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Section 166 Registration

"...Basic salary star yuan, position bonus 5,000 star yuan, special skills allowance 5,000 star yuan, part-time 1 subsidy 3,000 star yuan, part-time 2 subsidy 2,800 star yuan, attendance 1,000 star yuan, food subsidy 600 star yuan, other bonuses star yuan

, Pension insurance is personally borne by 1,500 yen, medical insurance is personally borne by 500 yen, maternity insurance is 200 yen, disability insurance is 400 yen, life accident insurance is 100 yen, actual income is yen, tax deduction is -

Stars, final income stars, account current balance stars.”

After taking a quick glance, Chen Meng looked again with disbelief on his face, his eyes widening involuntarily.

Finally, he slowly raised his head and said with surprise and joy: "Brother, I don't want to work hard anymore."

Shenma's century-old factory, Henghai War Defense, all go away!

As long as I hold my second brother's thigh, I can eat and drink without worrying about anything in my life, and be entertained until death.

The whole family looked at her dumbfounded, what is this damn girl doing?

"Chen Meng..."

Mother's anger level is skyrocketing, and she is about to unleash a devastating move that will destroy the world.

"Ah! No, no, no! I have to work hard, I have to work hard, I must be admitted to university, I must go to a good university! I also need to study for graduate school, master's degree, doctorate, and postdoctoral study. One is not enough, I need two!"

Chen Meng was startled, bah bah, he was talking nonsense, and he quickly put on a posture of trying his best.


Chen Fei was speechless. With such a good acting sister, why should he go to any university and go directly to acting? It is guaranteed that he will get all the awards.

Mom Yu Xiaoyi's anger suddenly stopped, and she finally said angrily: "Eat!"

The whole table was as silent as a cicada.

As for what exactly she saw on the second brother's cell phone screen, Chen Meng didn't even dare to mention a word.

After lunch, Chen Fei helped his father wash the dishes, then waved to the little Jiu who was playing in the living room, and prepared to go out to the management center for people with special abilities.

Just as he was about to go out, he saw his little sister following him in a hurry.

"Second brother, wait for me!"

"Aren't you going to continue reviewing?"

Chen Fei was a little confused. Isn't this girl afraid that her mother will show off her power and lock her in the house?!

"Oh, my mother and I took half an hour off to relax temporarily. We also need to pay attention to study methods and balance work and rest!"

Chen Meng quickly put on her shoes, followed Chen Fei to the door, and quickly pressed the elevator button.

"You are responsible for your own life, don't be lazy!"

Chen Fei shaved his sister's nose.

The little bird on the shoulder tilted its head and chirped twice, seemingly in agreement.

"I know, I know, I'm not a child."

Chen Meng shook his head in dissatisfaction.

At this time, the elevator was just in place, and the door opened with a ding. There was no one else inside, so the two of them walked in.

Chen Meng asked furtively: "Second brother, is your unit still recruiting people?"

The second brother can get more than two million stars in his second month on the job, and he can just go to work without reading a damn book.

If she had known that Apocalypse Defense was so rich, she wouldn't have needed her second brother to go far away. She could have done it all by herself!

This girl only wants beautiful things!

If she really takes the lead, I'm afraid she will really be doomed!

"Study hard and don't think about what you have or don't have. Don't you see? The more than two million yuan is just the bonus. I usually don't have that much!"

Chen Fei touched his sister's head. Whenever he had the chance to study, he didn't want to go to work, and he didn't want his sister to put the cart before the horse and let the money fool her.

Waiting until he got home before sending out the payroll information was definitely the fault of Manager Hana, who wanted to give his family a surprise.

The monthly income of two million stars seems to be a lot, but it is not stable. It is only in January. It is absolutely impossible to get so much in February.

Without additional bonuses, Chen Fei's normal monthly income is only nearly 60,000 Xingyuan. If he didn't hold so many jobs, his salary would be even more pitiful.

There is no way, newcomers are poor and have no human rights.

The innocent old girl Chen Meng said pitifully: "Oh!"

The management center for people with special abilities is not far from Chen Fei's home. You can get there in half an hour by taking a taxi. You can also get there by bus, but according to the prescribed route, it will take at least an hour and a half with many twists and turns.

Seeing the sign on the building in front of her, Chen Meng couldn't help but shout.

"Eh, eh, eh? Second brother, do you have any friends here?"

Hey, superpower! What a lofty person to say.

"of course not!"

After getting off the taxi, Chen Fei walked into the building. The subdistrict office asked him to register, enjoy the rights of a newly awakened superpower, and receive relevant training so that he could safely control his abilities and avoid

Harm yourself and others.

There were not many people coming in and out of the building, and no one was playing with any special powers. On the surface, it was almost no different from other public places in society.

"Then who are you looking for here? Hey, brother, wait for me!"

The little girl chased after him until he entered the building.

Chen Fei pressed the elevator button and took his little sister to the third floor. He found the service desk facing the elevator entrance and said proactively, "My name is Chen Fei. The street office asked me to come here."


The little bird is not afraid of strangers either. This time, there was no "light flash" on the spot to say hello, otherwise it would have been another round of panic.

There is a certain reason why "Light Flash" has been included as a second-level spell in the human realm.

The sweet-looking waitress immediately pressed the display screen a few times, checked the reservation information, and immediately said with a smile: "Please go to Room 301 in Area A on the right to get the registration form. Someone will help you fill it out."

It seemed that Chen Fei had guessed correctly. The sub-district office not only notified him to come to the management center, but also made an appointment.


Chen Fei followed the direction pointed by the other party and walked towards Area A on the entire floor.

Curious, Chen Meng looked around and found that there were quite a few people on the third floor, including men, women, old and children, in twos and threes, and very few people were alone.

Area B is like a leisure area. It not only has a bar, but also a place to play videos. Most of the people who come to the third floor are in Area B.

Area A on the other side is relatively deserted, with only Chen Fei and Chen Meng walking here.

Room 301 is not only an office, but also a reception room, with a desk, a small conference table, a sofa, and even a photo area, lights, cameras, and background walls.

When Chen Fei and Chen Meng came in, the person behind the desk looked away from the computer monitor in front of him, looked at the two of them up and down, and finally landed on the little bird on Chen Fei's shoulder, showing a smile.


"Please sit over here. Hey, there are also monsters, the Pure Light Bird? Is it the spiritual beast-taming ability that has been awakened, or the ability to communicate with animals?"

People with special abilities do have the ability to communicate with animals, such as animal tamers and beast whisperers. It is not uncommon for people with newly awakened abilities to bring animals to register, but it is very rare to bring magical beasts. After all, magical beasts have high IQs.

, you can’t be deceived by just talking.

Carrying a pure light bird on the shoulder, it is easy to think that the visitor may have such an ability.

"No! It's just a pet."

Chen Fei shook his head and then said: "I'll come and register."

He took his little sister and sat together opposite the desk. There happened to be two chairs, one for each person.

"Please sit down. What would you like to drink?"

The young woman behind the desk stood up. There was not only a coffee machine but also a refrigerator near the wall. It seemed that there were many drinks to choose from.

Xiaojiujiu: Jiujiujiujiu (have a glass of vodka!)

Chen Fei was not picky and said, "Just boiled water." He turned around and said to his little sister, "Xiaomeng, what do you want?"

"Uh! Juice, apple juice."

Chen Meng saw the juice machine between the coffee machine and the ice cream, and guessed that this superpower management center was really well-paid, with so many good things in one office.

"Who has awakened? Has he just awakened recently?"

The young woman's eyes flickered back and forth between Chen Fei and Chen Meng, and then she began to prepare drinks.

The two have similar looks, so it's not difficult to guess their brotherly relationship.

"It's me. I've been awakening for a while."

Chen Fei touched his nose.


Chen Meng, who belatedly realized what he said, finally realized that the second brother's words contained a lot of information.

It was precisely because she didn't expect it that she never thought about it in that direction.

Second brother, he actually...

"This is the registration form. Which series of abilities have you awakened?"

The young woman handed over a piece of paper and began to open the drawer.

After receiving the form and seeing the other party take out a needleless syringe, Chen Fei guessed what the other party wanted to do and quickly said: "Gold-type superpower, I have already injected a superpower inhibitor once."

He originally thought that Manager Hana was making a fuss by arranging for someone to inject him with a superpower inhibitor immediately. But now it seems that it is the same everywhere. He suppressed the superpower as soon as possible. After all, safety comes first!

"How long has it been since the injection?"

The young woman was stunned. She had already taken out the injection bottle and only needed to "load" it before injecting it.

"Two months ago!"

Chen Fei picked up the pen and started filling out the registration form.

The content is basically some personal information and information related to power awakening, and is not complicated.

"Can I verify your Warcraft? If it is not registered, I can register it for you."

The young woman's service was quite attentive. She not only took into account Chen Fei's superpowers, but also noticed the pure light bird chirping.

"Uh, I don't know!"

Chen Fei answered while filling in the form.

"I have a leg ring, can you scan the code? Please lift your legs!"

The young woman took out her mobile phone, called up the special application APP, activated the camera function, and pointed it at Xiaojiu's little paw.

First, I scanned the bronze leg ring, and the information was wrong. Then I scanned the silver leg ring. This time, there was a response, and the recognition was passed.

After some inquiries, it was determined that the bird had an owner.

"Do I need to register it?"

Chen Fei finished filling out the form and pointed to the little bird jumping around on the table.

"Little Jiu, right?! It has been registered. The registration information and the leg ring are together. The owner is Mr. Chen Fei."

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