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Chapter 22 - Chen Fei's Bird

Chen Fei couldn't sleep well the whole night. In addition to the sudden changes in the sequelae of "visual hallucinations", another part of the reason was that there was another baby bird timer in the room. It chirped every half an hour. It chimed the time on time. If not fed, it would continue.

He screamed, then continued to sleep after feeding, and waited until dawn before finishing feeding half an egg yolk.

This little thing was able to eat and poop, and pooped three times in one meal. After feeding, he had to change the napkin on the bottom of the nest, otherwise he would be covered in poop, and the smell in the dormitory would become very strange.

After finishing breakfast and feeding the baby birds, Chen Fei went to work in the hangar with a little follower beside him.

There is still no one's working area and workbench, which can be used as a personal desk.

The bird's nest is placed in a wooden box, and the wooden box is placed on top of other technical instructions, waiting to be fed before being called. Chen Fei has become a passive human-shaped bird feeder.

Baby birds' meals cannot be synchronized with people's. Even if they are human babies, they still have to cry, poop, and feed once every two hours. No matter what kind of parents, it will not be easy.

If he had waited for Chen Chen to come back to feed him during lunch time and after work, this little thing would probably have starved to death long ago, and would have died in a pile of feces.

Before finding suitable chicken feed, egg yolks are still needed. Most of them can be fed in half a day, and the appetite has obviously increased. The enthusiastic chef Abel will prepare hard-boiled eggs in advance and ask Park Aihua to deliver them regularly.

Occasionally, when he found one or two bugs while washing vegetables, the profiteer would happily pinch the bugs and give them to Chen Fei's baby bird. Abel, who looked serious, would also smile with relief, knowing that the bird could finally eat it.

The most natural food, which is conducive to growth.

If it had been before, he would have scolded the food supplier so much that there were actually bugs in the vegetable leaves. He was planning to add extra protein!

Mr. Chef's inexplicably amiable tone made the suppliers panic. Are they planning to change suppliers? It looked like he was giving them a good meal before decapitating them.

Fortunately, Chen Fei's current task is not onerous. His main task is to read and familiarize himself with the work of the mechanical repair team as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would not be able to spare time to take care of this little life that suddenly came to him.

This young bird of unknown species was fed a lot of food in vain. It took only three days of hard work to feed it 48 times a day, but its naked little body was covered with a thin layer of down and it was full in size.

Grow up a circle.

Although Chef Abel didn't know how to raise a bird, he still knew some knowledge about raising poultry, and he told Chen Fei all about it.

After all, the chefs in Abel's hometown are like a demon when it comes to food. It doesn't matter if they eat eggs, they also spend their time thinking about the hens that lay the eggs. Over time, the chickens they raise have become famous in the food industry.

By chance, Chen Feicai noticed that it had opened its eyes for the first time at some point, and was looking at him with its small black eyes, very quietly.

He actually opened his eyes!

Chen Fei was surprised and happy.

Although there is a saying that newborn creatures will regard the first creature they see as their parents, this statement is not comprehensive. Before opening their eyes, the familiar breath and vibration will make the young creatures feel safe and comfortable.

Turning on vision only makes the already familiar "parental image" more clear.

If you want to continue to deepen and consolidate this closeness and bond, you need more care and companionship.

Regardless of whether he is willing or not, this kind of companionship between birds and humans will not last long. Chen Fei did not plan to prepare a cage. He had even made psychological preparations long ago, waiting for this little guy to become fully fledged.

It flies far away and returns to nature, which is the most suitable home for birds.

It is cruel to wild animals to lose their natural habits!

Although he would be a little reluctant to give up, Chen Fei didn't want to selfishly impose his personal preferences on other living beings, and everything would be fine.

The young bird whose eyes were opened grew faster, became more able to eat and poop, and its down became plumper day by day. It was no longer the red little ball of flesh it was when it first hatched, but turned into a cute black bird.

For the little pom pom, the feeding interval has also begun to become longer, and the living habits are finally separated into day and night. After dark, you only need to feed once or twice at most, and you can sleep peacefully all night until dawn. Finally, you don’t have to feed frequently so hard.

Logically speaking, he should finally be able to have a good night's sleep, but Chen Fei's dark circles were getting heavier and heavier. Obviously, his sleep quality had not improved in any way. He had to make an appointment with the medical unit at the air base and then reported to the aircraft.

The slender Xiao Ming said hello and left work early after dinner.

This visit to the air base medical team was Chen Fei's first follow-up visit after being discharged from the hospital.

The "vision" that he didn't take too seriously at first began to affect his normal sleep for some reason. Once he fell asleep, he would have endless dreams, and the content was inexplicable. It was "Error! Error! Cannot be recognized and valid."

CPU type, running memory self-test failed...Illegal operation or wrong instruction...Illegal operation or wrong instruction...Illegal operation or wrong instruction..." Contents like this are exactly the same every time, as if they were possessed by an evil spirit.

As soon as I opened my eyes, it was even more weird. Not only did I see the original "A:\>_" in front of me, but also the contents of the dream, which were not missed word for word, and finally turned into repeated subtitles that forced the screen to refresh.

No matter how you blink, these characters still exist, firmly occupying a considerable part of the field of vision, as if there is a 32-inch display screen floating in front of you anytime and anywhere, interfering with your normal line of sight. Only when you are fully focused can you subconsciously ignore it.

Remove these strange characters.

Although the number of medical personnel serving more than 200 people is small, their experience is very rich, and there is also a lot of medical equipment and instruments.

After quickly scanning the MRI and high-precision brain CT, and then carefully examining Chen Fei's eyes, the doctors on the medical team began to scratch their foreheads.

This young man was not terminally ill. After using various diagnostic and treatment methods, the doctors still could not find out the crux of the problem. The result they could get was that Chen Fei was very healthy and had nothing wrong with him at all.

With no choice, the medical team had no choice but to prescribe some sleeping pills and added a section on suspected hysteria and sleep disorders to the diagnosis report. However, there was still no way to help him eliminate the large "visual hallucinations" in front of him.

The sleeping pills did have some effects, allowing Chen Fei to finally get a sound sleep, but they also had side effects. After getting up in the morning, he had an inexplicable splitting headache, which made him grin and gasp from time to time.

It wasn't until noon that this unspeakable headache subsided a little.

Now he is faced with a problem. Although taking medicine will cause abnormal headaches after waking up, if he does not take medicine, he will be tortured by wild dreams, lack of rest, and become increasingly haggard.

As an adult, Chen Fei seems to have no choice but to want them all.

At the beginning, perhaps more advanced magic potions would not leave any sequelae, but as a newbie who had just reported, it was obviously not worth the price. The credit for killing the gold-type dragon was not wiped out, but the magic potion was used instead.

Saving lives has become the conscience of capitalists.

After all, when an unlucky child is dying, he really has no choice. If he can survive, he is thankful to God. How can he think about other things? Survival is the most important thing.

"Chi! Chi!"

The seven-day-old baby bird is gradually becoming more active. It likes to roll around on the freshly changed clean napkins in the nest and flap its young wings.

Small stubbles of feathers began to emerge from the soft gray-black fluff all over the body. They were hard, like thorns, and a little rough to the touch. When they were completely stretched out, they would become layered and well-proportioned.

Feathers gradually give it the appearance of an adult bird.

Only then can we tell what species the baby bird is.

"Melon seeds, peanuts, beer, airplane cups, does anyone want them?"

Park Aihua started pushing her small cart around the base again, and started a small business to support her family.

Although I don’t earn much, it is still an extra income.

You can't actually make much money by helping out in the kitchen. Even with bonuses, it's still not as good as Chen Fei's salary during the probation period, even if you add bonuses. But nowadays, Goryeo is deeply involved in internal affairs, and the unemployment rate has remained high for a long time. People like Park Aihua

I'm over 35 years old, and I don't have any decent skills. It's already pretty good if I can find a job, so I don't have the qualifications to be picky.

As soon as he pushed the cart into Hangar No. 1, Park Aihua shouted from a distance.

"Xiao Chen, I got chicken feed, come and try it!"


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