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Chapter 133 Another kind of bug

"Damn! Let them run away again!"

Chen Fei was so angry that he hit the ground with a white steel crowbar, causing stone chips to fly. There was only thick sand and gravel soil underneath, and there was not even a trace of an insect.

He kicked him suddenly and knocked him to his knees.

"Are you tired of living? Instead of running away quickly, you are chasing after me?"

Female executive manager Hana Gagel kicked Chen Fei over again, who had not recovered.

Such a way to commit suicide, no wonder he died several times a month. Are you here to defraud the war pension?

The most annoying thing about this kind of self-assertive subordinates is that many of them can't stand it!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he kicked me again.

"No! Those bugs didn't survive beating at all. I killed many of them in one night."

If a good man doesn't fight with a woman, Chen Fei can only hold his head and get beaten.

A few days ago, with the crowbar in hand, he was killed and corpses were everywhere.

But he couldn't understand why his achievements in one day and one night were gone forever!

The little Jingguang Bird flew over, landed on the ground and watched the interaction between the two, and then finally realized it, and pounced on the female executive manager, chirping while trying to peck her, but it couldn't help but surround the female executive manager.

The airflow around him couldn't break through, and instead he was dragged around.

How much combat effectiveness can "Band-Aid" have?

When the light monster is at a low level, it has little combat effectiveness, let alone a little bird.


It can be completely ignored!

"These bugs..."

Hana Gagel looked at the mess on the ground in front of her. The flying sand and gravel fell one after another. Everything was restored as before, as if nothing had happened.

"Something weird!"

The tense veterans dared not relax their vigilance at all.

The small turbulence on the ground was no longer as big as the movement just now, and a large black insect appeared, drilling in and out where the mutant insect swarm disappeared.

"There are bugs again!"

Chen Fei picked up the white steel crowbar and picked it up, pulled it casually, and pulled out a dozen... black and red bugs from the sand?

It has a fat head and big ears, no elytra, and only its head is its belly, which is nearly three inches long. Just looking at it makes me feel sick.

Looking around, the figures of these bugs can be vaguely seen on the ground as far as the eye can see. The surface of some mutant fragments that were shattered by machine guns or rockets is even covered with these bugs. They are so densely packed that you almost have trypophobia.

, the number is at least millions.

"Like... a rhinoceros and a cockroach?!"

The female executive manager quickly picked out a bug with her toes, stepped on it gently under her feet, and pulled it back and forth to look at it repeatedly.

The rhinoceros cockroach is native to the tropical regions of Oceania and likes to eat eucalyptus leaves. The most special thing is that this thing actually has an IQ.

You must know that the vast majority of bugs act according to instinct or pheromones, and they are not worthy of talking about IQ.

However, such a cockroach-like thing can still understand human speech. Is it from an alien planet?

"It really looks like a rhinoceros and cockroach."

The technicians who returned to the ground from the helicopter bravely scratched a bug and looked at it carefully again and again.

After thinking about it, he took out a glass bottle from his backpack and carefully put one in.

Theoretically, rhinoceros cockroaches are harmless, even more so than mealworms.

“And the teeth are very good!”

The female executive manager frowned and saw some marks left on the uppers of the high-end leather boots on her feet, which were very similar to the tiny marks found on many stone surfaces before.

She somewhat understood that the marks on the stones were probably chewed out by these insects. Fortunately, she did not touch them rashly.

"That's right! We have to go back quickly. This bottle won't last long."

The technician looked at the glass bottle in his hand with a pale face. The insect in the bottle had chewed it with its mouthparts, leaving a circle of marks. If he kept chewing tirelessly like this, he might be able to chew through the bottle.

He lowered his head and saw several of the same bugs crawling around. He was so frightened that he quickly took a few steps back.

It can even chew through glass and stones, let alone people.

"Let's go back first."

Hana Gargel made a decisive decision without hesitation.

She finally remembered Chen Fei's words. The ejection seat and parachute that landed here were missing. They were probably eaten by these insects.

It is estimated that these were not the only ones that were eaten.

For a time, the female executive manager was more afraid of these bugs that looked like rhinoceros and cockroaches than the swarm of mutant bugs she had just encountered.

The group quickly retreated to the 911 Air Service Base, and night fell soon after.

As soon as he returned to the base, Chen Fei's cell phone rang.

The caller ID showed Teacher Shen Fei, and you could almost guess the purpose of the call.

"Chen Fei, did you just come back?"

Teacher Shen has made several calls, but has never been able to find anyone.

Fortunately, he got through the phone number at the air service base again and asked about Chen Fei and Manager Hana going out together. It wasn't until dark that they called again.

Chen Fei asked tentatively: "Yes, I just came back. Is there anything wrong? Teacher Shen!"

I happened to see Manager Hana making a few gestures towards me.

Let’s have some drinks tonight, do you want to meet up?


Chen Fei nodded calmly and walked to his new residence, the shack where the energy tower was located.

The little bird was extremely sleepy, huddled up in his pocket, chirping weakly from time to time, as if talking in its sleep.

"Well, how is your investigation going? Have you found those mutants?"

Teacher Shen looked around, and saw a group of men, women, and children staring at her. They didn't even dare to take a breath and kept silent. No one dared to disturb her call with Chen Fei.

The sheep and livestock were driven far away, and only some faint sounds could be heard.

Thanks to Chen Fei who relayed the network signal all the way to the primary school in the mountainous area and left several sets of backup relay stations, Shen Fei and the mountain residents worked together to temporarily guide the signal to several villages gathering places. With more people and greater strength,

It is relatively safer to huddle together for warmth.

"Yes! We did find those mutants. They are hiding deep underground and can escape from the earth."

Chen Fei thought for a while and then said: "In the places where these mutants are found, there are many bugs like rhinoceros and cockroaches. You must pay attention!"

Speaking of Tudun, Teacher Shen, who is also a fellow countryman, will definitely be able to understand what is going on.

Those "rhinoceros cockroaches" are very suspicious, and it's unclear how they are related to the mutant insect swarm, but they leave nothing behind wherever they go, and they may also be a threat to ordinary people.

"I understand, we will be careful about these two kinds of bugs."

Teacher Shen Fei really understood the meaning of the words.

There is probably some relationship between bugs like rhinoceros and cockroaches and mutant bugs. Once you see them,

Be careful that mutant insect swarms may appear nearby at any time.

"Have you prepared the appropriate weapons? If not, I will help you think of a way!"

Chen Fei was not only concerned about the panicked Patan people, but also the safety of Teacher Shen Fei.

If Teacher Shen was not there, he would not care about the life and death of those locals.

"That's enough for the time being. The villagers raised funds to buy two large snipers, four large-caliber machine guns, 300 individual armor-piercing rockets, ten mortars, ten grenade launchers, four flamethrowers, and Lots of anti-infantry directional mines and grenades."

Shen Fei counted the weapons for emergency purchase with her fingers.

There are many 7.62mm caliber automatic weapons in the hands of the villagers. The power of the old guns cannot be underestimated.

Chen Fei thought for a moment and said, "Make more Molotov cocktails, maybe they will be useful."

High-temperature flames should be able to effectively threaten those mutant bugs and bugs like rhinoceros and cockroaches. After all, proteins are afraid of high temperatures. Once denatured, they will taste like chicken and be crunchy.

"Molotov cocktail, ah, you're right, I'll prepare it right away, gasoline, sugar, what else?"

Teacher Shen Fei is trying to recall the junior high school chemistry course.

Chen Fei reminded: "There are also rubber, white phosphorus..."

These things are very easy to obtain. White phosphorus is a kindling material, so you don’t need to light it with an open flame before throwing it. As long as the bottle is smashed, the white phosphorus comes into contact with the air, and it spontaneously ignites and becomes an open flame. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have white phosphorus. It’s just one more procedure. .

Just be careful when transporting, otherwise you can easily catch fire and burn yourself.

"Yes, yes, I will prepare right away. We will contact you later. If there is any latest news, please inform me immediately."


Chen Fei and Shen Fei hung up the call together.

Shen Fei memorized the recipe for the Molotov cocktail and couldn't wait to start making the preparations. The materials were all ready-made and readily available. It was easy to make and not expensive.

But there is still one important thing to do right now. The camp we have chosen is not safe. It is best if there are solid rocks underneath the ground. It may not be easy for those mutated bugs that can escape from the earth to get out.

After returning to the shack, Chen Fei gently put the little bird back into the nest, then took a bath, changed into dry clothes, and headed to the canteen.

After dinner, I had to help Chef Abel. The newly pickled salted duck eggs were unexpectedly popular. Chen Fei and Chef Abel were going to process all the duck eggs in stock, making some of them into salted duck eggs, and some of them into salted duck eggs.

Preserved eggs add some variety to the canteen and are better than quick-frozen food.

Carrying the late-night snacks that could be used as snacks, I returned to the shack, only to find that Manager Hana had arrived one step ahead, half an hour earlier than the agreed time.

The little bird's nest was placed on the round table at some point, and the female executive manager was looking into the nest.

"Manager Hana, what's wrong?"

Chen Fei closed the door of the shack smoothly.

Since there is no one else coming, there are no thieves at the air base, and the door is not locked, it makes no difference at all.

There is a World of Warcraft crystal core inside the bird's nest which is quite valuable, but...you come to take a peek?


Hana Gagel withdrew her gaze from the bird's nest and sat upright again at the round table.

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