for carrying elemental annihilation bombs and launching suicide attacks. The combat ratio is that every four light stealth assault ships sneak attack one biological space carrier, plus the number of maneuvers, the total number is required

2,000 ships. The good news is that the number of elemental annihilation bombs is sufficient and we can produce them ourselves to a certain extent."

Lewis Industrial Company had long ago handed over the elemental annihilation formula and related technologies of the elemental annihilation bomb to Chen Fei through a professional team, for fear that he would fall into a situation where he would run out of ammunition and food, and now it could come in handy.

2,000 elemental annihilation bombs for light stealth assault ships, plus super-caliber space railgun ammunition (2 rounds per seat), close to the demand for 10,000 elemental annihilation bombs, although it is not as sufficient as nuclear weapons.

Destroying an entire living planet can still cause the surface of any planet to drink heavily. Not to mention turning the world upside down, but the destructive power caused is not much different.

"The fifth type, the battle carrier, is 1,000 meters long. Each ship carries 2,000 tactical jets. It is responsible for intercepting the combat sub-bodies released by the enemy fleet and undertaking the harassment mission. If necessary, the entire ship can sprint and directly impact with the hull.

The target, numbering about 450, is to contain the enemy’s biological space carrier one-on-one.”

As Chen Fei's words of scolding Fang Qiu fell, the strategic and tactical layout of the entire star system was completely revealed.

Although the number of the five types of combat units is large, often in the thousands, once they fall into the star system, they immediately become inconspicuous, as insignificant as a drop in the ocean.

The basis for supporting the explosion of five combat units lies in the planetary data and various resource supplies provided by "Seed Nest" McNee. Otherwise, it is still impossible to achieve comprehensive supply and sufficient supply by relying solely on the material reserves in "Space Brand".

At least there is a huge gap in alchemical materials.

Therefore, relying on the resource support of "Seed Nest" McNee is an indispensable part of the entire combat plan.

In order to save time traveling to and from the surface, McNee opened a vertical passage from the underground world to the surface, shortening the 25-hour walking time to 1.5 hours. Unfortunately, the exit location is in a cave where indigenous creatures are active.

In other words, it should be a compound insect nest, and the scale is quite large.

The total number of various bugs exceeds tens of millions, which are rarely seen on the surface of the earth. However, there are surprisingly many insects in this insect nest, and they are covered with various lower plants and very rich microorganisms, as well as a large number of insects.

Insects together constitute an ecosystem of material circulation and exchange, and at the same time they obtain some materials from the rock formations and the surface as supplements, making the scale of the biological settlement here larger and larger.

In order to reach the surface smoothly, Chen Fei activated his supernatural skills to build a "canopy" passage, leading directly to the wind-swept and stone-rolling surface.

Those arthropods and crustaceans trying to get into the channel cling to the surface of the silicon carbide transparent sheet, making strange hissing and rustling sounds, and at the same time continuously secreting venom or acid, trying to break through this barrier, the scene

It's creepy.

However, the silicon carbide material is quite adaptable to the acidic environment of the planet Antalu. It is almost impossible for those snarling bugs to destroy these light-transmitting sheets and higher-strength structures. After all, even light weapons (except rail weapons) cannot be used head-on at close range.

breakdown material.

This chapter has been completed!
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