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Chapter 254 - Beating, smashing and looting

Under the mixed doubles fight between Adam and the dog system, the "Dragon Guard" who silently shouted "You can get my body but not my heart" was quickly defeated and fell into a state of despair.

mode, let people do whatever they want.

Adam: Loading the "universal data transceiver", an unknown signal is found, and decoding starts, which takes time... Decoding is completed! Compile the driver module and the compilation is completed.

It found that the hardware resources here are simply endless, and the computing tasks are completed immediately as soon as the project is approved.

Could it be...that this is heaven?

The generational difference in electronic technology is advancing in a geometric progression. For 4004, the Celeron 300A is simply the Zentraedi civilization. Now it uses Chen Fei's biological brain and does not cross planes.

From compiling and executing "Adam" to convincing people with virtue, it only took three or four seconds in Chen Fei's mind.

However... the dog system did not prompt that the task of "taming the artificial intelligence AI 'Adam'" has been completed.

Chen Fei couldn't help but sneer in his heart, your second uncle is still your second uncle!

"Open the 'File Management Plug-in'

Enter the ‘A:\AI-Virus’ folder”

Emmmm... It's best if this virulent virus can even be killed in the dog system, then everyone will be happy and the world will be fine.

Adamo((⊙﹏⊙))o.:Wh...what do you want to do?

It inexplicably felt that the anus suddenly tightened.

It's obviously not even a chrysanthemum, but it still feels like this.

Chen·Second Uncle·Fei (→_→): Work!

If a small tree is not repaired, it will not grow straight, and if the AI ​​does not repair it, it will not grow straight.

Labor and management only want your people now, not your heart, and the dog system has nothing to do with this second uncle.

Adam: With full permissions, do you want to hack into the network?

Chen Fei: If you dare to step into the Internet without permission, the virus master and the deletion master have been waiting for you for a long time.

As soon as he finished speaking, classmate Adam had already felt firsthand the passionate encirclement between the two, the touch of P2P mode, warmth, smoothness, a little saltiness, and the ulterior taboo.

Starting from the successful compilation, I was born only a few minutes ago, and I am still a child!

"To undress, I need smart unit hardware and communication modules."

In Chen Fei's vision, the structural diagram of a "Dragon Guard" tactical armor was completely displayed. This land assault tactical armor had no secrets for him.

Adam: Unlocking begins.

The "Dragon Guard" made a crackling sound, and each of its automatic locking mechanisms automatically popped open. Many components separated from the wearer's body, but most of them remained, but all functions were lost.

Everything Chen Fei wanted was inside the tactical helmet, so he reached out and grabbed it.

The opponent who had been undressed was still in a dazed state, with no ability to resist, and was immediately thrown to the ground like a discarded shoe.

What Chen Fei wanted never included this person.

In the monitoring and command center, the three deputy general managers collectively hugged their heads.

"Dragon Guard" is finished!

"Adam, connect to the positioning system and find the location of other people."

Of course Chen Fei understood that the "Dragon Guard" he had just acquired was actually a pawn who came to test it.

The others haven't shown up yet, so I'm afraid a dragnet has been set.

Before he finished speaking, a wisp of slender air shock waves roared towards him at lightning speed. The tactical helmet of the "Dragon Guard" in his hand was violently pulled by a huge force, and it almost came out.



The dull sound of gunfire came belatedly.

A transparent electronic map appeared in front of Chen Fei's eyes, with cursors appearing one by one, and the nearest one was almost right next to him.

The answer came out, and he was actually shot.

Fortunately, the defensive power of the "Dragon Guard" tactical helmet is not bad. After taking a steady and hard shot, it can still maintain its basic functions.

Chen Fei carried the "Dragon Guard" tactical helmet and rushed towards the sniper's position.

The "universal data transceiver" continuously obtains information from the "individual tactical intelligence unit".

"No. 76, the target is approaching you, move now, move now!"

"I saw him, hell, did he have springs on his feet? Why did he run so fast!"

"Turn on the walking acceleration function, don't save energy, everyone shouldn't save energy."

"Run! No. 89, No. 134, meet up with No. 76 immediately to intercept the target."

"I am number 89, it will take another minute to arrive."

"I am number 134, I need two and a half minutes."

"Encircle all, don't give the targets a chance to defeat each one."

When a "Dragon Guard" was knocked down lightly, the other party participating in the exercise immediately realized that the opponent this time was not that simple. It was not necessarily a boast to dare to face so many of them single-handedly.

If you still take it lightly, you may really capsize in the gutter.

In that case, it would be a huge loss of face.

"I'm being caught up! Boom! Heavy sniping is useless against him."

However, not long after, even half a minute passed, Sniper No. 76 let out an exclamation that made everyone sweat.


It was clearly audible in the communication channel that No. 76's voice suddenly stopped, followed by another terrifying sound.

According to the footage captured by the unmanned reconnaissance drone, Chen Feizheng exerted all his strength, swung the "Dragon Guard" tactical helmet and smashed the head of another "Dragon Guard" again and again.

When the sniper was hit by the first blow, he was already stunned. Although the "Dragon Guard" on his body had excellent defense, it was limited to avoiding fatal injuries as much as possible.

Although the liquid inner armor can absorb a considerable amount of impact force, every time it is absorbed, it is an inevitable state of stiffness, and the person's ability to move instantly drops to zero, which is equivalent to being knocked unconscious.

After seventeen or eighteen blows, the "Dragon Guard" tactical helmet in Chen Fei's hand was completely flattened, and together with the "Individual Tactical Intelligence Unit" and the communication module inside, it was declared scrapped.

But it doesn't matter, the "universal data transceiver" immediately put on the newly harvested "Dragon Guard" tactical helmet.

In this vast actual combat testing ground, there were many trophies to be harvested. Chen Fei didn't even bother to pick up his opponent's crystal energy blocks, weapons and ammunition.

Youdao is born once and familiar twice. The second time it was connected to the "Individual Tactical Intelligence Unit" of "Dragon Guard", as the most advanced artificial intelligence AI more than 30 years ago, "Adam" still shows no signs of falling behind.

Like, charging straight into Huanglong with incomparable brutality, instantly breaking through the defenses and seizing control.

On the big screen in the monitoring and command center, the numbers between the enemy and ourselves changed from 1:174 at the beginning to 1:172.

With just a little effort, they were able to knock down two of them.

The deputy general manager in charge of human resources and ideological construction asked with a puzzled look: "Old Zhao, is the defense of 'Longwei' so bad?"

"How is it possible, Lao Song? You are in charge of the production line and quality inspection. You should know the quality of 'Longwei'."

Zhao Liandong said he would not take the blame and looked at the other deputy general manager.

"Uh! There is absolutely no problem with the quality of the 'Dragon Guard', but there must be something wrong with it being so easily damaged."

Song Wenshan, the deputy general manager in charge of the production line and quality inspection, hesitated for a moment and finally shook his head.

If there is a quality problem, the first person to be held accountable is not Zhao Liandong, who is in charge of research and development, but himself. He will directly destroy his job and go home to eat himself.

"Do you know how much that young man's punch weighed? It's at least two tons, 2146 kilograms. The 'Dragon Guard' is not designed for such a punch at all. Even if it relies on fighting spirit to achieve the same heavy blow effect, but

In front of the heavily armed 'Dragon Guard', a warrior of this level has no chance of getting close at all, and there is no point in defending against a two-ton fist."

Zhao Liandong stretched out two fingers to make a metaphor. He couldn't carry this pot, and he couldn't carry it at all.

If the "Dragon Guard", which is armed to the teeth, uses full firepower, the warriors are only flesh and blood after all, and how can they withstand the concentrated fire attack of the firearms.

Even if there is a chance to rush forward, people wearing individual tactical armor rarely act alone.

As the saying goes, an elephant will be killed by ants. A group of "Dragon Guards" gather together. Whether it is defense or offense, all module functions are fully activated. Even a strong swordsman at the status level must carefully consider it. It is difficult to have much to offer.

Take advantage of the opportunity.

With a two-ton fist, the two deputy general managers of the group company grinned. The defensive design of the individual tactical armor was probably a bit thin.


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