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Chapter 207 - Ignoring Barriers

As expected, the two auxiliary fuel tanks thrown by Bishop Ramya were cut into pieces in mid-air. As expected of a retired ace pilot of the Federal Air Force, the fuel tanks he threw were accurate. The fragments and aviation kerosene poured all over the oversized money string.

Perhaps it felt that these liquids were harmless, so it didn't even bother to hide.

hud locked the target.


A dim green beam pierced the night sky.

A bright and dazzling light spot appeared on the mutant body, and the flames quickly rose and burned into a line in the blink of an eye.

Such high-density energy irradiation can penetrate even armor. Trying to suppress the accumulated high temperature of the laser beam is a complete dream.

The re-ignited aviation kerosene released a bright flame uncontrollably.

Personal information:

Status: larvae

Physical strength:18/21

Explosive power:67/71

Fullness: 80%

Active time: 129 hours

Energy points:1/5000

Power reserve:W/s

The "magnetic field management component" and the "magnetoelectric conversion component" continuously deliver power to the "supercapacitor level 2" through the "power management module". However, it is not as large as the exchange of energy points in a short period of time, but it is still very large.

A good supplement, as long as you have enough time, you might be able to save up another shot.

"Just now...what was that?"

Chief Ramya noticed a strange beam of light emitting from the upper side of the left inlet of the F-22 "Raptor" jet fighter.

This does not seem to be standard equipment in the F-22 era.

Chen Fei said unabashedly: "Airborne laser gun!"

We have already seen it, so why bother to hide it? With the ability of a metal superpower, adding small bits and pieces to the F-22 can only be done in a matter of minutes.

Bishop Ramya: "..."

I don't even know when it was installed.

It seems that Old David did not tell the retired ace pilot Chen Fei's identity as a superpower, and even the security department responsible for monitoring the video remained tight-lipped.

In order to clean up this F-22 "Raptor" jet fighter, Chen Fei spent a lot of time and trouble. It was completely consistent with what a maintenance technician did. If he didn't pay attention to the details, there was really nothing.

Something suspicious.

HUD locked onto the oversized money string on the ground very well. Chen Fei controlled the laser that evolved inside the F-22 body, and at the same time connected to his metal-based superpower.

Another light green beam shot out from the upper side of the left air intake of the "Raptor" and hit the big guy without any hindrance.

Laser is a directional energy, and its effect in the atmosphere is not very good. It is easily affected by airborne particles, so it must be controlled within a certain distance.

Chen Fei defaulted that the shooting range of this airborne laser was the same as that of the cannon, so it could be borrowed from the "Raptor" aiming system.

The light green laser beam not only successfully ignited the aviation kerosene on the oversized money string, but also seemed to cause considerable damage to it.

A terrifying roar erupted from the ground, and the surrounding buildings were turned into ruins under the fury of the mutants.

Even the hundreds of fighter jets collected by old David throughout his life were not spared. The entire exhibition hall collapsed, crushing everything inside.

No need to ask, it must have been done collectively.

"'Rookie,' please keep your distance!"

Bishop Ramya noticed that the oversized money string on the ground was demolishing the house like it was venting its anger, which exposed the attack distance. It was only about one or two hundred meters at most. As long as it was not too close, there was no need to worry about being attacked.

For a jet, one or two hundred meters usually takes the blink of an eye.

"Understood! Hiss! This guy can't seem to block the laser!"

As Chen Fei talked, he suddenly made a new discovery.

Two laser beams landed on this big guy without any hindrance.

In addition to space-based skills, the invisible barrier that can block even cannons, missiles and magic unexpectedly did not appear.

"Can't stop the laser?"

Bishop Ramya was surprised when he thought that this was really the case.

He thought the mutant on the ground suddenly became weak!

"I'll try!"

With bold ideas and careful verification, Chen Fei immediately began to verify.

Pulling the joystick, the F-22 "Raptor" quickly climbed high, made a long circle and came back, with its nose pointed at the oversized money string again.

The rangefinder shows 5000 meters!

4000 meters!

3000 meters!

2000 meters!


The machine gun on the right, the laser beam on the left, and the bow on the left and right, all firepower.

Tou Tou rushed towards the mutant with a face full of anger.

The laser beam was the first to arrive, and the dazzling spot fell in, and smoke and sparks came out, burning the oversized money string and making it scream.

The next second, the machine gun bullets roared in, sparks crackled in the air, and all the warheads hit an invisible barrier, and they were all intercepted.

Since this big bug can be seen clearly, it means that light can pass through normally. Laser is also light. The blame is that this invulnerable barrier is invisible and has no substance. Instead, it allows the laser to take advantage and penetrate without any hindrance.


"Haha, it's true, kill it with laser!"

There was no way out, and there was a bright future in another village. Bishop Ramya, who had been completely helpless about this oversized money string, once again had hope and his mood became excited.

At least they weren't powerless against this monster.

Even if the damage caused by the laser beam to this giant mutant is not great, as long as it accumulates, it will still become very considerable, and it is not impossible that it may even be fatal in the end.

"Seven laser beams left!"

Chen Fei checked the power reserve and saw the watts per second.

If you want to naturally accumulate a new 0.1 second launch capacity, you probably have to wait until reinforcements arrive before you can accumulate it.

At that time, I'm afraid it won't be Chen Fei's turn to take action. The Federal Air Force's active "Lion Star" squadron and two crystal energy jets will be enough to deal with this big bug that has mastered the space system's capabilities.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Of course, that is, if this big guy doesn’t activate his power to escape again.

"Seven, seven shots?"

Bishop Ramya was stunned and said hesitantly: "This is too little!"

Why are seven laser beams enough? At least 700 laser beams are enough!

"There's nothing I can do, that's all!"

Chen Fei was also helpless, and because of the mutant, he quickly put Old David in a position of disdain so that he could save energy points and kill it.

This line of logic is so weird.

The dog system does nothing all day long.

Destroying the Eagle-nest private airport can obtain 2000 energy points, which is enough for Chen Fei to upgrade the basic laser body and super capacitor.

A million-watt laser cannon can kill you instantly, depending on whether this big money guy dies or not.

"Then find a way to hit the vital points, starting with the head."

As an experienced pilot, Bishop Ramya provided on-the-spot advice.

"Let me try it!"

Chen Fei controlled the F-22 and tried to adapt to the complex airflow changes at low altitude. It was not easy to stabilize the laser beam at one point.

Hud once again put the oversized money string on the crosshairs of his sight, and he barely confirmed the guy's head based on the position of his mouthparts and the roots of his tentacles.

Biu one shot!

One of the tentacles was burned off, and the money string began to go crazy, jumping and jumping, rolling all over the ground, and ruining Old David's airport.

Five kilometers away from the Eagle Nest Private Airport, a convoy carrying everyone at the airport fled to a nearby town. If they stayed, they would definitely die.

Chen Fei and Bishop Ramya, who were fighting against the mutants, bought enough time for others to evacuate.


Old David, who was concentrating on driving a rugged off-road pickup truck, was stunned by the sound of birds chirping from nowhere.

Where did the bird come from in the middle of the night?

When he realized something, he was tied up with a seat belt in the round cabin-shaped bird's nest on the passenger seat, and the badminton that was tightly leaning against the crystal core of the light-based monster trembled.

Then it trembled again, and then the trembling became larger and larger, and the spherical ball of feathers suddenly exploded...

"what's the situation?"

Old David was so frightened that he turned the steering wheel. The pickup truck broke away from the convoy and rushed to the side of the road. He then braked and rushed forward for more than one meter before finally stopping.


This time, he finally heard it clearly and looked at the round cabin-shaped bird's nest that had undergone strange changes in surprise.

It had been quiet all the time before, so how come there was suddenly the sound of birds chirping.

Without any warning, dazzling light spurted out from inside the bird's nest, illuminating the entire cab in a blink of an eye, as if it were daytime, and you could even see a haze-like white mist floating around.

I almost scared the old man into having a heart attack. What is going on? What is this?


In the center of a ball of endlessly jumping flames, a little bird with a small tuft of crest feathers gradually appeared. The light dissipated, and its shiny black feathers glowed with colorful luster. It had a light yellow pointed beak, small vermilion talons, and black

Liu Liu's eyes were tilted to look outside the bird's nest, with intelligence in his eyes.

One person and one bird just happened to look at each other.


Old David looked shocked.

Is this thing the Pure Light Bird raised by that boy Chen Fei?

The mascot of a defense company?

Endorsing World of Warcraft?

Can the Pure Light Bird's promotion make such a big noise?

I've studied a lot, but don't lie to me like this!

Also, what's up with that tuft of crest feathers?

Is this, is this still the Pure Light Bird?


The little bird jumped out and looked around, but didn't see the person he was looking for.

"Hey, Xiaojiu, don't..."

Looking at the other person's expression and movements, Old David guessed what it wanted to do. As soon as he opened his mouth, his eyes blurred and the little bird disappeared without a trace.


A bird chirping came from far outside the car, and a stream of light quickly flew into the distance.

To be precise, it should be in the direction of Eagle-nest Private Airport.

No need to ask, this little bird went to find Chen Fei.

Old David quickly opened the door and got out of the car, looked at the stream of light as the little bird went away, and said to himself: "It's terrible!"

Chen Fei is on the F-22 Raptor!

If the little guy comes over at this juncture, isn't it causing trouble?

He quickly picked up the on-board intercom on the pickup truck and said, "Notify the fighter jets in the sky immediately that Xiaojiu is coming!"

Who is Xiaojiu?

The person who was answering the intercom call was confused and had no choice but to follow the boss's instructions and connect to the aviation communication channel.

"Special reminder, Xiao Jiu is here! Special reminder..."

Say important things three times.

Although Archbishop Ramya was equally confused, he had no idea who Xiao Jiu was.

It was Chen Fei who reacted immediately and blurted out his response.

"Is Xiaojiu awake?"

"Awakening" of course refers to the successful promotion, and the little guy finally became the unique third-level Pure Light Bird.

The distance of five kilometers is reached in an instant.

As soon as Chen Fei finished speaking, he saw a "shooting star" streaking across the night sky.

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This chapter has been completed!
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