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Chapter 107 - Calm under the storm

The steel structure shed that Chen Fei was familiar with became dark and cold at this moment, and the air was still filled with a faint smell of burnt smell and residual bloody smell. It was no longer as warm as spring and as bright as daytime, but had become...

It became like a dark hell.

The completely dead Target low-temperature fusion energy tower no longer emits bursts of warmth. The remaining backup power allows the Nixie tube display to continue to shine brightly, "ID: 2333!"

The weak light prevented the shack from falling into darkness.

The body that was originally left here has disappeared. It was obvious that people from the security team had come and cleaned it up.

There was only a dented wall left in the shack, fallen branches and leaves on the ground, and bullet holes everywhere.

Using the light of the Nixie tube, Chen Fei fumbled for a while and found an emergency light.

The halogen light bulb with a simple design and structure, like the Nixie tube, survived the strong electromagnetic pulse and was still able to light up. There was still electricity in the battery, and the light immediately illuminated the entire shed.

Chen Fei quickly found the little bird sleeping soundly in the new bird's nest. It huddled tightly against the third-level light magic beast crystal core.

The EMP weapon has no effect on the World of Warcraft crystal core at all. A few faint light spots escape from the surface of the crystal core and sway into Xiaojiu's body. Whenever it comes into contact with its black feathers, these light spots will light up slightly.

For fear of disturbing his little bird, Chen Fei gently put the cover back on.

By the light of the emergency lights, Chen Fei began to clean up the mess in the shack. It took a while to clean it up and put all the swayed items back into their original places.

It's just that the energy tower is full of bullet holes, but it can't do anything about it.

"Old man..."

After shouting out of habit, Chen Fei slapped his forehead in annoyance.

The old man was gone, and only he and Xiao Jiu were left in the shack.

There was a soft sound, and a figure appeared at the door of the shack, holding a wine bottle in each hand, and pushing the door with his shoulder.

When the other party found someone in the shack, he was stunned at first, and then smiled drunkenly.

"Is there someone? Hiccup! Just in time, come and accompany me, hiccup! Drink!"

His face was flushed red, and he was still shaking the drunken cat fist. The smell of alcohol quickly spread in the shack, which was completely different from his previous iceberg temperament that kept strangers away.

"Manager Hana?!"

Chen Fei stared at this uninvited guest in shock.

"No, that's right, it's me, Hiccup! In the name of executive manager, Hiccup!, I order you to accompany me, Hiccup!, to drink!"

Stumbling towards Chen Fei, the wine bottle hit him directly in the face.

What a guy! All of a sudden, he turned from a white-knuckle guy in the workplace to a silly girl in the village!

You must have drunk too much!

"Please drink less, I'll find you a glass of water!"

Chen Fei was about to turn around when he was grabbed by the drunk female executive manager, pushed and shoved, and pushed him to the bedside in the shack, then sat down on his butt.

"Don't run! Drink with...me!"

Hana Gagel, who was so drunk that she was confused, held Chen Fei hard and refused to let him go, and suddenly burst into tears.

"It's really hard for me... Wuwuwu... It's too hard, hiccup!... Those directors and shareholders are all so special, hiccup!... They're not human beings, bastards... I've tried my best..."

The vague drunken talk makes people confused.

However, Chen Fei could understand that sitting in the position of executive manager, he must face more pressure than many people.

Especially at this juncture of corporate war, if you make the wrong move, not only will your own life be in danger, but others will also be implicated.

Facing the pressure from industry giants and the Memann Brothers consortium, the internal hidden dangers of Tianqi Defense Group finally broke out. People died for money, and birds died for food. Some people wanted to fight, some wanted to make peace, and everyone had their own ideas, which naturally triggered the

Quite fierce internal fighting.

There are many hills and complex factions within the company. In normal times, the conflicts between each other are just minor quarrels. For the sake of the overall situation, the board of directors will remain relatively even and maintain a balance as much as possible.

Now this balance has been forcibly broken by external forces. Even though the 911 Air Service Base successfully repelled the enemy, several other sub-units of Tianqi Defense Group suffered huge defeats and even were completely wiped out.

These losses have threatened the foundation of Tianqi Defense Group. People in various departments are panicked, and many people have begun to make plans for themselves.

All of a sudden, all the monsters and monsters appeared.

Hana Gagar's faction has inevitably been suppressed, and the situation is not optimistic.

Although the 911 Air Service Base won a big victory in the corporate war, she tried her best to obtain a generous reward to stabilize the morale of the military.

However, a series of bad news from the group company headquarters made all the good mood brought about by this victory disappear.

I was full of bitterness and pressure but had no one to talk to, so I wanted to find a place where there was no one and get drunk to relieve my worries. However, I accidentally met Chen Fei. I grabbed him without thinking and threw the bottle at him.

Don’t even think about running away, rookie!

After being force-fed two sips of wine, Chen Fei became a little dizzy and huffed, and hiccupped involuntarily.

"Hiccup! Manager Hana, it's so late, you should go back and rest."

The silly girl Hana had a slutish smile on her face and said while smelling of alcohol: "Rest, you can rest forever after you die."

The number in the upper right corner of the wine label is 80 degrees, and the other bottle is 75 degrees.

"Nonsense, aren't we still alive?"

Chen Fei shook his head. Manager Hana's words were really depressing. Bah bah bah, it's unlucky!

"How long do you think we can survive?"

Hana Gagel stared straight at Chen Fei.

"Live a lifetime!"

Chen Fei's answer is also a divine answer.

"Hahahaha, you... know nothing about the truth!"

Hana Gagel put the wine bottle in Chen Fei's hand, then shook her index finger with an inexplicable silly smile on her face.

"So what's the truth?"

Chen Fei tilted his head, becoming more and more confused.

"Take...a sip first, and then I'll sue...you, hiccup!"

The female executive manager was obviously drunk and unconscious, but she still kept it secret.

"You're kidding!"

Chen Fei expressed doubts.

This woman drank too much. She was talking nonsense and couldn't believe a word of it.

Drunk talk can always be ignored.

"Drink, no... drink, I won't tell you!"

Hana Gagel laughed, with a very strange expression, and said: "It takes a big sip, yes, a big sip, a small sip, it doesn't count!"


Chen Fei was eager to know the answer and took two gulps.

"Okay, that's enough, man, have fun!"

The female executive manager laughed loudly, acting like a tomboy, and patted Chen Fei hard on the shoulder.

"I've already drunk it, tell me now!"

Chen Fei shook his head, his eyes were red, the wine was a bit strong, so he looked at the wine label.

The sign is called "Miracles in Life", with a line of small words underneath: "Miracles will appear in the next second, and life will shine in the next moment."

Believe it or not!

80 degrees!

be cheated!

It's okay, I can have another bite.

Chen Fei couldn't help but take another sip. This bottle of wine probably won't cost tens of thousands of stars. Every sip now is a profit.

Typical philistine thinking is at work.

I heard the female executive manager beside me say quietly: "Of the several air service bases owned by Tianqi Defense Group, we are the only one left with 911."


Chen Fei turned his head mechanically and asked tentatively: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, haha, hahaha, Tianqi Defense is almost finished, and we are almost finished too!"

Hana Gagel laughed nervously.

The blows from the industry giants are all-round. Tianqi Defense Group, which had just obtained the remains of a gold-type dragon, has suffered heavy losses and has become a big target in the eyes of all parties. Many colleagues are starting to get ready to pounce on them and get a piece of it.


Perhaps the top ten giant military contractors in the industry have long been eyeing the Tianqi Defense Group, which has made a lot of money. They are innocent and guilty, but they have always lacked a reason or excuse.

In the final analysis, it is a game where the big fish eats the small fish.

Now that the little fish is fat, the big fish wants to eat it, it’s that simple.

The 911 Air Service Base destroyed the 897 Air Service Base, causing the military contractor who owned the latter to suffer a serious loss. It was almost insolvent and was about to go bankrupt. It was acquired by the Merman Brothers Consortium, the eighth largest company in the industry, but became a company.

The trigger for war and civil strife within the Apocalypse Defense Group.

Not many people would really blame the 911 Air Service Base. In fact, everyone knows that this is just a coincidence. Even if it does not happen now, it will definitely happen in the future. Sooner or later, it is a matter of time.

"We... are finished? How is this possible?"

Chen Fei couldn't believe his ears.

The 911 Air Service Base obviously fought a great victory, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy and fleeing in panic. There should be no way to make a comeback in a short period of time.

Now that we have taken such an advantage, there is no sign that it is going to end.

Could it be that this one-eyed old lady got confused by drinking and started talking nonsense.

"Do you think the Tianqi Defense Group is monolithic?"

Hana Gagar looked at Chen Fei up and down with a mocking look on her face. A rookie is just a rookie. He has no fighting experience at all. He is so innocent and cute.

The outspoken female executive manager seems to be back again.

Chen Fei endured bouts of drunkenness and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it?"

"Where there are interests, there will be people. There are rivers and lakes, and there are interests. When everyone's interests are consistent, it is Tianqi Defense. If they are inconsistent..."

Hana Gagel's clenched fist suddenly opened, and he laughed and said: "No! Haha, come on, take another big bite."


Chen Fei was stunned.

He had never thought that such a powerful Tianqi Defense Group would have such a terrible crisis lurking inside it, which would even tear the entire group apart.

"What I told you, you have to keep it secret. You are not allowed to tell it. You dare to reveal a word!!!"

The female executive manager waved her hand and heard a slight crackling sound in the air.

A large area of ​​flowers and plants planted carefully by Barut, an old Neanderthal man, was instantly cut in half, with neat cuts.

Chen Fei's hair almost stood up.

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