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Chapter 230 Pride and Prejudice


It wasn't the flight simulator sound system playing out, but the real roar of a jet engine that came to my ears.

You don’t need to guess to know that it must be Bishop Ramya and the “rookie” who are giving step-by-step, one-on-one instruction.

This tuition fee is really worth it (—.—)!

Any current deposit should be sacrificed to heaven!

Callan Phillipston, who was undergoing simulated flight training, found it boring and took his hands off the joystick, allowing the simulated flight aircraft to level automatically, making pilots of non-combat aircraft more and more like tool men.

He complained angrily: "It's so unfair!"

There were two gentle knocks on the cabin of the flight simulator, and a voice full of surprise came in.

"Huh? 'Piranha', do you think so too?"

Ashka Copernicus, who was about to log into the adjacent flight simulator, happened to hear Callan Phillips's complaint, and immediately came over and said the above sentence.

Students in the advanced training class refer to each other by their flight call signs. Such call signs may accompany them throughout their lives. If they take a wrong call sign, they may be mistaken for life.

Callan Phillips, whose nickname is "Piranha", guessed and said: "I guess the 'rookie' is the eldest son of some family, so he will get special treatment from Bishop Ramya. In this case, why do you want to be in the same class with us?

, the whole process was one-on-one.”

"Since you can't stand it, let's find a 'rookie' to fight in a duel. Prove that you are stronger than the opponent and more worthy of Bishop Ramya's attention. Don't you think so?"

Tempone Schneider, a student who gave himself the call sign "Panda Claw", suddenly interrupted.

He was a self-funded student who was planning to find a job as a military contractor to enter the industry. Being able to find Old David's place to receive professional training meant he had connections.

After all, even if ordinary people know the place, they can't get in.

Private land cannot be entered without invitation. If you break in, you will be shot. The judge will not stand against the trespassers.

Hearing the complaints from fellow trainee students, Ashka Copernicus, who felt the same way, said in disgust: "Fighting? It's too violent, not a gentleman at all."

It's not like he hasn't seen the scene where Chen Fei punched the Lockheed son to the spot and straightened him up.

If it were Ashka Copernicus himself, he would probably be able to lie down for half a month with only half the strength.

In the Western world, bullying is considered gentlemanly behavior.

"Haha, have you misunderstood what I said? What I mean is that you can use a flight simulator to simulate a duel against each other and prove yourselves with your strength."

Templeton Schneider was somewhat unable to understand the brain circuits of these two classmates who were preparing to fly civilian aircraft in the future.

Jealousy breeds hatred. Is this a paranoia of being persecuted because there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me?


Callan Phillips began to ponder.

"Why are you still hesitating? I think the 'Panda Claw' proposal is a good idea. I remember that the 'Rookie' has less than a hundred flying hours. No matter how powerful it is, how powerful can it be?"

Thinking that he would not be punched in the stomach, Ashka Copernicus became bolder again.

To put it bluntly, a flight simulator is a high-end, high-end toy with high simulation. When you play it, it is no different from a virtual game. When you compete in the game, you will not be injured or die, and it is very cost-effective.

Therefore, it must be done!

Karan thought the same thing, gritted his teeth, exited the flight simulator system, opened the canopy, nodded hard at the "pumpkin" outside, and said: "Okay! I'll make a date with him later!"

Who are these people? Temple Schneider despised these two bullies from the bottom of his heart.

"'Panda Claw', are you coming?"

Ashka Copernicus came to seduce Tempone Schneider again.

The latter is preparing to become a combat pilot for a military contractor, and his air combat capabilities should be improved. With his joining, he may be able to torture that kid for one more round.


Twenty-eight thousand feet in altitude.

Commander Ramya, who was sitting in the back seat of the T-7C "Red Hawk" advanced trainer aircraft, said angrily: "'Rookie', you are rushing too hard, I can't see your operation?"

As the variant rolled and climbed, being the ace ACE was a bit overwhelming. Maybe he had retired and his body functions were declining. He had black vision that lasted for nearly half a minute. A black cloud shrouded his eyes, so that he could not see clearly on the dashboard.

changes, from which Chen Fei's manipulation method can be inferred.

Now it seems that the flight data can only be retrieved for playback after returning to the ground, but the significance of on-site guidance is lost.

Chen Fei tilted his head as if nothing had happened and said: "Master Ramya, I think it's okay. The 'Red Eagle' still has enough margin."

"Idiot! Airplanes are stronger than people. If there is an accident, it will definitely happen to people first. Don't you know your G-Lock threshold?"

The action of the high-education machine has not yet completely ended. Bishop Ramya is still locked in his seat, unable to move, and he can only speak harshly.

"Eh? No, I didn't understand."

Before that, Chen Fei had always been flying turboprops.

How big a G value can the "Big Mouth Monster" have? The big bear Chekov didn't mention it, and the deputy squadron leader of "Devil Pepper" Ilene Lucius didn't seem to focus on introducing it. There is a G-Lock threshold.

There is almost no difference from nothing.

"OMG, you are really a rookie. Go back and find a professional institution to do a physical examination yourself. Remember, don't go to the American Federation institution."

Bishop Ramya wanted to touch his forehead, but he couldn't even lift his hand. Suddenly, his body relaxed. Thank God, the action was over.


Chen Fei was puzzled.

The push rod was smoothly pushed to level, allowing the T-7C "Red Eagle" advanced trainer aircraft to remain at an altitude of 32,000 feet. The weather was clear and the sun was frightening. It shone on the surface of the aircraft, making the entire aircraft seem to be covered with a layer of

Aperture, shining brightly in the sky.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Your physiological values ​​are already qualified to become sovereign national defense secrets. Damn it, you have to modify the flight records again."

Bishop Ramya finally succeeded in stroking his forehead, but his head became enlarged.

The call records of the two people will be saved in the black box. The black box has at least hundreds of backup chips. It must be synchronized to modify the conversation between myself and Chen Fei. If the FBI is targeted, it will always be a troublesome thing.


No matter how good David Sr.'s connections are, he cannot refuse the FBI's investigation order, otherwise it will involve confronting federal security.

"Oh, that's it, thank you, Bishop."

Chen Fei is a standard flat-headed citizen, how could he have thought so much.

"Measure your own G-Lock threshold, design your G-mand according to your endurance, and match it with the aircraft. This is your tactical maneuver template. As long as it does not exceed this limit, your flight safety can be guaranteed."

Some of the information revealed by Bishop Ramya has already involved the teaching staff of the Federal Air Force. The entire training course is basically focused on civil aviation, but some private information can still be leaked in the one-on-one teaching.

Most aircraft are designed for ordinary people to fly and have various restrictions.

If the Sky Knight's exclusive crystal energy jet were to be piloted by ordinary people, after an over-limit rolling aerial combat skill, there would probably be nothing but a pile of flying pieces of meat in the cockpit.

Of course, there are still corresponding anti-overload protection measures, but even if you don't die on the spot, you will still be seriously injured.


Chen Fei nodded. No wonder neither Chekhov's Big Bear nor the deputy squadron leader of "Devil Pepper" mentioned anything about letting him test fly the MiG-28. Instead, Hana BOSS directly arranged for him to go to Old David.

Private airport training classes to learn jet flying in a serious way.

If it is stronger than the MiG-28, the probability of danger is probably not low.

From this point of view, the flight of jets and turboprops is really very different.

In fact, just looking at the speed, once a jet starts to fly, it is probably more than three to five times that of a turboprop. Can anything be three to five times worse? It must be the same.

Bishop Ramya took out a small tactical board, ticked a few ticks on it, and said at the same time: "According to the original plan, don't worry about the 14th and 15th movements. You can complete them in one minute, and the range of movements should be reduced."

Be careful and have some margin."


As soon as Chen Fei finished speaking, he pushed the joystick forward, and the entire cockpit seemed to lose gravity in an instant.

A strong feeling of weightlessness came, and Archbishop Ramya knew that he had just experienced black vision and was about to taste red vision again.

"Take it easy, take it easy, reduce your power, and don't use too much power from the engine. The Red Eagle is a single-engine jet, not a crystal-energy jet. Its power is limited and you can't squander it casually. If it stalls, you can

It’s not as easy to fix as a turboprop.”

Before he could finish speaking, his eyes turned red.

Damn it!

The operation of a turboprop aircraft to recover from a stall is extremely simple, just let go of the joystick. The tool pilot is the most redundant presence in the cockpit, and the greatest significance of his existence is to be a humanoid transponder.

"Well done! Training is over, let's return!"

Bishop Ramya, who was physically exhausted, was breathing heavily. In fact, he didn't see anything. He relied on the experience accumulated in the Federal Air Force to judge Chen Fei's flying posture.

This student is indeed a good prospect, but it takes too much time for the instructor to perform a series of tactical maneuvers, and it takes seconds like years.

I have to go back to the Schumann wave recuperation cabin again. As this person gets older, he begins to feel overwhelmed by difficult and stressful work.

After the 14th and 15th tactical moves on the teaching list, it took a full five minutes for Bishop Ramya to get rid of the dizzy feeling.

"Is it over so soon? I want to do it again twice."

Chen Fei looked at the fuel meter with unfinished thoughts, and there was still 40% left.

"No, no, no, too much is not enough, let's get here first today."

Bishop Ramya closed his eyes and shook his head. If he had been ten years younger, he would still have sacrificed his life to accompany this gentleman.

But now, it's better to take it easy.



I’ll wait until dawn for the next section, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to code it, as the rhythm will be completely disrupted.

Tomorrow is Children’s Day, and mythical beasts rule the house. If you like Split Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Split Sky Rider Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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