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Chapter 177 - Turn a bird into a ball

"Thank you, uncle!"

With just a little reminder, Chen Fei immediately figured out these joints.

There is no such thing as unreasonable concession in the world.

Whether it's Chen Fei or Manager Hana, I'm afraid everyone thinks simply.

How can a giant that has become one of the top ten military contractors be easy to talk to? Don't you want to lose face?

If the United Man Brothers Consortium is determined to fight to the end, the one who will be killed will definitely be the isolated 911 air service base.

Before this, Chen Fei had never thought that 911 would be in his uncle's favor because of him.

"Work hard, and the Chen family will have a few more sky knights like the Lin family."

Chen Haiqing patted Chen Fei on the shoulder, turned and left.

Defense Star Aerospace Company is Blue Star's fourth largest manufacturer of R&D and production of combat flight weapons. The crystal energy jets it produces are world-famous and are the best choice for aerial knights.

However, the Chen family, which has the closest relationship with the Lin family, the descendant of the "Lord of the Sky" and the Sky Knight family, has not given birth to an Sky Knight in three generations who can control such a national artifact. In the past thirty years, it has been used as a wedding dress for others.

What is the use of this defense star!

It has to be said that this has become an obsession of Chen Haiqing.

Finally, a seedling appeared unexpectedly. He was extra cautious and thought it through, but in the end he did not choose to intervene actively.

Too much is not enough to encourage growth, not to mention how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain. Towering trees cannot grow in a greenhouse. Every sky knight was killed out of a bloody storm.

Out-of-control monsters, mutants and corporate wars are the best whetstones. As the chairman of Defense Star, Chen Haiqing, who has seen everything in life, could not understand. Therefore, the younger generation still has to walk their own path.

Just like when he was young.


task list:

1. Kill the dragon knight Lin Mo (Mo Lin) and get energy points!

2. Devour 1 ton of metal and obtain 1 energy point (daily task)

3. Get shot 40/1000 times and get 100 energy points!

4. Find the lair of mutant BC-2325 and get 500 energy points!

5. Kill the mutant BC-2325 breeding mother and obtain 1000 energy points!

Damn it!

Seeing the top item on the system task list, Chen Fei felt as if he had been forced to swallow a fly. He was so disgusted.

The rookie is still in the Novice Village, and he suddenly encounters the ultimate BOSS with a sense of immediacy.

It made his whole body feel numb.

These 9,999,999 energy points are not easy to get at all!

In other words, I didn't want him to get it at all, I just hung it there, and the meaning of ridicule was greater than the actual meaning.

Isn't this a fool's errand?

Bah, bah, bah, dog system, you are the donkey, if you have the guts, see if I don’t beat you to death.

Dog system: If it doesn’t come out, it just won’t come out!


The crisp chirping of birds interrupted Chen Fei's random thoughts.

A black feather fell down.


Chen Fei caught it smoothly, held it in his hand and looked at it doubtfully.

Why is the hair falling out?


The little bird landed on his hand and pecked its feathers nonchalantly. It just wanted to play with its father.

"You little guy!"

Chen Fei caught the Pure Light Bird and tickled it under its small wings.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The little chirp was rolling back and forth in his hand, making a lot of noise.


Three books and six etiquette, a bright matchmaker is getting married, and the makeup is red for ten miles.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to Gaotang!"

"Couple greetings!"

The wedding jointly held by the Chen family and the Tang family was the most traditional classical wedding. There was no wedding dress, only the phoenix crown and harem [pèi], no suits and leather shoes, only Hanfu.

The people of the world's first sovereign do not need to worship foreigners at all. If only barbarians have any good qualities, other sovereigns will be proud to imitate them.

"The ceremony is over! The husband and wife enter the bridal chamber together!"

The master of ceremony's voice echoed throughout the manor.

He is a D-level wind power user who can amplify his voice and spread it to a long distance. In addition, he is eloquent, so he is suitable for this job. He is truly a gift from God.

Under the leadership of the groomsmen, the groom led the bride into the main manor house behind the hall, holding the "Acacia beam" in hand, and used a scale to pick off the hijab, and then performed the wedding ceremony. After the bridal chamber, the couple

After changing clothes, he will come out to toast and make the guests and hosts happy.

Although it is an ancient ritual, some changes have been made, such as the "sitting ceremony" which symbolizes the superiority of men and the inferiority of women (the eyes from the bride's father, Xiao Tang... Σ( ̄口 ̄) son-in-law, danger!).

The song ends and everyone disperses, and it is finally quiet in the night.

Chen Fei, who was leaving the show with him, was yawning. He was tired after a whole day and was going to go back and catch up on his sleep.

"Ah! Sister Meizhi is so beautiful!"

The bride is naturally the most beautiful moment in her life. From the eldest sister to the fourth sister, every wedding at the uncle's house is lively and lively, making people envious. The younger sister Chen Meng has little stars in her eyes while looking forward to it.

He was looking at his Prince Charming while rubbing the bird in jealousy.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

Turn left 720 degrees, turn right 720 degrees, turn left again...

Suddenly feeling something wrong in his hand, Chen Meng lowered his head and screamed in shock.

"Xiaojiu! Xiaojiu! What's wrong with you?"

I rubbed it and rubbed it, and somehow it became a ball.

A small ball made of feathers, with the occasional chirping of birds coming from inside.

"elder brother……"

Chen Xiaomei started crying.

"You damn girl, you got into trouble again!"

When the old lady looked at it, her nose almost became angry.

The beautiful bird inexplicably turned into a ball of badminton in the youngest's hands.

Well, it's not the kind that's beaten back and forth by a swatter with a network cable, but a real sphere with layers of black feathers on the outside, shiny and shiny. There is no doubt that it is the black feathers of the Pure Light Sparrow.

Xiaojiu is a monster, and he was brought into trouble by this girl.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll take a look first."

Chen Fei quickly took the badminton ball from his younger sister.

"Xiaojiu, are you okay?"


The voice was very weak, but it sounded sleepy.

"It should be fine. It's possible that he was promoted."

Chen Fei remembered that when he was at the 911 air service base, the little guy took off all his feathers and turned into a bare bird.

He thought of the light spells released by Mr. Lin Mo, the "Lord of the Firmament", which covered almost the entire manor. The little bird was also a light magic beast, and he had taken a magic potion that increased the elemental affinity, so he probably got a lot of benefits.

The starting point of the Pure Light Bird is right here. As long as you accumulate enough and have the opportunity, it shouldn't be difficult to advance to the next level.

The higher the level, the harder it becomes, but at lower levels it is not that difficult.

The little girl Chen Meng, who turned pale with fright, sobbed and said, "Brother, is it true? Is Xiaojiu okay?"

She was really scared.

The Jingguangfinch little Jiu brought back by the second brother is a rare and special breed. If he were to mess with it, he would probably have his butt whipped into eight pieces.

Chen Fei put the little chirp that turned into a badminton to his ear and listened carefully.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Despite the little guy's small size, his heartbeat is very even and strong, so his vitality should be unimpeded.

"It should be fine. I'll ask someone first. She should know something."

He took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of the little bird's current state, and sent them to Manager Hana. This rich girl was well-informed and should know what was going on.

Two minutes later, Chen Fei's cell phone rang.

The caller ID was female executive manager Hana Gagel. She said in a lazy tone: "Rookie, what's going on with you?"

After 911, there was no war, and the female executive manager seemed to have become much lazier.

Chen Fei said: "I don't know, Xiaojiu suddenly became like this."

Of course, he didn't dare to say that Xiaojiu was rubbed back and forth by his old sister and turned into a ball.

After all, it is a second-level monster, but it was beaten out by an ordinary person. It is really embarrassing to tell it.

"Have you ever lost any feathers before, or molted your beak and claws?"

Manager Hana's voice was mixed with the sound of typing on the keyboard.

Chen Fei suddenly remembered and said quickly: "Ah! Yes, yes, a feather fell off, and it was from the wings."

"Don't worry! There is at least an 80% chance that he has been promoted. Uh, wait, if I remember correctly, the last time Xiaojiu was promoted was more than a month ago, right?"

Manager Hana also thought about it. The frequency of promotion of this pure light bird seems to be a bit fast!

If the Pure Light Bird, the weakest among the Warcraft, could advance at such a speed, and could rush to the heavenly level unimpeded, even the giant dragons would be afraid!

"Uh, that's right!"

Chen Fei thought about it, and to be precise, it has only been 46 days since Xiaojiu completed his promotion.

This little guy wants to break through the third level again, hiss, this is a bit exaggerated!

Hana Gagel asked speculatively: "Has it eaten anything special or encountered anything special?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin Mo came here before. He activated a spell that can rain golden light, covering a large area."

Chen Fei immediately thought about it, but he was not at the gate of the manor at that time, so he could not see more things, so there was naturally something missing in the description.

"Wait!" Manager Hana was typing on the keyboard. After a few seconds, she took a long breath and said, "Yes! There are nine spells that meet the characteristics of the description, and nine people.

The 'Baptism of Holy Light' of the third level of heaven, the 'Praise of Holy Sun' of the third level of heaven... You won't tell me that the Lin Mo who activated the spell is the 'Lord of the Sky' Lin Mo, right?"

The nine spells she reported involved the light, spiritual, water and fire systems. The lowest ones were at least the sixth level of the human body, and the highest ones could even reach the human level.

"how do you know?"

Chen Fei was surprised that Manager Hana guessed it right.


Hana Gagel was speechless.

Is this guy still the rookie I know?

Did I call the wrong number?

Although she had investigated the background information of everyone at the 911 aircrew base, when it came to Chen Fei, she could only see what others wanted her to see.

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