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Section 144 - Final Scouting List

"By the way, a few colored gemstones were left to me by an old man. They are not high-end goods. The jade was picked up in the mountains, and the gold was extracted from discarded electronic products. None of them came from improper sources. Tell my mother, the gold

I will give you, my mother, and my sister-in-law a few pieces of jewelry with Gemstone, or you can change them when the weather is heavy."

Chen Fei explained clearly the origins and uses of the items in the package. Adding them all together, they would be worth up to 200,000 star yuan. Except for gold, which can be directly converted into cash, I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort to discount other items.


To make a fortune from such a small amount of things is simply overthinking.

"Eh? Brother, where do you make money like this?"

Chen Meng was very surprised.

The second brother is a pretty newbie at the 911 Air Service Base, so he probably won't have any chance of getting hired.

But sending something so valuable back at once seems like a lot of money!

"Of course, I work four jobs, and of course I earn more."

Chen Fei counted on his fingers. With the combined salaries of the mechanics, pilots, kitchen handymen and watchmen guarding the energy tower, it would be possible to pay off all the debts within a short period of time.

"Isn't that going to be hard?"

The younger sister began to feel distressed. She blamed herself for being too naive and trusting others too easily. Otherwise, her family would not be affected, and her second brother, Chen Fei, had to stop his studies and go to work far away to pay off his debts.

Chen Fei smiled and said: "It's okay. I have food, drink and sleep. There is nothing to spend money on. The work is quite easy."

The time management of several part-time jobs is perfectly aligned, so there won't be any conflicts.

There are not many leisure activities in remote areas, so it is better to spend more time on work.

"Second brother, you have to take care of yourself!"

The younger sister Chen Mengchu suddenly burst into tears. She must study hard and earn a lot of money after graduation so that her second brother Chen Fei can live a good life.

"Yeah, it's okay."

Chen Fei chatted with his little sister for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Just after the call ended, a little bird flew over.


Chen Fei's eyes lit up, and there was only one color left in the whole world, pure white.

Good guys, this is a new skill that Get has acquired, "Flash" (second-level "Light Explosion"). Photography lovers are in luck.

He kept rubbing his eyes, and was unprepared for a moment. He was caught off guard and was really dazzled.


The whole world flashed again for a moment.

Chen Fei covered his eyes with one hand and fumbled with the other, where are my sunglasses?


The brightness of the flash is much weaker than what is visible to the naked eye.

There is really no way to expect that Jingguangque's small brain Ren'er can possess the tyrannical mental power comparable to the floating behemoth Xuanyuhuangxing of the Sky Star. Its body size and brain capacity determine the intensity and number of spells it releases, which is related to its rank.

It has nothing to do with it. After all, spells need to be activated by mental power. Just like a giant metal dragon, there would be no metal spells without mental power, so I simply took the evolutionary route of strengthening myself.

"Little guy, how many more times can you come?"

Chen Fei's eyes gradually returned to normal.

The second-level human light spell "Light Flash" has no direct lethality. Even if it is flashed from the front with full force, it can only cause temporary blindness. The effect is not as good as the shock bomb. At least the shock bomb can still make an audible sound.



There was another flash before his eyes, and he could see it clearly. Xiaojiu stretched out his neck and quickly made a pecking motion, and a bright light burst out from the front of his sharp beak.

This time, there is no dazzling brightness anymore, it just looks a little dazzling.


Came back again, the brightness was about the same as the halogen lamp in the shed.


The little bird made a continuous trill as if frustrated, and the spell finally stopped.

The "Light Flash" flashed five times in total, almost reaching its limit.

However, what female executive manager Hana Gagel likes most about Xiao Jiu is the powerful healing spell "Light Salvation" that can be released after being promoted to the second level of human status. This spell is enough to save someone's life at a critical moment.


It was because of this spell that Chen Fei's life was dragged back from the Lord of Hell.


A ball of light the size of a table tennis ball condensed and formed in front of the little bird, emitting a soft light that was as bright as a five-watt LED light bulb.

The illumination technique of the first level human body has no other effect except luminescence, and the consumption of light element and mental power is naturally very low. For the pure light sparrow who is already the second level human body, it is not a burden.


Little flashing light, little light bulb, little Band-Aid... This clingy little bird has earned a lot of nicknames.


While Chen Fei was working and helping Xiao Jiu learn more magic skills, the list of personnel to investigate the underground mutant lair in the Hindu Kush Mountains was finally finalized.

Various military contractors worked together to gather more than half of the manpower, and then the Joint Defense Committee filled in the other part of the quota, accounting for about one-third. At the same time, they invited an A-level space superpower and a second-level person.

The God of Space Magic is in charge. If the reconnaissance team encounters an unstoppable emergency, he can use supernatural powers and spells to bring the entire team back to the ground.

After receiving such a guarantee, the people on the list were finally completely relieved and more willing to participate in this reconnaissance operation.

To be precise, it is more like an adventure in the underground world.

However, in this final list, not only Chen Fei's name is included, but Hana Gagel's name is also included.

The female executive manager originally did not want to get involved in the reconnaissance operation at all, but now and then, the situation has changed.

The Merman Brothers Consortium entrusted other military contractors to act as intermediaries to bring the message. As long as Manager Hana and Chen Fei participated in this reconnaissance mission, they would be willing to proactively declare an end to the corporate war and the two sides would make peace.

This agreement will be certified and endorsed by the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee to ensure that after Manager Hana goes underground, the Mayman Brothers Joint Consortium will not take advantage of the leaderless 911 air service base to launch a treacherous sneak attack.

The actions of the Merman Brothers Consortium are completely in line with business rules. Military contractors are businessmen, not sovereign states. They cannot accept fighting to the end and smashing everything to pieces. When doing business, you should stop your losses in time when you know that you are not allowed to do anything.

In a corporate war, both sides will suffer casualties and asset losses, but with a step-down, the "blood loss (money loss)" state can be immediately ended and turned into a profit, drastically reducing operating pressure.

The reason why the Merman Brothers Joint Consortium found someone to send a message to the 911 Air Service Base, instead of the nominal superior Tianqi Defense Group, was precisely because they knew that the headquarters, which was trapped in a quagmire of power and profit, was in various wranglings and delays. It was simply impossible.

Make the right response in time.

On the other hand, it is equivalent to recognition of the status and strength of the 911 Air Service Base.

This is dignity displayed, and it should be treated with corresponding respect.

The Mayman Brothers Consortium also has talents. It analyzed a lot of things from some of Hana Gagel's actions and vaguely guessed her intentions.

Rather than letting the headquarters of Tianqi Defense Group, which is in turmoil, make up its mind, it would be better to directly pass the message to the person involved at the 911 air service base.

The female executive manager hesitated for a long time, thought twice, and finally had to agree.

After all, the situation is stronger than the people, and the switch of this corporate war has been in the hands of the top ten giants in the industry from beginning to end.

No matter how tough your mouth is, it is completely useless to clamor that "the enemy has the final say when the war starts, and we have the final say when it ends." The 911 fight to the end is just a small air support base, and even military contractors

He is not a businessman, and he does not have the qualifications or strength to talk to the other party on an equal footing.

Tianqi Defense Group, which should have given all its support, failed to help from the beginning to the end. If it weren't for the overt and covert help of some shareholders and directors, the headquarters might have done some stupid things that would hinder the company.

In terms of war potential, the isolated 911 air service base cannot consume the Memann Brothers Consortium, which ranks eighth in the industry. This is the reality.

Despite the fact that in the previous battles, the opponent not only failed to take advantage, but was also disgraced and suffered heavy losses, but if we fight a few more battles, it will be the turn of the 911 Air Service Base to cry.

Apart from the twin pilots of the small transport aircraft, the most capable "Zhenxiang" combat squadron only has twelve fighter pilots left who can fight, and this includes the three Wuzhi pilots of the "corpse picking" team.


Of the twelve pilots, less than half were still injured.

If one person has one turboprop, he can only use 90% of the combat effectiveness of the "Big Mouth Monster" at most. If he wants to use it 100%, the two pilots must cooperate with each other tacitly.

But the shortage of pilots is not the worst situation. The entire 911 air service base currently has only five A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft that can successfully take off. This has exhausted all spare parts inventory.

With the harvest obtained from the 909 Air Service Base, the maintenance team racked their brains and was unable to build another "Big Mouth Monster".

There are still four MiG-28 jet fighters, but the driving skills and tactics of jets and turboprops are completely different. Only Squadron Leader Chekov can fully control them and achieve combat effectiveness.

When Tianqi Defense Group rented the "Luo Jing" Huanfang-366MAX heavy transport airship and brought a large amount of supplies, it never thought about fighting a corporate war. The jet and turboprop accessories in standard containers were enough to ensure

The 911 Air Service Base had been at normal consumption for seven or eight years, but in a few battles with the Meman Brothers Joint Consortium, it was completely consumed. The remaining ones could not be completely assembled into a new fighter jet, so they could only

As repair spare parts.

Faced with such a situation, the female executive manager had to bow to reality and accept the proposal of the Mayman Brothers Consortium. The two parties reached a deal to suspend the corporate war.

Of course, Hana Gagel knew that the other party's proposal was actually a plan to kill two birds with one stone. Even with the protection of space superpowers and magic gods, it was still not 100% safe. The mutant BC-2325 group was sweeping the entire world.

The ferocity shown by 912 Air Force Base will be doubled in the underground home field. The United Man Brothers Consortium most likely hopes that she and Chen Fei will be buried underground during this reconnaissance operation. At the same time, 911 will lose two superpowers.

The air support base is like a tiger without teeth. Whether we fight this corporate war or not, there is actually no difference.

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